I Know Everything

Chapter 204: Is that a mistake?


February 26th, the eighth day of the Lunar New Year.

Zhu Xiaoxi, the principal of Mingxian Middle School, who was taking a rare break, was sitting at home, playing with his favorite birds.

When he reaches middle age, he doesn't have many hobbies, but raising birds is one of them.

For this reason, he also took out a special loan to buy a small single-family villa so that he could have a small yard and lawn where he could raise birds.

Zhu Xiaoxi has raised a total of 8 birds since then, and there are more than 20 birdcages. Hanging them outside the villa is a spectacular scenery.

That is because he is the principal of a school, otherwise he would have been complained to many times just by the chirping of birds every morning.

For this reason, Zhu Xiaoxi also specially helped the children of the neighbors to go to good schools, and then the two families directly decided, "Principal Zhu, you can raise them as you please, and we will use them as an alarm clock to wake up in the morning!"

"Dad, I have your phone number!"

While Zhu Xiaoxi was teasing the birds, her daughter opened the sliding door in the living room and said loudly.

"Whose?" Zhu Xiaoxi asked casually.

"I don't know, it starts with 001, it seems to be from the United States." My daughter responded.

"The United States?" Zhu Xiaoxi laughed dumbly, "The liar really knows how to disguise, so just give up!"

These days, there are more and more scams on the Internet. Many phone calls are disguised as calls from abroad. Many people have been fooled. It has been mentioned several times in the news.

"No, this phone has rang three times, and there is no intention of hanging up at all." My daughter said, "Why don't you just answer it? What if something happens?"

"Okay, bring it to me!"

Zhu Xiaoxi ordered.

When the daughter took the phone over, the call was interrupted, but when the daughter came to the front, the phone rang again for the fourth time.

"Well, this is the fourth call." The daughter said.

Zhu Xiaoxi nodded, this was really strange.

"Hello, hello." Zhu Xiaoxi answered the phone.

"Hello." A man's voice came from the other side of the phone, speaking in Chinese, "I am Su Wei, the second secretary of the Chinese Consulate in the United States. Are you the principal of Lin'an Mingxian Middle School? Zhu Xiaoxi?"


It turns out he is really a liar!

Zhu Xiaoxi smiled coldly and hung up the phone.

"The person opposite said that he is the secretary of the Chinese Embassy in the United States, haha." Zhu Xiaoxi returned the phone to her daughter, "Nowadays, liars are extremely capable of pulling off the skin of a tiger to pull the flag!"

"Haha!" My daughter also laughed.

You said something bad, but you said you were the secretary of the Grand Museum. Who are you trying to scare

But the next moment, the phone rang again.

This time, her daughter didn't tell Zhu Xiaoxi and hung up when she saw the phone number.

Then the phone call stopped.

But just ten minutes later, the phone rang again.

At this time, Zhu Xiaoxi returned to the living room after playing with the birds. He happened to hear the ringtone of his cell phone. He picked it up and saw that it was the phone number of an old friend.

"Hey, Lao Li, what are you doing?" He answered the phone with a smile.

"Stop talking nonsense, Lao Zhu, did you just hang up the phone on the secretary of the Chinese Embassy in the United States?" the old friend asked.

"Eh? How do you know? Have you met this liar too?" Zhu Xiaoxi said with a smile.

"What a liar, it's true!" the old friend said with a wry smile, "Secretary Liang from the municipal government called me just now and asked me to contact you quickly. He will call you again soon. It's something serious! "


Zhu Xiaoxi couldn't help but smile bitterly.

When the call came from the United States, Zhu Xiaoxi's attitude had completely changed: "Hello, Secretary Su, I'm sorry, I thought you were a liar, so I hung up on you."

"It's okay." The phone on the other end heard him say this, and his voice softened, "Principal Zhu, I'm calling to ask you, is there a teacher named Shen Huan in your school?"

"Shen Huan? Teacher?"


"No, no." Zhu Xiaoxi shook his head, "Our school does not have such a teacher."

"It's weird." Su Wei said in a daze, "I didn't spell it wrong... If you think about it again, he may not be a classroom teacher."

"I am familiar with every teacher in our school. There is definitely no such person." Zhu Xiaoxi first expressed his attitude clearly, and then hesitantly said: "But if it is a person named Shen Huan, there is one in our school."

"Oh, then who is he?" Su Wei was curious.

"He is a sophomore in high school in our school." Zhu Xiaoxi said.

"Well… "

Su Wei burst out laughing when he heard this, "It seems I made a mistake. I'm sorry to disturb you because of the Chinese New Year..."

Looking at him as if he was about to hang up the phone, Zhu Xiaoxi asked one more question out of nowhere, "Are you asking this for something?"

"Oh, it's a top mathematics journal in the United States. There was a very sensational paper when it was published today. The author is a Chinese, that is, you Lin'an people." Su Wei said smoothly, "But because the school and the author's name are Maybe they got the pinyin wrong!"

Now it was Zhu Xiaoxi's turn to be surprised, "Mathematics? Shen Huan?"

"Yes." Su Wei sighed, "But it's impossible. How could a 17-year-old young man..."

He didn't even finish what he said, obviously feeling that there was nothing more to say.

But Zhu Xiaoxi said subconsciously: "What a coincidence, this classmate Shen Huan from our school is a famous mathematical genius. After the Mathematical Olympiad winter camp competition last month, he has decided to represent our country's Mathematical Olympiad team. It’s the International Mathematical Olympiad in the United States!”


Su Wei's surprise returned again, "Is he a mathematical genius? But... it's impossible! No matter how talented you are, it's impossible for you to write this paper!"

"What kind of paper is it?" Zhu Xiaoxi couldn't help it anymore, "What if he can do it?"

"Haha." Su Wei smiled, "It's not that I look down on him. This paper is related to a very important mathematical topic and has attracted great attention in the United States and even the world. And it was published by the world's top four "Journal of the American Mathematical Society", one of the mathematics journals, has the same status in the mathematics community as "Biology", "Science", and "Cell".

Over the past 100 years, our country's mathematicians have only published a total of 5 papers in this journal! These mathematicians are all mathematical treasures of our country, and they are all highly respected top experts! You said that a student in your school can write a paper of this level, is that a bit too contemptuous of mathematicians? "

Zhu Xiaoxi was silent at this time.

He didn't know what the Journal of the American Mathematical Society was.

But he knows several internationally famous super natural science journals.




These three are all manifestations of the supreme honor of the scholars.

If anyone can publish an article on this, even if he does nothing else in the future, he will be qualified to be a teacher in a world-class prestigious school for a lifetime.

The total number of scholars in China has published no more than 100 articles on it, and the number of publishers is only more than fifty.

Don't think that more than fifty people are a lot.

If you count all the teachers in China together, you will know how insignificant these fifty people are.

If it can be compared with these three top magazines, it proves how high the status of "Journal of the American Mathematical Society" is.

Although Shen Huan was a genius, and although he crushed all his peers in Huajing, he could not reach this level.

This should be a paper that could only be written by Yu Dingbian and Chang Guancheng.


If it was really written by Shen Huan from our school, then our Mingxian Middle School would be awesome!

Thinking of this, Zhu Xiaoxi smiled and shook his head.

I am also too whimsical.

How could a sophomore in high school write such an amazing mathematics paper

There will be more later