I Know Everything

Chapter 199: New Year's Eve, behind the stage (first update)


Wednesday, February 18th, New Year's Eve.

No matter how dissatisfied and complained everyone is, in fact, Yan Wan is the program with the highest ratings and the most viewers in the country throughout the year.

Don't worry about how noisy young people are. As long as they are over 30 years old, they will still watch "Xie Wan" obediently. Even if they don't finish watching it, they will watch it for a while.

This is similar to the custom of the Japanese Ben people.

Young Japanese people can eat bread, milk, and Western food with great enthusiasm. After the age of 50, they basically return to a life of white rice, miso soup, and Japanese cuisine.

Yan Wan has become an absolutely indispensable part in the lives of Chinese people.

After noon, there was a bustling scene like a farmer's market around Huaxia TV's Xie Wan studio hall.

Here, you can see big-name celebrities walking around in simple clothes, and you can see female celebrities who have always been elegant and beautiful, all yelling something.

Although a group of young backup dancers had already prepared, they were all trembling with fear because of the busy and tense atmosphere.

In addition, they had an early lunch and were not allowed to eat in the evening for fear of accidents during the performance, so they were croaking from hunger at five or six o'clock.

Fortunately, today's children are well-nourished, so going hungry is not a big problem.

Shen Huan, Shui Qianyu and Zhao Changshou were all sitting in a small room.

They have already put on their makeup and are now waiting to appear.

Because "A Laugh in the Sea" is a designated program, they are treated very well. They can sit in a small room with the heater blowing on and wait comfortably for the performance.

Many actors, especially the backup dancers, were lucky enough to have stools sitting in the corners of the hall and corridors, and some simply sat on the ground, which did not match the glamorous scene after they came on stage.

As soon as 8 o'clock arrives, the evening program begins.

Jiang Hui left the room early at this time and went to sit at Yan Wan's venue, watching the performance with great interest.

Because it was the first time for Zhao Changshou to be on such a stage, even though he had participated in three rehearsals, he still felt a little uneasy.

The closer he gets to playing time, the more so.

The focus of late nights lies in the two hours between 9 and 10 o'clock.

For example, the most important language program must be after 10 o'clock, because everyone has watched the program for two hours and is the time when they are tired. A big meal at this time can support everyone to continue watching and watch 12 The New Year's bell rings.

Although fewer and fewer people can watch the 12 o'clock evening show now, accounting for less than one-third of the country's population, the arrangement of language programs has continued.

The 9 o'clock time period is usually the most important moment of the singing program.

Therefore, "A Laugh in the Sea" was arranged in this time period.

According to strict time, that is 9:35.

There was a kettle on the small table. Others thought it contained boiling water, but only Shen Huan and the other three knew that it was wine.

During the first three rehearsals, Zhao Changshou did not drink to increase the appeal of his performance, but for the formal performance, he definitely needed some wine to calm his nerves and cheer up his spirit.

It's only 8:30 now, and he's already looking at the wine bottle, obviously wanting to take a sip.

Shen Huan didn't talk about it, but brought up other things to divert his attention.

"Old man, can you guess how much our album has been sold now?" the young man asked him.

"How much?" Zhao Changshou thought for a while, "A week ago, the online sales were 7 million, right? Offline sales seemed to be 400,000? Now it should be 10 million online and 600,000 offline, right?"

Zhao Changshou made an album by himself, so he knew a lot about music.

It's too profound for him to understand, but he still understands the pattern of music products selling well at first and then slowly reducing sales.

Don't think this is common sense.

I don’t know how many records there are that sell out immediately upon release and have no chance of slowly decreasing.

"The Love of My Life" is a typical super record. The slogans of the media and fans have gone from being rare in ten years to exaggeratedly saying that they are rare in thirty years.

30 years…

In 30 years, where would you put Tang Yuan and Su Mo at their peak

Where were you when people sold four to five million copies of their offline music

No matter how powerful "The Love of Life" is, it will never be able to exceed 3 million copies. This is a fact that even Shen Huan admitted when chatting with Tang Yuan and Su Mo.

no way.

How can young people today have the time and energy to play records and listen to them

Being able to pay to download and listen to it on your mobile phone is already the greatest support.

Of course, you can also say that the digital record sales of "The Love of My Life" will definitely be difficult for even the three kings to catch up with.

In less than two weeks, it has exceeded 7 million, ranking first in China.

Guan Yili, who just created an online single sales history some time ago, is not yet secure in his throne and will soon be surpassed by "The Love of My Life".

Moreover, "The Love of My Life" is an album, and "Tolerance" is just a single.

From this we can also know how terrifyingly powerful "The Love of My Life" is!

"Old man, you underestimate the power of China TV Station." Shen Huan smiled, "As of yesterday's data, 15 million albums have been sold online and 800,000 albums have been sold offline."

"What!?" Zhao Changshou didn't even care about the upcoming performance, "So many?"

"That's not much." Shen Huan shook his head.

"Not much?" Zhao Changshou opened his eyes and said, "I've heard them say it a long time ago. Including Mr. Tang, their online sales are only 5 million, and offline sales are less than 200,000! Our results this time are already very impressive! Now we have such a huge increase in just over a week, which is really an unexpected surprise!"

There was ambiguity in his words, but both Shen Huan and Shui Qianyu knew that the "unexpected surprise" Zhao Changshou mentioned was that when sales improved, everyone would donate more, not that he would get more.

Even if he can get 20% of the share, he will donate it except for some necessary expenses.

"If compared to normal times, this is definitely a lot, and the power of the China TV interview is enough." Shen Huan explained, "But you ignore that we are about to perform in Yanwan. The Yanwan stage is very important for The role of a star in promoting a song is absolutely unimaginable. Although you will no longer appear on these stages, your "Love of Life" album will definitely benefit from it. "

"According to what you said, Teacher Lu, can it still rise a lot more?" Zhao Changshou was inevitably looking forward to it.

For him, his whole life depends on just one album. Even if he doesn't have a good reputation, it is inevitable that he would not want to leave his name in the history of the music industry at this time.

That's what "The Love of a Lifetime" does.

"At least double." Shen Huan said with a smile, "Within one month after the end of the year, sales will increase by at least 50%. Master, you will wait and see!"

Listening to Shen Huan's words, Zhao Changshou's breathing became a little tight.

As he said just now, he knows everyone's sales comparison.

If he could really achieve what Shen Huan predicted, it would be impossible for him not to remain famous for a hundred years!

Thinking of this, Zhao Changshou was even more looking forward to tonight's performance.

He clenched his fists and secretly encouraged himself.

Old Zhao, Old Zhao, whether it is for Teacher Lu and others who support you, for your wife, or for yourself, there is no reason for you to fail in your performance!

I looked up at the time, it was almost 9 o'clock.

Zhao Changshou took a deep breath, picked up the wine bottle, and took a sip.

The spicy white wine flows in your mouth and throat, bringing waves of heat.

This heat seemed to be his heart at this moment, extremely hot.