I Know Everything

Chapter 42: You go and give it a try


Lin Ting, who was the second to audition for Qiu Lingxin, performed even worse than Cao Nihui.

Even Zhu Mei felt that she was completely inconsistent with Qiu Lingxin's setting.

She also saw what Zhu Mei meant, but she still politely said thank you for giving her such an opportunity to audition, which was quite polite.

The third person who came in was Chen Qian.

After hearing Zhu Mei's request, she lay down in the snowdrift without saying a word.

When the voice of "start" fell, Chen Qian held her breath.

Shen Huan looked at the camera lens. Under the lens, Chen Qian was very calm, motionless, her eyes softly closed, but without any emotional expression.

It wasn't until what seemed like half a minute that she suddenly opened her eyes and started breathing.

But after just two heavy breaths, Chen Qian slowly closed her eyes again and adjusted her breathing more evenly.

Then, Chen Qian stood up and patted her clothes gently.

Shen Huan smiled when he saw this.

This is the action of slapping snowflakes on your body.

Neither Cao Nihui nor Lin Ting made this simple action before, obviously not integrating into the snowy scene.

Not only did Chen Qian do it, she also imitated walking in the snow, walking high and low until she walked out of the simulated snow.

Shen Huan turned around and whispered a few words to Zhu Mei.

Zhu Mei was stunned for a moment, and then said to Chen Qian, "Xiao Qian, there is a mountain in front of you now. How many times do you shout to the mountain, 'Are you okay? I'm fine!'"

Chen Qian nodded, and after thinking for a while, she put her hands in front of her mouth and shouted loudly: "Are you okay?... I'm fine!"

“Are you okay?… I’m fine!”

“Are you okay?… I’m fine!”

She shouted three times in total, each time slower than the last.

The second time, her eyes were already red, tears were flowing out, and her voice even twitched a little when she shouted.

But the third time, she smiled amidst the tears on her face.

With such a smile, no one would think that she was happy. Instead, they knew that it was the deepest pain and yearning.

After shouting, Chen Qian lowered her head. No one could see her face, but her whole body was trembling slightly.

If you look closely, you can see that her hands are convulsing slightly.

"Aunt Mei..."

Shen Huan was amazed, "For such a good actor, he didn't come from one of the three major universities?"

Zhu Mei didn't answer, but couldn't help but nodded: "Yes, she is so nice!"

Zhu Mei has read the script dozens of times so far, and can certainly see what Chen Qian's performance represents.

At that moment, Chen Qian and Qiu Ling's hearts completely overlapped.

After a while, Chen Qian, who had recovered her emotions, returned to Zhu Mei.

"Thank you for your wonderful performance, Xiaoqian." Zhu Mei stood up and said harmoniously: "The results are out, I will contact your agent later."

"Well, thank you, Director Zhu, and thank you all teachers!" Chen Qian smiled softly, turned and left.

After she walked out the door, Shen Huan said, "Aunt Mei, I thought you would announce on the spot that she got this role!"

"How can it be that easy?" Zhu Mei said with a wry smile, "She is the least valued among the three candidates. On the investors' side... let's continue the interview first!"

Shi Liyou here also smiled bitterly and went outside to call a Shanghai Opera student in.

The student's eyes widened when he saw Shen Huan sitting next to Zhu Mei.

I thought I was a competitor, but why did I suddenly become a judge and examiner!

He didn't have time to think too much. After introducing himself, Shi Liyou took him to change into a black tunic suit, and then threw a book to him.

"Young man, take this book, lower your head and read it carefully. Don't worry about the rest." Shi Liyou took him to the corner between the window and the bookcase, gave him a simple instruction, and walked back.

The students didn't know what was going on, but they didn't dare to ask any more questions, so they just stood there and read honestly.

The breeze from the 8th floor blew in and opened the curtains. The sunlight immediately became particularly bright, illuminating his face.

To be selected here, the student must be very handsome, but Shen Huan watched motionlessly as the light on his face continued to change, and the face also continued to change in light and dark, but he secretly shook his head.

"not good enough."

Not only him, but also the other two students, Shen Huan, came to this conclusion.

Zhu Mei sighed, feeling that they were actually pretty good, so she could only put her thoughts aside for the time being.

The last role audition was for the young woman Fang Shu.

The audition scene that Shen Huan arranged for the two actresses was the male Fang Shu sitting on the floor of the library reading a book, and the female Fang Shu walked in and asked him whether Ojing wanted to date him and whether he agreed or not.

Zhou Lexiang and Shi Lihao worked well together in the play, but something went wrong with Buyiyi.

It wasn’t a big problem, but when Buyiyi saw Shi Liyou coming over, she said to Zhu Mei, “Director Zhu, if the leading actor is a high school student at this time, wouldn’t it be better to let this little brother help me rehearse the play? "

Buyiyi's beautiful jade finger was pointing at Shen Huan.

Shen Huan looked at himself in surprise, and Buyiyi smiled seriously and raised her fingers at him.

At this moment, Zhu Mei seemed to be suddenly hit by a bolt of lightning, motionless.

Buyiyi was also panicked when she saw this, thinking that her ingenuity had made Zhu Mei unhappy.

She really liked Zhu Mei's movies, otherwise she wouldn't have ignored the agency's objections and forcibly handed over the information.

If her cooperation with Zhu Mei was ruined because of this little thing, she would really want to cry without tears.

"Director Zhu..." Buyiyi shouted again tentatively.

"Oh... oh!!" Zhu Mei, whose thoughts were interrupted, almost jumped up, and then she looked at Shen Huan with bright eyes, "How about it, Xiao Huan, can you do it?"

Shen Huan looked at her expression and felt something bad.

But considering that she was so familiar with movies, Buyiyi found the right person, who could give her the best performance, so she nodded and said, "No problem."

"Okay, you go over there!" Zhu Mei waved her hand.

Shen Huan didn't need to be familiar with the plot or adjust her emotions. She just sat cross-legged next to the bookcase, picked up a book and started reading slowly.

Originally, in the original movie, Japanese students took off their shoes and only wore socks in the public areas of the school, so sitting and reading would not look out of place.

But China does not have this habit, so there is no way to apply it bluntly.

He didn't even notice that Zhu Mei's eyes widened involuntarily when she saw this scene.

An expression called "surprise" appeared on her face.


There were so many gentlemen giving rewards this week, I was suddenly flattered ^_^