I Know Everything

Chapter 9: Going to have a baby? !


Back home, Shen Huan was surprisingly not flustered.

He was nervous for a while just now, but he figured it out on the way back.

In fact, Shui Qingshan lets him eat at home every day to lighten his burden.

As long as he eats in a small noodle shop, high school tuition and miscellaneous fees are not expensive, plus school uniforms and other items, it will be about 5,000 a year, and the rest is water and electricity expenses, which is not much expensive.

In this way, with the 20,000 yuan in hand, Shen Huan would have no problem surviving the remaining two years of high school.

During these two years, Shen Huan thought that no matter how mediocre he was, he could at least pay for college tuition and living expenses with his ability as a time traveler, right

Besides, I also have a great system to help me.

"Hello, good brother, great good brother?"

"Brother, did you hear me calling you?"

"Answer me, can you provide me, your host, with some ways to make money?"

"Don't be so reserved. If I'm unlucky, nothing good will happen to you, right? Come on, send the source code of the chicken game to my phone!"

"Good brother?"

Shen Huan condescended to flatter him for a long time, but in the end, this rotten system didn't say a word, and he didn't know if it had crashed.

This kid is really realistic. He just wanted to take advantage of the system, so he took the initiative to recite "Great System" silently. Now that there is no response, he has been directly downgraded to "Bad System".

never mind.

Anyway, after "A Bowl of Yangchun Noodles" came out, the noodle shop became extremely popular. At that time, even if he had to live in vain for several years, Uncle Shui and Aunt Shui would be willing to do it, right

Besides, this broken system says that after completing the task, you will be given a mysterious gift.

Even if it had no moral bottom line, it wouldn't be able to give a gift like a roll of toilet paper, right

If "not wanting others to be better than me" is really so heartless, then, then...

Shen Huan thought helplessly for a long time, as if he had nothing to threaten it.

He shook his head and went to sleep without caring about anything except praying that his good brother would not have convulsions.

Shen Huan has a habit, which can also be said to be an advantage.

No matter what annoying things, it will not affect his sleep.

It is also because of this specialty that he has the energy to do so many things even if he feels uneasy in a strange world these days.

Early the next morning, Shen Huan took back the custom-made curtain of the "small noodle shop" and nailed it above the door of the small noodle shop.

Little girl Shui, who was holding a box of juice and drinking it, sat at the door and watched him finish the work alone, without any intention of helping.

"Shen Huan, you make it look like a noodle shop." After looking at the effect, Shui Qianyu protested.

"Nonsense, this is our ancient shop style. Xiaoriben learned it from us." Shen Huan took a few steps back, looked at it and said, "Do you think I need to erect a flagpole? This will make it more convenient." Be more alert!"

"I beg you, please stop being a monster." Shui Qianyu looked disgusted, "I can tell you, it will take a week at most. If it doesn't work, you can restore it to the original state!"

"Little sister Shui, you have to have confidence in me." After working, Shen Huan felt a little thirsty, so he grabbed the juice from her hand and drank it with the same straw, "I If your article has no effect, I will take the initiative to wash the dishes for a year!"

Seeing him drinking the juice he had drunk, Shui Qianyu's face turned a little red, and she felt ashamed and angry.

Stinky Chen Huan is becoming more and more unrestrained now, completely different from before!

In her panic, she forgot to continue mocking Shen Huan's whims.

"A Bowl of Yangchun Noodles" is very well written. At least a primary school bully like Shui Qianyu can feel the true love, struggle, friendliness and tenderness contained in those simple words.

Not only could she not be able to write such an article, neither could anyone else she knew.

It's incredible that Shen Huan, a guy with nothing but good looks, could actually write about it.

But even so, Shui Qianyu didn't believe that he wanted to make a small noodle shop like a fried salted fish prosperous with just one article.

If people are really so easy to deceive, why do they need so much advertising and publicity, and why do they need to hone their skills

"Oh, by the way, there's this."

Shen Huan took out a long prismatic piece of wood with a "reservation seat" painted in thick ink from his school bag. "The evening newspaper is published in the afternoon. Let's wait until after lunch and put it on table 2."

Shui Qianyu said "hehe" twice, "Go tell my parents about this!"

"Little sister Shui!" Shen Huan said angrily, "Who am I working so hard for? Isn't it for our family? For our future? For such an important thing, won't you work hard with me?"


A piece of ice cream fell in front of them.

A little kid who was eavesdropping on their conversation ran away into the street. As he ran, he shouted: "Mom, mom, it's terrible, Brother Huan and Sister Shui are going to have a baby..."

Shui Qianyu: "..."

Shen Huan: "..."

What a damn kid! !

Half an hour later, the alarmed Shui Qingshan, Xia He, and a bunch of neighbors figured out what was going on.

The misunderstanding was finally solved, and Shen Huan and Shui Qianyu felt like they were salivating.

During this period, Shen Huan also suffered miserable treatment—his feet were stepped on secretly by Shui Qianyu countless times.

He didn't dare to speak out, because the words that made people feel ambiguous were said by him without any hesitation.

"Look, those grandparents look dissatisfied." Several people returned to the store, and Shen Huan whispered to Shui Qianyu, "I'm really worried about these scandal spreaders. Spread your little wings of fantasy and make up a big show for us.”

"Bah~~~You still dare to say that?"

Shui Qianyu wanted to bite him.

"Okay, okay, Xiao Huan didn't do it on purpose. It's because the child doesn't have a sense of humor." Shui Qingshan helped persuade.

By the way, he also looked at the wooden reservation sign on table No. 2, which was a bit funny, "Xiao Huan, why are you doing these tricks? I know that the business of this noodle shop will not be good. I'm not worried, you worry about what?"

"If he says it can be done, let him try it." Shui Qianyu tilted his head and looked at Shen Huan, "How long do you think it will take to see the effect?"

"A week at most!" Shen Huan thought of a safer time, "At that time, Uncle Shui and Aunt Shui, you will have to hire a few more people!"


Shui Qianyu slapped the table, stood on the stool, and looked down at Shen Huan, "If that doesn't work, I will take back all the bowls in the street and let you wash them all!"

A murderous aura appeared without any concealment.

Looking at the confrontation between the two children, Shui Qingshan and Xia He smiled slightly.

It’s really nice to have a childhood sweetheart!


On the Mid-Autumn Festival, I wish everyone a happy reunion with the full moon!