I Know Everything

Chapter 19: Word-of-mouth reversal (Thanks to BRose for tipping the leader!) (revised)


By noon, he was known for his venomous tongue, and last time he criticized the small noodle shop's meager celebrity's "right and wrong" position, he was patronized by a group of people.

"Fortunately, I didn't listen to you and went to the noodle shop because of its reputation. The Yangchun noodles there are not only reasonably priced but also taste great!"

"Go and eat your instant noodles! I really don't know where the shame is from a guy like you who is black for black people's sake?"

"Yes, yes, my boyfriend ate two bowls today... It's a pity that he believed what everyone said that the noodles tasted bad, so he went to eat a piece of bread, and now it's bloated!"

"Hehe, so after all, rumors are unreliable, and you still have to look at yourself! The blogger is a despicable person who talks nonsense, and has been removed!"

"I come from the kingdom of pasta - Jinxi. This time I came with my wife and son. We queued for more than an hour. Because we had children, we went in early under the arrangement of little sister Shui Qianyu. To be fair, the taste of this bowl of Yangchun noodles is definitely worthy of its price, and it can also be counted among the top ten here! I guarantee my credibility!"

"Yeah, people in Gusu also think it's delicious. Yangchun Noodles from the small noodle shop. Teacher Chu Liuxiang definitely wrote it right!"

Seeing such a swarm of comments, Black and White was stunned.

No reason!

I obviously ate there once and it tasted like shit. How could it suddenly change

It must be a troll, it must be sent by my enemies!

With this thought in mind, he remained silent for the time being.

But at night, more and more people came to leave messages, and they all scolded him, which made him feel a little abnormal.

These speaking users are all very active, and they are definitely not the kind of trumpet accounts that have just been registered.

If you click on any one, there are dozens of meager contents and photos.

It shouldn’t be the case if so many people are sent out to smear yourself!

Seeing his meager number of fans drop from about 10 million to 9 million, Black and White couldn't sit still anymore, so he immediately booked a late-night ticket and rushed to Lin'an.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, Shi and Fei Black posted a set of photos on his Weibo account of him going to a small noodle shop to eat noodles in the morning.

The text content is like this.

"The first time I ate it, it was really ordinary... But this time I ate it, I was amazed! It's absolutely delicious!"

As a small celebrity with 10 million fans, Black and White has always been famous for his vicious criticism.

It is absolutely rare for him to slap himself in the face like this.

As he began to admit his mistake, the originally average taste reputation on the Internet gradually began to reverse.

"What a coincidence, I'm a local from Lin'an. Before Ning Yiqiu posted on WeChat Moments, I went there once after seeing the newspaper. At that time, I thought the taste was average. I went to line up again this morning. My mother, what a smell. It was so delicious! I ate two bowls in one go! This is Yangchun noodles, not big meat noodles, let alone lobster noodles!"

"I agree with what you said above, but I only ate one bowl because it was almost evening and there was not enough Yangchun noodles. Each person could only eat one bowl."

"Are you exaggerating? It's just a bowl of plain noodles! How delicious can it be!"

"You don't understand this! The soup base of the small noodle shop is made from old hens, pig trotters, and beef bones. It has to be boiled several times a day. They used to do this when their business was not good. Now I don’t know why, but I feel so good when eating Yangchun noodles, it feels like the noodles have a soul of their own!”

"When I went there, there were no Yangchun noodles. There were only noodles that can be fried with toppings, as well as ordinary beef noodles and large meat noodles. I ordered a bowl of large meat noodles for 12 yuan, which was also very fragrant. I I think the main reason is that their soup base is very good, which directly improves the taste of the noodles and soup. It is not rated as delicious, but a bowl of such delicious Yangchun noodles for 5 yuan is definitely the conscience of the industry!"


On top of the meager amount, more and more people are discussing "Small Noodle House Yangchun Noodles".

Who doesn’t have a few friends and relatives

Especially for young people, Weibo, a very contagious social tool, is even more motivating.

The small noodle shop, which was already a little weak, was directly stimulated by this taste.

Then its influence is not only on young people, but also on young people who love food.

This group of young people is much larger in number than the literary and artistic youth.

Over the next few days, they managed to increase the number of people in line to an average of 300 people.

Everyone is absolutely full of praise for the Yangchun noodles and other noodles seasoned with spice powder.

The price is cheap, the taste is good, the portion is generous, and it is also a very meaningful place for internet celebrities to check in. It couldn't be better.

The only drawback is that the waiting time is too long. Unless you can get a seat in line before 6 o'clock, the average waiting time is two hours.

However, it is the nature of people all over the world to join in the fun.

The more lively the place is, the more people will cheer and queue up.

Such a long queue in Mingde Lane has become a famous scenery in the surrounding area. Even in heavy rain, there are hundreds of people waiting with umbrellas.

Hotspots on Weibo have ranged from "a small noodle shop that is not delicious" to "a small noodle shop with Yangchun noodles that is incredibly delicious" to "a small noodle shop with crazy queues."

Encountering such crazy customers, Shui Qingshan had to set a rule.

That is to say, they only sell 1,000 bowls of Yangchun noodles a day, and there are only 100 bowls of each type of noodles left. Once they are sold out, we will stop working.

For this reason, he also hired a master who fry toppings and make sauerkraut, with a monthly salary of up to 10,000 yuan.

Xia He even introduced a variety of soft drinks and mineral waters early. In the hot summer, hundreds of bottles of these drinks alone were sold a day.

As we all know, any drink sold in a restaurant is definitely more than 50% of the price you pay in the supermarket.

But Xiahe also charges 2 cents for a bottle of mineral water and 5 cents for a bottle of beverage. Small profits but quick turnover, so many people buy drinks.

As the pattern became more and more fixed, Shen Huan and Shui Qianyu only came to the store in the morning, and the rest of the time was left to the two children to make their own arrangements.

Otherwise, the whole holiday will be used for business, and where will the fun of the children be

But the two of them were not idle either.

They went to grocery stores in several districts outside and bought hundreds of kilograms of each seasoning and Chinese medicinal materials, and used them to prepare spice powder for daily use.

As long as you buy from more than ten separate stores, there is no need to buy extra seasonings and Chinese medicinal materials to confuse interested people.

But is this too cautious

is a bit.

But it’s definitely not unnecessary!


Oops, the second alliance leader is here before it’s even released! thanks, thanks!

At the same time, there are a lot of book friends who have given rewards, such as the old Rotsen leader and other friends, so I won’t write them all to occupy the reading space. Thank you! Compare your heart~~