I Know Everything

Chapter 208: New people are emerging in large numbers


Smart people know what it means to strike while the iron is hot.

"A Laugh in the Sea" has received so much attention in Yan Wan. Zhao Changshou, Lu Xiaofeng, the origin of this song, etc., have all become the focus of people's attention.

Then it once again aroused people's enthusiasm for the variety show "I Sing My Song".

Taking advantage of this time, the runner-up Li Bi and the second runner-up Jin Guwei of "I Sing My Song" happened to release their own albums.

Li Bi's album is called "Pride", and Jin Guwei's album is called "Youth Power".

As two of the three giants in the industry, Phoenix Records and Yanhuang Music have devoted their full attention to the two of them.

Both albums cost a lot of money to create, and they also put in a lot of publicity before and when they were released.

They are very smart and rely on Zhao Changshou when promoting.

"The talented young female singer who is inseparable from Mr. Zhao Changshou!"

"The most dynamic idol singer who once made Mr. Zhao nervous!"

"Among the top three in "I Sing My Song", she is the most popular female singer with personality among young people!"

"The song "Pride" fully expresses Li Bi's unyielding cry!"

"Jin Guwei, the little prince of love songs, has won the third place in "I Sing My Song". After Zhao Changshou retired from the music world, he took over his legacy and continued to bloom new power in the music world!"


About a month after the Spring Festival, the heat of the late night will gradually dissipate.

During this time period, it is naturally very effective for you to catch up on the popularity of the most popular programs in the evening.

Moreover, people are usually free at this time, and children and young people are on vacation, so they are even more interested in these two youth idol singers who suddenly appeared.

To say it "came out of nowhere" is actually not that appropriate.

Because both Li Bi and Jin Guwei are super idols second only to Zhao Changshou in the "I Sing My Song" program.

Even though Zhejiang TV's program coverage was not that high before, they were both very popular among TV viewers and online netizens.

There are also contributions from Zhao Changshou and Shen Huan.

There are songs tailor-made for Zhao Changshou by teacher Lu Xiaofeng. The ratings of "I Sing My Song" on Saturday night are very high, and the popularity on the Internet is also very high. Therefore, Zhao Changshou's main competitors are also very of attention.

Especially Li Bi and Jin Guwei, who have their own characteristics. I dare not say that they have millions of fans, but they still have many die-hard fans.

Before releasing the album, both of them had about 2 million fans.

Now that they have released their album, their meager number of fans has skyrocketed, reaching tens of millions in the blink of an eye.

Of course, many people know how much of this is false.

Under normal circumstances, if you have meager fans of celebrities and idols, as long as they are not kings, queens, or movie kings and movie queens, you will basically have to pay half the amount.

If it is a first-time singer or celebrity, 20% of it is true, which is considered good.

But no matter how you put it, this kind of momentum has been built up, and the rest depends on whether the strength can keep up.

Once their abilities can match such high-profile publicity and hype, they will become famous in one fell swoop, or at least stabilize their status as popular new singers.

But if their capabilities can't keep up and the album doesn't do well, the tens of millions of production costs and tens of millions of publicity and promotion costs will all be in vain.

What was the outcome

very nice!

Li Bi's "Pride" album started promoting it immediately after the night. A week later, it was sold online and offline. It received 1.5 million downloads in two weeks and 60,000 copies were sold offline!

This result is equivalent to the results of the entire albums of famous singers in the past. As a result, Li Bi achieved it in two weeks.

Jin Guwei's "Youth Power" album had almost the same promotion strategy and sales time as Li Bi. In the same two weeks, it received 1.2 million downloads and sold 52,000 copies offline.

On the one hand, people have understood that after Zhao Changshou's "The Love of Life" album sold like crazy, the spring of the entire children's music scene has really come again!

Otherwise, Li Bi and Jin Guwei’s album would not have sold so well in two weeks.

On the other hand, the excellent results of Li Bi and Jin Guwei were also due to the right time, place, and people. The overall environment and personal abilities contributed to their sudden fame.

Phoenix Records and Yanhuang Music were greatly encouraged by this and invested more in their promotion expenses to continue to push up their album sales.

Now it is no longer a matter of promoting new singers, but a matter of betting on whether there can be another little queen and little king!

If their company gains a little queen or a little king as a result, then all the publicity expenses and efforts will be worth it!

After all, the little king and little queen represent the backbone of a company, and they are the main force to please young people, and they are the most profitable!

At the age of the little king and the little queen, they can earn at least 10 years of youthful meals, which is a profit of hundreds of millions!

This does not include the improvement of influence and industry status.

The crazy promotion of Phoenix Records and Yanhuang Music is of course also indispensable for Li Bi and Jin Guwei, who hold fan clubs everywhere and attend various programs.

The higher the exposure, the better the sales of their records will be, and the easier it will be to get the results they want!

Shen Huan looked a little surprised.

He also called Wang Zhao specifically to ask.

Wang Zhao is the lyricist with a very personal character, he is very bold and heroic, and he is an interesting person with a true temperament.

He is familiar with all the major record companies, but he is not deeply involved. It is natural to ask him for information.

"Brother Zhao, why are these two companies so powerful that they can produce and release an album in just two months?" Shen Huan asked, "Our "Love of a Lifetime" is just a special example, they can also OK?"

The original six songs of "The Love of My Life" are super classics, and they were written and sung by Zhao Changshou very familiarly.

There are only 4 new songs left, and they cannot be considered the most popular songs, so the effort is not that big - no matter how proud Fu Bufan, Wang Zhao and others are, when faced with the six songs of Teacher Lu Xiaofeng, they all Not much courage to challenge.

Therefore, in just 10 days, the production and recording, as well as the final task of recording and releasing the record, were miraculously completed.

In Shen Huan's view, Li Bi and Jin Guwei's albums are also great.

The production and release cycle of two months is also a miracle for them without golden fingers and for a new singer who has just debuted.

"Hey, Teacher Lu, don't you understand?" Wang Zhao really knew the inside story, "There are two to three songs in their new album, all of which were sung in the finals, right?"

"I know."

"Actually, the two companies started preparations long before the finals, so their preparation time was almost three months." Wang Zhao said, "During the finals, both Li Bi and Jin Guwei had prepared at least three songs. Unexpectedly, the old man's "A Laugh in the Sea" came out of nowhere, leaving them no chance to show it again."

Shen Huan understood, it turned out to be like this.

"And according to what I know, both music companies actually have a lot of inventory, including top-notch songs." Wang Zhao continued, "It was also when I learned that "A Laugh in the Sea" was going to be on the stage of Xie Wan, They just made a temporary decision to invest in two new singers and put in a few good songs. For example, Li Bi's "Pride" was obtained in this way."

"If you put it this way, it seems that I owe a lot to Li Bi and Jin Guwei's popularity today?" Shen Huan said with a dumb smile.

"Of course!" Wang Zhao said, "Both music companies have to thank you! Not only did you promote the development of the two singers, but how much power did they borrow from you? They are all involved!"

After a pause, he asked curiously, "By the way, they really didn't call you?"


Shen Huan said, "Both Fu Bufan and Brother Yuan called, and the two companies also took the initiative to donate 1 million to our charity fund, so I agreed."

"That's sensible." Wang Zhao smiled.

Donating to the fund used by "The Love of Life" is much better than giving money directly to Shen Huan.

It is impossible for Teacher Lu Xiaofeng to accept this money, but if it is donated to everyone's charity fund, it will be very honorable, so he will naturally agree happily.

"Li Bi and Jin Guwei's movements are quite fast." Wang Zhao also talked about other people, "As far as I know, Totem Music actually wanted Ling Ruiyun to take the opportunity to release an album, but Ling Ruiyun himself refused This was even praised by Su Mo! He praised him for not being impetuous and having an attitude. Originally, Master Qi wanted to say something to him, but because of Su Mo's compliment, it was hard to blame him. "

Master Qi is Fan Qijing, the boss of Totem Music.

On weekdays, Fan Qijing always speaks his mind when doing things, and he is also very decisive.

Everyone is doing things like trying to gain popularity, so naturally he does it without any psychological burden.

Ling Ruiyun actually dared to act out of character and say something but not do anything, which of course made him very unhappy.

But he couldn't deny Su Mo's face, so he could only endure it.

"It's always a good thing not to be so anxious." Shen Huan also smiled slightly.

"For example, is this the same for Dong'er's new album?" Wang Zhao said, "My songs are already ready, it just depends on a few of your title songs!"

"I have to wait a little longer." Shen Huan sighed, "Some time ago, it felt like all the accumulation over the years had been emptied out. I still have to slowly find inspiration."


Wang Zhao was not surprised by this.

It would be strange if Shen Huan wrote a song like "A Laugh in the Sea" like eating and drinking.

Songs are made by nature, and they come to you by chance!

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