I Know Everything

Chapter 68: That’s it!


After seeing the two of them off, Shen Huan returned to the room and began to think about it.

In the previous life, Shen Huan was not a karaoke expert, but his girlfriend in college was.

Every weekend after watching movies, she dragged Shen Huan to sing several times.

One of her favorite singers happened to be Azhe, so after listening to it hundreds of times, Shen Huan finally remembered two of Azhe's songs, which could be sung with her eyes closed.

One of them is "White Moonlight" and the other is "Tolerance".

"White Moonlight" is a piece written by a Japanese composer. It is very elegant and ethereal. It is paired with Azhe, who is in his 40s. This state of mind just allows him to sing this song.

However, it is no longer a love song that expresses passionate feelings, but a low-pitched emotion. It is completely different from the love song of a 20-year-old Zhe who is in love to death.

Guan Yili has not made his debut yet, let alone whether he can sing "White Moonlight" well. Even if he can sing, it is not suitable for his current age.

Therefore, Shen Huan chose "Tolerance" without much hesitation.

"Tolerance" is not an easy song to sing. Its treble part is very high, and it lasts for a particularly long time in the chorus stage. Coupled with the requirement of pronunciation, the difficulty suddenly increases exponentially.

In this way, the singer's vocal range will be suppressed. If he didn't have the talent of A Zhe's vocal range, it would be difficult to do it.

It is also known as one of the most difficult classics to cover among Azhe's love songs.

At 28 years old, Azhe's voice and condition are at their peak, so he can master this song with ease.

Guan Yili's current state and singing skills are naturally much worse.

However, if the difficulty is low, how can he become a blockbuster

If he can't shock the world at once, wouldn't it be a waste of Ning Wu's desperate determination!

After choosing the song and signing the contract, a bank text message was pushed to Shen Huan's phone that afternoon.

"Your bank card with the ending number xx has been credited with 1 million yuan..."


Shen Huan looked a little surprised.

The original agreement with Ning Wu was that the down payment would be 500,000, and the remaining three years would be sufficient to pay it off.

This means that even if it is the last day of the three-year agreement, if he calls over 1.5 million, it will not be considered a violation.

Unexpectedly, Ning Wu directly paid an extra 500,000 yuan, which showed his kindness.

According to Shen Huan's understanding of his funds, 1 million is probably the maximum amount of funds he can come up with.

For the rest of the money, he had to keep it for Guan Yili to practice singing and record records, plus publicity and so on. The cost was not small.

Don’t think that publicity relies solely on word-of-mouth, or spontaneous discovery and diffusion by people on the Internet. People with such ideas are usually very easy to jump on the bandwagon.

Whether it is meager promotion, radio promotion, recommendation by other singers, singing on TV shows, etc., it requires a lot of money and connections to make the trip happen.

Unless a song as outrageous as "Straw Hat Song", which is also a song with the most sincere emotions of mankind, has a chance to spread to the point where everyone knows it simply by word of mouth.

Although "Tolerance" is a classic love song, it cannot reach the level of "Straw Hat Song".

Everyone said that "Straw Hat Song" was worth millions, but only Shen Huan knew that if he had 10 million in money, he would be willing to spend it all to buy this song.

Super classic songs, every time they come out, there will be one less, and in the same way, one song will last a lifetime.

Come back to the present.

After Ning Wu got the song, he went to register the copyright as soon as possible. Then, with Shui Qingshan's connections, he found a recording studio in Lin'an and started practicing.

Practicing a song is definitely not just about singing it once with the sheet music.

No matter how talented a singer is, he needs to polish it repeatedly so that he can understand every detail of the song and sing the best version.

To put it simply, singing gods such as Principal Tan, Jacky You, and Yi Xun are all from Xiangjiang. They can't even speak Mandarin well on weekdays. Why can they sing Mandarin songs so well and with such precise words

It’s not like practicing word by word.

Not only every word, but also every word and every sentence must be read, recited and understood over and over again in order to practice the lyrics well.

Then when singing, they need to polish the pronunciation and exhalation of each word and the change of tone of each lyric.

At this point, in addition to themselves, there is the production director to help ask questions and provide solutions to the problems.

For the final version to come out, the production director deserves a lot of credit.

If you look carefully at each singer's album, the production directors used by famous singers are all famous and powerful!

Guan Yili's production director is Ning Wu, and Ning Wu can only be used by himself.

Neither of them are top talents, at least not yet.

During this period, the two of them came over several times to let Shen Huan give guidance on how to deal with Guan Yili's voice. Guan Yili gained a lot every time.

This is why Ning Wu wants to practice in Lin'an and spend so much money to rent a recording studio - he has his own recording studio in Minzhou.

Ning Wu just wanted to let Teacher Lu Xiaofeng give more guidance to Guan Yili.

This time, the song given by Teacher Lu Xiaofeng was definitely a classic, and he only had to hum it once to know it.

So if it doesn't work out in the end, it's definitely not the fault of Teacher Lu Xiaofeng, it can only be due to his and Guan Yili's incompetence.

From the looks of it, Ning Wu was very glad that he directly paid a high fee of 2 million, so that he would not have to be embarrassed if he asked Teacher Lu Xiaofeng for advice frequently.

After spending so much money and feeling anxious, Teacher Lu Xiaofeng can definitely understand.

In fact, Shen Huan was more positive than Ning Wu imagined.

Because this is the mission issued by Hao Ye.

The better Guan Yili can sing "Tolerance", the more he can complete the task perfectly, and the more rewards Shen Huan will get.

Whether it is mathematical knowledge, songs, movies, or even spice powder, they are all very useful things to Shen Huan.

Walking in this strange world without any special skills, Shen Huan would not feel at ease!

In Shen Huan's observation, Guan Yili was also so serious that it was a bit creepy.

Because he spends 16 hours every day contacting Tolerance.

Of course, it is impossible to sing all the time, as this will directly ruin your voice.

In addition to practicing in the recording studio for eight hours, he would also hold the music sheet and hum quietly when he came down, and then walk around the room for no apparent reason, and make a few dancing moves from time to time.

Shen Huan didn't know what it meant.

But Ning Wu understood.

Guan Yili immersed himself in the story of "Tolerance" and brought himself into this story.

His actions were not an expression of his own emotions, but also an expression of his emotions towards the non-existent heroine.

"When he fully understands this story, his songs will be extremely rich in emotion. At that time, the best "Tolerance" will come out!"

Ning Wu explained to Shen Huan on the phone.

Shen Huan could also hear that he was both relieved and a little worried.

If Guan Yili couldn't come out, or collapsed under the pressure, then Guan Yili would become a joke.

But what will happen to him in the end can only depend on himself.

Now it depends on whether Guan Yili is determined to succeed or not!