I Know Everything

Chapter 197: The God of Song’s Dinner Party (Second Update) (Revised)


This program broadcast by China Television on New Year’s Eve had a huge impact.

It actually solved many mysteries surrounding the release of the "Love of My Life" album during and after "I Sing My Song".

Many people who had been confused before finally had a satisfactory solution to their confusion.

Many people who had scolded Zhao Changshou, Shen Huan and even the show crew on the Internet took the initiative to apologize.

"I'm sorry, I came here to curse the old man and the old woman without knowing the real situation! Please forgive me for being young and ignorant. I know I was wrong!"

"I owe Sister Xiaofeng an apology! You are really not a money-grubbing person. With your kindness, I support you and my idol Dong'er to be together!"

"I don't know what kind of evil I have, but I have no brains to follow those guys on the Internet who are afraid of chaos in the world! Are you okay now? Have you wronged a good person? I am really a pig!"

"It turns out they are all good people! I used to be disappointed with this society, but now I feel that we still have a lot of backbone!"

"Ahem, I have used two mobile phone numbers to download "The Love of Life". Tomorrow I am going to buy an offline album to collect! I am not doing charity, I am just supporting the old man and Sister Xiaofeng!"

"You reminded me, I will buy online right away!"

“Poor students can only buy digital albums!”


They didn't just apologize one by one, there were a lot of people supporting and apologizing despite the meager amount of money from the relevant people.

Shen Huan is not as humble as himself, but the "Like Pipi Shrimp" has long been a fan base for Teacher Lu Xiaofeng.

Just under the post "Sister Xiaofeng is Mighty" opened by "Like Pipi Xia", there were more than 320,000 messages in half a day.

Fans of the "Happy Fan Group" are extremely motivated and have no regrets about falling in love with Shen Huan.

In real life, the power of the program is also evident.

For example, in the afternoon of the next day, Tang Yuan called Shen Huan.

"Teacher Lu, are you free tonight?" Tang Yuan said cheerfully, "Su Mo would like to treat us to a drink tonight."

"Who else?" Shen Huan asked.

"It's gone for the time being." Tang Yuandao, "But don't worry, even if there are one or two people coming, they are not outsiders, and no one will bother us!"


Shen Huan readily agreed.

He also believed in Tang Yuan's guarantee.

It would be a joke if all those irrelevant and boring people would come to a dinner party with Tang Yuan and Su Mo.

It can even be said that those singers who are not of sufficient quality cannot participate.

At 6 o'clock in the evening, Shen Huan arrived at the dining place in a taxi.

This is a very famous private restaurant in Huajing, located in the alley.

When Shen Huan came over, Tang Yuan's assistant was waiting at the door. When he saw him, he quickly introduced him into the courtyard.

There were several yellow lights in the courtyard that had darkened at this time.

There was a coffee table placed in the open space of the small courtyard. Tang Yuan and a man with his back to Shen Huan were talking and drinking tea.

"Hey, Xiao Huan is here!" Tang Yuan stood up with a smile.

Since the two collaborated on "The Love of Life", Tang Yuan no longer calls "Teacher Lu" politely, but instead uses a more affectionate title.

The man in woolen clothes opposite him also stood up and looked back.

Shen Huan saw his face at this time and was amazed.

He originally thought that the face of a high school student was the most handsome man in the world.

But the face in front of him was definitely not inferior to his own.

It can even be said that although the owner of this face is not as good as a high school student in terms of youth, the years of accumulation and the temperament of a mature man are beyond the reach of high school students.

Each has its own merits, indeed each has its own merits!

Thoughts flashed by, and when the man showed a bright smile, Shen Huan also smiled and stepped forward, "Teacher Su, I have admired you for a long time, it is such a pleasure to meet you!"

"What is Teacher Su? Call me Brother Mo!" Su Mo looked at Shen Huan who was walking in front of him and patted his shoulder cheerfully, "You are more handsome than in the movie. You are worthy of being the person who surpassed me!"

His heroic movements are not very similar to his handsome temperament.

And when Su Mo spoke, you didn't need to look too much to feel the sincerity in his words.

"Appearances are given by your parents and cannot be used for comparison." Shen Huan said, "But Brother Mo, I have always admired your achievements and character. They are also the role models and goals that I have always wanted to learn from."

Su Mo is a really nice person.

Since his debut, he has been known to like to support his younger generation, and he is also known to be enthusiastic in his dealings with others.

Even in terms of personality, he doesn't like to be in the limelight, but in the music world, no matter how outstanding anyone is, not even Tang Yuan can suppress him.

This is an idol worthy of worship in a true sense.

Take this Zhao Changshou finals incident and the subsequent "Love of My Life" incident as examples. Su Mo always supported Shen Huan and helped him speak up.

This favor was the main reason why Shen Huan definitely came to give face today, and it was not because the person who invited him to dinner was the king of music.

"Ha ha… "

Amidst laughter, Su Mo pulled him to sit down, "You admire me, and I admire you too! I like every song you made! But unfortunately, none of them are suitable for me, otherwise I have to compete with Brother Yuan no matter what!"

"Come on, I've already suffered enough." Tang Yuan poured a cup of tea for Shen Huan, "'Song of a Hero' was supposed to be mine, but look at the result! Now Brother Sheng is holding it and singing with great success. Since then, the whole country has regarded this song as a phenomenon and praised him for his great style!"

"Isn't this a bonus from the TV series!" Su Mo smiled and shook his head.

"Water Margin" was aired in January before the Spring Festival. Originally, this TV series cost nearly 100 million, and it attracted a lot of attention. In addition, Zhou Pu himself was also good at filming, so it was very popular as soon as it came out. It occupies very high ratings.

Starting from the third day of broadcast, the 8 o'clock ratings have successfully exceeded 2%. This is not something that everyone can achieve!

Shonan Satellite TV, which spent a lot of money to buy the first broadcast rights of "Water Margin", finally breathed a sigh of relief.

For a time, "Song of Heroes" also entered thousands of households with the broadcast of "Water Margin", adding a touch of heroic spirit to this Spring Festival.

The "Journey Band" who sang this song also came into the eyes of more people.

They used to only have their own status among rock fans, but now after such a "hero song", they suddenly became a hot idol group.

God knows why a group of old men in their forties are called an idol group the same as a group of young people.

But no matter what, the fact that "Horse Band" has become popular is a fact that cannot be ignored.

Tang Yuan was not jealous of their popularity, but he was very depressed that such a good song that was well-known to everyone had slipped away from him.

The more popular "Song of a Hero" became, the more regretful Tang Yuan became.

"What's wrong, is this?"

Inadvertently, a question came from the door.

Shen Huan turned around and realized that it was another familiar face, it was Fei Qingyang, the movie superstar and movie king.

"Qingyang, come and comfort your brother Yuan." Su Mo smiled and waved, but did not stand up. "He is mentioning "Song of a Hero" again. Let's have two drinks with him tonight. Drunk relieves a thousand sorrows!"


Fei Qingyang walked over with a smile, but first greeted Shen Huan, "Hello, Teacher Lu! I am Fei Qingyang!"

"Teacher Fei, I grew up watching your movies. You don't dare to call me teacher." Shen Huan stood up and said politely to him.

Fei Qingyang immediately grimaced, "I'm only 35 years old. When you put it like that, I feel older than Brother Yuan."

"Go away!" Tang Yuan also laughed, "I am in my prime, okay?"

Su Mo, who laughed together, looked at the time, stood up and said, "Let's go, it should be ready now! Xiao Huan, you can try the authentic palace cuisine today, it tastes good!"


Shen Huan nodded in response.

In his previous life, he had never eaten palace food.

Although I am not very interested in the emperor's life, tasting this delicious food is also a kind of comfort in life!

Fei Qingyang was right beside him.

As he walked, he said to Shen Huan: "Teacher Lu, have you heard the song I sang?"

Shen Huan was slightly startled.

A great movie star actually mentioned singing.

Then he remembered that Fei Qingyang was actually a singer, but in the past five years, he had only released seven or eight singles, which were not as good as the two albums he had released when he first started struggling. diligent.

It's not that Fei Qingyang is lazy, in fact this superstar is very diligent.

His work schedule is full 350 days a year, which means he will have about ten days off during the Spring Festival.

As soon as he started working, Fei Qingyang kept working.

He wants to make movies, do advertising endorsements, do variety shows, and also sing... But compared to his acting skills, Fei Qingyang's singing really has nothing outstanding.

"I've heard of it." Shen Huan nodded while thinking.

"Then do you think I have the potential to become a famous singer?" Fei Qingyang looked at him expectantly.

"Aren't you already a famous singer?" Shen Huan said in surprise.

Although Fei Qingyang is not a Little King-level singer, he often appears in some performances, and the appearance fee is quite high.

"Hey, that's just the favor they gave me as the actor." Fei Qingyang said, "Actually, I don't even have any masterpieces, so how can I be considered a famous singer? You don't know how much I envy those superstar singers who can sing on stage. For example, Brother Yuan and Brother Mo, I can’t even mention their style and typhoon!”

Shen Huan understood at this time.

It seems that the actor came here for more than just eating.