I Know Everything

Chapter 54: A song drives a movie


The shooting speed in the next few days was not very fast, but the results of the shots were very good.

"Love Letter" does not require much acting skills for the two young Fang Shu.

What's more important is to show the pure love through their own performance and some set scenes.

Precisely because there is no need to be too intense, no need to love to death, no need to say life and death, the performances of Shen Huan and Han Dong'er do not need to be so exaggerated.

Don't underestimate exaggerated performances. Not everyone can achieve truly good exaggerated performances.

If people like Mi Mi, Xiao Mingge and others are hysterical, it is simply not qualified.

No matter what, it has to look like Ma Jintao's performance to make people not hate it.

During the filming break, Shen Huan also paid attention to communicating with Han Donger more.

In the movie, the two people never confessed their love in their lives, but at least they had enough understanding between them.

Therefore, there must be at least some tacit understanding between Shen Huan and Han Donger.

This kind of tacit understanding is actually very simple. If you live with someone often, you must have a tacit understanding more or less.

Shen Huan is like this now. Whenever he has free time, he chats with Han Donger and talks about topics from all over the world.

Of course, Han Dong'er couldn't talk to him more. In one chat, there were at most three words "oh", "um", "huh?", which was already a lot.

But Shen Huan didn't realize that he was hit at all, and still persisted.

This made Sun Yan, who was guarding the side, start to be wary.

You pretty boy, are you trying to pick up our Dong'er

That afternoon, after filming the day's scene, Shen Huan originally planned to chat with Han Dong'er, but when he looked up, he saw Zhu Mei, Ding Lun and Shi Liyou, who had just gone out, coming back with smiles on their faces.

"Did you win the lottery?" Shen Huan's first reaction was this.

"Of course not!" Zhu Mei was a little more reserved, but Ding Lun said excitedly: "Xiao Huan, the first seven-day box office of "Paper Kite" is out! It's a full 15 million!"

"15 million in the first seven days?" Shen Huan hesitated.

"Xiao Huan, you can't be so ambitious." Shi Liyou understood what Shen Huan meant, and he explained: "The box office of literary and artistic films cannot be compared with commercial films. First of all, the number of screens it can be released on is limited. This time Xuanwu Movie has secured 200 screens for us, which is already a very good number.

The tickets for literary and artistic films are also cheaper. After all, there are no 3D and IMAX screens, so they are usually 15 yuan per ticket. In addition, we cannot seize the good weekend time and prime time in the evening like a commercial blockbuster. During normal time periods, it is good to have 30% of the seats.

If you calculate it this way, do you think our 15 million a week is still less? You know, our total cost, even if we include the 1 million announced, is only less than 7 million! Based on the current box office, we have already guaranteed our capital this week and will start to make a net profit next week! By the time the three or four weeks of release are over, it shouldn't be a problem to earn more than 10 million! "

"This is all thanks to the "Straw Hat Song" written by Xiao Huan!" Zhu Mei also praised Shen Huan without hesitation.

Straw Hat Song

Han Donger, who was sitting in a daze out of boredom, raised his head slightly.


Sun Yan, who was firmly guarding her little girl, suddenly exclaimed: ""Straw Hat Song" was written by Shen Huan? Shouldn't Lu Xiaofeng be a woman!? How could it be him!?"

All right.

The person who wrote the book was Chu Liuxiang, and the person who wrote the song was Lu Xiaofeng.

Shen Huan worked hard to pay tribute to Gu Long, and the names he chose were so poetic.

Han Donger turned her head and looked at her agent and assistant.

Except for things related to music, she basically doesn't go online, let alone read any microblogs or news.

Last time Han Dong'er's fans had a big quarrel with Buyi Yi's fans, Han Dong'er just heard Sun Yan say it and asked her to help her reply.

During the filming this time, Han Donger did not touch her mobile phone as usual, so she did not know what was going on in the outside world.

Sun Yan is different. She needs to collect all kinds of knowledge and news, and know fashionable things before she can talk to Han Donger.

Sensing Han Dong'er's doubts, she explained it to the little queen in detail.

The movie "Paper Kite" is very popular these days. The reason is of course not its daily box office of more than one million, but its theme song.

This English song "Straw Hat Song", written and composed by newcomer Lu Xiaofeng and sung by second-rate veteran rock singer Shui Qingshan, became popular on social media from the first day "Paper Kite" was released.

On the first day, there were more than 20 music and entertainment-related bloggers rushing to recommend "Straw Hat Song", and many people were very excited.

Among them, "Like Pipixia" with a meager fan base of 17 million is the most emotional.

"I have never shed tears while watching a movie, but I went to see "The Kite" on the recommendation of a friend. When I heard "The Straw Hat Song", I couldn't help but cry! I took the high-speed rail back home as soon as possible. I went to my hometown and had a meal with my mother! Thank you, Teacher Lu Xiaofeng! Thank you, Teacher Shui Qingshan!"

These celebrities, especially professional celebrities, gain the most die-hard fans from their meager sums.

With their recommendation, everyone’s first reaction is to search for songs.

Now is the copyright era of the Internet. Most of the songs are fine if you want to listen to them, but you have to pay to download them.

As a result, "Straw Hat Song" gave everyone a surprise. It can be downloaded directly for free on several major music websites.

The explanation given on the homepage is this.

"Teacher Lu Xiaofeng hopes that this song written for her mother does not involve money, so all copyrights are free. If you are willing to sing it, you are definitely welcome! But if it is used for commercial performances, I hope you can donate more to charities. Don't I have failed to live up to Teacher Lu Xiaofeng’s hard work.”


Look! !

How bold is this

What a beautiful and kind-hearted musician this is

Based on this alone, many people fell in love with Lu Xiaofeng and "Straw Hat Song" before even listening to the song.

After listening to it, countless people burst into tears.

It involves the deepest maternal love, and almost no one will not be moved.

Even if it is an English song, people can hear the deep affection and deep yearning for their mother contained in it.

So "Straw Hat Song" is undoubtedly a hit.

In just three days, it skyrocketed from the rankings of major music websites to become the champion of all songs.

Of course, this champion still has moisture.

Because it is a free song, of course more people will listen to the download.

But others can't say anything gossip.

"Straw Hat Song" is so excellent that countless music luminaries have publicly praised it as a classic. The first king of heaven, Tang Yuan, even actively recorded the studio version of this song and uploaded it to the Internet. I started with the most sincere tone.

"Dedicated to my mother, to teacher Lu Xiaofeng, to my peers and my juniors!"

The two kings Su Mo and Zhu Shengyu, as well as the two queens Zhou Jing and Xu Ping, also sang "Straw Hat Song" by themselves and presented it for everyone to enjoy.

There are countless other second- and third-rate singers and Internet singers who sing "Straw Hat Song".

With the support of these kings and queens, whoever dares to say bad things about "Straw Hat Song" and say that it should not have such achievements is going against most of the hardcore people.

The second "Straw Hat Song" is obviously the kind of divine song that you know will make a lot of money without having to publish it, but Lu Xiaofeng decided from the beginning to let everyone download and sing it for free. This kind of heart is also extremely admirable.

You don’t want millions or tens of millions of profits, so what are you talking about

Are you eligible

Therefore, "Straw Hat Song" has dominated the charts these days, and its popularity and topicality are also very high.

It is precisely because of the popularity of "Straw Hat Song" that "Paper Kite" can achieve such good results!

Shi Liyou was right.

In fact, "Paper Kite" is already the highest-grossing literary film in its first week this year!