I Know Everything

Chapter 192: Drama adaptation


Professor Deville and Professor Corrider left China on the fourth day.

They still have a lot of things to do at the Newton Institute of Mathematical Sciences and cannot afford to delay.

During the two nights and one afternoon they stayed in China, they discussed the "Shen Huan proposition" with Shen Huan.

After the help of these two mathematics professors, and Shen Huan's timely advancement, the "Shen Huan Proposition" finally reached a stage where everything became clear.

Being able to promote the success of "Shen Huan Thesis" so quickly is also the reason why they left with confidence.

According to the estimates of the two professors, it would take Shen Huan at most one to twenty days to publish the theory and proofs from beginning to end.

Professor Deville also specifically told Shen Huan not to send it to mathematics journals by himself, but to send it directly to him and let him send it. Only in this way will the treatment be different.

In this way, the mathematical community will learn about this great and exciting news as soon as possible.

Shen Huan was not worried about Professor Deville's intentions.

With Professor Deville's character, it is impossible for him to embezzle the results of "Chen Huan Thesis".

In fact, Professor Deville has already been prepared.

He had repeatedly released news before, saying that a Chinese mathematician friend of his had proposed the "Shen Huan proposition" and was actively proving it. This was to endorse Shen Huan's conclusion first.

The reason why Professor Deville asked Shen Huan to do this was because a paper sent by an ordinary 16-year-old student would definitely receive different attention than a paper sent by a world-class mathematician.

While Shen Huan happily agreed, he also secretly made a decision in his heart.

In the argumentative article "Shen Huan's Proposition", he himself must be the first signed author, but later on as the second author he will add the names of Professor Deville and Professor Corrider, as well as several others who participated in the discussion and gave guidance. Mathematician, he would be added as a third author.

In this way, it will not damage one's own brilliance, but it can also be carried in a sedan chair to express gratitude to those professors.

For these professors, financial status is of little use to them, but if they can participate in the demonstration process of such a great "Fermat's Last Theorem" and leave their names in the history of mathematics, they should Very happy.

After sending away the two professors, Shen Huan did not immediately organize the paper or start writing.

Because on the one hand, he had to prepare for the rehearsal of "A Laugh in the Sea" first, and on the other hand, he had things to talk about.

Although "A Laugh in the Sea" has been confirmed to be performed in the late evening, and it will be performed during the prime time period of 9:30, but because Zhao Changshou, Shen Huan and Shui Qianyu are all newbies, the Yang Ma. They made mistakes, so I begged them to rehearse a few more times. After practice makes perfect, they will naturally not be nervous.

Shui Qianyu was naturally a big-hearted person and was less nervous than Shen Huan.

But Zhao Changshou knew that this was his last and most important performance, so he was very nervous and couldn't ask for this kind of request.

With the old man like this, Shen Huan and Shui Qianyu could only accompany him.

Just like that, they had to rehearse for an hour or two every day.

This intensity would not hurt Shui Qianyu's fingers, and it also made Shen Huan feel at ease.

Another thing is that people from Huajing Theater came to visit.

Huajing Theater is one of the famous theaters in China. It has countless talents, and many actors are active in plays, TV, and movies.

Even many big names in the film and television industry today still retain the cast of Northern dialect.

They were looking for Shen Huan, of course, not for Shen Huan, nor for Teacher Lu Xiaofeng, but for Teacher Chu Liuxiang.

"The Gift from Room No. 7" began to be serialized in "Qiantang Evening News" on October 6 last year, and was completed in early January this year.

This novel, rated as "the most tear-jerking novel in recent years", has received unprecedented attention.

"Qiantang Evening News" has achieved great success in this twilight era of paper newspaper media.

I don’t know how many people have begged their friends in Zhejiang and Vietnam to send them a copy of "Qiantang Evening News" by express delivery every day so that they can read "The Gift of Room No. 7" as soon as possible.

Therefore, "Qiantang Evening News" was called "Luoyang's most expensive paper" for a while.

After the serialization ended in January, while readers across China were lamenting, many professionals and companies have already taken active action.

No, it shouldn’t be said that we took action in January.

In fact, as early as "The Gift of Room No. 7" occupied the first place in the book sales rankings in Taiji Kingdom and Japan and gained great reputation, companies with a keen sense of smell have already started to take action.

What they want is to get the film and television adaptation rights of "The Gift of Room No. 7", as well as the book publishing rights.

This is an absolute piece of fat.

According to the sensation caused by "The Gift of Room No. 7" in China, anyone can make a lot of money.

But none of these companies could find Teacher Chu Liuxiang.

Of course, "The Gift of Room No. 7" was handed over to a publishing house under the Zheyue Newspaper Group for distribution. We all have old relationships, and they also made great efforts to help conceal Chu Liuxiang's identity, so Shen Huan will definitely take advantage of his own people.

The first printing reached 5 million copies. This seemingly crazy and risky figure was actually only half of the total demand from book dealers everywhere.

Zheyue Newspaper Group is still very cautious, knowing that the estimated demand is not the final accurate figure, so it will print half of it first and see how it goes.

Even if 5 million copies cannot be sold in a short period of time, based on the reputation of teacher Chu Liuxiang and the excellence of "The Gift of Room No. 7", it will definitely be sold out in one or two years.

For this reason, Shen Huan received 13 million yuan in first edition royalties, setting another record for the highest book royalties in recent years.

If "Gift from Room No. 7" can be published again, maybe the first place will fall on Shen Huan.

Seeing such a crazy move by the Zhejiang-Vietnam Newspaper Group, the film companies and TV companies also seized the time even more.

They talked to Zhu Mei last year, and Zhu Mei hid because of this. She changed all her mobile phone numbers and even turned off her phone. She has not returned home yet.

However, Zhu Mei can still get some outside news through close friends.

So the smart people entrusted Ding Lun, Shi Liyou and others to bring the message to see if they could try their luck and ask Ding Mei to help pass the message to Teacher Chu Liuxiang to cooperate with them.

Fortunately, these people didn't know. In fact, Ding Lun and Shi Liyou also knew who Teacher Chu Liuxiang was, otherwise these two people would have to hide in the mountains.

Even so, Ding Lun and Shi Liyou didn't have a good year at all. They answered endless phone calls and received endless guests.

Let’s ignore this matter.

Zhu Mei knew how Shen Huan dealt with TV series and movies. TV series would definitely come later, and movies should come first.

She must be the director of the movie. In this aspect, Zhu Mei needs absolute control and cannot rashly agree to anything.

Even if it is cooperation, now is not the time to talk about it.

But regarding the drama adaptation of "The Gift from Room No. 7", Zhu Mei was undecided, so she asked Shen Huan what to do.

Shen Huan was very familiar with drama in his previous life. Thanks to Teacher Wu, he knew how excellent drama actors were.

Therefore, Shen Huan had no objection at all to the adaptation of "The Gift from Room No. 7" into a drama. On the contrary, she welcomed it.

However, because she wanted to keep the secret that she was Chu Liuxiang secret for a while longer, Shen Huan entrusted Zhu Mei to tell the people at the Huajing Theater that there would be a negotiator who could make the final decision.

And regardless of whether the negotiation can be successful or not, he needs help keeping his identity secret.

Huajing Repertory Theater quickly agreed to this, and immediately sent people to meet with Teacher Chu Liuxiang according to the agreed time.

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