I Know Everything

Chapter 205: It’s really you! !


The "Journal of the American Mathematical Society" was actually published at noon on Wednesday, February 25th, US time.

In the past, it was usually only distributed in the United States, but in today's Internet society, it will also sign contracts with European magazines, entrusting them to download electronic files there, print them and distribute them.

The cover of this issue of "Journal of the American Mathematical Society" reads "SH's Proposition". This is only a short English sentence, but it has attracted huge attention in a short period of time.

SH's Proposition, also known as "Shen Huan Proposition", has been heard many times in the past six months.

Even many famous mathematicians will talk about its introduction and its demonstration process when gathering together.

It is not only the proposers of the original theory and the group of mathematicians at the Newton Institute of Mathematical Sciences who are studying this proposition, but also thousands of mathematicians around the world.

Unexpectedly, this proposition was proved in about half a year. This was simply too fast for that super mathematical conjecture that had puzzled people for hundreds of years.

Today, the "Journal of the American Mathematical Society" published the paper proving the "Chen Huan Proposition". It is definitely not random. It must have been the result of arguments by several mathematics masters.

Being published in such a top mathematics magazine proves that this proposition has been cracked.

Once the "Shen Huan Proposition" is proven, then the basic conditions for the following "Shen Huan Conjecture" will already be in place, and the demonstration can begin.

As long as the "Shen Huan Conjecture" is proven, the last lock on "Fermat's Last Theorem" will be lifted, and it will be closer to being revealed.

At the thought of seeing "Fermat's Last Theorem" solved in their lifetime, almost all European and American mathematicians became excited and began to read the paper seriously.

After reading it, they expressed their thoughts and congratulations on various platforms.

They thank the first author Shen Huan, and the co-second authors Ivan Deville, Kustav, Andre, Robert, Corridor, Beni... and more than a dozen mathematicians.

It was through their continuous discussion and overcoming that the "Shen Huan Proposition" could be successfully proved, and everyone was one step closer to the jewel in the crown of mathematics.

It is under such circumstances that public opinion in the United States and Europe surges.

Although mathematics is definitely not the mainstream of the world's media, it involves super mathematical conjectures such as "Fermat's Last Theorem", and it is the biggest step forward in decades. Of course, the media is also willing to report it.

The major media are also very interested in the first author who proposed the "Shen Huan Proposition" and was the most important person in proving the "Shen Huan Proposition".

But so far, they can only see a very simple identity information.

English: "Shen Huan, Mingxian Middle School, Lin'an, China."

It's that simple.

Such an important proposition and such an important conjecture were actually proposed by a Chinese. This is a bit unbelievable for people who have always claimed that the wisdom of the European and American countries far exceeds that of the Chinese.

Fortunately, mathematicians are relatively simple.

Professor Deville and others came forward immediately and proved that the entire process of Shen Huan's propositions and conjectures was figured out by himself.

And in the following years of discussions and debates, Shen Huan also showed outstanding talent.

Professors Swale and Corrid even discussed with Shen Huan for two consecutive nights in Beijing before finally figuring out the key points of "Shen Huan's proposition".

These cannot be deceived and are proof of Mr. Shen Huan’s genius in mathematics.

With the endorsement of famous mathematicians like them, the doubts slowly stopped.

And it was because of the doubts and fierce debates that people from China in the United States became aware of this matter and saw Shen Huan's paper.

The secretary Su Wei who called was the person specifically responsible for figuring this out.

Once the identity is verified, they will immediately send the news back to the country, which will also conduct detailed reports.

No Chinese can take the lead in the research of world-class mathematical conjectures like this. Once it is true, it will be a great encouragement to the confidence of all Chinese people.

He immediately searched and found Zhu Xiaoxi's phone number.

As a result, after a period of misunderstanding and communication, he regretfully chose to give up.

This Shen Huan is definitely not that mathematician. There are only a few mathematicians at the same level as Professor Deville in the country, so it is impossible for him to be a teenage student.

So Su Wei immediately called his colleagues in China and asked them to find a famous mathematician to verify whether there was such a mathematician whose name was homophonic or whose name was Shen Huan.

The first person to be found was Chang Guancheng, a professor of mathematics at Peking University.

Chang Guancheng was also baffled. He had just seen the electronically scanned version of this paper and was also curious.

If you don’t know the situation, just ask the group of foreign mathematicians who are tied for second place.

It's just that he is not familiar with Professor Deville, but his old friend Yu Dingbian is very familiar with Professor Corred on the list, and they have been good friends for decades.

So the call came to Yu Dingbian again.

After knowing this, Yu Dingbian naturally saw the paper "Shen Huan's Proposition", but like Su Wei, he did not believe that it was written by his disciple Shen Huan.

There must be some mistake.

With this thought in mind, after hanging up the phone with xx, Yu Dingbian called directly to the UK and found Professor Cowrid.

"Mr. Shen Huan?" Professor Corridor nodded, "Before, he was unwilling to reveal his identity, but now that the papers have been published, he no longer has to hide it."

"Is it really called Shen Huan?" Yu Dingbian heard the pinyin of this name.

"Yes, his name is Shen Huan." Professor Corridor has called Shen Huan several times, and he is very proficient in calling Shen Huan's name. "It is also a strange thing to say. Mr. Shen Huan is still a student, 16 years old. I’m a sophomore in high school, but I didn’t expect to be so talented. He’s really a super genius!”


A sixteen-year-old high school sophomore!

Shen Huan!

Yu Dingbian's breathing stopped.

It turned out that everything was correct.

I asked how could such a rigorous top mathematics magazine as the Journal of the American Mathematical Society misspell the name of the first author of the paper. It turned out to be completely correct!

This great mathematician is called Shen Huan!

And his unit is Mingxian Middle School in Lin'an City! !

It's just that he is not a teacher at all, just a student! ! !

Oh my gosh!

Shen Huan, Shen Huan, it turns out that this mysterious great mathematician is really you! ! ! !

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