I Know Everything

Chapter 183: One song and three words (second update)


After walking out of the China TV station building, Shen Huan was still deep in thought.

He still didn't speak after getting in the car.

Buyiyi felt a little strange and touched him, "Hey, hey, what are you thinking about? You are sure to be on the stage in Xian Wan. Are you so happy that you don't know what to do?"

To be on the stage of Yan Wan is almost one of the ultimate dreams in the literary and art world.

No matter whether you are the dish or not, as long as you can stay late once, it will prove that you are really smart.

Buyiyi has been there.

I had sex once when I was 10 years old, and again when I was 12 years old.

There is nothing left, and she is not performing alone, she is always with a partner.

She couldn't sleep for several days both times, and she couldn't sleep all night after arriving in Huajing.

So she believed that Shen Huan felt similar to her.

"No." Shen Huan came back to his senses and shook his head, "It's just a little unexpected."

He didn't tell Buyiyi that what was strange about him was Luo Chen's words.

Luo Chen said, "I must appear on the Yan Wan stage." This word "must" is very crucial.

This means that it is not a choice made by Luo Chen's Yanwan program team at all. They also passively accepted it, and they had to accept it.

Moreover, the call was too late. Basically, in about ten days, the program will be completely finalized and used as the final selection list.

If you call me now and ask for review, nine out of ten programs will fail.

But when they asked Zhao Changshou to come over, they obviously didn't need to review it at all. They could just rehearse and get familiar with it and perform on stage.

Luo Chen even had one sentence.

"While there are still more than twenty days left, rehearse three to five more times." This sentence also means something different.

This means that the rehearsal of "A Smile in the Sea" is not affected by the final list and decision-making at all, and we can continue to rehearse and become familiar with it until the end.

This is awesome!

In Shen Huan's impression, in another world, only Mr. Liu enjoyed this treatment.

It seems that, just like that time, the situation this time is not simple!

When Shen Huan thought of this, he didn't think much about it.

There is no point in overthinking things that he shouldn't worry about, things that he shouldn't understand.

Didn’t Zheng Banqiao say that hundreds of years ago

It’s rare to be confused!

When Buyiyi saw Shen Huan looking so calm, it didn't seem like she was overly surprised.

While feeling a little confused, she finally remembered the reason why she was looking for Shen Huan today.

"Teacher Lu." A smile appeared on Buyiyi's face, "When will you transfer the copyright of "Thank you for your love" to me?"


Shen Huan was surprised, "You want the copyright to this song?"

"That's weird, why can't I have it?" Buyiyi looked angry, "Didn't you say you gave this song to me? If you don't give it to me, my manager and assistant will all I don’t feel at ease. I’m afraid you’ll sell it to someone else and make me happy in vain.”

"You're quite direct." Shen Huan laughed.

Buyiyi is such a girl, a hot girl from the mountain city, bold and straightforward.

"Can't you be more direct? I'm afraid you won't understand!" Buyiyi said, "So, what are you going to do now?"

"This song..." Shen Huan hesitated, but decided to tell the truth, "In addition to your drama version, this song also has a Mandarin version and a Cantonese version. The Yuzhou version can be given to you, but the other two This version is not suitable for you.”

"Eh? It's true!" Buyiyi's eyes lit up when she heard it, "Hurry up and sing these two versions to me!"

"I can't sing well." Shen Huan quickly refused.

"I was helping you at Director Luo's place just now. Is this a favor?" Buyiyi blinked her big beautiful eyes and said with a smile: "Give it back to me."

"Sister Yiyi, you are the fastest creditor in the world!" Shen Huan lamented, "The benefits will come in a blink of an eye, do you want to be so direct?"

"Then I'll wait a few more days for you to give me another song?" Buyiyi put away her smile and said seriously.

"Haha, look what you said, you helped me, how can I not meet your small request?" Shen Huan immediately softened, "Come, listen to my other two versions!"

I am also generous, otherwise I would have to look good on you just because you dare to threaten me!

"Don't ask me how many people I have loved in my life..."

"It's been a long road, and I once walked far away alone..."

As soon as the two versions of "Thank you for your love" were sung, Buyiyi immediately became quiet.

It was several minutes later that Buyiyi let out a long sigh and looked at Shen Huan with a particularly complicated look, with a hint of admiration: "Shen Huan, if nothing else is mentioned, your ability to write songs is absolutely superb, the best in the world. ! Such three songs with different moods are actually in the same tune!? It’s amazing! It’s so shocking!”

Shen Huan smiled and did not dare to take credit.

It was by chance that he had only learned three versions of this song. Otherwise, with Shen Huan's memory, it would be impossible to remember "Thank you for your love". After all, it is still far from a classic among classics.

"A Laugh in the Sea" is of this level, and "My Deskmate" can also be considered.

Of course, "Thank You for Your Love" is not bad as a popular classic love song.

Andy from another world likes it very much, and he wrote the lyrics for the Cantonese version himself.

"I... Oh, forget it!" Buyiyi was reluctant to leave for a while, but finally chose to give up, "In this case, there is no point in asking for the copyright."

Her Yuzhou dialect version of "Thank You for Your Love" is still quite popular now, but when the Mandarin and Cantonese versions are actually released, it will be a direct judgment, and it will be useless for her to hold it.

"If you have any commercial performances, you can sing it." Shen Huan also gave her an extra way, "No matter who I sell this song to in the future, just like the old man, I will keep your song. Copyright rights.”


Buyiyi lightly tapped her powder and said.

She is also a free and easy person, and it is already very good for her to retain this right.

At least in the future, if people want to request a song like this on various occasions, she can sing it without any scruples.

Buyiyi is quite persistent in making money. As long as she makes money in a legitimate way, let alone singing, she is willing to dance even if she is asked to do so.

It is precisely with this spirit of making money that she can earn 10 to 20 million a year at a young age.

"Speaking of this, haven't you found the right person for "A Smile in the Sea" yet?" Buyiyi asked gossiping about this.

All the songs written by Shen Huan have been sold, including "The Moving Heart", and "Thank You for Your Love" will definitely be sold, but "A Laugh in the Sea" has not seen any movement.

It's not that others are not interested in this song. On the contrary, there are too many people who are interested in "A Laugh from the Sea". There are no less than twenty singers who have found Shen Huan through various means.

It should be noted that these 20 or so people are not all first-, second-, and third-rate singers. They must all be very famous singers, and they must be singers who they think are suitable for the song, so they have the courage to come to the door.

But Shen Huan didn't agree to any of them.

People in the music circle are talking about it now. If Mr. Lu sells the song "A Laugh from the Sea" one day, the buyer will definitely be a very good singer in the music industry.

After all, everyone knows that Teacher Lu Xiaofeng just wanted to find the most suitable person for her. In the end, it was sold because of the singer herself, and definitely not for money or other things.

"How can it be that easy?" Shen Huan smiled bitterly, "Now it seems that the old man is more suitable."

"Tsk, tsk, your demands are really high." Buyiyi sighed, "But after Yan Wan sings this song, I'm afraid your doorstep will be stepped on again, right?"

Shen Huan shrugged and smiled without saying a word.

Even so, it was impossible for him to lower his demands.

If you don’t want the classic chorus of Huang Laoxie, Mr. Luo, and Mr. Xu to be reproduced, you should at least have the heroic singing voice of Lin Zixiang, right

If you sell songs randomly to people who are not suitable for it, wouldn't it mean that a pearl is covered in dust