I Know Everything

Chapter 94: Deserved


In the next few days, Shen Huan didn't know how he survived.

He felt that he had laughed so hard that he had lost his soul, and he had completely lost the direction of his life.

Even if Han Dong'er took off her clothes and stood in front of him, he should not react.


It seems that this ideal cannot be realized yet, because Han Dong'er is more tired than herself now.

If Sun Yan's eyes could kill, she would have killed Shen Huan who suggested this "signed photo" 3,825 times.

very good.

There are parts and components.

If it weren't for the fact that Han Dong'er's fame has soared in Tai Chi Country, and her first album has actually sold 50,000 copies in Tai Chi Country, the number of times Sun Yan wants to kill Shen Huan would have to at least add another 1 in front of it. .

Wei Xi, who had not called her at first, had been paying close attention to her little diva in the past few days.

He also urgently contacted and recorded 200,000 records and put them on the Tai Chi market.

According to the current trend, there will be no problem at all if 200,000 copies are sold out.

Just like that, it is easy for mediocrity studio to earn 5 million yuan. After all, the records of Tai Chi Country are much more expensive than those of Hua Country.

But all of what Shen Huan did was not in vain.

First of all, on the Taiji Kingdom website, Shen Huan and Han Donger are the celebrities who have appeared the most in the past ten days.

All Tai Chi stars are inferior to them.

Because of the fans who took photos with them and signed autographs, thousands of them posted photos and their stories online.

"I love brother Huan so much! He is really the most beautiful man in the universe!"

"The most beautiful girl in the galaxy, Han Dong'er!! Whoever dares to say otherwise, I will duel with him!"

"Those of you who have never been there don't know that they are all very nice. Everyone who asks to take photos or sign autographs with them, they will agree with a smile, no matter how tired they are at this time."

"Yes! I observed it, and they really didn't refuse at all. They were very enthusiastic and enthusiastic, with no airs at all! They were busy from morning to night!"

"Yes, my friends and I rushed over from Seoul that day, but they had already returned to the hotel. With the idea of giving it a try, we asked the hotel to tell them that we came specially to visit them, and they came down immediately! Very happy They took a group photo with us! Seeing how exhausted they looked, I really regretted it and was so touched!”

"Why do you pay attention to the digression? Isn't "Love Letter" wonderful? Isn't the love between the two Fang Shus touching?"

"Nonsense, do you need to talk about this? Is there anything wrong with the script written by me, Mr. Chu Liuxiang!?"

"Yes, Mr. Chu Liuxiang is so considerate. In more than a week, he gave away 1,000 signed copies of "The Gift of Room No. 7" to everyone! I was lucky enough to get one, hahaha..."

"Pull it out and beat it to death! How can you be so lucky? Do you want to sell it? If so, contact me!"

"There is also "My Deskmate". When I watched the movie, I just thought it sounded very good. When I saw the Korean translation, I burst into tears immediately."

"Kill the guy above who is showing off! I waited in line for 5 hours and didn't even get in. You guys are so scary!"


With such good reviews, it is difficult for Shen Huan and Han Donger not to become popular.

There were even several big-name brands that wanted to find Shen Huan and Han Dong'er to endorse them. The prices were very high, but Han Dong'er refused without thinking.

This made Shen Huan, who originally had the idea of "if Han Donger agrees, I will follow suit, and I can make millions, hahahaha...", deeply felt the malice from the indifferent little queen.

Little sister, you just want to make music and don’t think about anything else, but I’m still a poor person!

But Shen Huan couldn't say this yet.

Because in Han Donger's eyes, he is a very simple and cute boy who doesn't care about money at all - it can be seen from the fact that he gave up the copyright to two consecutive songs in vain.

I will endure!

It’s not easy to create a character, and it’s doomed if it’s corrupted.

So Shen Huan could only watch as Chen Qian, under the arrangement of her agent, accepted 5 advertising endorsements and earned 10 million yuan.


Loneliness is like snow! !

But in general, after the screening is over and tonight is the awards ceremony, the entire "Love Letter" crew is relieved and can easily reap the fruits.

Compared to the obscurity back then, today the crew of "Love Letter" is getting the most attention.

Their positions were arranged at the front, surrounded by a group of celebrities from the Tai Chi Kingdom.

Among them, actor Jiang Shiyu, a national treasure from the Tai Chi Kingdom, came over to pay a visit to the crew of "Love Letter".

After learning that Mr. Chu Liuxiang did not appear here, he expressed his deep regret and entrusted the crew to tell Mr. Chu Liuxiang that his door would always be open to Mr. Chu. As long as Mr. Chu's script needed him, he would be willing to play a supporting role even if it was a supporting role.

But he didn't know that Teacher Chu Liuxiang was watching him the whole time.

Shen Huan admired this handsome uncle very much. As a national treasure-level actor from the Tai Chi Kingdom, he was humble and polite. When he checked his information online, he knew that this actor really put his life into acting. Such a person deserves the most respect. .

Soon, the awards ceremony of the Busan International Film Festival began.

The awards ceremony in Tai Chi Country is similar to that in Hua Country.

There are not so many American hippie smiles, but more solemnity and seriousness.

It's just that the awards are still given out from small to large.

The first award for "Love Letter" is the "Special Screenwriter Award" of the "Corporate Art Support Association Award" in the middle.

There is no doubt that Teacher Chu Liuxiang will not receive the award, and Tai Chi people all over the world will not agree.

Just when everyone was looking forward to seeing the mysterious teacher Chu Liuxiang, a burly man walked onto the stage.

Could it be that Teacher Chu Liuxiang is such a person with a vulgar appearance but a delicate heart

"Thank you everyone for the reward for Teacher Chu Liuxiang. He couldn't come here because of some things, so he asked me to say sorry to everyone." Ding Lun, a burly man, held up the trophy and said in English: "Love Letter" and "The Gift of Room No. 7" are both Mr. Chu’s exquisite works, I am also here to represent myself, and I look forward to more of his good works coming out!”

"yeah… "

Although the group of people below were disappointed, they were very interested in the next sentence.


The most important thing for Teacher Chu is to create good works!

After this award, it seems that the award-winning mode of "Love Letter" has started.

"KNN Audience Award - "Love Letter"!"

"Citizen Critics Award - "Love Letter"!"

"Busan Fan Award—"Love Letter"!"

"Best Actress Award—Chen Qian!"

"Asia Star Best Director Award—Zhu Mei!"

Zhu Mei deservedly won the biggest award at the Busan International Film Festival.

She stood on the stage, holding the trophy, with red eyes, and only said two paragraphs.

"Thank you all for your support and love. The people of Tai Chi are so friendly to us. I like this city very much and you all!"

"I think all of this success is due to the efforts of our crew! We used the best attitude to make the best film, so we achieved the greatest harvest! I am proud of my crew! !”