I Know Everything

Chapter 40: Buyiyi


Shen Huan doesn't know what Zhu Mei's directing ability is.

But Shen Huan definitely admired her ability to move.

In the afternoon of the next day, she called Shen Huan and agreed to hold an interview at 9 a.m. tomorrow in conference room 801 of the xx Building in LA City.

Shui Qianyu had no interest in this kind of thing, and he had to help in the store in the morning, so Shen Huan went alone.

It was 8:30 when he arrived.

Zhu Mei had already told him that if he went around to the K elevator on the side, there would be no one sitting there and he could reach the door of 801 directly. So after asking the security guard, Shen Huan went around and stepped on a very remote elevator. In an area, the K elevator was found.

There were five other people waiting for the elevator.

Three men and two women.

One of the women was tall and had a typical vase figure. Although she was wearing sunglasses and a sun hat, Shen Huan, who had just seen her photo information, naturally recognized her.


Xiaohuadan Buyiyi.

Seeing someone coming, the five of them all looked back.

Buyiyi's eyes lit up when she saw such a handsome young man.

"Little brother, you came here today for an audition, right?" she asked.

Buyiyi's voice was a little heavy, but not muddy, and still somewhat magnetic.

This is not consistent with her age of 18, but it adds to her charm.


Shen Huan replied harmoniously.

Seeing that he just answered her casually, but did not pay attention to her, and was too indifferent, Buyiyi felt very curious.

"Do you know who I am?" Buyiyi asked.

"Yeah." Shen Huan nodded.

"Then why aren't you excited? Seeing such a beautiful star like me in front of you, you have to take a few sneak peeks, right?" Buyiyi said in surprise.

Her assistant Wang Xi unconsciously patted her head. Well, this mountain city girl with an out-of-touch personality started to go offline again.

"I have seen your photos." Shen Huan replied simply again.

"Then what? Is it over?" Buyiyi said.

"The elevator is here." Shen Huan pointed to the elevator that made a "ding" sound and walked in.

"I understand!" Buyiyi followed in and said directly and clearly: "Is it because you like men?"

Shen Huan: "..."

I have fists as big as sandbags, did you see that

When Buyiyi saw that he didn't answer, she shook her head and said, "Tsk, tsk, I knew that a boy who is so handsome and handsome must be crooked... We women are really unlucky!"

Her last words in Northeastern dialect made Shen Huan smile unconsciously.

You know, this girl is an authentic Yuzhou hot girl.

"Miss Bu, I like women, I am a pure man." Shen Huan pressed the button on the 8th floor and said helplessly, "It's just that you don't like the kind of people who rush over to you, crying and begging for your attention. People, right? Don’t you celebrities like daily life without being disturbed by others? "

"Hey, what you said is quite interesting." Buyiyi smiled happily, but the next sentence jumped out, "But, if I walk on the street and there are not many fans like this, I am not used to it. I always feel It’s like I’ve passed out.”

"So, celebrities are actually the same as ordinary people. They don't cherish what they get, but they never forget what they don't get." Shen Huan said, "Since everyone is no different, why can't I leave when I see a female celebrity? He moved and looked at her fiercely, can this be used to strip her naked?"


Buyiyi smiled brightly and patted Shen Huan on the shoulder with one hand, "Little brother, you are not an honest person either!"

Shen Huan's face felt hot, thinking that I didn't do this on purpose. It was the female driver who was driving and led me astray.

The two of them were talking and laughing here, but a middle-aged man next to them who had not spoken a word was looking at Shen Huan thoughtfully.

Shen Huan said just now that he was not going to audition.

But why didn't he feel any surprise when he saw Buyiyi here

And after entering the elevator, he pressed the button for the 8th floor.

The 8th floor is where today’s audition will take place!

It is said that he had nothing to do with this audition, I really don’t believe it!

The elevator arrived at the 8th floor. As soon as Shen Huan came out, she saw several familiar faces.

There is Cao Nihui, who is wearing a white professional attire. She looks beautiful and capable in this outfit, a standard white-collar beauty.

There is also Zhou Lexiang. She is wearing a moon-white dress and lightly applying powder. She looks full of energy and can attract the attention of young people.

At least the three eighteen or nineteen-year-old male students chatting in the corner often peeked at her.

Sitting in the corner on the other side was Chen Qian. Unlike the two previous ones, she had three or five assistants and was just sitting there to rest alone.

Dressed in a simple shirt and trousers, she looked like the receptionist Shen Huan saw downstairs.

Well, the little girl at the front desk is even prettier than her.

The 801 next to her was still closed. At this time, people were coming in and out of the surrounding rooms. Apparently they also saw the female celebrity and wanted to take this opportunity to take a closer look.

Because they came to audition, these female celebrities did not accept the request for autographs.

After a while of probing, these white-collar workers also knew the reason why they were here today, and they no longer forced themselves.

I just don’t know if I secretly took photos and posted them on WeBo.

When Shen Huan came up, several people looked at him.

Seeing a young and handsome boy, most of the people looked away. Only the three male students from the Shanghai Opera took a few more wary glances.

But their eyes immediately focused on the tall girl behind Shen Huan.


Buyiyi, one of the five little flowers!

In terms of fame and strength, although Buyiyi is only 20 years old, she is no lower than Cao Nihui at the same level.

Moreover, Buyiyi was born in Beijing Film Academy, one of the three major film academies, and she made her debut as a child star. She is only 18 years old this year, and her future development prospects are limitless.


Cao Nihui immediately stood up and greeted her.

Lin Ting, Chen Qian and Zhou Lexiang also made superficial efforts.

Zhou Lexiang, who also competed with Buyiyi for the role of the female side tree, smiled the most heartily and even pulled Buyiyi to sit next to her.

Buyiyi was really not familiar with her, but they both knew how to get into trouble, at least on the surface, so she sat beside Zhou Lexiang with a smile and talked.

But while she was talking, she looked around casually and suddenly realized that Shen Huan was missing.

Is this interesting guy gone

Thinking of the scene just now, Buyiyi smiled slightly and then left Shen Huan behind.