I Know Everything

Chapter 191: The reviewer has not read it (second update)


Man is the strangest animal.

Even people who have always been scheming sometimes stumble.

No matter how well Song Luding and Lan Kai know about the industry and how familiar they are with those people, there are times when they make mistakes in judgment.

For example, what is happening in the small recording studio of Yanhuang Music now will surprise outsiders.

In fact, not only outsiders, but also the other party in the conversation, the little king Fu Bufan, was completely shocked.

"I want to sign Han Dong'er. Bufan, can you help me think of an idea? Or help me make a recommendation?"

During the break in recording songs today, the first thing Xiao Yan said when he came to him was the above.

Hearing this, Fu Bufan thought that he was too involved in recording songs, which led to mental disorder.

Xiao Yan wants to sign Han Donger

Doesn't he know the relationship between Han Dong'er and teacher Lu Xiaofeng

With the bad relationship between him and Teacher Lu Xiaofeng, is it possible

Even if Han Donger continues to stay in a second-rate studio like Yongren Studio, there is absolutely no way she will come to Yanhuang Music!

Before he came into contact with Teacher Lu Xiaofeng, Fu Bufan felt that the price charged for his songs was too high. Even though "Straw Hat Song" had become his favorite, he could not understand such sky-high asking prices that clearly violated industry rules.

After getting in touch with Teacher Lu Xiaofeng, Fu Bufan realized that he was a pure person.

Teacher Lu Xiaofeng didn’t ask for a sky-high price, but he felt that his song was worth 2 million, so he asked for this price.

This is actually true.

"Tolerance" made Guan Yili, a male singer with a woman's voice, a hit. The money he earned and the influence he gained were more than what 2 million yuan could compare to

Not to mention 2 million, if I had known this result, even if it was 5 million, it would definitely be worth it!

From that moment on, Xiao Yan was ridiculed.

Even if he continued to spread all kinds of bad things about Teacher Lu Xiaofeng later, he still could not hide his failure.

After getting to know Teacher Lu Xiaofeng, after learning about Mr. Zhao Changshou and his old lady, especially after participating in the recording and donation of "The Love of Life", Fu Bufan's admiration for Teacher Lu Xiaofeng is absolutely die-hard.

Even though Fu Bufan is 9 years older than Teacher Lu Xiaofeng.

He couldn't tolerate others saying anything bad about Teacher Lu Xiaofeng.

Therefore, Fu Bufan didn't have any good impressions of Xiao Yan, who was unsuccessful in his quest for singing but always slandered the virtuous teacher Lu Xiaofeng.

Now Xiao Yan suddenly rushed over and told Fu Bufan that he wanted to sign Han Dong'er. Fu Bufan's first thought was that it was impossible.

Then the second thought was, doesn't this guy want to control Dong'er and blackmail Teacher Lu into writing songs

For a moment, he didn't reply, but the caution and vigilance in his eyes were undisguised.

Xiao Yan is a famous producer of Yanhuang music, but Fu Bufan is also a little king in the music industry.

In terms of popularity and influence, Fu Bufan is not weaker than Xiao Yan at all, and Yanhuang Music will not be able to embarrass Fu Bufan because of Xiao Yan.

Otherwise, if Fu Bufan just buys out the contract and leaves, they will cry!

One of the three giants in the music industry, there was originally only one Zhu Shengyu and one Fu Bufan. Now that the little king has left, how can it be done by Zhu Shengyu alone

No matter how powerful Zhu Shengyu is, he can't carry the entire company!

Xiao Yan is such a shrewd person. Looking at Fu Bufan's eyes, you can tell what he is thinking.

Without explaining, he pulled Fu Bufan to sit next to him, and then sighed and said: "Bufan, I know, you think Brother Yan is a bad person, a fool, and a joke that is laughed at by people all over the country. These are all right. , I did make a big mistake in my treatment of Teacher Lu Xiaofeng, and as a man, I have to admit this mistake!"

Fu Bufan was speechless, but his expression softened a little.

Xiao Yan didn't defend himself and admitted his mistake from the beginning. This is what a man should do.

"Putting aside the differences between me and Teacher Lu Xiaofeng, as a musician, I admire his talent very much, almost to the point of worship." Xiao Yan said, "You may not believe this, but I have been with music all my life. In more than 20 years of contact, I have never seen such an amazing genius, and this is true."

Fu Bufan nodded when he heard this.

As a musician, you may dislike Teacher Lu Xiaofeng or find it incredible, but you absolutely cannot turn a blind eye to his abilities and achievements.

"Such a genius is absolutely urgently needed by our Yanhuang music, and his songs are what we dream of!" Xiao Yan sighed: "It's a pity that I have such a trouble with Teacher Lu Xiaofeng. I really can't do it anymore." Go and find him directly. It’s not that I can’t afford to lose face, but he will definitely not be willing to see me or consider my request.”

After a pause, Xiao Yan said, "So I thought about it, isn't the contract between Miss Han Dong'er and Yongren Studio already in the final stage? If we, Yanhuang Music, can buy out this contract and sign her Next, after giving her a good condition and expressing our importance to Han Dong'er, it should be feasible to request a few more songs by Teacher Lu Xiaofeng through her, right

Of course, these songs must be used for Han Donger's album and will not be given to other singers. I think this should be able to initially ease the relationship between us, right? With this start, I will slowly mend my relationship with Teacher Lu in the future, and I will definitely satisfy him with my sincere apology! "

Fu Bufan's eyes widened when he heard this.

Producer Xiao, you can do it!

You are so awesome!

He had the face to say he didn’t want it. After changing his mind, he immediately pursued Teacher Lu in such a way, and adopted such a method that he couldn’t refuse. What a bullshit!

After careful consideration, this may really change Teacher Lu's impression.

Fu Bufan's heart warmed up when he thought that Teacher Lu might write more songs for Yanhuang Music.

I definitely don’t expect Teacher Lu to write songs specifically for me, but in the process, wouldn’t it be of great benefit to my growth to learn from Teacher Lu and see more of his creations

Thinking of this, Fu Bufan said, "Brother Yan, if you express your apology to Teacher Lu Xiaofeng like this, I think he will accept it."

"Really? I said yes?!" Xiao Yan clapped his hands happily, "That's Bufan, what do you think we should offer Han Dong'er? She doesn't need to worry about buying out the contract, I'll go talk to Wei Xi ! What Han Donger gets from us will definitely be of a first-class level!"

"Don't worry." Fu Bufan said with a wry smile, "This matter may not be that simple."

"What's wrong?" Xiao Yan was startled, "Han Dong'er is also disgusted with me?"

Fu Bufan shook his hand and said: "Dong'er definitely doesn't like you, Brother Yan, but if you express your sincerity, she won't hate you so much. ... I mean, Dong'er's second picture The album seems to have been prepared, and Teacher Lu will write a few songs specifically for her!"

"That's it!!"

Xiao Yan slapped his head regretfully, "This is really troublesome!"

Fu Bufan smiled.

Of course he knew what Xiao Yan was worried about.

Han Donger is now very popular through "I Sing My Song".

But as a little queen, she still lacks her own weighty representative works.

Singers, after all, have to rely on their works to speak for themselves.

So if Xiao Yan goes to recruit people now, he will definitely not encounter very harsh conditions.

But if Han Donger takes advantage of this opportunity to start making her own album, and if teacher Lu Xiaofeng writes songs specifically for her, it will be a foregone conclusion that sales will explode.

Once Han Donger has such achievements, even if she becomes a free woman after this album, the conditions that Yanhuang Music needs to be given will increase exponentially.

This is nothing.

The most important thing is that when the time comes, I don’t know how many music companies will come to compete with Yanhuang Music for Han Donger, which will be even more troublesome at that time.

When several buyers are bidding against each other, the price usually exceeds its own value.

Also because of Xiao Yan, Yanhuang Music is even more at a disadvantage.

Unlike now, attacking in advance can have good results.

Xiao Yan pondered for a moment, but had no intention of giving up.

He said to Fu Bufan: "Bufan, in this case, you'd better introduce me to Miss Han Dong'er... I want to communicate more with her. Since she has started making an album, we can't rush this matter. But our actions can't be done either. Slow down, otherwise it will be snatched away by others, which would be an absolute tragedy!"


Fu Bufan readily agreed this time.

Because he already knew what Xiao Yan was going to do. As long as Xiao Yan went there with an attitude of resolving hatred, a sincere attitude and generous conditions, there would be no problem.

This is also good for Han Donger. Even if it fails, it will give Han Donger one more choice.

Fu Bufan also believed that Xiao Yan was not that stupid. After tricking Han Dong'er into the business, he tortured her with a harsh contract.

In this case, Xiao Yan's reputation in the entire music circle will be completely ruined.

If Teacher Lu Xiaofeng was provoked to attack with all his strength, even Yanhuang Music would definitely not be able to withstand it.

Xiao Yan is not a fool and will definitely not do this.

Moreover, when the contract was finally signed, Teacher Lu Xiaofeng had so many acquaintances in the music industry who could help check it.

Lan Kai, for example, could see the twists and turns in the contract and was determined not to let Han Donger suffer.

Think about it, this is really interesting.

Xiao Yan was supposed to be the person who hated Teacher Lu Xiaofeng the most in the entire music circle.

Unexpectedly, he was the first to surrender.

Such a thick-skinned person and such a decisive killer, Xiao Yan is definitely a model of flexibility and flexibility, and he is also a true profit-seeking person.

When working with such people, the most important thing is that you have real strength.

Don't be afraid if you have strength, Xiao Yan will chase and support you.

As for strength, Han Donger is not lacking, and Teacher Lu Xiaofeng is even more lacking!