I Like The Man Who Is Said To Be The Villain

Chapter 52


Because of Su Yunxi's upgrade, the entire Yunbo base became cheerful like a festival.

Yunbo Base was the name that was later changed from the former fourth security point. Why is it called Yunbo, you can figure it out with a little movement of your little head.

Although the people outside who hadn't passed the inspection and entered didn't know why, it didn't prevent them from dispelling the haze in many of their hearts under this cheerful atmosphere.

Su Yunxi went back to sleep, and at night began to return to the door to speed up the detection efficiency. After all, who would be willing to give up such an efficient upgrade method

Inside Yunbo base, Ji Yue sat in the room in a daze, listening to the laughter outside the window. As the director of the Food Bureau, Wan Quanhu continued to be in charge of the logistics and food after arriving at the base. Under such circumstances, Wanjia's treatment is really good.

Live in the center of the base, which is also the safest place. It was only two hundred meters away from the homes of Su Yunxi and Yu Bai. Under Li Xin's intentional or unconscious guidance and urging every day, Ji Yue would go to Ye Zi's side every three or two days. Ye Zi lives next door to Su Yunxi, and is now considered the second therapist in the base.

After all, Su Yunxi is the top leader of the base on the surface, even if he wants to build a relationship with the other party, he can't do it too irritatingly.

Ji Yue stared out of the window blankly, lifeless and without much brilliance. The timidity, nervousness and sensitivity shown in front of Li Xin and Wanquanhu on weekdays also disappeared from her at this time.

Gently stroking the belly with both hands, because of the fear at the beginning, the child who should have been more than three months old developed slowly, and no one suspected it when he told others that it was only one or two months old.

After all, the raised arc is really too small.

Unknowingly, my mind returned to those days before the end of the world broke out. Under Su Yunxi's inadvertent enlightenment, Ji Yue really went to find her boyfriend. After being honest with each other, the two also decided to go to another city to start from their hearts.

But Ji Yue never expected that her life would be ruined by her relatives in the end.

Wan Liangkai was just looking for sex, trying to plot against him by taking advantage of his father's power and position. But after he failed, Wan Liangkai himself was a little scared when he sobered up.

Later, Ji Yue always thought that it was because of Wan Liangkai's dandyism when she came to propose marriage and even forced her. She never thought that there was a dog-headed military adviser named Ji Jiadong behind her. Of course, Wan Liangkai is also a real dude. Bullying men and women has been done a lot, but they used to like to use their power to overwhelm others and make them throw themselves into their arms. It was the first time that Ji Yue directly bullied the king.

Isn't it a coincidence that the dog-headed military division has the same surname as Ji Yue? Of course they have the same surname, after all, they were born to the same parents.

Recalling that time when she and Wei Shi were about to leave, Ji Jiadong who hurried over brought out the things, Ji Yue felt nauseated and wanted to vomit.

The strong nausea caused a reaction during pregnancy, Ji Yue quickly covered her mouth and rushed into the bathroom, retching into the toilet for a while. I woke up in the morning and didn't eat anything except a glass of milk, and the result of retching was nothing more than a stomach acid rushing up my throat and intestines and burning my stomach.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." the uncontrollable choked sobs caused drops of tears to fall into the toilet. Recalling Ji Jiadong's photo of himself and the video of him taking a shower, Ji Yue's eyes started to turn red.

The heart that wanted to kill another surged violently.

My younger brother, holding a photo of himself, and a video taken in the bathroom at home just by looking at the background. It was also at that time that Ji Yue knew why Wan Liangkai, who had never met before, fell in love with a woman who could only be regarded as pretty at best.

Because of her good figure, although she wears loose clothes on weekdays, Wan Liangkai has seen her without clothes.

Nauseous, want to vomit, wish to tear Ji Jiadong's body to pieces.

Ji Jiadong not only directly brought those things in front of her, but also said that if she dared to run away, she would directly put all these things on the Internet so that everyone in the world could see them.

Ji Yue was desperate and couldn't believe it. I returned home in a daze, wanting my parents to make decisions for me. But what was the last thing I saw, the father who was dodging his eyes, and the mother who didn't think so.

No wonder two bathrooms were installed in the small home. At the beginning, I said that I was afraid of disturbing my parents' rest because of my irregular working hours.

After calculating for more than a year, Ji Yue completely gave up on that family. Ji Jiadong not only showed things to himself, but also directly to Wei Shi.

Recalling Ji Jiadong's disdainful face back then, and the rampant smile in front of Wei Shi, Ji Yue didn't feel very sad.

Slowly got up from the ground, rinsed his mouth and washed his face on the sink, and finally wiped off the water stains slowly. Wei Shi was already dead, and was thrown into the group of zombies by Ji Jiadong and Wan Liangkai while protecting himself.

The past was like a picture, and finally it was frozen in the picture of Wei Shi holding her face in both hands, smiling with tears all over his face but trying to comfort himself.

Pain, sadness, laughter, and the desire/desire to live all seemed to have dissipated with the death of the man. Now Ji Yue only has hatred in her heart.

Those people pushed Wei Shi into the group of zombies, and then took Ji Yue back. Ji Yue was locked up in Wan Liangkai's home for more than half a month, and she was with Wan Liangkai after the end of the world broke out. In the month before Wan Liangkai 'disappeared', Ji Yue was also under Wan Liangkai's confinement.

This is why Li Xin didn't suspect that the child in Ji Yue's belly was Wan Liangkai's offspring.

Ji Yue raised her head and looked at the woman in the mirror. His face was pale and even a little scared, and his eyes staring straight at the mirror gradually became darker.


There was a casual call from outside the door, and the malicious black eyes of Ji Yue receded like a tide, and turned into those nervous and a little cowardly eyes again.

"Come, come." She walked out of the bathroom like a dead body, and when she was almost at the door, she started to speed up her pace, deliberately amplifying it a little so that people outside could hear her panic.

"Mom, what, what's the matter?" Ji Yue opened the door and looked at Li Xin timidly. Li Xin, who was outside the door, still had a 'mother loving son and filial piety' in front of everyone, his disgusted and impatient eyes swept over Ji Yue, as if looking at something unclean.

"Director Wang's wife invited afternoon tea, let's go together." Li Xin frowned and looked at Ji Yue with disgust, the long white dress was not pleasing to the eye.

But thinking about it, the surnamed Su above seemed to like this tune, so he didn't call Ji Yue to change clothes again. "Okay, okay, let's go like this, don't waste time."

Impatiently waved his hand, turned and left. Ji Yue lowered her head, quickly closed the door and followed Li Xin. Ji Yue really didn't care about Li Xin's disgust.

For this selfish woman who didn't even feel sorry for her own son's death for two hours, she wouldn't leave any trace in Ji Yue's heart at all. It can even be said that it is precisely because of Li Xin's selfish nature that her plan can be implemented.

Li Xin doesn't like children, whether it's someone else's or her own. If Wanquanhu hadn't wanted a son, she might not have had one in the first place. But even so, after giving birth to his son, he tried his best to have Wanquanhu undergo a ligation operation. This is not at ease, and he also gave Wanquanhu a lot of medicine, which completely destroyed Wanquanhu's ability in that area.

Li Xin didn't want to have a child, let alone see others give birth to Wanquanhu's child. She doesn't mind Wanquanhu messing around outside, but if it threatens her place of pleasure, she won't agree.

It is also because of Li Xin's means that Wanquan Lake has let the colorful flags flutter outside these years, and her red flag will not fall.

If you want to say how Ji Yue knows so clearly, it's naturally because of her psychic abilities, her ability to perceive words and emotions, and her sensitivity to drugs.

These are all her trump cards in the future.

As soon as the two of them reached the door, Li Xin took Ji Yue's arm in an affectionate manner, and walked out like a good mother-in-law.

But as soon as he walked to the gate of the community, his face fell.

"Yueyue, Yueyue, parents are here, Yueyue!~"

The inner and outer layers have been vaguely divided into the safety zone, and the place where Su Yunxi Wanquan Lake and others live is naturally the inner layer. Su Yunxi originally wanted to produce more building materials, and the garden extended a large circle, but it was gradually regarded as a dividing line by later people.

There is also a team patrolling 24 hours a day outside the community. Anyone with a brain will not rush in rashly.

Of course, if you have the skills to rush in without anyone noticing, that's your skill.

But obviously, Ji Yue's family of three didn't have such ability.

Ji Jiadong timidly hid behind his parents, his eyes dodged so he didn't dare to look at Ji Yue. Wan Liangkai is dead, and now Ji Yue has a child from the Wan family in his stomach, so he and Ji Yue are naturally incomparable in Li Xin's eyes.

What's more, something happened when Wan Liangkai went out with him. Although no one knew about it, Ji Jiadong just couldn't help feeling guilty. If it wasn't really hard to go on, he didn't want to come here to make himself uncomfortable.

Ji Daqiang has an honest and honest face, with white hair all over the vicissitudes of life, just looking at it can remind people of the image of an old father who has worked hard all his life. Yang Shufen also specially changed into black clothes, and all her curly hair was tied up. These three months may have been really hard, and the wrinkles on my face have increased a lot.

Ji Yue stood behind Li Xin, and when Li Xin didn't look back, she tilted her head and quietly looked at the family of three. Ji Daqiang, who used to say that she didn't like her refuting that her son took photos and videos of her daughter for money, didn't think there was anything wrong. He used to dominate the square of the community. Every day, he was either in red dress or green dress. He only liked red lipstick and always bluffed when he talked and did things. Call Yang Shufen.

There was also that brother, Ji Jiadong, who I had seen growing up since I was a child, who had taken countless scapegoats and always wanted to help her a little, but turned around and didn't feel guilty at all and sold her out.

Looking at the disgraced three people, Ji Yue slowly and silently laughed. A pair of black eyes did not fluctuate, looking at those three people was like looking at a dead person.