I Know Everything

Chapter 196: Revealed! (1st update)


Before you know it, it’s New Year’s Eve.

On the evening of this day, Huaxia TV's "Ye Wan Report" broadcast a special episode.

Shen Huan was having dinner with Shui Qianyu at this time, and was shocked when he saw the special episode broadcast in the hotel.

Because this special episode happened to be about Mr. Zhao Changshou and his wife Jiang Hui, but Zhao Changshou never told him about the interview.

The reporters from China Television interviewed them in Beijing.

At this time, Jiang Hui's condition had improved a lot after more than half a month of treatment, but she was still a little weak and unable to walk.

But her mind is already very clear and her ability to express herself is basically normal.

However, Jiang Hui still couldn't remember clearly the circumstances when she met Shen Huan and Han Dong'er.

This is what Zhao Changshou will tell.

"I was eliminated from the top 64 to the top 32 that day. I thought that my dream of letting my old lady see me singing on TV was fulfilled, so I was ready to go home. Who knew that there was a small grocery store downstairs in the hotel? When the boss and wife said goodbye, somehow, Teacher Lu and Miss Donger also came here and heard our farewell.

Then you will know what happened next. With the help of Teacher Lu and Miss Donger, I won the championship all the way. To be honest, this is something I never imagined, and even now, I feel like I’m dreaming! Not to mention that I am about to participate in a late performance because of it! "

After Zhao Changshou finished speaking, the camera moved to the downstairs of a hotel.

The narration explained that this was the hotel where Zhao Changshou and his wife stayed, and the grocery store that appeared on the camera was also very eye-catching.

This kind of old-fashioned grocery store, you can tell at a glance that it is the kind that has been open for decades and serves the neighbors. It is a place that is well-informed about the surrounding gossip.

"Oh, I remember what happened that night very clearly!" The landlady's face appeared in the camera. She smiled and sighed: "Brother Zhao and his sister-in-law are really miserable people. My sister-in-law has Alzheimer's disease. Seeing that she was about to forget many things, Brother Zhao wanted to give her a good memory while she could still remember things.

Although my sister-in-law has no obstacles to her movement and thinking now, she still has some inconveniences, so when Brother Zhao went to compete, she stayed in the store to watch the competition with us.

When Brother Zhao was eliminated, my sister-in-law quietly wiped away her tears. I saw this but didn't say anything, because she thought no one knew! Brother Zhao failed to break through. We are very sorry to have to leave Lin'an, but there is nothing we can do about it, right? That's how the game is, there are successes and failures. It's enough for Brother Zhao to fulfill his wish.

Unexpectedly, just as we were saying goodbye, three people suddenly came out from behind them. We were all shocked at the time. Finally, when the two leading men and women took off their sunglasses and masks, we saw that the beautiful little girl was Han Donger, the judge of the competition! That handsome boy, we later found out, was Teacher Lu Xiaofeng.

They were standing in the back and heard what we said. They were also very moved when they learned that Brother Zhao came to participate in this audition in order to give his sister-in-law the best memories and hear himself singing on the stage.

In order to further let Brother Zhao have no regrets and allow his sister-in-law to hear more of his singing, Han Donger asked Teacher Lu to write songs for Brother Zhao. At that time, I was still thinking, how could you, a child who hasn't grown up yet, make good songs? Hey, it turned out that he was really so miraculous that Brother Zhao won the final victory! "

The boss also added, "We also watched the last championship game. At that time, Teacher Lu pushed his sister-in-law to the scene. It must be so that Brother Zhao could see his wife watching him sing live during his last stage performance... I didn’t expect that there would be so many people making irresponsible remarks about this matter. Why is Brother Zhao using this to gain sympathy

Your hearts are too dark! Teacher Lu didn’t think that much at all! He simply wanted to fulfill the wishes of the two old men! If he really wanted to gain sympathy through this, wouldn't it have been possible for him to advance earlier by telling him about the situation at Brother Zhao's family and his sister-in-law's Alzheimer's disease? "

The camera returned to Zhao Changshou.

Zhao Changshou also watched the video of the interview with the grocery store owner and his wife.

He was crying before he knew it.

This is when he recalled the difficulties and hardships at the beginning, as well as the various good fortunes after meeting Shen Huan and Han Donger, which not only enabled him to fulfill his wife's wish, but also gained the hope and ability to improve his wife's condition. .

"All of them are good people," the old man said. "There was something they didn't let me say. But I know that if I don't say it now, I won't be able to say it again when I return to my hometown in the mountains! In order to let everyone know that I have met many, many good people and let you know their silent dedication, I must say it!

After the game, Teacher Lu wanted to ask an acquaintance to help see if there was any possibility of delaying my wife’s Alzheimer’s disease, so he called Director Hua of the program team. Because he is a native of Lin’an, he will definitely have more solutions. Some.

Little did he know that he was having dinner with a group of people including Teacher Tang Yuan, Teacher Fu Bufan, Teacher Lan Kai, Teacher Wang Zhao, and Miss Buyiyi. He failed to keep the secret at the dinner table, so when everyone came over, they all knew. my situation.

We went to the hospital the next day, and the professor told us that it was possible to delay the onset of the old woman's condition, and the effect would be good, but more money would be spent. If you want the best results in the next ten years or so, it will cost about 3 million if you add up all these things!

3 million is an astronomical figure. How can I, an ordinary farmer, have so much money? Even if Teacher Lu and Miss Han Donger refused to accept the previous championship bonus of 1 million, it would not be enough!

A group of teachers said at the time that they were responsible for donating money to me and ensuring that I would get 3 million so that I could properly treat the old woman and live a more comfortable and happy life with her. But I still didn't agree. For my own sake, it was really embarrassing and unnecessary to accept their care for no reason.

In the end, Teacher Lu Xiaofeng came up with an idea. He decided to let me make a music album. After selling it, 20% of the money would be given to me to treat the old woman. The rest of the money, besides paying for others to write songs, would be donated to Charity. The specific donation matters were completed by Teacher Tang Yuan hard and alone.

The album name "The Love of Life" was also chosen by teacher Lu Xiaofeng. He said that it represented the life of my wife and me. I don't have much education, but I think this name is very nice and touching. Thank you very much for choosing such a good album name!

Oh, by the way, I also want to explain that there are 10 songs in the album. Teacher Lu’s 6 songs did not charge a penny, and teachers Wang Zhao and Fu Bufan’s songs did not charge any money either. They are all free. Director Hua didn't charge for helping to find a recording studio, and Teacher Lan Kai didn't charge for being the producer. There was also the 'Horse Band' who joined in later. Their hard work was in vain and they helped me score the music for free. The publicity of Miss Dong'er and Miss Yiyi is also voluntary.

I watched the news recently, and many people on the Internet were talking about how much money our group would make and how much money we would have to eat. But what you said is wrong. My old man swears on my lifelong reputation that only the old woman and I have enjoyed this money. The rest of the good-hearted people have not received even a penny of benefit at all.

I took this money for myself, but if there is any extra, I will donate it all, just like all the teachers. But they are different. They are all doing good things without taking any money. You cannot misunderstand them like this.

So I want to use the platform of China Television to clear their grievances here. Because I know that if I don't speak out, many of you will continue to misunderstand them! "

By the end, Zhao Changshou was already in tears.

Even the female reporter from China TV station who was listening to him had red eyes.

Just listening to it, you will know that it is really not easy for Zhao Changshou to come through this journey.

At the same time, she was very touched because Zhao Changshou met so many kind people along the way.

Whether it's Teacher Lu Xiaofeng, Han Dong'er, Lan Kai, Tang Yuan or the others...

It is precisely because of so many good people that we can create such a miracle, a happy story that can make people feel warm and touching in the cold winter.

At this time, the female reporter from China Television had no idea that her interview would be broadcast on such an important New Year's Eve moment and would be of such a long length.

The original request for interviewing Zhao Changshou was just for a piece of material, maybe one or two minutes, or three or five minutes.

They filmed for more than an hour and then sent it back for the final decision on which section to broadcast.

But after seeing the very strong positive energy in it, the top management of China Television decided to make it into a program and broadcast it separately.

Facts have proved that this approach is correct.

Shen Huan lowered his head as soon as he saw the show. He just listened.

After the show ended, everyone eating in the restaurant was filled with emotion.

"Tsk tsk, look, it's not easy for the old man! The old lady is so pitiful! Fortunately, things are developing very well now!"

"Let me just say, Teacher Lu Xiaofeng is not the kind of person who puts on a show and begs for sympathy. How about it? Now prove that I am right! People pushed the old lady out to listen to Mr. Zhao Changshou sing. That was the most correct decision! Who was it at that time? Do you think Mr. Zhao still has Yan Wan available?"

"They are so willing to give up! I heard that "The Love of My Life" has sold a very high record sales volume! Tens of millions of dollars were donated just like that? Is it true?"

"Bullshit! Can it be fake? Can the fake China TV station report it for you?"

"That's true. I also believe that there is still a lot of beauty in this world!"

"What a superficial idiot I am! When Teacher Tang Yuan and others helped promote "The Love of Life", I scolded them for being short of money and crazy for accepting such an advertisement!"

"Who says it's not the case? I thought so too. I just thought there must be some benefit in it! I didn't expect that not only would it not make any money, but it would also be a waste of effort!"

"The most generous one is our sister Xiaofeng, okay? He is the bulk of the tens of millions of donations! He has six songs!"

"So, Teacher Lu Xiaofeng is the person we need most in our society!"


Listening to these comments and looking at Shen Huan who was lowering his head to eat next to him, Shui Qianyu unconsciously showed a sweet smile on his lips.

Of course she knew about the album donation.

What she is happy about right now is Shen Huan's pure heart. Even after becoming famous, it has not changed at all~~