I Know Everything

Chapter 178: You don’t deserve it


Buyiyi thought wrong.

Shen Huan turned off his phone not for any other reason, but because he just got off the plane.

In fact, Shen Huan is now in the same city with her.


Although there were still two days before the Mathematical Olympiad winter camp, He Qiang, who wanted Shen Huan to adapt to the Huajing environment as soon as possible and not be so nervous, flew Shen Huan from Lin'an to Huajing two days in advance.

They stayed in a hotel specially prepared by Huajing University for students and accompanying teachers from the Mathematical Olympiad winter camp.

This hotel is right next to Peking University. It is actually one of the campus-run properties of Peking University. It is basically for personal use.

Although Yu Dingbian said not to let Chang Guancheng abduct Shen Huan, he still attached great importance to the Mathematical Olympiad winter camp, which could obviously improve his disciple's exam-taking ability and expand his thinking. , and finally let Shen Huan come over.

But he had an explanation for his student He Qiang privately.

"You have to keep a close eye on this person. If he is abducted by Beijing University from college, be careful of your skin!"

Of course He Qiang understood it.

He himself graduated from Funan, so he naturally hopes that his students will also go to Funan. Not only will they have a good future, but they can also add glory to their alma mater. What a great thing

As for Huajing University, apart from its greater reputation, what other advantages does it have

Therefore, your own crop land must not be harvested by outsiders!

After completing the check-in procedures, He Qiang took Shen Huan to the Mathematics Department of Beijing University to get familiar with the environment.

In the next week, Shen Huan will compete with a group of top domestic talents here.

About 60 geniuses will finally go through a two-week study competition to select 6 contestants who will represent China in the International Olympiad Mathematics Competition.

But there are not only 60 people participating in this winter camp. In addition to Shen Huan, who is specially approved to participate, there are also some students who are ranked in the top 100 in the National Mathematical Olympiad competition. They will also join. Promote learning and progress.

But these observers naturally cannot take part in the exam, nor can they follow the exam all the way. They will only stay for a week and then go back.

When He Qiang and Shen Huan returned to the hotel, they met a large group of people checking in. They were all teachers and students. It looked like they were here to participate in the math winter camp.

"Teacher Lu!"

Someone is shouting.

Shen Huan didn't pay attention, but then the person raised his voice and ran towards Shen Huan, "Teacher Lu Xiaofeng!!"

Hearing this loud shout, Shen Huan stopped.

Then he obviously noticed that the scene became quiet in an instant. Everyone's eyes turned to him and they all recognized him.

The person who called him wore glasses and was younger than Shen Huan, but it was Lei Xiaode from Lin'an No. 2 Middle School.

He came to Shen Huan with a smile on his face and said, "Teacher Lu, when you come to Huajing, are you going to meet Buyiyi later?"

"Bu Yiyi?" Shen Huan was not an idiot and reacted immediately, "She released a song?"

"So you don't know yet?" Zhou Bei from the nearby Lin'an Senior High School also came over, "Last night Buyiyi posted the song you wrote... Wow, that's like filling my ears with a magic sound! It's amazing to listen to it. I wanted to hit someone! Unexpectedly, after a few hours, countless people started to learn this song, and it became popular all of a sudden!"

"Well, I took a look just now, and the top three popularity rankings are all about Buyiyi and "Thank You for Your Love."" Shi Zixiong, the last student from Xuejun Middle School, said in surprise, "You don't know ?Didn’t Buyiyi tell you?"

After their reminder, Shen Huan realized that she had forgotten to turn on her phone.

He quickly turned on his phone and saw dozens of missed calls. Most of them were calls from musicians after listening to "Thank You for Your Love".

Then there are hundreds of text messages, which I will wait until I get back to read them.

Zhou Bei asked Shen Huan and said, "Teacher Lu, tell me quickly, the original version of this song must not be like this, right? The whole Internet is discussing this issue!"

"There is another version." Shen Huan nodded slightly, "But I think this version is more down-to-earth."

"What's more down-to-earth? It's just nonsense!" A stranger's voice came from the side.

Everyone was surprised and turned to look over, but they saw a tall, thin student with glasses.

With the same glasses, Lei Xiaode looked more honest and cute, but this student with glasses had cold eyes and held his head high, full of arrogance.

"Let's go back first." Shen Huan only glanced at it and then withdrew his eyes, "Shall we all have dinner together later? It's my first time here, so I need you to explain more!"


The three of them agreed immediately.

When they are outside, they are all students from Zhejiang Province, so they naturally have to take care of each other.

"Didn't you hear me talking to you?" The bespectacled student suddenly asked, "Are you feeling guilty and don't dare to respond to me? Lu Xiaofeng?"

His words were heard by many people nearby.

Shi Zixiong frowned and was about to say something to him when Shen Huan smiled and said: "This classmate, if you want to discuss mathematics issues with me, I welcome it. But in terms of music... you are not worthy of me. Discuss any issues.”

You do not deserve!

You don't deserve to discuss anything with me!

Shen Huan spoke lightly, but everyone around him exclaimed.

But then I think about it, isn't it

Who is Teacher Lu Xiaofeng

Known as the number one genius, the pinnacle of songwriters!

Even someone as conceited as Wang Zhao was willing to bow down. Even Tang Yuan and Su Mo praised him highly, and Fu Bufan even said "our teacher Lu".

He even single-handedly turned a peasant who was nothing into a star known to people across the country.

Is there anything wrong with such a person, facing a student, saying "You are not worthy of discussing any issues with me regarding music"

Although he is a bit arrogant and impolite, which of those musicians is a gentleman

How can you write such good lyrics and music without having some personality of your own

After hearing Shen Huan's words, the face of the tall bespectacled student suddenly turned red, as if heat was about to come out.

He stared at Shen Huan like a hungry wolf with a pair of extremely aggressive eyes, as if he was going to tear Shen Huan apart in the next moment.

Shen Huan was not afraid of him at all.

With the master of grappling (junior level), Shen Huan had no problem beating twenty weak scholars like him.

As long as he dares to rush over, he will immediately kneel down and call daddy.

Seeing that something was going to happen, the people next to them quickly grabbed them.

"Let's go, let me tell you about this training session..." Shi Zixiong, who was taller and stronger, said as he pulled Shen Huan away.

He was still slightly behind, so he could obviously block it if something unexpected happened.

The teacher of the tall student with glasses also came over, "Okay, Xiaohao, let's go. Mathematicians don't win by talking loudly. You are a scientist, and he is from the literary and art circles. There is no such thing as comparable!"

The tall bespectacled student took a deep breath, glanced at Shen Huan again, turned around and left with his teacher.

Although this small conflict has subsided for the time being, everyone can see that this is just the beginning.

With such a big conflict, this time the Mathematical Olympiad winter camp was not so peaceful.

"That boy's name is Li Naihao. He is a genius from the Hualing High School in the south. His scores in the previous two training exams were better than ours." While walking, Shi Zixiong introduced, "He is also known as the most likely One of the people selected for the 6-man roster, in comparison, even Lei Xiaode may not be selected among us."

Shen Huan smiled slightly and did not answer the call.

In his opinion, no matter whether this Li Naihao is a mathematical genius or not, there is no way he can compare with himself.

Even if he is really better than me, when faced with "Fermat's Last Theorem", any genius will have to be defeated.

As long as he has solved "Fermat's Last Theorem", no one will dare to challenge his position in the field of mathematics.

Not to mention Li Naihao, even his master Yu Dingbian and Mr. Chang Guancheng couldn't do it.

Seeing Shen Huan's disapproval, Zhou Bei also said, "But having said that, Shen Huan, you are just a step too late. Otherwise, based on your ability to crush us, you would not be inferior to him at all!"

"I can't say that I'm crushing you, it's just that everyone has different understandings of the question types." Shen Huan became humble at this time, "In terms of basic skills and various balance abilities, I'm not as good as you."

"Come on, don't be modest here." Lei Xiaode swayed, "You can't fake math. If you solved the problem and we didn't, that means we are not as good as you... I hope to see you crush it too." The most pressing moment for Li Naihao... By the way, Teacher Lu, you said there is another version of "Thank You for Your Love". Can you sing it and listen to it? I have been brainwashed by the magic sound and I urgently need to be saved!"

"Let the bullets fly for a while longer!" Shen Huan said.

"Thank You for Your Love" has just begun to gain popularity. If you don't let it ferment properly, wouldn't it be a waste of your own song

Everyone didn't understand, but they didn't ask.

Teacher Lu Xiaofeng is an artist. As an artist, if I explain it clearly to you, what’s the point

Including He Qiang.

He had the chance to stop the conflict just now, but he chose to sit back and watch.

Mathematicians also need to be outstanding and sharp.

Shen Huan's nature doesn't like publicity. It's rare for him to fight back like this, which is a good thing.

If Shen Huan's competitive spirit can be stimulated, then this conflict will be very valuable.

As for the genius from Hualing High School, He Qiang didn't mean anything to him.

Shen Huan was a genius who could beat Lei Xiaode by 20 or 30 points when taking Professor Chang Guancheng's papers.

Although you, Li Naihao, can defeat Lei Xiaode, is it possible that you can win so much

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