I Like You So Much

Chapter 11: Volume 1 11 Chicken paws


Facing the doubtful eyes of the crowd, Zhang Jiuling rarely explained patiently.

"It's good to have a fever and sweat."

Others half understood this sentence, but Li Jiao understood. The instructor was telling her to squat and stand up to sweat, so that the fever could be cured quickly.

I have to say, Instructor, you are so "nice" and caring.

Li Jiao pursed her lips, stood up crying, feet apart, hands behind her neck, ready to pose.

Zhang Jiuling glanced at it and added another sentence.

"One hundred, boost immunity."


Li Jiao felt that she could vomit blood, one, one hundred?

Is this to kill her? Instructor, are you serious? It's true that she has a fever, but she only has a fever because she kicked the quilt. Her immunity is very good!

She is very powerful, very strong, and can kill a cow!

Before she could refute, Zhang Jiuling had already started counting, her voice was cold and calm.


Li Jiao started bitterly, squatted down, and got up.





"… "

By the end, Li Jiao couldn't remember how she made a hundred.

She knew that her legs were as heavy as lead. When Zhang Jiuling reached 100, she almost sat down on the ground.

After finishing the procedure, Li Jiao's two hands behind her neck were no longer conscious, and she let go softly and slumped by her sides.

She was panting, and when she was breathing, there was a dull pain in her waist and abdomen.

His face was no longer red, but changed to white, pale, with cold and hot sweat on his forehead. Li Jiao felt that she was now in a state of ice and fire, cold and hot, hot and cold.

His mind was dizzy, and his feet seemed to be wearing thousands of shackles.

After 100 people squatted down and stood up, Zhang Jiuling gave an order to the students standing in the military posture.

"All of them, run on, on the track."

"One, two!"

The students began to move, clenched their fists, put their hands on their waists, shouted the slogan of 1212, and ran to the plastic track.

"The last one in the first row, have a rest, keep up with the team."

After speaking, Zhang Jiuling walked past her, intending to keep up with the large army.

As soon as I took a step, I felt that the hem of my clothes behind me was hooked by something.


Zhang Jiuling raised her eyebrows slightly and turned around. Li Jiao's small head with a military training cap was lowered.

Don't have a hat on

Zhang Jiuling frowned subconsciously, just about to speak, but felt the hem of the hooked clothes swaying, he lowered his head, Li Jiao's two white and tender little paws were trembling, grabbing the edge of his clothes, trembling...

It's like getting crazy with chicken feet.

"… "

Zhang Jiuling stared at the two small claws for a moment, still shaking uncontrollably, he raised his head and looked at the top of Li Jiao's head, the slanted edge of his hat.

When he spoke, his voice was still cold, "Have your hands cramped?"


Li Jiao didn't say a word, but was still holding on to his clothes and kept shaking.

The brim of the hat was too wide, blocking her face. Zhang Jiuling lowered her head, only to see her white chin.


Seeing that she didn't move much, Zhang Jiuling decided to take a quick slash, "If you're okay, just rest and follow."

After speaking, he turned to leave, but his clothes were grabbed again.

At the same time, the girl's weak voice came from behind.

"Teacher, instructor, don't go, I'm going to faint..."

Zhang Jiuling turned around, "What's wrong?"

Li Jiao shook her head and was speechless again, she just felt sick and wanted to vomit. His mind was dizzy, as if someone was pressed into the water full of 84 disinfectant, breathless and depressed.

Just did a hundred squats and stand ups, and both legs are now terribly soft. Like a brittle branch of cork, it can fall over at any time.

Zhang Jiuling stared at her quietly, and Li Jiao shook slightly, because she was holding on to his clothes and stood firm again.

Under the brim of the hat, the little girl showed a whitish lip that looked weak.

The two little paws clung to the edge of his clothes tightly, as if the little girl would pull him as a back pad if he fell.

Could it be that the training intensity was too high just now

Zhang Jiuling didn't speak, just waited for her to quietly drag her clothes.

Instructors also have rules to keep a distance from students of the opposite sex and avoid physical contact. Like their usual action guidance, it is only verbal guidance, and they will not get started.

Therefore, if it is not necessary, Zhang Jiuling will not make contact with Li Jiao.

On the military training ground, most of the classes have already started training, and various slogans and instructors' reprimands sounded one after another.

In this corner, Li Jiao dragged Zhang Jiuling, as if it became a still picture, the two of them didn't speak, they just stood silently.

After about a minute, the drowsy feeling gradually disappeared, and the hearing, vision, touch, and various senses gradually became clear.

When Li Jiao came to her senses, she was pulling the instructor's clothes. She lowered her head and could only see her two claws, gripping the instructor's green camouflage uniform tightly.

Against the camouflage color, her hands appeared whiter.

Between her nose, she smelled the faint cold fragrance on the instructor's body again, an indescribable smell, quiet and cold, just like his temperament.

It smells so good, why doesn't the instructors smell like sweat every day after training

Thinking like this, her hand unconsciously pinched the corner of Zhang Jiuling's clothes, feeling that someone was pulling her clothes, Zhang Jiuling opened her mouth, her voice was clear and calm.

"Are you still dizzy?"


Hearing this, Li Jiao's ears turned red with a swish. After being silent for a while, she said embarrassedly.

"I'm sorry, instructor, I seem to be fine."


It's over, the instructor doesn't answer me, is he angry? Do you think I'm teasing him

She didn't do it on purpose, she really thought she was going to faint just now. Who knows, stand for a while and it will be fine.

This is embarrassing, the instructor will definitely clean up her, and she is dead.

Zhang Jiuling didn't speak, glanced at the small paws on the clothes, and didn't mean to loosen it at all. The little girl's tangled meaning was reflected in the two little paws, and her fingers began to dig his edge unconsciously.

After a while, when Li Jiao was about to cry. Only then did I hear Zhang Jiuling say something lukewarm.


After speaking, he turned around neatly.

Li Jiao quickly let go of her small paws, otherwise, she would have suffered a big downfall.

Instructor, it should be, not angry

Oops, what the hell did she just do...

She sighed, dragged her frustrated steps, and silently followed Zhang Jiuling's pace.

It turned out that the instructor was really not angry, he just let himself run two more laps after finishing the lap with the big team.

Say, "Run a few more laps to boost your immunity."


The instructor is so nice, the instructor really cares about the students.

that night

After Li Jiao had dinner, she went back to her dormitory. Without being urged, she swallowed the antipyretic in one bite.

She has to get well soon, she has to prove with her strength that her body is very good and her immunity is superb!

So, can you stop giving her additional training

"Oh my god, I'm exhausted."

Su Linlin and Zhang Yue each carried two large pockets, went into the bedroom, threw their things on the table, and slumped on the chairs, gasping for breath.

"I'm back," Li Jiao walked over and found that the two had bought a lot of bread, ham, drinks, and various snacks.

Asked: "Why do you buy such snacks?"

Zhang Yue unscrewed a can of ice Coke, took a sip, shouted cool, and then looked at Li Jiao and replied.

"Jiao, it's time to practice around the lake tomorrow, don't you not know?"

"Around the lake?!"

The setting sun dyed most of the sky bright red. Those clouds surrounded the sun, layered on top of each other. The closer to the center, the more dazzling and red it was.

That fiery red, even if it was about to fall, still spared no effort to sprinkle light and heat.

Li Jiao and Su Linlin were walking on the tree-lined avenue. The breeze was blowing, the willow leaves were swaying, the tree shadows were swirling, and the yellow brilliance of the setting sun was sprinkled in between, shining brightly, like a lot of naughty little stars playing hide and seek with you.

The sun is about to set, the hot temperature is slowly decreasing, and it is gradually cooling down.

On the boulevard, students in twos and threes walked together, chatting and laughing.

At first glance, many of them are freshmen wearing military training uniforms. Occasionally, I can see a few seniors and seniors who are out of class, walking past with books.

The wind approaching the evening, slightly cool, brushed past the laughing students on the boulevard, bringing a touch of sunshine, and the freshness of willow leaves, soft and shallow.

It mixed with the chatter and laughter of the students and became a unique atmosphere in summer.

This is the taste of youth.

Su Linlin and Li Jiao were alone, carrying plastic bags full of food, walking lazily and slowly.

"Jiaojiao, is your fever better, is your head still hot?"

Li Jiao squinted her eyes comfortably from the evening wind, and when she heard the words, she turned her head and smiled back.

"I just went back to the bedroom to take the medicine, and it's much better."

"That's good," Su Linlin nodded, then quickly licked the dripping popsicle on her hand, and suddenly thought of something and asked.

"Jiaojiao, what's the matter with you and the instructor today?"

"I heard from class 13 that I saw you chatting with the instructor?"

As she said that, she raised her eyebrows and laughed extraordinarily gossip.

Li Jiao couldn't help but think of her humiliating moment in the afternoon, and silently covered her face in her heart, but she still explained seriously.

"No, it's because I got dizzy after doing squats this afternoon."

"I was afraid of fainting, so I tugged at the instructor's clothes, and there was no pulling or pulling."

The rumor may have spread like this, where did she and the instructor pull together

Also, judging from the situation at the time, Li Jiao could feel Zhang Jiuling's strong freezing rays even if she was confused.

She even suspected that the instructor wanted to chop off her claws.

Su Linlin licked the popsicle in her hand again and said vaguely.


"I said that the instructor is also, you don't feel pity for Xiangxiyu at all. You have a fever, and you have to squat and stand up for extra training?"

She clicked her tongue, "Seriously, he's so straight, he probably won't have a girlfriend."


Forgive Li Jiao, I really can't imagine what the instructor looked like when he was frozen to death. What would it be like if he had a girlfriend

Could it be that it is also called to stand in a military posture at every turn

Thinking about it, Li Jiao couldn't help but imagine a picture in her mind. The instructor's girlfriend wanted to hold hands with him, but the instructor said coldly.

"Don't move, stand in a military posture for fifteen minutes."


It made me laugh just thinking about it, Li Jiao couldn't help but laugh, Su Linlin gave her a strange look.

"Jiaojiao, what's wrong with you?"

"Oh, no, it's nothing, I just thought of a joke that was funny."

"Oh," Su Linlin turned her head, "By the way, Jiaojiao, when you come back around the lake tomorrow, the night training will begin, can you handle it?"

She was really a little worried about their Jiaojiao, who was frail and had a fever like a beautiful porcelain doll. In the past few days of military training, I have suffered a lot of crimes.

"Night training?" Li Jiao asked in surprise, "When will it start?"

"I heard that it is tomorrow night."


Li Jiao frowned suddenly.

Damn, it's already miserable enough to go around the lake, and you still need night training when you come back

Mom, I was wrong, I shouldn't be brave, come and take me home.