I Know Everything

Chapter 206: The great mathematician Shen Huan? (1st update)


It was almost noon when Shen Huan answered Yu Dingbian's call.

A few days ago, he received the printed "Journal of the American Mathematical Society" in advance, and he already knew about this matter.

It is said that if wealth does not return home, it is like walking in brocade at night.

With talents and achievements that shock the world, if you don’t let people know about them and keep hiding them, isn’t that a fool

It would be really stupid not to let more people know about the honor that we have received in an upright manner!

In this life, I don’t have to deliberately pursue many things, but since I have already obtained them, there is no reason to extrapolate them.

As for why Teacher Lu Xiaofeng didn’t write thousands of good songs and become famous in the entertainment industry

The reason is very simple. With so many songs, do you think I am a computer

I don’t have that many song memories at all, so don’t force yourself to pretend.

As for Teacher Chu Liuxiang’s hidden identity, the reason is simpler.

Creating some mystery is also the bad taste that big people should have, right

In the future, it would be fun to let these people know that Chu Liuxiang is also an identity of a widower, and see their expressions of surprise and admiration.


"I can't believe it, I can't believe it. It turns out that the main reason why Professor Deville and Professor Corridor came to Hua Jing before the last Spring Festival was to discuss the 'Shen Huan Proposition' with you!" Yu Dingbian sighed on the phone, "I originally thought , let you lay the foundation for a few years, wait until you are 25 years old, and then enter the category of this kind of argument... Who could have expected that you will go one step faster than all of us imagined!"

Advanced mathematics is actually divided into two stages.

The first stage is to solve problems and figure out all the math and number calculations.

This is also the most important thing to do during your studies before graduate school.

The second stage is argumentation.

The so-called ten major problems in mathematics, the seven major conjectures, etc., belong to this kind of argument.

The argument is more illusive and illusory, and ordinary people cannot understand it at all. Even if you have solved it and demonstrated it, if you put the answer in front of them, they will not understand it.

Even many mathematics teachers do not understand this aspect of argumentation at all.

It’s not that they don’t understand, it means that they simply can’t explore and learn more deeply.

Many people even feel that demonstrating these difficult problems and conjectures is purely boring and has no practical significance at all.

But it's not.

Mathematics is the basis of all natural sciences.

These seemingly illusory things and arguments happen to be the basic components of mathematics.

It is precisely in these various conjectures and problems that seem to be like a heavenly book that the most essential things of science are hidden.

Just because you can't use it now, doesn't mean you can't use it in the future.

Especially in computers and intelligent computing, these are very important foundations.

Real mathematicians are definitely born from demonstrating these difficult problems and conjectures, and raising these problems and conjectures.

Some of your mathematical scholars who are responsible for teaching and arithmetic have not yet been able to become mathematicians.

Chang Guancheng and Yu Dingbian are called mathematicians because they have made good contributions in the field of demonstration mathematics, so they are recognized by the world as mathematicians.

In the entire country of China, there are no more than 20 mathematicians like them.

In the past, this was Yu Dingbian's pride, and it was also what made him sad.

But at this time, Yu Dingbian felt proud and ashamed at the same time.

Also demonstrating a mathematical conjecture, his disciple actually surpassed himself and his companions in one run, and stood directly at the forefront of the world.

I'm a lot older, but I'm still not as good as a 16-year-old kid. I'm really ashamed!

But at the same time, Yu Dingbian was very excited.

"Fermat's Last Theorem"!

Such a super difficult problem that has not been demonstrated for hundreds of years can actually be solved by his disciple. Can this not make a mathematician proud

Moreover, this scientist who has made the latest breakthrough is a Chinese, which greatly boosts the ambition of the Chinese people!

"Originally, the people above wanted to make an interview album for you, but I pushed it for you." Yu Dingbian also told Shen Huan, "I said that you are working hard on the next step of 'Shen Huan's conjecture' to prepare carefully. To conquer 'Fermat's Last Theorem', so they suspended this interview... But publicity still needs to be publicized, but you don't have to come forward."

Shen Huan was overjoyed after hearing this, "Thank you, Master!"

He likes to be famous, but a life of being like a monkey and being manipulated by others, talking stupidly about chicken soup, or making reports all day long, is really not suitable for him.

"From now on, you can be considered famous." Yu Dingbian said with a smile, "But you don't have to worry. Being famous as a mathematician is different from being an entertainment star. After a while, the public's attention will shift away. It’s not as famous as your teacher Lu Xiaofeng who will last longer.”

"This is the best." Shen Huan was stunned for a moment and then became happy.


In addition to celebrities in the entertainment industry, at most one more star in the sports industry will be necessary to continue reporting and promoting.

No matter how outstanding these stars in the science industry and other industries are, they still lack the innate hot gene, so if they are really famous, no one will talk about them anymore.

"Speaking of which," Yu Dingbian said, "'Chen Huan's proposition' has been solved, and if 'Chen Huan's conjecture' has also been solved, then... then will the gem be within easy reach?"

He was a little nervous when he said this.

More than a hundred years ago, there was actually a mathematician who claimed to have solved "Fermat's Last Theorem", but in the end, after everyone's argument, it was discovered that he was still a little behind.

In the field of mathematical argumentation, an almost error is a thousand miles away. It is not correct at all, and there is never such a thing as half right.

Shen Huan is now closer to "Fermat's Last Theorem" than anyone else, but Yu Dingbian is also worried. At the last step, Shen Huan's thoughts suddenly get stuck, and that's bad.

Yu Dingbian, like other mathematicians, very much hopes that "Fermat's Last Theorem" can be proved as soon as possible.

Now that it was probably his disciple who proved it, Yu Dingbian was of course even more nervous and urgent.

"It can't be said to be easy." Shen Huan shook his head, "But at least we have seen the hope of success. I believe this path is correct, but every step is full of hardships. I can only continue to work hard to solve the problem." Only by solving difficult problems can we succeed in the end.”

Shen Huan understood that although he had obtained all the information to understand "Fermat's Last Theorem", even the final paper, at this time, he had to keep a low profile.

Only by working hard step by step will it not be so shocking.

If someone appeared out of nowhere and solved a world-class mathematical problem out of nowhere, that would be a strange thing and would arouse people's surprise and suspicion.

"Well, it's good that you have such a calm mind." Yu Dingbian smiled happily, "You can rest for a few days. Lao Chang and I will bring domestic mathematicians over in a few days to discuss it with you." Shen Huan's Proposition' and 'Shen Huan's Conjecture'. All your previous assistants were foreign mathematicians, and we are very embarrassed!"

"I'm looking forward to you coming over to guide me." Shen Huan quickly expressed her attitude.

This group of mathematicians are among the best in the country.

If they were allowed to promote themselves, wouldn't they have a job that was both comfortable and prestigious

With such a retreat, no matter what I do in the future, I will be able to do it easily without having to worry about any pressure.

Anyway, professional mathematics (intermediate level) is definitely more than enough for teaching students as a skill for making a living. No one will doubt their mathematical ability!

Yu Dingbian was right. After confirming that Shen Huan was the 16-year-old Lin'an high school sophomore, the national news organization immediately went into full action.

This news was directly broadcast on the 7 o'clock news that evening.

"Shen Huan, a sophomore at Mingxian Middle School in Lin'an City, Zhejiang Province, China, has made outstanding contributions to 'Fermat's Last Theorem'. His 'Shen Huan Proposition' has been approved by the authoritative Journal of the American Mathematical Society. Certification and publication. This means that mankind has taken another step closer to the proof of this world-class mathematical conjecture! Student Shen Huan... "

The news gave Shen Huan a full minute, during which time Shen Huan's student photos appeared five times.

This is the kind of treatment only outstanding scientists can receive! !

Just when Yang's mother praised Shen Huan unstintingly, Shen Huan also heard a sweet voice.

"Ding dong!"

"The weak chicken host not only took a solid step towards proving 'Fermat's Last Theorem', but also became a well-known mathematician and attracted widespread attention."

"In order to encourage the host, the great system will give you a reward and a bad luck charm."

At first people didn't react.


A high school sophomore actually made outstanding achievements in "Fermat's Last Theorem"

Is there any mistake

We all have gone to school and have heard the names of the seven major mysteries of mathematics in the world. Although we don't understand what "Fermat's Last Theorem" is, we still know how difficult it is.

This is on the same level as the "Goldbach Conjecture".

For hundreds of years, the difficult problem that countless mathematicians have been working hard to prove has actually been greatly advanced by us Chinese

And he is still a sophomore in high school

When did our mathematical world have such a peerless genius

At this moment, a post on the Internet was liked and reposted like crazy.

It comes from the meager celebrity "Like Pipi Shrimp", a die-hard fan of Teacher Lu Xiaofeng.

"I like Pipi Shrimp" only wrote one sentence and paired it with a picture.

The picture shows Shen Huan standing and playing the flute in the evening, wearing a white robe.

Regarding Yan Wan's "A Smile in the Sea", Shen Huan's unparalleled handsome face and clothes have been made into hundreds of pictures and circulated on the Internet. I don't know how many people chose one of them as one. Your own mobile screensaver.

This picture was taken personally by "Like Pipi Shrimp" in the evening.

She had never been released before.

Now it is displayed in front of everyone, it is very beautiful.

But what stunned everyone was the words above.

"Congratulations to student Shen Huan for her 'Chen Huan Proposition' being published in the world's top mathematics magazine "Journal of the American Mathematical Society" and becoming the mathematician closest to 'Fermat's Last Theorem'!!"


Isn't it

Only then did everyone realize that the Shen Huan who was on the news was the unparalleled and beautiful young Shen Huan

Hey, isn't it?

Isn't it him Shen Huan from Lin'an Mingxian Middle School? Isn’t it Sister Xiaofeng?

However, this is incredible!

If you don't write songs well, how can you demonstrate mathematical problems

And the commotion is so big