I Know Everything

Chapter 193: Did I go to the wrong room? (Update 1)


The person who came to discuss with Teacher Chu Liuxiang was Fan Dan, the deputy director of their theater.

Fan Dan is only 42 years old this year. He entered the Huajing Theater right after graduating from Chinese Opera and has been working there for 20 years.

Of course, she is not a professional administrative manager. Fan Dan has strong acting skills, and she is best at playing domineering and strong female roles.

It's just that in recent years, dramas have not been very prosperous, and Fan Dan has been delayed for several years because of getting married and having a daughter. He has not played a good role in several years.

If this drama adaptation of "The Gift of Room No. 7" is successful, Fan Dan will certainly not expect to play a role. In fact, there are no roles suitable for her at all.

Except for the lovely Li Yiyuan, the rest of the characters are all men.

This is a drama that mainly stars a man and a little girl, but it can bring countless tears and emotions. —This is the conclusion that all the senior executives of their Huajing Theater came to after reading through the foreign version of "The Gift of Room No. 7".

Therefore, Fan Dan came here to meet with Teacher Chu Liuxiang. The most important task was to win the right to adapt the play. The rest can be discussed later.

But speaking in good conscience, Fan Dan is not very sure.

Among all the writers Fan Dan knows, Mr. Chu Liuxiang is not only the most mysterious, but also the least concerned with the world.

The article "A Bowl of Yangchun Noodles" has moved countless people who have come out of the predicament, moved those who are still struggling in the predicament, and was even named and praised by Renmin Daily.

But Teacher Chu Liuxiang did not jump out to reap fame and fortune, and did not use it to become a "famous writer."

Instead, he continued to devote himself to creation and created a love story as pure and endearing as "Love Letter".

Not to mention, "The Gift of Room No. 7" came out and conquered all Taiji people and most Japanese people in one fell swoop. It has now triggered countless tears and emotions in China.

"The Gift of Room No. 7" can no longer be described as an excellent novel. It is a classic that is destined to be engraved in the history of novels.

But even though it caused such a sensation all over Asia, there is still no trace of Teacher Chu Liuxiang. Not many people know the news about him. Those who do know never mention it, which really scares others.

Not only does Teacher Chu Liuxiang dislike being famous, he is also not interested in money.

"The Gift of Room No. 7" triggered collective tears among novel fans across the country. The boss of Yanhuang Pictures, Qi Yiwen, the second son of the Yanhuang Group, directly talked to reporters and said that he was willing to pay a sky-high price of 10 million to buy it. For the film copyright of "The Gift of Room No. 7", Teacher Chu Liuxiang only needs to sign.

But Teacher Chu Liuxiang didn’t respond at all.

Judging from his previous performance in writing "Love Letter", he is very willing to have his work made into a movie.

So the reason why he didn't respond must be that he didn't meet his psychological requirements in some aspects, not because of money.

The rights to adapt a movie are sold for 10 million, and people don't even bother to talk to him. Do you think he is awesome

Not only Qi Yiwen, so many film companies have sent out invitations, but he has not responded. Such a person gives the outside world an aloof and aloof impression.

From now on, only Zhu Mei can deal with him, and he has done a lot for Zhu Mei.

There are even some rumors that Teacher Chu Liuxiang is actually Zhu Mei's boyfriend, and he is willing to write books and scripts to help his girlfriend.

This kind of nonsense was actually recognized by many people, which is why Zhu Mei was so chased.

Fan Dan didn't know anything else, but when she received the mission from the dean and learned that she could go to negotiate with Teacher Chu Liuxiang, she really believed the rumor.

We still have to rely on Zhu Mei!

Fan Dan thought so as he took a deep breath before pushing the door open and entering the teahouse room.

She has fantasized about Teacher Chu Liuxiang's face several times.

A gentle and elegant middle-aged man

A kind and wise old man

A man in his prime who has insight into the world

Well, it is still the first kind of author’s personality that is most suitable for Mr. Chu Liuxiang’s works.


Fan Dan knocked on the door and pushed in. He only had time to say a word and stared blankly at the young man sitting at the table in the room writing something.

It was definitely the coldest day in Huajing before the Spring Festival in February, so the light in the sky was not very good. Even in the afternoon, the room was lit with lights.

And the lights are so bright.

So Fan Dan saw the boy with half of his face exposed at a glance. The boy she had seen in a movie and was called "the most beautiful boy in the world".


Viewed from this angle, he still looks so handsome!

How could God carve out such a man? Doesn’t this drive us women crazy

It's a pity that my daughter is only a few years old and can't get married to this man!


Wait a minute! ! !

Didn't I come to talk to Teacher Chu Liuxiang about "The Gift of Room No. 7"

It’s not about talking to Teacher Lu Xiaofeng!

How could Shen Huan appear here

Did I go to the wrong room

While Fan Dan was thinking, he forgot what he should say.

Shen Huan also heard the commotion at this time, saw such a woman with a sharp temperament and good looks walking in, and knew that she was Fan Dan, the deputy dean of Beijing Dialogue.

Zhu Mei has already told him that Vice President Fan Dan is a very powerful person.

Not only is she a mainstay in the Huajing Theater, but she has also trained a large number of students and actors. Basically, after the current dean retires, she will be the dean.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to send an unimportant person to negotiate on such an important matter.

Today's drama market is not as bleak as it was ten or twenty years ago, but if you want to say how good it is, it's not even close.

If it weren't for the financial support from the state, and if there weren't so many actors willing to dedicate their acting skills on the drama stage, I'm afraid the domestic drama theaters would basically be able to survive.

Even so, most of the drama industry is average in strength, and the most powerful giants almost monopolize more than 70% of good actors and behind-the-scenes teams.

Beijing Dialogue is one of those giants. Their own conditions and environment are good, and their business conditions have been improving in recent years, but they also want to make a bigger breakthrough, so they took a fancy to "The Gift of Room No. 7".

Because he values it very much, the person sent can naturally decide what he says!

"Is it Teacher Fan?" Shen Huan stood up, "Please sit down!"


How does he still know me

Fan Dan was a little dazed, but he still said subconsciously: "Shen... Teacher Lu, I came to see Teacher Chu Liuxiangchu today. Hasn't he arrived yet?"

At this time, she also remembered that Lu Xiaofeng and Chu Liuxiang had worked together before, and maybe they knew each other.

Shen Huan has both a real name and a stage name. For someone as particular as she is, she naturally calls Shen Huan by her higher-status stage name to show respect.

After all, Lu Xiaofeng's reputation in the music industry is much higher than her reputation in the drama industry.

"We're here." Shen Huan pointed to herself, "Let me introduce myself, my name is Shen Huan, the name of the song writer is Lu Xiaofeng, and the name of the book writer is Chu Liuxiang, so when you come here today, you should talk to me about "Room No. 7" "Gift"

"you you you you… "

Fan Dan was so shocked that he couldn't even speak.

She couldn't believe it, and she really didn't believe it.

How is this possible!

Teacher Chu Liuxiang is certainly amazingly talented, but you, Teacher Lu Xiaofeng, are no less impressive!

How could you be the same person

How could one person have two such completely different and amazing talents? !

"I can lie to you, but Aunt Mei will never lie to you, right?" Shen Huan came over, closed the door tightly, and then said, "After you talk to me, if it is suitable, I can sign the contract on the spot. As long as Lu Xiaofeng is not crazy, and it is certainly impossible to pretend to be another person, right?"

Fan Dan took a few deep breaths and nodded slowly.


How idiotic a person must be to come here and pretend to be Teacher Chu Liuxiang

If Shen Huan is not Chu Liuxiang, but pretends to be Chu Liuxiang to negotiate and sign the contract, he will be legally responsible!

As everyone knows, Shen Huan is Lu Xiaofeng.

Shen Huan can be embarrassed like this, but can Teacher Lu Xiaofeng be embarrassed like this

No way!

Teacher Lu Xiaofeng's reputation in China is no worse than that of Teacher Chu Liuxiang. The two are definitely on the same level.

Besides, Zhu Mei had already told them that Teacher Chu Liuxiang would be waiting for Fan Dan here. There was no reason for him not to come himself and find Lu Xiaofeng instead.

But she was still a little dizzy.

Shen Huan is Lu Xiaofeng, which is surprising and admirable enough. If people knew that he was also Chu Liuxiang, I really don't know what kind of storm it would cause!

I'm afraid there won't be another genius like him in the whole country, right

No, there is no such person not only in China, but also in the whole world.

The last genius with such all-round talents was Leonardo da Vinci more than a thousand years ago.

"Lu... no, Teacher Chu, how did you develop all your skills?" Fan Dan walked to the table in a daze and sat down. He couldn't help but asked, "How can you write at such a young age?" "The Gift of Room No. 7"? This shouldn't have been written by a 16-year-old boy!"

Fan Dan actually admires Teacher Chu Liuxiang who wrote "The Gift from Room No. 7", "A Bowl of Yangchun Noodles" and "Love Letter".

As a person in the literary and artistic circles, she even vaguely admired this talented writer.

Women are so easily moved, and Fan Dan was indeed attracted by the story, so he often fantasized about what kind of person this teacher Chu Liuxiang was.

But now...

Looking at the boy who was more than twenty years younger than him, Fan Dan blushed a little.

Shen Huan did not answer, but instead asked her: "Isn't it true that the songs I wrote cannot be written by people of my age?"

Hearing this, Fan Dan was also speechless.

With the example of Lu Xiaofeng in front of you, it’s hard to ask why Chu Liuxiang could write such a book at the age of 16.

Maybe, this is genius!

The so-called genius is that talent is given by God, there is no other reason.