I Like You So Much

Chapter 27: Volume 1 27 Watermelons before the Mid-Autumn Festival


Originally, everyone wanted to go out of the school gate to go shopping and relax. Who knew that it was not too early to meet this incident. Li Jiao and the others hurriedly bought a new one of the snacks and fruits that had been damaged before.

Several girls carried bags and went back to the dormitory.

I don't know if it was because the three helped Tang Yuran. After returning to the dormitory, she took the initiative to distribute the bunch of fruits and snacks she bought to everyone.


"Thank you for helping me today."

After handing the things to the three, Tang Yuran said.

When Zhang Yue saw the food, she forgot about the unpleasant things she had seen before.

He waved his hand, "It's alright, it's alright."

Su Linlin scolded her next to her, "You still said, what if you were really beaten?"

Zhang Yue didn't care, "Just that kid, who is not as tall as Shandong's green onions, can you beat me?"

"… "

"Li Jiao, thank you."

Tang Yuran put a bag of apples on Li Jiao's table and smiled.

Tang Yuran had always been arrogant before, but Li Jiao felt a little flattered by her sudden gesture of affection.

"No, it's fine."

"I just helped pull the frame and didn't do anything."

"… "

After a few words, Tang Yuran went back to his place. It looked no different than usual.

Li Jiao looked at the big bag of apples on the table. One was as big as two of her fists. It must be imported, right

Involuntarily, Li Jiao thought of the apple she gave Zhang Jiuling, and sighed, her two little feet huddled on the bench, hugging her knees, her head down in dejection.

The instructor confiscated her apple...

However, the instructor saw that she was about to fall and catch her today, and she also leaned on the instructor's arms, rounding up, does it mean that the instructor was holding her? !

Regardless, the instructor just hugged her.

Hey, what does the instructor's embrace feel like

what's coming

Li Jiao thought about it for a long time, and only remembered that there was a faint cold fragrance on the instructor's body, and the rest... She didn't remember anything.

Li Jiao! ! ! !

You pig brain! What were you thinking at the time? !

After a weekend, the next day is Monday again, and the freshmen are still in military training as usual.

Moreover, more and more seniors and seniors have come to the military training ground to hang out recently.

One by one, eating watermelon, licking ice cream, and walking around the military training ground with an umbrella.

In one day, there are more than a dozen waves of such people.

As a result, the freshmen who are undergoing military training have to suffer not only physically, but also psychologically.

Senior Senior Sister: Hahaha, I finally found an opportunity to take revenge for waking up on the weekend.

Tremble, schoolmates!

Originally, these "well-intentioned" seniors and seniors were to be kicked out, so they shouldn't disturb the military training.

However, our chief instructor is even more "wonderful"!

Chase them for what

Just to exercise the psychological quality of the students!


When they saw another wave of ice-cold drinkers walking past them, the entire class 1 swallowed.

They also want the happiness of having a fat house!

A whistle sounded and everyone rested for fifteen minutes.

After the disbandment, a group of severely stimulated children ran desperately to the fence on the edge of the military training ground, stretched out their hands, and acted as a sign of Erkang's retention, shouting at passers-by.

"Miss, sell us a bottle of Coke!"

"Save the poor child!"

"Okay, well, who kind hearted person can give me some watermelon."

"I'll give you ten dollars, or a piece of watermelon, or half a piece!"

"… "

It's also because the school's supermarket is too far away, otherwise, this group of people wouldn't have run to the fence and wailed like a group of hungry ghosts fleeing from the famine.

Although Li Jiao also wanted to drink Coke and eat ice cream, she had not completely lost her mind.


"Instructor, you are so good!"

"I love you Instructor!"

"… "

There was a sudden noise from behind.

Looking back, I don't know which class the instructor is, he bought a lot of watermelons out of his own pocket, and is giving them to the students.

The fat instructor, after hearing the high-profile declaration of love from the students, hurriedly put his hand to his mouth and muttered, "Shh—"

"Be quiet, don't be overheard by the chief instructor, quietly and quietly."

In fact, the chief instructor standing on the high platform had seen it long ago, and he was not blind when there were a lot of people in a mess.

He smiled and turned his head away, pretending he didn't know.


"What kind of instructor is that, I envy the bird."

"I want to eat watermelon too."

"… "

The other class has eaten watermelon, and the students in other classes can only look at it with envy.

Then, he turned around and looked at his class instructor resentfully.

Instructor: "What are you doing, see what I do, I have no money."

Student: "Oh, I believe you."

After that class divided the watermelons by themselves, they also asked the students to give a piece to the instructor of each class.

There are not many watermelons, and there are not enough students, so we can only give each class instructors one piece per person.

My dear, it's fine if the students can't eat it by themselves, but the instructor doesn't share weal and woe with them!

When every piece of watermelon was delivered to the instructor, almost every student in every class was threatening. Would you dare to try it

Some instructors felt embarrassed, so they stopped eating and declined. Of course, some instructors, "dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water", picked up the watermelon, ran very fast, squatted in a small corner and began to "eat alone"!

When the students heard the wind chasing after him, the instructor wiped his mouth and sighed happily.

"Ah, so sweet~"

Students: Big hooves!

In Class 2 next door, as soon as the Sixth Instructor received the watermelon, he didn't care about that much, he just ate it when he picked it up.

"My God, it's really hot today."

"Thank you instructors for me."

After that, he took a big bite of the watermelon.

The students of Class 2 next to them saw it and shouted excitedly.

"Instructor, you are disrespectful!"

"You eat alone!"

"that is!"

"We're out of love!!"

"Instructor, you put it down, we are still good friends!"

"… "

Liu Zi ignored the students' accusations and showed them the watermelon rind after three or two meals.

He twitched his butt, "Slightly, I'm done eating."

"… "

"Ah, ah, instructor, you are going too far!"

"Instructor, your behavior is very 'shameful'!!"


Liu Zi twisted his neck and said funny.

"Slightly slightly, if you can't eat, you can't eat, hit me if you have the ability."


"He's too much!!"

"Brothers, let's go!!"

"… "

Because of a piece of watermelon, a shocking "blood case" is taking place all over the military training ground!

When the piece of watermelon was delivered to Li Jiao's class, everyone was staring at them, thinking in their hearts: it's coming, it's coming, it's coming towards us! !

The entire Class 1 was staring at the piece of watermelon, waiting to see what their instructor would do with it.

Class 1 is in a rest state, and the staff is a little scattered, but most of them are sitting on the grass to rest.

Zhang Jiuling was correcting the military boxing of several boys. When the watermelon came over, he glanced at it and was about to refuse.

The small Huang Yuan eyeball next to him turned and said quickly.

"Instructor, if you don't want to eat, give it to me, I'm just thirsty."

Hearing this, Zhang Jiuling raised her head, glanced at him calmly, and said coldly.

"Be a hero, lose weight first."

Huang Yuan immediately closed his mouth and stood in a military posture, I want to be a hero, I want to be thin!

Zhang Jiuling turned around, glanced at the rest area of Class 1, and stopped at Li Jiao.

"Li Jiao."


Li Jiao conditioned reflex, stood up, and answered subconsciously.

I heard Zhang Jiuling say again, "Come here and help me hold the watermelon."


Just like that, the crowd watched Li Jiao helplessly, took the bright red and juicy watermelon over, and then obediently stood by, waiting for Zhang Jiuling's military training.

After a few minutes...

Li Jiao felt that the instructor was harassing her, and she couldn't eat just by looking at her, so she could only keep swallowing and torture...

The tenth time Li Jiao looked at the watermelon and swallowed, she suddenly heard Zhang Jiuling speak.

"Li Jiao, I order you to eat the watermelon."

"… "

"Li Jiao."



Li Jiao was lying on the table, holding her phone in both hands. The lit screen was the calendar interface. The month of September, thirty days, was almost halfway through.

Today is the 12th, and the next three days are Mid-Autumn Festival, so I have to take a holiday. Freshmen in military training are no exception.

When I come back from the holiday, it will be the 16th.

The day when the military training ends is getting closer.

Li Jiao really wanted the time to slow down a bit. Now every day of military training, she has one less day to see the instructor.

If the military training is over, where will she go to see the instructors

Touching the screen with her finger, she exited the calendar and opened the photo album. Li Jiao opened her private safe quite sacredly.


He sat up and stared reverently at the phone screen.

There is only one photo in the safe.

It's a little blurry, just the one when Zhang Jiuling carried her into the ambulance before, someone accidentally took it.

Li Jiao would take it out every day to take a look, her fingertips like light white touch the screen, she stared at the man in the camouflage military uniform, the corners of her mouth raised, and she smiled a little crazy.

So lovely…

She still remembers the reassurance she felt when she opened her eyes in a daze when she saw Zhang Jiuling.

Ah, ah, she didn't dare to think about how she would live without the instructor in the future—

The bedroom door was opened. Zhang Yue and Su Linlin were eating ice cream and walked in with a large bag of snacks. Seeing that Li Jiao was still sitting on the chair, she asked.

"Jiaojiao, you haven't left yet?"

Today is only half a day of military training, and the afternoon is a holiday.

The students who were close to home had already packed up their things and took off like an arrow.

Li Jiao's family is located in Nancheng, but in the East District.

I called my family last night and said I could go home this afternoon. Papa Li danced happily and said that he would come to pick her up in person. Li Jiao declined and said no, after all, you can get there by taking the subway.

Dad Li said seriously, "No, this is the first time my daughter-in-law lives in school and comes home. Dad should pay attention to what he says!"

"Jiaojiao, darling, Dad has a meeting tomorrow afternoon. You can play in the dormitory for a while, and when Dad finishes the meeting, he will pick you up immediately!"

Li Jiao's motivation was too high, Li Jiao thought about it, but still didn't hit him.

Looking at the time, it is four o'clock in the afternoon, and it should be on the way.

Li Jiao replied, "I still have a while, my dad is coming to pick me up."

Zhang Yue and Su Linlin brought the snacks back to their table while eating ice cream. Hearing this, Zhang Yue said.

"Jiao, when you go home this time, you have to bring some moon cakes for the two of us who are lonely and widows."

"Look at me and Linlin," she and Su Linlin looked at each other with a wry smile, "We are homeless street children."

Neither she nor Su Linlin are from the city. The Mid-Autumn Festival holiday is only three days. Of course, it is impossible for them to go home. Just stay in the bedroom.

Li Jiao was amused by what she said, "Boss, don't worry, I will definitely bring you a lot of food back."

"All kinds of moon cakes are arranged for you."

Su Linlin sat in her place and raised her hands high.

"Jiaojiaojiaojiao, egg yolk mooncake!"

"I, I, I want fresh meat moon cakes!" Zhang Yue was afraid of falling behind.

Li Jiao nodded her head clearly, said ok, stood up, stood at attention, and saluted,

"The two chiefs, Li Jiao promises to complete the mission!"

As soon as the voice fell, the phone rang, and Dad Li called.