I Know Everything

Chapter 84: Busan


It’s already starting to get cooler in Busan, the Tai Chi country, in September.

Since Taiji Country is a peninsula country and is close to the ocean, the cold wind coming from the Pacific Ocean will cause the weather to change greatly.

It often changes from a bright sun all over the country to a storm all over the country.

Fortunately, the weather is still good in September. The temperature in Busan is about 18-24 degrees, which is very suitable for outdoor activities.

This is why the Busan International Film Festival is held in late September.

It’s too hot in August and too cold in October.

When Shen Huan and his party came out of the airport, there was naturally a car from the organizing committee waiting to take them to the designated hotel to rest.

On the way to the hotel, the group could see many elements about the Busan International Film Festival. There were colorful flags flying everywhere, lights were brightly lit, and it was a lively scene.

Tai Chi people are very face-conscious. The most famous one was the Seoul Olympics. They spent almost all their foreign exchange reserves on this project. They really made it look magnificent.

The same is true for the Busan International Film Festival. Because the Edo International Film Festival is competing, they strive to overwhelm Japan and become the real number one.

This is reflected in the level of their reception and the scale of their hosting.

In the car, Shen Huan and the others received the manual issued by the organizing committee.

This time, a total of 350 films from 80 countries around the world participated in the 19th Busan International Film Festival.

Among them, the opening ceremony film is "The President" by Argentina, and the closing ceremony film is "Lie" by Tai Chi Kingdom.

The competition section of the Busan International Film Festival is very complicated and not the Cannes Film Festival we are familiar with.

They have a total of more than a dozen different categories, and then a group of judges each selects the films registered in these categories to make their selections.

Zhu Mei got a job in Shanghai Opera, but because she signed up very late, she entered the "Busan Fan Award", a very popular award category.

As the name suggests, the "Busan Fan Award" means that the citizens of Busan come to watch, and then within ten days, the selection is based on the citizens' ratings as the standard.

To put it bluntly, this is just like Cannes, where dozens of temporary screening rooms are set up in the open space on the seaside of Haeundae, allowing everyone to come in and watch for free.

There are at least hundreds of films participating in this project. If you want to stand out among them, you need real ability.

If we follow ordinary standards, a movie can only have 2 screenings per day. Then as time goes by, good movies will get more screenings, and bad movies will gradually be eliminated.

"Love Letter" is not a popular film in the competition, so there is no red carpet process for tomorrow's opening ceremony. They only have to wait until 1 o'clock the day after tomorrow for their first screening.

That's fine. After seven or eight hours of flying and exhausting travel, we need to have a good rest so that we can face the test in the best mental state.

The hotel is located in the middle cave of Haeundae.

The Haeundae area is a very famous scenic spot in Busan. It is basically similar to Daya Bay in Qiongdao. The inner arc-shaped area is full of tall buildings. The spacious street leads to the beach, and next to the beach is the sea.

Entering the hotel room, Shen Huan opened the curtains and saw the beautiful harbor scenery.

In order to save money, the crew of "Love Letter" only stayed in the cheapest hotels here.

But because Tai Chi people don't want to lose face, hotels are still discounted for participating crews. They actually stay in four-star hotels, but the prices are based on ordinary three-star hotels.

Otherwise, you won’t be able to see the beach and the sea.

"Go to sleep, Xiao Huan. We have to adapt to the environment early tomorrow, and then we have some preparations to make!" Ding Lun, who was in the same room as Shen Huan, was ready to rest after taking a shower.

"Well, I'll rest later. Brother Ding, you can go to sleep first!" Shen Huan responded smoothly.

By the time he came out of the shower room, Ding Lun was already snoring.

Shen Huan turned on the computer in the room and used translation software to search for news about "The Gift from Room No. 7".

The online translation software in this world is not that reliable yet, but simple meanings can still be translated.

In the past, when she was in Lin'an, Shen Huan used this kind of translation software to check the news of Tai Chi Country, and now she can be considered a master of it.

It was already late September, and it had been almost 50 days since the publication of "The Gift of Room No. 7".

Its sales volume at this time has officially exceeded 2 million copies, and it is still soaring toward 3 million copies without losing momentum.

This year's best-selling novel in Tai Chi Kingdom, "The Gift from Room No. 7", has been included in the book in advance.

What makes Shen Huan most gratified is the reputation of "The Gift from Room No. 7".

It is on several major websites in Tai Chi Country, and now has more than 23 million messages, which is probably half of the population of Tai Chi Country.

Of course, not only half of the people in Tai Chi Kingdom left messages. Many people left messages more than 10 times.

But this also shows everyone’s pursuit of this popularity.

Whether celebrities or ordinary people, entrepreneurs or public officials, this story is discussed on various occasions.

It is even very admirable that they actually discussed the unjust, false and wrong cases in a serious manner, and many people are calling for a thorough investigation of all cases to prevent the tragedy of Li Chenglong and Li Yiyuan from happening again.

At this point, Shen Huan himself felt that their mobility was amazing.

It was like seeing the introduction of the melting pot bill in my previous life.

In addition to the inherent characteristics of "The Gift of Room No. 7", the mysterious author "Chu Liuxiang" has increasingly become the target of people's pursuit of the truth.

Who is he or she

Why did you write such a novel

Is it really true, or is it all imaginary

Why did he suddenly appear and touch the entire Taiji Kingdom when he had no information at all before

These are all questions people are asking and thinking about.

Unfortunately, so far, they have not received an answer.

Many writers in Tai Chi country's literary circles were listed one by one and their conjectures were proved to be false.

The less they can find the answer, the more mysterious Chu Liuxiang becomes, and the more they want to know the truth.

There are at least more than 5 million messages on the Internet now about Chu Liuxiang's identity.

Seeing the Tai Chi fans' opinions and eagerness, Shen Huan felt much more at ease.

This move that I had worked so hard to make did not disappoint.

Whether the first step of "Love Letter" can have a stunning debut depends entirely on this foreshadowing!


(Collect! Recommend! Go for it!!)