I Know Everything

Chapter 195: Unexpected poaching


The closer to the Spring Festival, the stronger the flavor of the new year becomes.

In terms of the inheritance and protection of ancient customs, Huajing’s New Year flavor is only slightly worse than that of eastern Guangdong, southern Fujian, and western Guangdong. There is no rival north of the Yangtze River.

In the past few days, Mr. Zhao Changshou, who had never been to Huajing in his life, took his old lady out for shopping when he had time.

Tang Yuan was from Huajing, so he naturally found a friend in a travel agency and asked him to send a driver and a tour guide to follow the old couple and give some introductions.

The old couple were recognized many times, and thanks to the driver and the tour guide, they were able to escape again and again without being so crowded that they couldn't walk.

Shen Huan also put down the proof paper of "Shen Huan's Proposition" that he was writing, and took Shui Qianyu to run around in the alleys of Huajing.

Shui Qianyu actually has no interest in these things. Lin'an's preservation of historical sites is not inferior to that of Huajing, and the city is prettier than Huajing. She has never been seen riding around all day long.

She mainly stayed with Shen Huan.

Shen Huan liked to wander around the alley, eat and drink, so she accompanied him.

Shui Qianyu was very happy about Shen Huan's 16-year-old boy's temperament revealed at this time.

It wouldn't be good if you act old-fashioned all the time.

As for Shui Qingshan and Xia He, they definitely wouldn't play with children, and I don't know where they hang out all day long. Anyway, it's not unusual for there to be no one in the room for a day or two.

Anyway, Xiao Shuishui will be thrown to Shen Huan in the future, so it's okay to let them get used to it in advance.


Of course, Shen Huan doesn't play all day long.

When he was in the room at night, he was writing his proof paper very seriously.

He doesn't write very fast, but at this pace, he should be able to finish it by the end of February.

After all, Shen Huan has already seen this paper, and now after discussing it with several professors, his understanding of the paper is not just that he knows it, but that he has a thorough understanding of it.

Under such circumstances, it was not difficult for Shen Huan to write a paper smoothly.

It's just that if he wants to write the paper in more detail and prove the process more carefully, he needs to be more careful.

That night, Shen Huan received a WeChat message from Han Donger.

Han Donger: Xiao Yan from Yanhuang Music came to see me yesterday and wanted to sign me after I left Yongren Studio.

The little diva's straightforward personality is directly reflected in her WeChat name, which is her real name.

The nickname of Buyiyi, a witch on Weibo, is reluctant to leave, which is completely different from the feeling she gives people.

It was said that since she met Buyiyi in Huajing, she would send messages and chat to Shen Huan every day, and she would also send photos of herself from time to time.

Of course, these photos are very serious life photos, and there is nothing transcendent.

But it can also be seen from this that Buyiyi is very interested in Shen Huan.

Work hard:! ? Xiao Yan? What the hell is he up to

Han Dong'er: It doesn't look like it. Look at the conditions he gave me.

When chatting on Wechat, Han Donger was not so cold and dull, and she talked more.

It's just that she never knew how to hide, and she always spoke straightforwardly.

After waiting for a while, Han Donger laid out the conditions.

Shen Huan looked even more surprised.

Yanhuang Music signed a contract with Han Dong'er for 5 years. Since the little diva joined, the signing bonus was 10 million yuan.

Yanhuang Music promised to produce 3 albums for Han Donger during the contract period, with the production cost of each album not less than 20 million, and the publicity cost not less than 20 million.

Yanhuang Music promised to give Han Donger at least five endorsement contracts with at least first-tier domestic brands during the contract period, with the endorsement fee split 50-50.

Yanhuang Music promised that during the contract period, if Han Donger needs it, it will prepare a concert for Han Donger with a production specification of 5 million yuan per concert, with no limit on the number of performances.

Yanhuang Music promises that during the contract period, it will not force Han Donger to perform any commercial performances, entertainment, or other affairs that are not in line with Han Donger's wishes.

There are a dozen such clauses listed in total.

It can be seen from this that the conditions Yanhuang Music prepared to offer Han Donger were very generous. It was not a tentative offer at all, and there was nothing ambiguous about it.

If it weren't for Xiao Yan's relationship, the terms of this contract would definitely be excellent.

Work hard: Dong'er, why did Xiao Yan come to you? Doesn't he know that he and I have a problem

Han Dong'er: It's because I know he did something wrong before, so this time Yanhuang Music wants to sign me, it's him who will do it, so that if it were someone else, you would still be worried and think he was behind it... This is what Xiao said. Yan said it himself.

Work hard: Hey, he is really self-aware.

Han Donger: He said that he already knew that he was wrong. Disputes and conflicts in business are secondary. The most important thing is that everyone benefits. By signing a contract with me, not only can he get a future diva, but he can also mend his relationship with teacher Lu Xiaofeng. This is a great thing for Yanhuang Music, and it is also a redemption for himself. So why does he need to do something weird

Work hard: Tsk tsk, this is not very similar to the Xiao Yan I know!

Han Donger: The contract that Xiao Yan got was not the kind that had hundreds of pages. It was written very clearly and simply. And he said that we can ask others to help us look at it, including Lan Kai.

Work hard: It seems a bit real!

Han Donger: I think so too.

Work hard: So what are you going to do

Han Dong'er: Help me decide. Sun Yan doesn't understand, and neither do I.

Shen Huan was speechless for a moment, thinking to herself, Dong'er, you really can trust me.

But when I think about it, if the little queen trusts me so much, it means her dependence on me is getting stronger and stronger.

So when she arrives, can she escape from the clutches of others

Thinking of this, Shen Huan immediately started thinking about the matter itself.

According to Xiao Yan's attitude, he should be very frank.

Maybe he didn't say these words to Han Dong'er at all, but to Shen Huan.

He is showing Shen Huan that he is a person who pursues interests, and other appearances are irrelevant.

In fact, he is a real villain.

The current combination of Teacher Lu Xiaofeng and Han Donger is not something he can shake with small means, and it can also bring him huge benefits. Of course he will adopt a humble attitude.

From the perspective of Han Donger's own development prospects, apart from Xiao Yan, Shen Huan also feels that Yanhuang Music is the most suitable company for her.

Even though Phoenix Records seems certain to sign Han Dong'er, it's still not certain.

the reason is simple.

Phoenix Records has diva Zhou Jing and little diva Liu Fuler, one big and one small standing here. Han Donger had to face competition from the two of them in the past.

It is unlikely that there will be much preferential treatment given the tilt of various resources.

After all, for a company as big as Phoenix Records, it's impossible for a company to abandon its old man just because of a new person, right

This is unjustifiable from any aspect.

Not to mention that Phoenix Records has now signed a contract with Li Bi, the second runner-up in "I Sing My Song". This beautiful girl with great stage appeal will definitely take up a lot of resources. Han Dong'er even has to compete with her.

Totem Music, another one of the Big Three, is in a similar situation. They also have a queen, Xu Ping. When Han Donger goes there, she will also have to compete with Xu Ping.

In contrast, Yanhuang Music only has the king Zhu Shengyu and the little king Fu Bufan. Although there are a few female singers here, they are not as good as Han Donger. Therefore, after Han Donger goes there, she must be the target of the focus of resources.

As long as Yanhuang Music is not stupid, they will definitely be willing to train Han Dong'er and set a benchmark for female singers of their own. They can even expect Han Dong'er to become the third queen of the music industry!

Whether a music company has a superstar in charge is a major proof of its status in the world.

Why is Yanhuang Music always under Totem Music and Phoenix Records, even if they are backed by the giant Yanhuang Pictures

Isn't it that the quantity and quality of their singers are not as good as those of the two established music companies

There are kings and queens, little kings and queens, and a lot of powerful singers. Your Yanhuang music has less than ten singers in total. How can you compare with others

It is also for this reason that after careful selection, Li Bi of "I Sing My Song" did not choose Yanhuang Music, which had better conditions, but chose Phoenix Records.

If you think about it this way, Yanhuang music is really more suitable.

Li Bike didn't have teacher Lu Xiaofeng to help her write songs, otherwise she would definitely have chosen Yanhuang music.

Thinking of this, Shen Huan sent a message to Han Dong'er.

Work hard: At present, Yanhuang Music has the best conditions, but we are not in a hurry. We will wait until your album is released and then take a look.

Han Donger: Okay.

Work hard: Did Xiao Yan urge you to sign the contract early

Han Donger: No, he said there was no rush. They were very sincere. If I had to wait until the new album came out, they would be prepared to adjust the price then. But it only goes up, not down.

Work hard: Okay, you can go and collect songs recently. I won’t be able to give you songs until after the Spring Festival.

Han Donger: Yeah. I will watch your show later.

Work hard:o(^o^)o

After the chat ended, Shen Huan didn't think too much about Phoenix Records' possible reaction.

This is a commercial society. Shen Huan does not have to be responsible for Phoenix Records. He only needs to take care of Han Donger's interests and future.

If Phoenix Records is willing to offer the same conditions after Han Donger's second album becomes a hit, then it's not impossible to consider it.

But I guess this is also very confusing.

Even if Lan Kai and Tang Yuan were both at Phoenix Records, it would be impossible for their boss to give so much of the female singer's resources to Han Dong'er.

At that time, as long as the conditions of Yanhuang Music are given out, I believe they will understand.

If you are a true friend, you will definitely not be angry about this.

If you are angry, you are not a true friend.

If you are not a friend, I don’t care who you are

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