I Know Everything

Chapter 78: Really enlightened?




After three minutes, when Shen Huan completed 100 push-ups, the girls all cheered.

The boys originally admired him, but when they saw his strong body, they felt ashamed and a little envious and jealous.

Zhuang Tao laughed and helped Shen Huan up, who was so tired that her hair was soaked, "Don't sit down, stand and calm down first before talking!"

While speaking, he patted Shen Huan's shoulder heavily, "Boy, I can't tell, you actually have the potential to be an athlete!"

The children didn't look at it. He actually finished 100 push-ups in one minute. But Zhuang Tao didn't care about the children yet. Instead, he felt that young people like Shen Huan had good perseverance and ability.

Not everyone can do 100 standard push-ups in one breath.

"Hey, Teacher Zhuang, you hurt our Shen Huan so hard!" Long Yuqing, who came over, said dissatisfied.

Zhuang Tao took a look, and sure enough, Shen Huan showed a pained expression, and he smiled coquettishly: "Sorry, sorry!"

"It's okay." Shen Huan tried hard to calm down his breathing, but sweat still flowed down like raindrops.

Long Yuqing felt a little crazy when he saw it, and his saliva almost flowed out.

So handsome!

too handsome!

The man I like is indeed the best in the world!

She took a bottle of pure water from her attendant, stepped forward and handed it to Shen Huan with a smile, "Are you tired? Take a sip of water~~"

"Don't drink it now!" Zhuang Tao quickly stopped him, "Now that your body functions are recovering, it would be bad if you drink water rashly! Wait until your sweat flow has reduced and your breathing has calmed down before drinking."


Shen Huan took the water and said thank you to Long Yuqing.

Seeing Long Yuqing fanning Shen Huan with her jade hands, Zhuang Tao suddenly sighed.

This man is good-looking, but he is also bringing disaster to the country and the people!

Long Yuqing had no time to care about him, but fanned herself while looking at Shen Huan's body that was tightly clinging to her T-shirt.

At this time, because Shen Huan stood up, the T-shirt stuck tighter, and four abdominal muscles were clearly visible.

Shen Huan's chest muscles were not that developed, but Long Yuqing thought they were very good. Those ridiculously broad chest muscles looked too ugly.

Shen Huan was not as tired as he showed at this time. The intensity of training for about 3 months was very high, making him and he become two different people from 3 months ago.

But seeing Zhuang Tao not even taking a breath, he knew that there was still a big gap between him and professionals.

"You just keep doing it like this." Zhuang Tao said to Shen Huan, "When you are free during the winter vacation, I will take you to the gym to do some special exercises. Then you can learn some professional exercise methods and then go home and do your own exercises. Exercise will get twice the result with half the effort.”

After all, you will have too many kidney transplants in the future. If you don’t have a good body, you will be swallowed by these female monsters sooner or later.

After looking at Long Yuqing, who had a happy face, Zhuang Tao could only say the above sentence silently in his heart.

"Okay, I'm free during the winter vacation. I'll trouble Teacher Zhuang again then." Shen Huan was naturally very happy about this.

Long Yuqing's eyes lit up when he heard this.

It’s good to go to the gym!

Then won’t I be able to see Shen Huan every day

You can also let him admire my graceful figure. Maybe if he loses control, his bestiality will come out

"Ding dong!"

"The weak chicken host has only taken the first step of training. The great and almighty system has specially issued tasks in order to encourage the host to move forward."

"During this winter vacation, use your own strength to conquer the coaches and students of 'Weili Gym' and let them know what a fitness genius is! If you can complete it successfully, the system will issue a gratifying gift!"


Shen Huan frowned.

I’m not good at exercising!

Moreover, I am a monk halfway, so how can I compare with these coaches who have been practicing for several or more than ten years

But after carefully considering the request of the good master, Shen Huan came to his senses again.

This is not to beat them all down at the beginning, but to make a comparison after the winter vacation training is over.

It seems that I have to find some other way.

After the physical education class, there is a self-study class.

He Qiang came over specifically and asked Shen Fei to go to his office.

no way.

This is how self-study classes are occupied by teachers.

Shen Huan went to He Qiang's office and found a girl wearing glasses sitting on the table next to him.

She glanced at Shen Huan lightly, but she didn't feel anything special.

This is also a novel feeling for Shen Huan, who is chased by female classmates.

This bespectacled girl with delicate features is naturally Tang Ziyan, the top student at Mingxian Middle School.

She is the best in mathematics, but her scores in other subjects are also very good. The comprehensive score of the two final exams was not less than 700 points.

This result is already firmly within the 100th place in Zhejiang and Vietnam. Now the teachers are thinking about building her up in the past two years and trying to get her to the top 50, so that she can show her face and make great achievements!

You know, since the college entrance examination, the top 50 in the college entrance examination in Zhejiang and Vietnam are generally reserved for schools such as the three famous schools and the Five Golden Flowers. There is no need to count on the other second- and third-rate schools.

Now that there is such a good seedling, of course it must be carefully cultivated.

It is said that not only did Tang Ziyan receive a scholarship, but all her tuition and fees were offset, the school also gave her a subsidy of several thousand yuan every month.

For a student to reach this stage, Shen Huan is really envious!

In fact, his tuition and fees are free of charge, but the reason is that he is an orphan, and it is not like someone got it through strength.

"Come on, you guys will do another set of papers today." He Qiang asked Shen Huan to sit across from Tang Ziyan, and then took out two papers, "This set of papers contains half of the knowledge for the second year of high school, is that okay?"

Both nodded.

"Okay, you go ahead and don't worry about the time. I'll ask for leave for you in the next class." He Qiang said.

The next class for Class 4 is biology. Although it is also a college entrance examination subject, it has little status compared to mathematics.

The two of them were immersed in the test papers, and He Qiang was sitting next to him reading, looking up at them from time to time.

Both of them were very fast at solving the questions, but He Qiang could clearly see that Tang Ziyan would occasionally frown and think more, but Shen Huan had no expression at all the whole time and was very steady.

After the two students handed in their papers and left, He Qiang sat back at his desk. He did not even look at the answers, but directly compared the two papers.

After reading all the way, He Qiang found that the two men only had different answers to one multiple-choice question, one quiz question, and one application question.

I turned over the answers again and found that Shen Huan was wrong about the multiple-choice and question-and-answer questions.

But Tang Ziyan was wrong about the application question.

The content that Shen Huan made wrong was knowledge for sophomore year of high school, but the application questions that Tang Ziyan made wrong were for freshman year.

After calculating this, the scores of both of them are actually the same, 135 points!

It was normal for Tang Ziyan to be wrong, because this question was originally a trap set by He Qiang.

But it was unusual for Shen Huan to do the right thing.


How could Shen Huan actually learn the knowledge points from university

Is it really enlightening? !

He Qiang unconsciously fell into deep contemplation.

There is nothing enlightening about the subject of mathematics, right?


(Thank you for your collection, rewards and recommendation support! I beg you to be more fierce, I can bear it~~~)