I Know Everything

Chapter 57: What's wrong?


Amidst Shen Huan's low singing, the sound of the guitar fell.

A song ends.

"It's called "My Deskmate," and it's written for everyone who has experienced the school days." Shen Huan said to everyone harmoniously, "I hope everyone likes it!"

"Pa bang bang..."

There was warm applause.

"Sounds good!"

"I also think about my student career, I miss it so much!"

"Xiao Huan is such a genius! This campus song is really suitable for our story!"

"How about the person who can create "The Straw Hat Song"? That's right!"


A group of people were discussing and praising each other.

The new crew members were told by the old crew members that Shen Huan was Lu Xiaofeng before they arrived, and now they have no doubts.

Even Zhu Mei smiled and nodded.

This song has a very innocent artistic conception, which reminds people of their beautiful school days as soon as they listen to it.

The most beautiful period of "Love Letter" happens to be during the school days of the man and woman Fang Shu.

Such stories and songs are not only liked by young people, but also by white-collar workers at work.

In this way, the target group of "Love Letter" is already there.

Unlike "Straw Hat Song", "My Deskmate" can be released during publicity. After it attracts a lot of attention, more people will definitely watch it!

Speaking of which, the publicity and distribution department of Xuanwu Film also made a big mistake. They believed that a song written by a newcomer or sung by a has-been second-rate singer was not worthy of being taken seriously at all.

Therefore, during the promotion, "Straw Hat Song" was not mentioned at all, but Zhu Mei's name was mentioned in the hope of attracting her inherent movie-watching group.

It wasn't until "Straw Hat Song" became a big hit that they suddenly realized it and rushed to promote it and ride on the popularity.

But this has wasted a lot of time, and at least the box office will be about 10 million less.

There is currently no film company investment in "Love Letter". Zhu Mei and Shui Qingshan each spent 3 million to shoot it. Without restrictions, they can have more of their own ideas when promoting it in the future.

It feels really bad that the director is only responsible for filming and cannot interfere with the rest!

From this point of view, Zhu Mei feels that no one is optimistic about "Love Letter", but it is an unexpected gain.

Not only did she gain something, but Shen Huan also gained something.

"Ding dong!"

"Weak Chicken Host's song has been recognized by director Zhu Mei and the crew. The system specially rewards 'Professional Mathematics' (elementary) skills to help Weak Chicken Host further grow."

Following Haoye's voice, a lot of mathematical knowledge was stuffed into Shen Huan's head.

At this time, he had a profound and profound understanding, that is, he suddenly understood all this knowledge. Many knowledge points that he could not understand before and could not think about deeply were instantly understood.

To put it simply, he felt that his ability in mathematics suddenly changed from rubbish to a peerless master.

At this moment, if it weren't for the wrong time, he would have rushed out and found a high school math paper to study to see if he was hallucinating.

If the reward from the good master is real, then I will give it to myself!

Shen Huanke is worried that her grades will not improve much after school starts!

Especially mathematics. Mathematics is a very simple subject without any compromise. There is only right and wrong, and there is no third way.

Therefore, mathematics is also one of the subjects that can increase your score in the college entrance examination. As long as mathematics can increase yourself by 30 points, and you will inevitably improve in Chinese and English, then you will be completely fine!

Opening his eyes, Shen Huan looked at the people present, almost all praising the song with sighs on their faces, and did not notice anything strange about himself.

Or they thought they were tired from singing and playing, so they closed their eyes to rest.

But Shen Huan still noticed a person's expression, which was still indifferent.

"Dong'er, does my song sound good?" Shen Huan sat down in front of Han Dong'er and asked quietly.

Shen Huan himself has strong confidence in "My Deskmate".

Because it is a divine song for young people, or people under 40 years old, will feel this way.

This song has a simple melody and simple lyrics, but it leaves such a profound impression on people.

People may not be able to remember many songs, but as long as they like literature and art and singing, "My Deskmate" will never be forgotten.

Most people born after the 1970s can sing a few lines, even if they are tone-deaf, humming is perfectly fine.

It is for this reason that Shen Huan didn't have to search for memories very deliberately. He sang it when he was practicing guitar at home.

At first, some of the lyrics were unfamiliar, but after a few times, I naturally memorized them all.

"It's okay." Han Dong'er said lightly tapping the powder.

"Uh..." Shen Huan scratched his head, "Is it just not bad?"

"I think it's very good. It sounds great and fits the atmosphere of "Love Letter". It's very appropriate!" Sun Yan said a rare word for Shen Huan from the side, "I finally believe that Shen Huan is Teacher Lu Xiaofeng! "

"But it's not as good as "Straw Hat Song", it's far from it." Han Dong'er didn't buy it at all.

"The artistic conception, feeling and target groups of the two are different, so we can't compare them like this." As Sun Yan spoke, she secretly poked Han Dong'er to signal her to stop talking.

Sun Yan's meaning is very clear.

Teacher Lu Xiaofeng is so talented, and Han Donger's popularity is declining now, so why not ask him to write a song

Maybe someone can write another "Straw Hat Song", wouldn't that make a lot of money

It's a pity that although Han Dong'er understood Sun Yan's meaning, her eyes did not change at all.

The world of the little diva is very simple, right is right, wrong is wrong, good is good, bad is bad, there should be no confusion.

She didn't think that the song moved her, so she wouldn't lie.

This made Shen Huan a little confused.

Of course, he was not angry with Han Dong'er.

But he also noticed that "My Deskmate" did not cause a sensation like the last time "Straw Hat Song" did.

At that time, almost everyone who listened to "Straw Hat Song" shed tears. It was an expression of true feelings.

Although the response to "My Deskmate" was also very good, and everyone was praising it, and it was not against one's will, the feeling of being moved involuntarily was much weaker.

In a word, they are not committed enough.

What's wrong!

Could it be that my understanding is biased, that "My Deskmate" is so different from "Straw Hat Song"

Isn't it

"My Deskmate" is known as the number one campus folk song. This is not attributed to Shen Huanfeng, but to the approval of most people!

Are you right... Good Lord

You said that my mission has been completed and you gave me a reward. Why can't I be happy now