I Like The Man Who Is Said To Be The Villain

Chapter 39


With the first, there will naturally be the second. After Su Yunxi said that he could only guide one person a day, he soon had a list of ten people in front of him. There is a headshot and personal details attached to it, and it is obvious at a glance that it was urgently transferred from the archives.

The officials paid more and more attention to Su Yunxi, and even said directly and implicitly that Su Yunxi could form his own team.

That night, Su Yunxi and Yu Bai left the safety point and entered the botanical garden. Originally, a small team was prepared to go together, but after thinking about the possible crisis, Su Yunxi and Yu Bai decided that they should go and arrange first.

After all, Su Yunxi, who has space, must be better than anyone else in saving his life. And as Yu Bai, the only one who knows the existence of space, it is no big deal to enter the space at a critical moment.

Even if some things are so obvious that I just stick the truth on other people's faces, I just want to pretend that you don't know before I explain it directly.

The botanical garden is very large. When tens of thousands of soldiers were stationed in the past, the focus was on the junction of the botanical garden and the security point. After reducing most of the garrison manpower at the boundary line of more than two kilometers, Su Yunxi and Yu Bai's infiltration operation became extremely smooth.

After all, the focus of human defense is to keep the crisis in the botanical garden from approaching humans, not to prevent people who are not afraid of death from entering the botanical garden.

After entering the botanical garden, the speed of the two of them couldn't move forward. Su Yunxi's physical fitness has improved a lot, especially after his ability has been upgraded to the second level, he feels that his physical fitness is definitely more than twice what it used to be.

It's a pity that in front of Yu Bai, a rookie multiplied by 2 is still a rookie.

When he was in the space, Su Yunxi was the one who was always trying to pester Yu Bai to make him work more. In front of people, Su Yunxi is the one who is always trying to make others think that he is having an affair with Yu Bai.

But when the two of them were alone outside the space, Su Yunxi was 'shy' and couldn't settle down. All the way in a hurry, it was only after an hour that he was panting and sweating profusely that he couldn't move, he gently grabbed Yu Bai's clothes and was dragged away by Yu Bai.

If it was in front of people, I am afraid that this person has already hung on himself.

Yu Bai looked down at the hand on the corner of his clothes, and then took a quick look at Su Yunxi who was already sticking out his tongue and sweating profusely, hunched over and hurrying. He was rarely distracted thinking about Su Yunxi's behavior.

"It's almost there, about ten minutes." Naturally, Yu Bai had already come to explore the way, and he didn't go too deep, just observed some unusual places.

Not only Yu Bai came in, but Li Sansheng and others naturally also came in. Not only did Li Sansheng and others come in, but to be precise, the officials and the smart and capable people from the safe side tried their best to get in.

No one would want to die in a sound sleep. Regarding the crisis around them, everyone naturally wants to be a sensible person if they have the ability. It's just that the situation at the botanical garden is too special, and the range of a rapid march of more than an hour is almost the limit of everyone's current exploration.

You must know that along the way, Yu Bai has already led the way through the safety line opened up before, but just like this, Yu Bai still cut down no less than three mutated plants and five mutated beasts along the way.

When the hare that used to be the size of a palm can now grow to the size of a wild dog, it is not only a crisis, but also trouble.

"You..." Yu Bai paused on the edge of his mouth, and finally couldn't hold back his words. "It's not a wise move to expose too many hole cards at the beginning."

Su Yunxi blinked quickly, and her smile became extremely bright. "You worry about me."

Yu Bai turned around and left without the slightest pause. The worried expression on his face became expressionless again. Su Yunxi hurriedly followed, laughing and changing from grabbing the hem of his clothes to grabbing hands.

"Hey hey hey, I was wrong, I was wrong, big brother, spare me, hurry up, I, I will not be able to breathe, haha, haha..."

The former words were still smiling, but the latter words were already out of breath. After running and fighting for such a long time, although he is not the main force, Su Yunxi's physical strength is really exhausted.

Yu Bai didn't look back, but his pace slowed down unconsciously. Su Yunxi hurriedly climbed up the pole, hanging on Yu Bai's arm. "I know the seriousness of the matter. I just follow other people's path and want to see others have nowhere to go. Hahaha."

Laughing twice, Su Yunxi directly carried Yu Bai into the space. The speed of time in the space is not directly proportional to that outside. It is not good to waste time when you are tired outside, but you can take a good rest when you enter the space.

Su Yunxi directly soaked his body in the river water without being polite at all. The river water that used to only cover his feet was now as deep as his knees. If he lay down in it, he would be able to drown smoothly without resting his head on the river bank. .

Yu Bai stood by the river pondering for a moment, then went to the other side of the river to collect eggs and slaughter them. Walk in someone else's way, let others have no way to go. This other person, apart from that metaphorical meaning that Su Yunxi never puts on his lips but Yu Bai knows is extremely disgusting, there is probably no one else.

The two didn't discuss this issue any more, Su Yunxi regained his peak physical strength and the two left the space.

Just like Yu Bai said, after another ten minutes of rapid marching, they arrived at their destination. Yu Bai and Su Yunxi did not approach directly, but slowed down after sensing the energy change.

Finally, I found a tall, somewhat unusual tree with no mutations and climbed it. This place, which can already be regarded as the center of the botanical garden, is now extremely lively.

In the telescope, there is strangely no plant about 500 meters away. After a quick glance, the area of more than 500 square meters formed a small desert area in the botanical garden.

The ground is a completely different color of yellow sand from the surrounding dark brown soil, and it is so dry that it looks ugly. The ground was cracked, and the central point sank directly into small pits.

Indeed one, not one. The pits are small, and the biggest one is only the size of a football. Su Yunxi took a telescope and counted them carefully, and there were about five of those weird little pits.

The small pits that are less than the size of a football a few hundred meters away, why can they be found in such detail? Naturally, it is because there is a huge monster coiled around those small pits.

A boa constrictor as thick as a bucket more than 20 meters long, and a tiger as huge as a hill. A pair of wolves that looked the smallest in size but their fur glowed slightly white under the moonlight.

Beside the last two pits, one had a group of wild boars lying on its stomach, and the other had a hive the size of half a room.

When seeing the first few, Su Yunxi was thinking about how to kill or drive away those mutated animals. When he saw the last one, the hairs on the back of Su Yunxi's neck stood on end and he began to think about the possibility of giving up this place.

The whole body of the buzzing bee was black, more like a deadly wasp than a cute little bee. And that amount...

Su Yunxi made no secret of his fear, and swallowed hard.

"Then what's down there?"

"It should be the core fragment of the meteorite." Yu Bai took out his mobile phone, which could no longer make calls, and clicked on the photo album for Su Yunxi to see. "The meteorite is black, but the center point is mixed with this white stone. Unlike the black meteorite carrying the virus, the energy possessed by these white fragments seems to be positive at this stage."

Su Yunxi glanced at the ordinary photo of gravel and suddenly realized. "Of course the hospital..."

Yu Bai nodded, agreeing to Su Yunxi's guess. At the time when Su Yunxi worked in the hospital, the treatment effect at Bailou was particularly good. Not to mention minor ailments and ailments, even cancer and some patients waiting to die began to return to their former glory, and it was the kind that did not seem to be repeated. Back to the light.

With Yu Bai's affirmation, Su Yunxi quickly turned his head and began to retrace the plot. But in the novel, these things do not exist.

but! !

Something that has been tried and tested and defaulted by so many mutated animal bosses it must be good stuff!

"I want it!" Su Yunxi looked at Yu Bai, his eyes sparkling. He had a hunch that this kind of good thing would definitely make his life more nourishing.

Yu Bai nodded, turned his head to avoid the people who were flying over. "Now we can only grab one by one."

It hurts to give up such a good thing to others, let alone a strange beast. Compared with virus-infected and mutated beasts, alien beasts have higher intelligence. At this stage, they haven't taken the initiative to be enemies with humans, but from the moment those animals regard humans as food, humans and alien beasts cannot be safe forever.

The enemy cannot be allowed to grow, something that every sane person knows.

The two of them carefully observed the situation over there again. In the spacious area, five pits were scattered in a disorderly manner. The most edge is the honeycomb, but the edge of that thing is closer to the mountain, which is not the best choice.

Wild boars are a group, and the bodies that are bigger than elephants directly surround the small hole tightly. Su Yunxi didn't understand why those strange beasts didn't just hide the holes or cover them with their bodies. After all, compared with the huge bodies of those strange beasts, the potholes that were less than the size of a football seemed like a finger could cover them up. .

But there is no doubt that this situation is beneficial to them. Otherwise, if they rush over and don't even know the target point, the danger they need to face will be even greater.

"The one who snatched them."

After thinking for a minute, Yu Bai and Su Yunxi shot at the same time, pointing their fingers at the litter of six huge wild boars. The two looked at each other and saw the smile in each other's eyes.

When facing too many enemies, the best way is of course to separate the opponents.

The two white wolves in the middle are the most special. They have the smallest bodies but occupy the largest potholes. Their strength should not be underestimated. The honeycomb is still in the innermost, and it is not the best choice. The tiger and the python seem to be fighting alone, but the huge body of the python is not easy to get close to the pothole. The tiger is not the best choice, after all, the flames that come out of the mouth from time to time are not only good-looking.

Moreover, because of the large number of wild boars but they were all close together, there was a distance of nearly two or three square meters in the middle of the circle, exposing the small pothole.

And the most important point—the herd of wild boars seemed to have the lowest IQ among the five opponents.