I Like The Man Who Is Said To Be The Villain

Chapter 56


Although I already have guesses in my heart, just like the previous few months, the relationship matters still have to be postponed. I am afraid that before meeting him, Su Yunxi, Yu Bai was always a straight and straight man.

Unfortunately, he met Su Yunxi, and now he is being slowly broken up without his knowledge. If this wasn't a danmei novel, Su Yunxi didn't think he could succeed.

So for the matter of winning the heart of a male god, Su Yunxi has a lot of patience.

The end of the world is no joke, even though Su Yunxi has opened up so many cheats, he has never been easy in handling things. Yu Bai took over the management affairs that Su Yunxi was not good at, and Su Yunxi himself was busy with business for at least eighteen hours a day. Clean up crystal nuclei, help guide people, treat at the door, and grow food, just in case.

If it weren't for the time cheater of space, Su Yunxi would have died of hard work long ago, where would he still be as beautiful and fair as he is now.

If I degenerate for a minute longer, several lives may disappear. Although they were all in places where he couldn't see, but with Yu Bai by his side, it seemed to remind him all the time that if you don't work hard, you won't be worthy of your male god.

Wouldn't it be nice to subtly influence him? Isn't he nice to watch the male god slowly begin to pay attention to you without knowing it? Anyway, Su Yunxi thought it was quite delicious, especially when a table of people was eating together, Yu Bai unconsciously always took care of himself first.

When going out together, Yu Bai has gradually gotten used to packing his things first. Even if something happened, Yu Bai would unconsciously tell himself.

Just thinking about it makes your blood boil, doesn't it!

Su Yunxi moved a little, lying down more comfortably. The long legs were all resting on Yu Bai's thighs, and the corners of his mouth, with his eyes narrowed and smiling, could not be restrained from rising.

Not seeing anything at all, the driver frowned slightly, and there was a tangle in his eyes.

After the car drove for half an hour, no one could be seen. The farthest monitoring mission in Haicheng is in charge of the Yunbo base. The maximum distance monitoring device was installed ten miles away. The manpower is arranged five miles outside the base. After all, everyone is a flesh and blood person. It is not a good thing to be too far away if you are in danger and cannot be rescued in time.

With the current force value of Yunbo base, it can be suppressed with great firepower within five miles. Even if the second-level alien beasts or lost attacks, as long as the number does not exceed one hundred, they are still within the control range.

The two cities were once connected by a spacious expressway. The eight-lane concrete road can definitely travel thousands of miles a day, and it only takes two hours to drive from Haicheng to the next city.

But now, when the car is driving on the highway, it can no longer speed up. The yellow-brown plants all over the sky make people's eyes hurt. Bai Xue couldn't cover the vines that were already more than half a meter high, but instead became dirty because of the clawing vines.

When in mid-air, there was still a faint white color, but after landing, it turned into a taupe existence. After being 'stirred' a few times by those ferocious alien plants, it directly turned into dirty mud.

Even with anti-skid chains installed, the car obviously cannot drive among the half-meter-high vines. What's more, those heterogeneous plants that can climb the highway, even if they haven't completely mutated, almost have a tendency to mutate.

The aggressiveness is not strong enough, but the sharp and sharp thorns on the body are enough for people and animals to suffer.

Yu Bai turned in the direction and got off the expressway directly. Driving from the trail next to it is much safer than telling the road above. The former farmland on both sides is now barren. The wheat that hadn't been harvested half a year ago has long since lost its original shape and has become nourishment in the soil.

The two of them didn't go too far, so they inspected an hour's drive outside the base. After being infected, the person with the ability becomes a zombie, and the ability will not disappear. After the zombies are promoted, they may also become supernatural beings. So for the fact that zombies have abilities, even if you don't want to accept it in your heart, you still have to accept it.

Su Yunxi is different, he knows it clearly.

Zombies with supernatural powers and ordinary zombies need to be defended at different levels. If there are speed zombies, the defense range of five miles is indeed a bit short.

The most important thing is that what they need to find out this time is whether there are any so-called zombie groups approaching quietly.

Between cities and cities, the existence of villages is indispensable. There are also quite a few villages between Haicheng and the neighboring city. But at the beginning of the end of the world, the people here have been transferred away.

Human beings are forced to stay at home, but it gives plants a chance to grow wildly. As long as it is out of the base, it is almost full of tawny. The once emerald green plants seemed to be living in a dream. After more than half a year, the younger children even thought that the original color of the plants was yellowish brown.

"It's strange, I obviously can't feel any energy fluctuations in front of me, but why do I really want to go there." Yu Bai drove the car around the periphery of the village, but the equipment on the car did not sound an alarm.

Just as he was turning the steering wheel to leave, Su Yunxi pressed Yu Bai's hand.

The car didn't stall, but it was much slower. Yu Bai looked at Su Yunxi suspiciously, because he didn't sense any energy fluctuations either. There is nothing lost, and there is no mutated animal or plant.

The third-level supernatural beings can already clearly perceive the existence of those things. This village is not big, and it never exceeds the perception range of three hundred meters in the horizontal direction.

If there is really something wrong, the reason why the two of them can't perceive it, it can only be - a higher level enemy!

Yu Bai touched the weapon hanging on his back with one hand, and his expression became a little more cautious. "Be careful, or you can go in and wait for me."

Su Yunxi just laughed and didn't speak, laughing until Yu Bai's brows were wrinkled. The two looked at each other, and it was Yu Bai who compromised again. "Let's go."

The two got out of the car, and Su Yunxi put the car away. With Yu Bai in front and Su Yunxi behind, he walked slowly towards the village. As soon as they entered the village, the two of them stopped involuntarily.

The situation here is really too special, so special that neither of them know what to say.

After the end of the world, there will naturally be no shortage of lush plants that are indispensable in places with few people. What used to be a two-story building is now mostly covered by weeds. Vines and unknown weeds are the main force covering the village. Occasionally, a few big trees also start to grow crookedly and hang down to the ground. The branches penetrate into the soil and grow into a second root system, and then continue to expand outward.

It can be seen that there used to be a big banyan tree in the center of the village, but now it has become a huge banyan tree in the whole village.

What makes the two feel weird is that the plants here have not mutated!

It's just unbelievable.

"There is movement!" Yu Bai pulled Su Yunxi violently, trying to hide in the nearby house. It's a pity that Su Yunxi's reaction was super slow, and he stared at him in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.

Yu Bai hugged Su Yunxi's waist helplessly, and quickly got into the house with the door open.

The layout of the houses in the countryside is similar. There is a small two-story building at the back and a one-story bungalow in front. There is a small yard in the middle, and those whose families are in good condition will directly make a concrete floor. But Su Yunxi prefers the pattern of turning the small yard into a garden or vegetable garden.

The house that Yu Bai entered seemingly at random is just dirt land, and there are not many footsteps on it. The most important thing is that the back door is wide open, so you can see directly if something is wrong, and it is also convenient to slip away from behind.

The two dodged in quickly, and stood behind the door watching the situation outside. In less than a minute, a 'person' walked in from the other side of the village.

It looks like a person, with hair covering most of his face. The rough figure tore apart a lot of the clothes on his body, making him look like a beggar in tatters.

The man walked forward with a slightly stiff movement, dragging a dead mutated rabbit in his hand. Why is it definitely a mutation? Have you ever seen a normal rabbit grow to the size of a shepherd dog

Su Yunxi grabbed Yu Bai's hand, and slowly wrote the word 'zombie' in the palm of his hand. After finishing writing, I drew a question mark heavily. Yu Bai waited for Su Yunxi to finish writing, then he clenched his fist uncomfortably to ease the itching in his palm.

Taking a deep breath, he slowly shook his head.

The person outside really doesn't look like a zombie.

Even a second-level zombie can't change the stiffness of the body for the time being, and zombies can't hunt. The man outside not only carried the prey in his hands, but the most important thing was going up the steps, his body was not stiff.

Su Yunxi grabbed Yu Bai's hand again, and when Yu Bai wanted to take it back, he quickly wrote the word 'person', and then drew a question mark as usual.

Yu Bai squeezed his palms angrily, and grabbed Su Yunxi's hand hard. After seeing Su Yunxi frowning and silently begging for mercy, he let him go.

"It's not like either." This time, Yu Bai didn't make any guesses with Su Yunxi, but spoke directly. Not only that, but he went out of the room directly after speaking.

Su Yunxi pursed her lips, and followed behind out of the room. The person who was watching before had also quietly turned around, looking warily at the two people who suddenly appeared.

Let's say it's a zombie, but those eyes are indeed human eyes. But the messy wounds on his body, as well as the guarded, dazed and muddled vigilance in his eyes, all showed that this person should not be a normal person.

"Catch it first."

Su Yunxi puffed his cheeks and waved his hand, Yu Bai had already rushed out. The third level is against the second level, crushing the general existence. After Yu Bai locked the man with iron chains, Su Yunxi walked over slowly.

Not approaching, standing five meters away.

"It should be in the strength department." Yu Bai moved his wrist, and the battle just now ended with lightning speed. After punching the opponent with super fast speed, Yu Bai directly released the thunder and lightning to immobilize Rendian, and then quickly locked him with an iron chain.

It wasn't that Su Yunxi and Su Po sold melons and boasted about themselves. If it wasn't for keeping alive to deal with such things, Yu Bai could solve the battle in five seconds without hurting himself.

He was obviously already at the third level, and he could fully release the healing ability from more than 20 meters away. Su Yunxi wanted to grab Yu Bai's wrist to treat him at close range. Yu Baisheng is powerful, fast, and flexible, but the power of the second-level power of the power system is definitely not something that other people can resist.

There were red marks on the knuckles on the wrist, which quickly disappeared under Su Yunxi's treatment. Su Yunxi touched Yu Bai's arm by the way, and used his supernatural ability to walk up and down Yu Bai's whole body.

Yu Bai was completely helpless.

Taking advantage of it, Su Yunxi also accepted it when he knew it was good. The attention was finally free to focus on the 'prisoner', and the old clothes couldn't cover much of his body. It is true that there is still a bit of dark brown from the virus residue in the wound, but other places are the normal skin color of human beings.

The most important thing is that frostbite appeared on the hands, feet and ears.

Well, there is no one else.

"It's strange, that kind of attraction doesn't come from this person." It's not difficult to guess from this person's skilled hunting and returning behavior, this should be his territory.

There are no mutated animals and plants, naturally because mutated animals and plants have become this person's rations. Su Yunxi walked around the person, rubbing his chin in doubt.

"Hey, can you talk?" He shook his right hand a few times in front of the prisoner, and the other party's eyes followed his palm. She looked at him fiercely, baring her teeth silently.

Su Yunxi silently took two steps back, and stood five meters away again. With his small stature, any closer would be a delivery of meat.

Confused, he circled around the prisoner twice more, feeling even more bewildered. He could feel the faint attraction, but he couldn't tell where it came from. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the necklace hanging around the captive's neck, with a heart-shaped pendant hanging from it.

It's very retro, the size of a baby's fist, and you can put photos in it. Su Yunxi was taken aback, feeling that the thing looked familiar. I always feel that I seem to be somewhere, and I have seen the same thing. But the memory too long was a little fuzzy and I couldn't remember it, so Su Yunxi touched his chin unconsciously.

"Brother Yu Bai, I want that!~" Su Yunxi, who was about to walk over to do it again, rolled his eyes and leaned against Yu Bai. Yu Bai stretched out his hand to push the man away with fishy eyes, rolled his eyes and walked to the prisoner.

He didn't approach directly either, standing one meter away and waving his hand, the purple electric light flickered and took the metal thing in his hand.

Yu Bai took a step back, and the man who was chained and sitting on the ground first looked at Yu Bai's hand in a daze, and then looked down at his neck. When he saw that the thing was really gone, his previously fierce expression instantly turned ferocious.

"Roar!~" An inhuman roar made Su Yunxi and Yu Bai frown at the same time. If it is a person, there is still the possibility of negotiation. if not people...

"Return...give it back...give it back to me!" Fortunately, that roar seemed to turn on some switch, and the man with his mouth open and his face full of ferocity finally yelled out human words in a hoarse voice.

Su Yunxi was relieved that he didn't come, and quickly looked down at the pendant that Yu Bai had handed over. He opened it directly without any politeness, and saw two photos inside the heart-shaped pendant as expected.

A headshot of a woman, and a photo of a man and a woman kissing in front of the camera.

Su Yunxi looked at the photo in his hand in astonishment, and quickly raised his head to look at the person who was twice as wide as the person in the photo. "My God, it can't be such a coincidence."

The woman in the photo, who else could it be if it wasn't Ji Yue.

Yu Bai also looked down at the photo, but didn't recognize who it was. After all, the photo was when Ji Yue was happy before the end of the world, and the Ji Yue Yu Bai knew was already the gloomy and thin person who only had his belly down and shrank behind Li Xin all day long.

"Someone you know?"

Su Yunxi wiped his face, he really didn't know how to describe his mood at the moment. "Ji Yue, this is Ji Yue." He growled and looked up at the person opposite again.

The man, who was two meters tall and whose body was several degrees wider than Yu Bai's, took a serious look, and he could still see his former appearance from his current face.

"Oh my god, isn't this Ji Yue's boyfriend who was pushed into the pile of zombies?"

Su Yunxi looked at the person opposite with emotion, and when Su Yunxi growled and shouted the word 'Ji Yue', that person had already stopped his previous madness.

Sitting on the ground blankly, looking at Su Yunxi with blank eyes. "Jiyue... month... month..."

The voice was hoarse and low, as if calling for his only remaining clarity. As the man yelled 'Yueyue' more and more, the clarity in his eyes also became more clear.

Things have developed to this point, Su Yunxi can only help first. Still standing a few meters away, the ability was released on the person sitting on the ground.

The healing ability quickly healed the wound on the opponent's body, and under Su Yunxi's intentional guidance, black blood was also squeezed out from the wound.

When light brown smoke started to rise from that person, Su Yunxi was also taken aback for a moment. The movement of the hand did not stop, and continued to release the healing ability.

A full half an hour later, the man on the opposite side who had completely recovered his human form looked at the pendant in Su Yunxi's hand and wept silently. "Yueyue, is she okay?"

Su Yunxi looked at the man who could speak freely, and his eyes widened in shock. Looking at his hands in disbelief, he turned to look at Yu Bai. He looked at Yu Bai with horrified eyes, wanting to get a positive answer from Yu Bai.

The answer was that Yu Bai also stared at his hands with wide eyes.

Just now, did he reverse a half-zombified person back to life

Oh my god, am I already this good! Oh my god, am I dreaming right now? Why does it feel so unreal, so unreal

"You guys know each other, Yueyue?" The man's rough voice sounded like he was pulling on the sand again, which interrupted the astonishment in Su Yunxi and Yu Bai's stare at each other.

The two looked at each other again, suppressing the turbulent waves in their hearts first. Yu Bai didn't say a word, standing behind Su Yunxi to protect him. After all, he and Ji Yue didn't even know each other.

Su Yunxi quickly recalled the plot of the novel. Fortunately, when he just crossed over, he took precautions to write down the general plot of the novel and all the important characters. Otherwise, it would have been half a year. I know who it is.

After quickly searching in my mind, I looked at the people on the ground with some hesitation. "You are, Stone?"

Naturally, this person was not described in the original text, and this person only survived in one or two sentences in the background introduction. When describing Ji Yue's cruelty, it may be to prove that no matter how vicious a woman is, there is softness. Ji Yue often holds a stone in her hand, and by the way, she confessed that her real lover is called Shi Shi.

As for what the last name is, there is no explanation at all.

Su Yunxi asked tentatively, how could he know that the two-meter-long man on the opposite side burst into tears as soon as he said it. The strong man with tears on his face looked at Su Yunxi longingly with his eyes blindfolded. "Yes, yes, my name is Wei Shi, and Yueyue calls me Shitou. Yueyue, is she okay?"

After all, he has just returned from semi-zombie transformation. Although he can already speak, his injured voice still cannot support him to speak too fluently.

As a time traveler, he is still a person who wears books. The most important thing is that during the past half a year, he has not had any contact with the strong man opposite him. Su Yunxi thought for three seconds, and then gave up when he realized that his sympathy could not be aroused.

Even if it is not the identity of a reader, even if it is just an ordinary person, it may be difficult to have too much empathy for other people's experiences. What's more, it's Su Yunxi who is warm-faced and cold-hearted.

"Not good." So when answering the question about the stone, Su Yunxi was very sincere. The honest Shitou was stunned, and even Yu Bai looked over at him without a word.

Su Yunxi pursed his lips and sighed softly, his expression softened a bit. "Sister Ji Yue is really having a bad time. She thought you were dead."

After Su Yunxi finished speaking, he frowned quickly. The thing about 'your children' that I almost said, I quickly swallowed it back. This is the trouble caused by the identity of a reader. As a 'reader', he knows that this person is Ji Yue's true lover, and that the child in Ji Yue's belly belongs to this person.

But as a real person in this world, these things are not what he should know. The most important thing is that if someone else's eyeliner or other weird supernatural beings listen to his words, it will cause Ji Yue a catastrophe.

People, really can't take it for granted.

Su Yunxi looked at the person opposite, and felt that it was better for the person involved to handle this kind of matter by himself. "Do you have anything to prove your identity?"

Wei Shi nodded quickly with tears in his eyes, and lowered his head to gesture to his trouser pocket. "I still have my ID card with me."

"..." Su Yunxi, who thought that there would be some token of the identity card of God T's mother, opened her eyes a little bit, and almost didn't reveal it when she looked at the person opposite.

Yu Bai's lips moved quickly, and his eyes turned away to look to the side. This kind of expression of wanting to laugh cannot be seen by Su Yunxi.