I Know Everything

Chapter 50: Everyone was moved


On Saturday night, a burst of sobbing came from the "Essay" column office of "Qiantang Evening News".

Including editor-in-chief Shao Dong, there were a total of 12 editors. Most of the editors who cried were female editors, but the two younger male editors also cried.

Editors in their thirties and forties like Shao Dong and Zhang Xinde did not cry because they were well-informed and had experienced many years.

But even Shao Dong's eyes were red.

After coming over at six o'clock in the afternoon and giving them the 200,000-word manuscript of "The Gift of Room No. 7," they have been sitting on their chairs without even taking a sip of water, completely immersed in the story.

Regarding their performance, Shen Huan said that he could understand it very much.

After "The Gift in Room No. 7" was written, the Shui family's family of three were the first batch of readers. As a result, they cried completely after reading it, much more sadly than the editors.

Even Xia He, who liked Shen Huan the most, couldn't help but say that Shen Huan was too cruel, let alone Shui Qianyu, who almost didn't beat Shen Huan violently.

"Teacher Chu, you are going too far..." A young female editor, who was also like the Shui family, sobbed and said: "How can you be so cruel? This story shouldn't be like this! Why can't they give their father and daughter a good life?" What’s the ending? Even if my father is imprisoned for twenty years, it’s better to wait for his daughter to save him!”

"Nonsense!" Another male editor retorted, "Mr. Chu's arrangement is the best! This is what gives "The Gift of Room 7" the greatest sublimation!"

"Yes, only in this way can we deeply expose the contradictions in society and make people reflect enough." Zhang Xinde rubbed his eyes, then smiled bitterly and said to Shen Huan: "Teacher Chu, I still said the same thing. You are so young, how can you write How about a story with such profound meaning that directly captures people’s hearts?”

"God rewards you with food." Shen Huan could only explain with a smile.

"It's just Teacher Chu..." Shao Dong said slowly at this time: "Why is such a good story not published in China, but instead published in Tai Chi Country? It has to be translated first. How troublesome!"

"You all know the recent news about "Love Letter", right?" Shen Huan asked.

"I know! The Internet has become a hot topic." A male editor in his twenties with glasses said, "But I support you, Teacher Chu! Because I am Han Donger's biggest fan!!"

"There are things you don't know." Shen Huan coughed lightly, "Let me introduce myself again. I am Shen Huan, the male protagonist of "Love Letter"."


Shao Dong and others were shocked.

Then look at each other.

But then, a female editor burst out and said, "Okay! Director Zhu Mei is so courageous! Only when Mr. Chu plays the leading role can he charm a group of little girls! Which film school student can compare to you? Unless it's Su Mo I have to be 20 years younger to compete with you!"

Shen Huan himself had no doubt about the charm of this face.

So he smiled and accepted the female editor's compliment, "So, this drama has been deeply tied to me. For some reasons that I can't say yet, "The Gift of Room No. 7" must be the first to appear. Taiji country, not domestic.”

After Shen Huan said this, Shao Dong and others could no longer persuade him.

"All right!"

Having seen the charm of "The Gift of Room No. 7", Shao Dong directly agreed, "Contacting the publishing house of Taiji Kingdom to translate and publish a novel is not a big deal for our group. It just so happens that I have a senior brother who is I can ask the Xinghua News reporter stationed in Tai Chi Country first to see if I can find any channels. If not, I can then find the publishing house from the company's perspective."

Shao Dong graduated from Zhongchuan University. For a top student like him, there are brothers and sisters everywhere, so finding a job is not easy.

At the same time, his network of contacts is definitely much wider than that of ordinary people.

"Thank you, Editor-in-Chief Shao!" Shen Huan nodded, "I hope they can translate and publish it as quickly as possible. I have no requirements for the number of publications or remuneration, but apart from the benefits of publishing, I am not responsible for the rest. I won’t let you go.”

"Is it a movie?" Zhang Xinde immediately woke up.

This was the case last time Shen Huan published "A Bowl of Yangchun Noodles".

Compared with "A Bowl of Yangchun Noodles", "The Gift of Room No. 7" is more suitable for adaptation into a movie.

"I hope it can be adapted into a movie." Shen Huan said seriously.

"If there is such a day, I will definitely contribute at least three movie tickets to Teacher Chu." A female editor in her thirties seriously stretched out three fingers.

She was the one who cried the most just now.

"Thank you!" Shen Huan also did her best, "Thank you for liking the story I wrote!"

"Don't just say thank you." Zhang Xinde said, "Teacher Chu, you said you want to publish it in Taiji Kingdom now, so we won't say anything about it. But we, Qiantang Evening News, will do our part to publish "The Gift from Room No. 7" in the newspaper. What do you think? Woolen cloth?"


Shen Huan mused, "Probably in October, it will be published in October."

"The Gift of Room No. 7" was prepared for the Busan International Film Festival, and the mystery must be revealed at the film festival.

Before that, people in the country must not know about it, otherwise there would be no sense of mystery.

"That's great!" Shao Dong clapped his hands and sighed: "I wonder how many fans you will gain, Mr. Chu, after this story comes out!"

"Those little girls must be crazy about you!" a male editor laughed.

"It's not just young girls, middle-aged women like us are the same." The oldest female editor continued: "People who have children can even feel the father-daughter relationship in the story. The feelings between... Teacher Chu, you are pinching our hearts again and again, making us hurt again and again!"

As expected of a cultured person, he can describe a novel so tastefully.

Shen Huan is embarrassed to say it at this time. When you see the movie, you will realize that the crying now is not crying at all.

Everyone will know what it means to cry loudly.

"'The Gift of Room 7' can be made into more than just a movie." Shao Dong continued, "Do you think that if it were a play, it would be equally contagious?"


An editor directly agreed: "I said the same thing! The drama is full of emotions and makes people feel more empathetic. "The Gift of Room No. 7" does not have any special effects and relies entirely on the story to attract people. If it allows the audience Being able to enjoy the performance of drama artists live will definitely be more exciting than the movie!"

"I'm afraid I don't dare to watch it." The female editor who spoke at the beginning said very resentfully: "Just reading the text made me cry so much! I'm afraid you have to be accompanied by someone to go to the movie. Where can I dare to Watch a drama?"

The discussion between several people here opened a new door for Shen Huan.


The movies of "Happy Twist" in the previous life were basically adapted from their dramas, and the results were very good. Usually the popularity of the dramas led to the popularity of the movies.

"The Gift from Room No. 7" can definitely do the same thing!

Let’s do a drama tour in 100 cities across the country first, and then make a movie!

"Ding dong!"

"The great system that is smart and considerate has found an opportunity to make the weak chicken host even more famous! Special mission!"

"Within one year, the host needs to put the plagiarized version of "The Gift of Room No. 7" on the stage and start performing it in front of the audience!"

"As long as the relevant popularity requirements are met, the system will give a mysterious reward, which will definitely satisfy the owner of the copy!"

When Shen Huan heard about this mission, his first reaction was to become angry.

Good Lord, I say you have enough!

You keep reminding me about plagiarism and plagiarism, so why should I be shameless

There are no such works in this world. I remembered them based on my ability and worked hard to write them. How come they are not considered my works

Come out and speak clearly!

come out! !