I Know Everything

Chapter 190: Old Song, you can kill two birds with one stone (first update)


At this time, two people were discussing Shen Huan in the president's office of Shanghai Phoenix Records.

The one with a slight bald head is Song Luding, the boss of Phoenix Records. Opposite him is Lan Kai, one of the best music producers in the industry.

The two drank Kung Fu tea and chatted.

"Lao Lan, why do you think this Lu Xiaofeng is so strong?" Song Luding said, "He is like a god! None of the songs he wrote seem like they could have been written by someone of his age! Even "Standmate" "You", shouldn't this song be recalled by a man in his thirties when he is reminiscing about his youth? He is only 16 years old!!"

Lan Kai laughed when he heard this, "On this point, I think the same thing as you, but the media all over China have been looking for half a year, but they still haven't found those non-existent songwriters!"

Song Luding is the founder of Phoenix Records, the largest record company in China. He came out of a song and dance troupe back then. He has worked hard for more than 20 years and cultivated singers one after another. Of course, he is not an outsider.

If you want to find someone who is most familiar with Chinese music in the whole country, except Song Luding, no one dares to say that he is the first.

With so many years of experience and reason, Song Luding absolutely does not believe that Lu Xiaofeng can write so many good songs of different categories, but as Lan Kai said, if you can't find those songwriters, what can you do?

Lu Xiaofeng has composed so many songs, but it’s not like no one has ever made headlines by saying which of them was written by him.

But none of these people could produce any evidence, and they knew at first glance that they were just clowns.

Therefore, judging from the results, Song Luding could only believe that Shen Huan was a genius, a super genius that would not be born for a hundred years!

At least in terms of lyrics and music, his talent and ability are unparalleled by anyone in China.

Wang Zhao, who has always been unconvinced by others, after serving as a judge in the finals of "I Sing My Song", he praised Teacher Lu Xiaofeng when he saw everyone, claiming that he was not even one-tenth of Teacher Lu Xiaofeng's ability.

Fu Bufan, a folk singer who has been wandering for many years, hates authority the most. But after one season of "I Sing My Song", he kept saying "Teacher Lu". Anyone who dared to say anything bad about Lu Xiaofeng in front of him would immediately change his face and scold him. past.

Even in many recent interviews, Fu Bufan regards Teacher Lu Xiaofeng as his idol.

Even Tang Yuan, the top singing brother in his company, was also full of praise for Shen Huan. He praised Shen Huan more than once. He wanted every song of Teacher Lu Xiaofeng, and Teacher Lu Xiaofeng was even better than his songs. Very worthy of deep friendship.

And Lan Kai, who was in front of Song Luding, had dealt with Shen Huan several times, and it was rare for him to say that this young man had a bright future.

Take a look.

For a songwriter to have such a strong talent in songwriting and music, he is already very powerful.

But how he can be admired and liked by so many old-fashioned and unruly people in terms of his conduct is not something that ordinary people can do.

Even those old foxes in their forties or fifties may not be able to do it!

When his thoughts came back, Song Luding asked Lan Kai, "Lao Lan, look, since you and Yuan'er are so familiar with Teacher Lu Xiaofeng, and we are all good friends... Can you sign Teacher Lu Xiaofeng to our company?"

"Oh? Sign a songwriter?" Lan Kai was stunned, "Old Song, we don't have this rule! Which company doesn't do this, right?"

Although Song Luding is Lan Kai's boss, the two have been old friends for more than ten years. Lan Kai's status as a gold medal producer is enough for him to talk to Song Luding so casually.

In this world, everyone is signing singers and producers, but it’s really hard for songwriters to sign contracts.

If you sign a contract, do you have to pay them a monthly salary

The problem is that songwriters are not workers, and they cannot write a song just by sitting in the office for a day. That is called industrial creation, not true inspired creation.

There is no way a song like this will become popular.

So if you sign a songwriter, it is normal for him to not be able to write a good song for three to five years.

But in these three to five years, you have to pay him a salary of three to five million, which can already be used to buy a good song.

Therefore, the attitude towards songwriters is the same at home and abroad. It is all about inviting and buying songs.

After they have a work, they show it to various record companies. Whichever company takes a fancy to it, they will spend one to two hundred thousand or hundreds of thousands to buy it.

In this way, everyone's interests can be guaranteed, which is the best of both worlds.

Of course, the difference between foreign countries and China is that when foreign songwriters sell songs, they receive a share of the profits and can continuously earn income from their works.

Usually after a song becomes popular, it may stay with it for the rest of its life.

In China, it’s a one-time deal. In the past, whether it was lyrics or music, 500,000 was the most.

After Teacher Lu Xiaofeng came out, one of his songs sold for 2 million, but he wrote both the lyrics and the music, so the record company’s limit was 1 million for the words and music.

But now, no one other than Lu Xiaofeng can get this number.

Perhaps as time goes by, and as the music market continues to recover, those famous songwriters will be able to rise and receive more generous rewards.

Come back to the present.

After hearing Lan Kai's question, Song Luding nodded: "Those are ordinary songwriters. If it is Teacher Lu Xiaofeng, then I will be willing to pay him a high salary to join the company, even if he does not write songs." .”

Lan Kai smiled and said nothing.

Song Luding had been friends with him for so many years, how could he not see what he was thinking, "I said Lao Lan, don't judge a gentleman with a villain's heart. I really think so! Of course, I will Teacher Lu Xiaofeng invited him to the company to prevent him from writing songs for singers from other companies, and I don’t deny this."

"You can just pull him down, Lu Xiaofeng is not short of money!" Lan Kai shook his head, ""The Love of My Life" can earn him at least 30 million. In three to five years, it will be at least 100 million. Do you believe it?"

"Trust!" Song Luding did not argue with him.

Lan Kai looked at him and nodded, and suddenly smiled inexplicably.

To be honest, when making "The Love of Life", Lan Kai knew that the album would definitely be a hit, but he didn't expect it to be so popular.

Looking at this situation now, it has already broken the highest record in ten years, and is already sprinting towards the 20-year record.

The huge sales of records represent huge economic benefits.

It's just that except for Zhao Changshou who needs a little to treat his wife's illness, the rest of the money, including him as the producer, won't get a penny and all of it has to be donated!

Of course, the one who suffered the biggest loss was Lu Xiaofeng.

This 16-year-old boy lost most of the 100 million that Lan Kai said.

If divided according to various conditions, his dividend will not be less than 50%, which is 30 to 50 million!

But when everyone involved in "The Love of Life" discussed this topic via video conference, Lan Kai never saw a trace of regret or unwillingness on Shen Huan's face.

Such a cute child, so admirable and noble, this is why they like Lu Xiaofeng so much!

Now Lan Kai can't tell Song Luding about this, and he doesn't know if Song Luding will have the courage to hire Shen Huan with a high salary after hearing that Shen Huan regards money as dirt.

People don’t care about money, so why do you want money

Too vulgar!

Even Tang Yuan felt that he looked tacky in front of Teacher Lu Xiaofeng, let alone Song Luding, who had become a businessman.

Of course, Song Luding is not a bad person and has a good personality. He is a good friend and boss.

"Let alone inviting Lu Xiaofeng to the company, even if you want to get the priority of his songs, it is not an easy task." Lan Kai put aside his thoughts, "If it weren't for "I Sing My Song" this time, ", he would never write so many songs. And as you have seen before, my face and Yuan'er's face don't work at all."

"According to what you said, then we have no chance at all?" Song Luding said a little disappointed.

In the music circle, Lan Kai's ability is one of the best. This not only refers to his ability to make music, but also to his conduct as a person, which is very popular among people.

Coincidentally, the relationship between Lan Kai and Lu Xiaofeng is not bad, but even he can't say no. Does that mean there is really no hope

"Speaking of this, it's not completely impossible." Lan Kai smiled.

"Speak quickly!" Song Lu regained his energy.

"Ahem, Lao Song, you seem to have a bottle of 50-year-old Moutai at home, right?" Lan Kai suddenly raised this matter.

Song Luding's eyes widened when he heard this, "No! I knew you were spying on my baby! Absolutely not!"

"Then there's no need to talk." Lan Kai spread his hands, "Old Song, you are still so stingy after so many years. Just one bottle of wine exposed your character, I despise you!"

"This is not a question of moral character, this is a treasure I have saved for more than ten years!" Song Luding was so angry, "Change something, change something! Hey, I'm talking to you, do you hear me? I'm Your boss!"

But seeing Lan Kai acting like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water, Song Luding, who had been shouting for a long time, could only choose to give in: "You win, you robber! Lao Lan, pray that you don't fall into my hands. Otherwise I will definitely come back with revenge!"

"Tch, it's just a bottle of wine, as you said!" Having achieved his goal, Lan Kai felt very happy, "I tell you, after you hear my idea, you will definitely thank me, because it kills two birds with one stone. What a great idea!"

"Say it quickly!!" Song Luding had already raised his palm.

"Actually, it's very simple. After you sign Han Dong'er, don't we have the biggest basis?" Lan Kai revealed the secret, "Han Dong'er only has a contract with the mediocre studio, and then he will be on his own." .Hurry up and get her record contract. You can not only get a future diva, but also rely on her to tie up Lu Xiaofeng. Isn’t this killing two birds with one stone? Isn’t it killing two birds with one stone?”

Song Luding's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Then he slapped himself in the face, "I told you to be so stupid! You didn't even think of such a simple method. You were deceived by this guy and took your precious wine for nothing, you idiot!!"

Seeing him beating himself, Lan Kaile was happy, "Okay, Old Song, don't embarrass yourself... If you want to do this, you have to step up! There must be people who have seen this mystery like me. .The competition we face is not small!”

"I understand!" Song Luding said and smiled, "I have to thank Xiao Yan. If he hadn't been having trouble with Sister Xiaofeng, we would have had one more opponent. The strength of the Yanhuang Group cannot be underestimated! Now, too, Well, before the competition even started, a strong enemy was automatically eliminated, hahaha... "

Lan Kai also laughed when he heard this.

Xiao Yan is the real producer of Yanhuang Music. Because Shen Huan offered him 2 million for a song, he was dissatisfied and went everywhere to promote and slander Lu Xiaofeng.

As a result, Xiao Yan's face was swollen after being beaten for several months.

Isn’t one of Sister Xiaofeng’s songs worth 2 million? !

By now, I'm afraid only idiots would think so!

The word "2 million" has been associated with Xiao Yan and has become a shame that he can never wash away.

Under such circumstances, do you think Yanhuang Music is still embarrassed to go to Shen Huan

Will Shen Huan be willing to cooperate with Xiao Yan, who said bad things about him everywhere in the past few months

If it weren't for teacher Lu Xiaofeng's incredible talent and Xiao Yan's use of his influence to slander him everywhere, he would have fallen like a meteor long ago.

This is Xiao Yan's own fault to dig a hole for himself! !

I really don’t know how the people inside Yanhuang Music view this famous producer.

If he didn't have Zhu Shengyu, one of the three heavenly kings, in his hands, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to hold on anymore and would voluntarily resign and leave!