I Know Everything

Chapter 202: The creditor who comes to your door (first update)


The evening has ended for several days, and the new year has officially entered.

But the aftermath of the whole incident has not dissipated.

In particular, "A Laugh in the Sea", which is already certain to be awarded the first prize, has aroused huge attention.

Both online and offline, the "Love of My Life" album containing this song is selling at a crazy sales speed.

Even during the off-season period in various stores during the Spring Festival, "The Love of My Life" was still very popular in record stores and on the three major music websites.

Even optical discs are sold at an average of 100,000 copies a day. Are you afraid

People in the music industry, whether they were singers or staff behind the scenes, were all dumbfounded, but they had to believe this fact.

The first to react were the major record companies.

Even though they all know that Zhao Changshou will never sing again, taking care of his wife, helping her recover, and spending the rest of his life with her are what Zhao Changshou cares about, but this does not mean that they are willing to let so much money slip away from them. Let’s go!

Not to mention anything else, as long as you sign Zhao Changshou, hold 10 concerts for him, and sing 10 songs from "The Love of Life", you can earn more than 10 million yuan in one concert!

Strike while the iron is hot. If you release another album in a few months, at least half of the sales of "The Love of My Life" will be achieved, right? Otherwise, one third is still an astonishing number!

If things go on like this, within three to five years, how gratifying will it be to see the benefits and reputation that the album brings to the company

Maybe Teacher Lu Xiaofeng will write more songs because of this, so that she can praise more singers like Guan Yili. What's wrong!

What a pleasure!


However, neither Phoenix Records, Totem Music, nor Yanhuang Music were successful.

Zhao Changshou didn't even answer their calls. His new phone number was only given to those people who had helped him.

After everyone couldn't contact him, when they wanted to find this group of people, they found that there was still no one.

Director Hua refused to admit that he had a phone call even to death.

The members of the "Horse Band" hung up the phone directly.

Lan Kai and Tang Yuan went to the mountains for a vacation.

Wang Zhao also turned off his phone and ignored the outside world.

Han Dong'er threw her phone to Sun Yan as usual and couldn't find her.

Little Heavenly King Fu Bufan admitted that he had Zhao Changshou's phone number, but he said, "It is my personal dignity to keep secrets for my friends. If you ask me to tell you, then you are asking me to die. Is that what you mean?"

Now that you have said this, how can others dare to ask for your number again

Buyiyi, who has always been smooth, is much smarter.

"Teacher Lu doesn't allow me to tell others, otherwise I will never get his songs again in this life! Just be okay and give me a chance to become a real singer. Thank you!" Xiao Hua Dan said on the phone She was so tearful that it was hard to force her anymore.

As for the most important Shen Huan, not many people are qualified to call him.

There is no one who has the ability to force him to do things.

Compared to Zhao Changshou, everyone is definitely more unwilling to fall out with Sister Xiaofeng, otherwise what will happen if they can't get his songs in the future

Teacher Lu Xiaofeng is only 16 years old! There will be at least 40 years of creative time in the future. If you offend him, you really don’t want to develop in the music industry! !

In other words, if you offend Teacher Lu Xiaofeng, he will help your opponent.

You spend a lot of money to package a singer, and when you want to harvest popularity and make money, suddenly an unknown person comes across from you, sings the songs of Teacher Lu Xiaofeng, and competes with your singer on the same stage... No matter what the result, any fool can do it Think about it.

Even if Teacher Lu Xiaofeng’s songs cannot crush your singer, it will be difficult for you to succeed if you are blocked like this!

Who wouldn’t feel sad if half of the singers and albums that were spent tens of millions or more were ruined

This is just one.

What if three or five of them are like this

Are you still alive

Therefore, after Shen Huan shut down his phone, few people came to see him again.

To be called the top being in the industry, those bosses are of course good people and will not do stupid things.

But there are some people who can always find a way.

After the third day of junior high school, Cui Zhong from Shanhai.com came to visit Shen Huan with a lot of gifts.

All right.

This is Shen Huan's creditor.

Who told Zheng Rongrong, the eldest princess of Shanhai.com, to spend hundreds of millions in publicity expenses to force "Love Letter" into the top 20 box office results in the country

For such a generous collaborator, Shen Huan had to give face no matter what when he sent someone here to continue the cooperation.

What is the most important thing for a person in the world of martial arts





A heart that never dies



The most important thing is to have big legs to hold!

Zheng Rongrong obviously has super diamond-level invincible legs. How could Shen Huan stupidly push her away

Therefore, he agreed to give a suitable song to the singers of Shanhai.com at the right time.

In fact, Cui Zhong didn't care much about this matter. He was not very interested in celebrities like singers.

Teacher Lu Xiaofeng is the number one music prodigy in the world, so it would be the best to have him.

But his most important task is what the eldest princess ordered - to sign Shen Huan and make him the top superstar of Shanhai.com in the next 20 years, just like Chen Hao, just like Sun Dahe, just like Just like Jin Weijie.

In Shanhai.com, the princess's wishes are definitely the most important, more important than signing Teacher Lu Xiaofeng.

Of course, it would be better if Shen Huan could sign teacher Lu Xiaofeng's contract with Shanhai.com at the same time.

But Cui Zhongdu is almost 40 years old, how can he be so naive

Shen Huan's contract as an entertainer is barely a luxury. If you want to include the incomparable Xiaofeng in Shanhai.com, you can only say that you haven't woken up yet.

Therefore Cui Zhong is very realistic.

He planned to start with a small cooperation with Shen Huan, slowly become friends, or partners, and then talk about other things.

Once he gets used to working with a company, he will definitely rely on that company, and then it will be his own opportunity.

"Teacher Lu, you have really stole the show recently!" Sitting in Shen Huan's small courtyard, Cui Zhong said with emotion, "If before the Spring Festival, you were only the number one lyricist and songwriter among the people, Then after the end of the year, your reputation is already the number one in the music industry! This is really unimaginable!"

With Yan Wan's program and the endorsement from that interview, as long as Shen Huan doesn't make people angry in the future, then he will be a noble existence in the music world.

This has nothing to do with his strength, it is purely a manifestation of status.

"These are all false names." Shen Huan shook his hand with a calm expression.

If Cui Zhong didn't know him well, he would definitely think that Shen Huan was pretending.

But as long as you have more contact with Shen Huanduo, you will know that he is like this.

Otherwise, can you imagine that a promising actor whose first movie set a box office record would go back to school directly after the movie

Otherwise, can you imagine that a songwriter who is the number one in the world, a songwriter who can sell a song for 2 million, still goes to class honestly every day

If it were anyone else, I wouldn’t dare to say everything, but few would be willing to live such an ordinary life, right

"I think it doesn't matter what you say, what matters is what this person does." Cui Zhong sighed again, "You have made so much money, but you have never bought even a luxury car or a mansion. , not to mention any extravagance, but instead continue to do charity. Such people are really worthy of people's admiration!"


Speaking of this, it is a sad thing.

Shen Huan was in pain inside, but on the surface she could only pretend to smile generously.

"By the way, I came here this time because our company took over an artist agency in the second half of last year. They have a singing group of more than ten girls, all of whom are about 16 to 18 years old. Cui Zhongdao said, "The company is discussing whether such a combination is feasible? Can it be successful? Teacher Lu, you are a professional. I want to hear your opinion."

"What do you think?" Shen Huan asked.

"I think we can give it a try." In front of Shen Huan, Cui Zhong did not hide it. "Both Japan and Tai Chi have such successful combinations, and there are more people. Our current entertainment industry in China is no longer the same. Twenty years ago, it was large enough to accommodate such a multi-person combination. After all, there is no such combination in China now, and as the first to eat crabs, they should have a good future."

"But most of these combinations between Riben and Tai Chi are actually short-lived. The more people there are, the more so." Shen Huan reminded him, "For example, the girl group of Riben with over 100 people, every two or three Every year, all the members will be replaced, and things here are very complicated and difficult to imagine."

"Oh, I forgot to mention just now, these ten people are the final candidates who are preparing to debut. They also have more than thirty girls on the waiting list, who are training and waiting to join." Cui Zhongdao, "The president went there specially After looking at it, I felt that the quality of these girls was quite high, and a group of teachers and agents were very professional, so I bought this company.”

"Then what?" Shen Huan asked, "A wise and powerful person like Miss Zheng will not have any instructions, right?"

"She went out to discuss things at that time. After hearing about it, she bought the company by the way. Then she handed it over to us and let us handle it." Cui Zhong spread his hands, "Now what she is thinking, Everything is focused on opening up film and entertainment, and then there are our original video websites and TV series production business, so where do we have time to take care of other things?"

Shen Huan smiled unconsciously.

The eldest princess is indeed the daughter of the richest man in China. It is so generous to buy things with money.

People buy clothes and shoes just like drinking water, but it turns out that she is different. Buying a company is like buying a bowl of soy milk and fried dough sticks. No one else has this magnanimity.