I Know Everything

Chapter 52: Initial disadvantage


In the suburbs of LA City, Dongguang Road Middle School.

The place where "Love Letter" takes place is not in a bustling metropolis.

The original filming location, Otaru, is also a very small city.

Without so much impetuous prosperity, there would be such a gentle and watery story.

If it happened in a big city, I'm afraid it would be like a domineering student student.

Therefore, Shi Liyou chose this suburban school.

Not far from the school is a hillside covered with woods.

In this way, there is no need to find another place for the scene in which the male Fangshu, carrying a brown paper bag with two holes for eyes, catches up with the female Fangshu on his bicycle and covers her head with the brown paper bag.

Shen Huan also felt a little pity.

Due to the season and rush, the filming location of "Love Letter" was divided into two places. It is a pity that one place cannot be as famous as Otaru.

But he didn't have time to sigh.

On the third day after Han Donger arrived in Lin'an, Monday, July 28, the crew of "Love Letter" officially started shooting at Dongguang Road Middle School.

The reason why we filmed at Dongguang Road Middle School is not only because it is in the suburbs, but also because this school has 12 classes on three floors and is relatively small, which is suitable for the setting of the script.

It happened to be summer vacation at this time, and the school was empty, which was more conducive for the crew to shoot.

But because many students in the class had appearances and lines, the school also specially selected some students with performance experience to participate in the crew.

Students are very interested in being on TV, let alone making movies.

When they heard that the little queen Han Donger was starring, they became even more active. Some of those who were not selected cried sadly.

The first scene filmed started when the teacher called the new students into high school.

In this scene, the most important shot is when the teacher calls "Fang Shu", the two of them answer together, and then the male Fang Shu turns around and looks at the female Fang Shu.

The teacher is directly played by a real math teacher.

Anyway, he only appeared once, which was a roll call. He didn't have too many lines or expressions. He could just call the roll like a normal teacher.

"Jia Zhen."


"Wu Huochun."


"Chen Tong."


"Fang Shu."



The two people who answered at the same time were stunned.

The students are also looking for these two people who answered at the same time.

They themselves looked in the direction of the other speaker.

Even the teacher raised his head and looked at him in surprise: "They have the same name!"

"Haha, this is really the first time I've seen it!"

The classmates looked around, looked at them with laughter, and started joking.

It was this rather embarrassing scene that destined the two to have an awkward and cautious relationship during their three years of high school.

In fact, this is also the fate of the two people's life together.

When filming this scene, Ding Lun arranged a total of five cameras, aiming at every corner of the classroom.

This is definitely more than the original work, but Ding Lun is a professional in this aspect and Shen Huan will not interfere.

All he needs to pay attention to is his own performance.

However, obviously acting is not that easy.


Zhu Mei, who was standing in the corner, shouted again.

The noise in the classroom turned into silence.

"Shen Huan, your expression is not cold enough! Not cold enough!" Zhu Mei said with a small speaker, "It's not the kind of coldness that makes you frown, but a natural reaction! You are too nervous, relax!"

After a pause, she turned to Han Dong'er again, "Dong'er, your expression should be shy and curious, not expressionless. What are you doing? Are you competing with each other to see who is more expressionless?"

A group of students present lowered their heads and laughed.

They were the ones who made the most mistakes the first few times, but after they became proficient, it was Shen Huan and Han Dong'er who made the most mistakes.

Although this scene only lasts about a minute in the entire movie, it is the first scene that Fang Shu recalls when she grows up, and it has a kind of extended meaning.

This is also the first real appearance of the man Shu in the whole play.

Basically, halfway through the movie, the male protagonist has just appeared for the first time.

With such "procrastination", if it didn't have a stunning performance, I'm afraid "Love Letter" would have become mediocre.

So this scene must be shot well.

For this reason, Zhu Mei has repeated the filming 7 times.

In the middle of the class, the students were allowed to take a 10-minute break, and a bottle of drink and pastries were given to them to soothe their tired souls.

As for the two male and female protagonists, they were not so lucky. They had been listening to Zhu Mei's explanation.

In fact, the person Zhu Mei was explaining to was still Han Dong'er. Shen Huan's shortcoming was that he had never acted before, and he didn't have any camera sense.

This made it difficult for him to face it calmly when the camera was filming Shen Huan.

Although Han Donger has never acted, she came from a singing talent show and has a strong sense of camera.

What she missed was that she changed her expression from ordinary indifference to a real young girl.

With the practice in the previous two days, the two of them still mastered their lines very well, but they just didn't feel like they were calling.

After thinking about it, Zhu Mei simply called the two aside again, "Think about how you can change it! If it doesn't work, we will skip this scene and shoot the next few scenes first."

"Need not."

Shen Huan was actually thinking of a way. He said to Han Dong'er: "Dong'er, do you want to believe me once?"

The two have already become familiar with each other through face-to-face filming.

Even if the little diva is relatively cold, Shen Huan can tell all kinds of jokes to make her happy, and then respond to her lines in this relaxed state.

Han Donger's coldness, just like Sun Yan said, is just for outsiders, but she is not proactive, and it is not the kind of arrogance that looks down on anyone.

When meeting someone like Shen Huan who was so close and shameless, even if the little queen looked at him with cold eyes, he could still tell jokes to tease her. Han Donger really had no good idea.

Looking at Shen Huan, Han Dong'er thought for a while and then lightly pressed her powder.

She didn't know Shen Huan very well yet, but when Shen Huan memorized lines and prepared, he was not just teasing her, he was also very serious.

No matter which line Han Donger said in the scene, Shen Huan could pick it up immediately, which made Han Donger admire her deeply.

Based on this alone, Han Dong'er also felt that if she wanted to break the situation, she might as well listen to what he planned to do.

In the end, Shen Huan was really rude. After Han Dong'er agreed, he directly held Han Dong'er's hands.


Several boys who were watching nearby blurted out the words.

This kid, are you going too far

Just because you are good-looking, what do you want to do to our idol

It's not just the boys who are sad, the female classmates also look unhappy.

Although Han Donger is beautiful, she is a fairy with facial paralysis and is naturally stupid. How can she be suitable as a girlfriend

Acting is nothing more than acting. If you were choosing a girlfriend in life, classmate Shen Huan would still choose a young and energetic girl like us!