I Know Everything

Chapter 188: scam? (1st update)


Sunday morning is a time of rest for many people.

But in this era of developed Internet, in an era where many people rely on the Internet to make money, many people's Saturdays and Sundays are actually similar to ordinary working days.

Ordinary people's work will be slacked off because of weekends, but life and work on the Internet have not changed at all. It is so lively all day long, and there are so many things happening.

For example, if the celebrity "likes Pipi shrimp", she will basically be busier on weekends.

Because she needs to post all the information, pictures, etc. collected in the past few days at night, and she also has to write three articles.

This is a complete encouragement for her who has been bad at composing since she was a child.

Over the past few years, the articles she has written have become more impressive, and many people have praised her for her beautiful illustrations and touching words.

Sometimes "I like Pipixia" wonders whether I am a buried literary author. In fact, I have great potential as a writer

I just got up and ate the breakfast made by my mother. "I like Pipi shrimp" and sat next to the computer.

It was the winter vacation recently. She, who lives in Suzhou, went to Lin'an to collect some information about Shen Huan, and even bought a few photos of Shen Huan from a fat man at a high price.

Although it was not a well-taken photo, it was just an ordinary photo. After she posted one in the last issue, a large group of fans kneeled down and licked the screen. It was very lively.

This time she is going to release a photo taken of Shen Huan on the day he entered high school. Wearing a student uniform, he can completely overlap with the "unparalleled" man Fang Shu.

When I think that everyone can see Shen Huan in life again, and see the teacher Lu Xiaofeng who is as handsome as in the movie, "I like Pipi Xi", I feel happy and excited.

The real name of "Like Pipi Shrimp" is Dai Rongrong, and she is 24 years old this year.

Her modest celebrity status was purely a matter of chance.

At first, she fought against bad guys just because her favorite star was slandered, but eventually she became famous because of her unique personality.

Although "Like Pipi Shrimp" is too subjective and too emotional, she never tells lies or praises anyone against her will. Therefore, after three years of business operation, after graduating from Communication University, she directly jumped into When I got a meager income, I started my own small business.

With her previous 17 million fans, she usually receives commercial advertisements that do not involve celebrity battles, and still earns 100,000 to 80,000 yuan a month.

Earning 100,000 to 80,000 yuan a month in 2015 is a figure that most people in China dare not even imagine.

If it is an ordinary job, it will also require a lot of chance and hard work to achieve it.

In today's Internet age, it is really hard to believe that a 24-year-old girl can have such a huge income.

With such a generous income, her parents naturally couldn't say anything about her, and even took the initiative to be her nanny and take care of her life.

Ever since she saw "Love Letter" last year, she became crazy obsessed with this boy. She felt that there was no more pure person in the world than him, so she established a "Happy Fan Group" for the first time.

Originally, this was a very simple fan group established by fans for idols. Many celebrities in the world do this, but they are not as famous as her.

But who knew that Shen Huan was actually Teacher Lu Xiaofeng! ! !

This is completely different!

The entire level of the "Happy Fans Group" has been sublimated, from an idol group to a powerful group, to a very, very high-level fan group.

Compared with those pop idols, even singers and actors, the style is higher!

Not only because of the "unparalleled righteousness of Sister Xiaofeng", but also because Teacher Lu Xiaofeng indeed has an amazing talent that is admired by the whole country!

In particular, Sister Xiaofeng supported Mr. Zhao Changshou all the way until he counterattacked and won the championship. Countless young people began to admire this teacher Lu Xiaofeng, who was younger than most of them!

As a result, the number of "Happy Fans Group" has continued to skyrocket, and even the number of fans who "like Pipi Shrimp" has also skyrocketed to 30 million!


You read that right!

From the 17 million fans in June this year, the number of fans of "Like Pipi Shrimp" has almost doubled, directly breaking through the 30 million mark, becoming a real celebrity with a small amount.

With such results, "Like Pipi Shrimp" is a little flustered, and it always feels like it's not true.

In a state of confusion, after the "I Sing My Song" competition in December, she even sent a private message to Han Donger's WeChat account, clearly stating her name and contact information, hoping that Teacher Lu Xiaofeng could contact her to discuss the matter. How to guide this group of fans.

30 million people!

If the guidance is not good, big things will happen.

To put it bluntly, it is a matter of cohesion.

She is a girl, and the 17 million fans before were not so uniform. Everyone was a very loose fan, so there was no problem.

But now that the number of people in the "Happy Fan Group" is increasing, and various groups are emerging one after another, "Like Pipi Shrimp" feels that he can no longer handle it.

But she didn't dare to retreat, because this was a fan organization organized by her. If she retreated, everything she had in the meager amount would be destroyed by these angry fans.

So when "Like Pipi Shrimp" is taking care of the "Happy Fan Group", she also hopes that Teacher Lu Xiaofeng can open Weibo to confirm the correctness of the "Happy Fan Group" and calm the hearts of these people.

Well, Shen Huan is not humble.

Otherwise, "Like Pipi Shrimp" wouldn't have gone to see Han Donger in a hurry.

As a result, there has been no response until now.

When I thought of this, "I like Pipi shrimp", who was originally in a good mood, now sighed a little, and no longer had the joy of sharing the photos of "unparalleled beauty in the world" with fans.

At this moment, suddenly her cell phone rang.

He picked up the phone and looked at it, but it was the phone number of the courier boy who often delivered express packages to him.

After saying a few words, "I like Pipi shrimp," he opened the door and asked his mother to help him go downstairs to pick up a courier.

As a new generation of young people, "Like Pipi Xia" likes to buy things online, so it is not unusual to receive express delivery.

Mom quickly brought out a courier package that looked like a document bag. "I like Pipi Shrimp" didn't pay attention. She bought too many things, how could she sort them out clearly

It wasn't until she finished posting today's photos and articles about Shen Huan that she lazily went to the toilet, then sat on the edge of the sofa and started unpacking the express delivery.

Adding up the express deliveries yesterday and today, there were five or six in total, large and small.

"Like Pipi Xia" likes to open the big ones first and then the small ones, so she is the last one to open the express delivery document bag.

When he opened it, he saw a red envelope-like thing inside.

She took it out and saw that it was an invitation, or rather an invitation letter.

The words "2015 China TV Spring Festival Gala Live Invitation" are written on the top.

"Hahaha… "

"I like Pipi Shrimp" burst out laughing immediately.

The mother next to me was doing something. When she saw this, she said in surprise: "What's wrong?"

"Mom, look!" "Like Pipi Shrimp" handed the invitation letter to her mother, "Nowadays, the liars are getting worse and worse. They actually want to deceive me by sending late invitation letters. It seems that the next step is You just called me and asked me, who was about to attend the party, to donate some money, right?"

My mother took the invitation, read it twice, opened it, saw the words on it, and read it out: "Dear Ms. Dai Rongrong, I hereby invite you to be a special guest to attend the event at 8pm on February 18th. :00: The Spring Festival Gala held at the studio hall of Huaxia TV in Beijing. Sincerely, the Wanwan program team of Huaxia TV."

"Tsk, tsk, that's really cool!" "Like Pipi Shrimp" picked up an apple and gnawed on it, "Mom, watch later how I tease those liars."

"Hello Sister Dai, I am Shen Huan. I have received the private message you conveyed through Sister Dong'er. I have been very busy recently and have no time to reply. I am very sorry.

The old man's song "A Laugh in the Sea" will be performed on Huaxia TV this year. Thank you for your support for me for so long, so I specially asked the Yanwan program team to send you Yanwan tickets. I hope you can come and watch the show. My phone number is xxxx. If anything happens, you can call me directly. "


"I like Pipi Shrimp" jumped up and grabbed the invitation directly from her mother's hand.

Inside the invitation letter, there was a piece of note paper, and the following paragraph was written on it.

Holding this note, "Like Pipi Shrimp" had a gloomy expression on his face, not knowing what he was thinking.

"What's wrong?" Mom was stunned, "Didn't you say this was a liar's trick? It shouldn't have been written by Shen Huan, who you support, right?"

"Theoretically speaking, it shouldn't be fake." "Like Pipi Shrimp" said distressedly: "Because I sent a meager private message to Han Dong'er. Apart from me and Han Dong'er who received the private message, there were only a few meager staff. Only then would it be possible to know. And they would definitely not dare to leak such information, otherwise the meager information would be ruined.

So there is a high possibility that this is the note Shen Huan wrote to me, and the invitation to China TV Station is also real. This invitation letter is real! He really gave me this gift! "

"Then what are you still worried about?" Mom asked.

"But I'm also worried that this is a lie!" "Like Pipi Shrimp" spread his hands and leaned back on the sofa and said: "Aren't those liars like this? I'll give you something you really want to get. Then I will trick you into the game, so that you are willing to be fooled!"

"You silly girl!" Mom laughed, "Let me ask you, do you have money now?"

"Well… "

"answer me."

"I don't have big money, but I still have a million or so, don't you know? You have all the bankbooks!"

"Daughter, since you are not short of money, why don't you just take a plane to Huajing? Just take the invitation letter to Huaxia TV and let them test whether this is true. Then everything will come to light, right?"


"There's no reason for China TV to help a scammer to deceive you, right? As long as China TV confirms that the invitation letter is from them, then isn't the person who sent you the invitation letter and wrote you the note the same as Shen Huan!?"

"oh… "

"I like Pipi shrimps" suddenly jumped up, hugged her mother, took a sip, and then quickly ran to the room.

"Mom, let me pack my luggage and fly to Huajing right away... You are indeed my mother! My mother! You are so amazing, hahahaha... "

Chapter 18.9 The undercurrent of competition for geniuses (second update)

Arriving at the mathematics exchange meeting, Shen Huan seemed a little out of sorts.

Last night, the three of them were discussing in the coffee shop until two o'clock in the morning, and they had to interrupt the discussion because it was too late.

But these five or six hours of discussion and calculation were very meaningful.

In Deville's words, "I feel that I am only a thin layer of paper away from 'Shen Huan's proposition'. As long as I take a slight step forward and prove 'Fermat's Last Theorem', I can enter another brand new world!" "

Shen Huan is the only person in the world who knows the correctness and steps of "Shen Huan's proposition".

Deville is indeed the world's top mathematician. He only needs one step of detailed demonstration and the expression of the entire "Shen Huan Proposition" in the form of words to prove it.

Shen Huan decided to complete this step before the Spring Festival, so as not to delay the demonstration time of "Shen Huan's conjecture".

Be famous early.

If it took three to five years to prove "Fermat's Last Theorem", how could it show Shen Huan's ability

He hopes to rely on "Fermat's Last Theorem" to directly enter the three prestigious universities in China.

At this time, there were dozens of people standing and sitting chatting at the scene, some young and old, most of them in their thirties and forties.

He Qiang brought Shen Huan here. When Shen Huan arrived, he discovered that the other five International Mathematical Olympiad team members who were supposed to leave yesterday also came here under the leadership of their teacher.

"I heard that a group of world-class mathematicians are coming today. They will give some interesting speeches. The teacher asked me to come and listen." Lei Xiaode was indeed well-informed. "But my English is not very good. I should do math problems." No problem, but when you listen to their speeches, the level is much different.”

Shen Huan nodded slightly.

He was like this before he got Professional English (Elementary).

After getting Professional English (Elementary), he was able to talk and discuss with two professors so smoothly last night.

He had already realized that among the mathematicians coming today, there must be Professors Deville and Corridor.

Sure enough, after a while, Shen Huan saw his master Yu Dingbian and several other old people walking in accompanied by five foreign mathematicians.

Among the five foreign mathematicians, Professors Deville and Corridor were suddenly in sight.

Discussion and communication in mathematics are actually not much different from those in other subjects.

Usually, a famous mathematician or a young mathematician takes the stage to talk about some of his own views, as well as new discoveries and thinking in certain fields.

In fact, it is a kind of ideological enlightenment.

But there is another kind of communication meeting, which is to announce that you have proved a certain inference, conjecture, or theorem.

This is a one-man show. Usually, it is not surprising for a person to talk eloquently for three to five hours.

Today's meeting is of course a very simple and relaxed exchange.

Including professors from China, everyone lectured from morning to night.

There are quite a few students coming today, at least twenty or thirty, and obviously many of them are top math students from Huajing.

Although they cannot compare with Shen Huan's six-member representative team, they are still top students in their respective schools.

But it was obvious that these students did not understand this profound speech, and most of the time they did not understand it.

They were obviously more interested in Shen Huan.

"Unparalleled beauty in the world. Young man."

"Sister Feng with incomparable righteousness".

"Super math genius".

When these names are concentrated on one person, even a group of mathematicians in their prime will look at Shen Huan a few more times, let alone people of the same age.

Although boys are envious, jealous, and hateful, they have no choice but to be inferior.

Not to mention his appearance and songwriting ability, just saying that Shen Huan defeated all the contestants from the Mathematical Olympiad Winter Camp for 14 consecutive days and was defeated alone was enough to awe them.

There were so many geniuses, so many opportunities, but no one could grasp them, and they were all defeated by Shen Huan. How powerful is this

People who are proficient in mathematics are very rational people. Even if they are not convinced, they have to admit Shen Huan's strength.

Girls are different. Two or three math genius girls will look at Shen Huan for a while, and then listen to the lecture again, as if Shen Huan is a magical tool to relax them.

Shen Huan listened very seriously and with great interest.

It cannot be said that the ideas of these mathematicians gave him a lot of inspiration, but there were many novel perspectives and discussions in some subdivided fields, which enabled him to understand mathematics more deeply.

After obtaining the professional mathematics (intermediate level), Shen Huan not only mastered a lot of knowledge in mathematics, but his interest in mathematics also increased a lot.

Even if he does not necessarily make a living in mathematics, having another skill will always be a guarantee in the future.

After a day of lectures and lectures, everyone was tired.

Meals in the evening are buffet style.

Naturally, the young mathematicians followed the old professors and asked them about the things they were confused about just now.

The old professors were also happy to discuss it with them in detail while eating.

This is one of the joys of mathematicians, although it may seem boring to outsiders.

Shen Huan didn't join in the fun. He went to get what he liked to eat and deal with the girls who came around.

A group of students nearby gritted their teeth.

Although these girls are not too beautiful and cannot reach the level of school beauties, all the girls gathered around Shen Huan, completely ignoring all the other peers!

Lei Xiaode, who already had a lot of experience, quickly pretended to be unfamiliar with Shen Huan and joined a small circle of people who secretly criticized Shen Huan, listening to them scolding Shen Huan.

Unfortunately, after just listening for a while, Lei Xiaode lost interest.

This group of math nerds still have too little experience in the world of martial arts. Compared with the group of ordinary students in Lin'an, the content and style of scolding Shen Huan are vastly different and not entertaining at all!

"Xiao Huan, come!"

Unknowingly, Yu Dingbian and others happened to be not far away from Shen Huan and saw him. Yu Dingbian signaled him to come over.

Standing with him, apart from an old professor with white hair, were two foreign professors, Deville and Corrid.

At this time, both of them looked at him with a smile.

Last night, Shen Huan asked them not to reveal his identity to the outside world. He didn't want to be disturbed.

Deville and Corride readily agreed.

They admire Shen Huan's low-key attitude and feel that studying and studying without interference is the most suitable learning method for Shen Huan now.

Among the foreign geniuses, there are also those who hurt Zhongyong.

So Shen Huan walked over and, under Yu Dingbian's introduction, respectfully greeted the three of them, and both of them pretended not to know Shen Huan.

On the other hand, the white-haired professor next to him was none other than Chang Guancheng, the dean of the Mathematics Department of Huajing University. He looked at Shen Huan with particularly kind eyes.

"Xiao Huan, I know you are a good child and a very smart child." Chang Guancheng said to Shen Huan, "A genius like you is destined to study in the best university and the best mathematics department in the country. Don't worry, as long as you get good results in this year's Mathematical Olympiad, Beijing University will directly recommend you a place, and you don't have to worry about the rest."

"Hey, Lao Chang, why are you poaching in front of me?" Yu Dingbian was unhappy, "Of course my disciples should come to our Funan. Funan's mathematics department is worse than yours? Our celebrity No less than you!"

"That was before, but now you have to admit that our Peking University Mathematics Department is still strong." Chang Guancheng waved his hand, "A genius like Xiao Huan who has swept through his peers will be delayed if he falls into your hands. ”

"Fart! I won't be able to train talents?"

Yu Dingbian got angry and started arguing with him.

Two old men, who combined were over 100 years old, were arguing here. Both Deville and Corrid were a little surprised. This was a good idea, so why were they quarreling

They went to ask Shen Huan.

Shen Huan explained to them in a low voice the outline of their argument.

Then they all laughed.

In their minds, how could a university in China be worthy of a genius like Shen Huan

It’s not that they look down on Chinese universities, but in terms of strength, these two universities are not even ranked among the top twenty in the world.

This is even more true from a purely mathematical perspective.

Even though there are many young mathematical geniuses in China, Chinese mathematical scientists who grow up and become adults are far inferior to foreign ones.

Yu Dingbian and Chang Guancheng in front of me are the best among them, but there are not even ten such talents in China.

Therefore, it would be fine to train ordinary talented students, but in the face of a super genius like Shen Huan who is rare in 100 years, it would be a huge waste to let him stay in the country.

Only the best schools and the best teachers are qualified to continue to train this mathematician who will surely be a great mathematician in the future, so as to live up to God’s gift to the world.

Thinking of this, the two looked at each other subconsciously.

Sparks instantly flashed in their eyes.

When a super talented student like Shen Huan is involved, even if they are old friends, it won't work.

Like Chang Guancheng and Yu Dingbian next to them, the two of them believed that their school was the best. If they could drag Shen Huan to study in their school, it would definitely be a great thing.

Not talking about Shen Huan, just saying that "Fermat's Last Theorem" was proved by students from their school is already a great honor.


Although Shen Huan has not yet touched on the core content of "Fermat's Last Theorem", after so many months of understanding and discussion, the two of them have no doubt about the hope of proving "Fermat's Last Theorem". on the body.

This young man was born with a clear understanding of "Fermat's Last Theorem". This kind of theory and idea that is different from other mathematicians happened to have taken a path that no one else had taken before, so that everyone can see it. To hope.