I Like You So Much

Chapter 35: Vol 1 35 I will not be happy anymore


"Listen to the trumpet of the new journey,"

"The target of the strong army is called ahead"

"If the country wants to be strong, we must take responsibility"

"On the battle flag, the glory of iron and blood is written"

"… "

The military training ground in the break room is a huge venue, and students in camouflage uniforms are scattered around every corner.

"it is good!"

"The instructor is so handsome!"

Some classes are resting, and some classes are still holding gun sniper demonstrations. After the training, everyone can touch the training guns, learn to shoot with guns, and feel the passion.

Class 1, Wang Haonan is also showing, he is tall, tall and straight. Put away his smiling face, his face is slightly solemn, his gun is behind his back, his standing is straight and standard, and his hair is majestic.

On the battlefield, that kind of majestic and powerful military temperament rushed toward the face. It shocked everyone around.


Except for Class 1, students from other surrounding classes also turned their heads to appreciate it, bursting with applause and sighs.

"oh my Ladygaga, this is too handsome."

"Wow, this kind of soldier's righteousness kills me too much."

"My mother, where is this handsome guy who popped out, I want to have it!"

"What is the luck of the first class, the previous instructor is so handsome, and if you change it, it's still so handsome."

"I don't live anymore, that's someone else's instructor..."

"Simply, I finally understand why my neighbor's eldest cousin's second aunt's younger niece's second aunt's daughter's classmate wants to marry a soldier."

After listening to the series of rhetorical words in the fog, the classmate next to him gave a blank look and said helplessly.

"Sister, just say it's a woman."

"It's not necessary, really."

"Oh, people like it~"

"… "

Class 1 students, seeing that so many people are envious of their class instructors, immediately raised their necks and looked proud.

Look, look, our class is on duty.

"I didn't say it, Linlin," Zhang Yue stood on the periphery, rubbed her chin, looked at the handsome guy seriously, looked at the instructors in the crowd, and said tsk tsk.

"This instructor isn't bad either."

"Hey, Jiaojiao, come and see the handsome instructor, Jiaojiao?"

With that said, Zhang Yue turned her head, looked around, and shouted loudly, "Jiaojiao, Jiaojiao?"

Break time, some confusion.

Thousands of students wearing the same military uniforms were walking around. Here in Class 1, because of Wang Haonan's handsome display, it attracted a bunch of people, forming a circle, and the water was blocked.

Zhang Yue looked around, wearing camouflage uniforms and hats, they were all copy-pasted people.

What about Li Jiao

"Jiaojiao, Jiaojiao?"

"Hey, boss," Su Linlin next to her silently patted the person and pointed in a direction.

Zhang Yue looked along and saw a little girl squatting in a corner with few people, with her back to them, shrinking into a small ball, hugging her knees. It is out of tune with the surrounding, and the low pressure is full.

There were a few small dark clouds above her head, and it was raining lightly.

The lively atmosphere next to her had nothing to do with her, the little girl was like a poor little orphan.

Walking over, Zhang Yue patted her shoulder and said with concern.

"Jiaojiao, what's wrong?"

Li Jiao turned her head silently, her eyebrows were curved, her mouth was shrivelled, her eyes were sparkling, her eyes were full of tears, and her little face was wrinkled like a bun.

He said bitterly: "Boss, I don't think I will be happy anymore."

When she said this, she looked very serious, but with her embarrassed expression, it was really funny.

Su Linlin on the side almost didn't hold back, poof—

Zhang Yue was nervous and really thought what was wrong with her, so she squatted down and asked her.

"Ah, what happened?"

"Your favorite Little Moxian hasn't been updated today?"

Hearing this, Li Jiao shook her head vigorously, and continued to look at people with her eyes full of grievances and pain.

"Boss, I don't think I'll be happy anymore. The instructor has left, taking away my happiness. I can't smile happily anymore."

"Last night I had a dream that my happiness eloped with the instructors. They went to the capital for a tour and left me."

"Before leaving, they said to me, 'Li Jiao, I'm sorry, we decided to give up custody of you,' what should I do, boss, there is a green grassland growing on my head, and I'm an orphan."


Li Jiao's mouth opened wide, and she kept telling her tragic experience. Zhang Yue next to her was dumbfounded, ""

What the hell, Li Jiao is an orphan with grass growing on her head

Su Linlin on the other side was aware of Li Jiao's changes. In a blink of an eye, Zhang Jiuling had been gone for several days.

At the very beginning of this girl, she was simply a resentful girl who was absent-minded and never talked to anyone.

Su Linlin was very anxious at first, thinking that Zhang Jiuling had left, which stimulated her.

until... ...

One day, when Su Linlin came out of the shower, she saw that Li Jiao was still sitting at the table, holding her mobile phone and typing blankly.

She passed by and inadvertently glanced at Li Jiao's phone screen. The girl was using her phone to keep a diary.

She saw a sentence that was written like this.

"On the sixth day after the instructor left, I suddenly found that I couldn't laugh anymore. I would never be happy again."

At first glance, Su Linlin felt sorry for her, but the more she thought about it, the more amusing she became.

Really, it's kind of silly and cute.

In fact, Su Linlin didn't read it all. If she read Li Jiao's diary, she would be even more dumbfounded.

This is what Li Jiao wrote in his diary.

"On the sixth day after the instructor left, I suddenly found that I couldn't laugh anymore, and I would never be happy again. Today, my favorite Little Moxian has not been updated. I still don't know the little black cat inside. Have you found your own dried fish?"

"Hey, when I went to the cafeteria to eat today, my aunt could see my sadness, she patronized me, and she didn't even know that all the meat she scooped for me fell off. God, is my sadness so contagious already? ?"

"Really, I feel like all the joy is gone. I feel like the most miserable person in the world, really."


Really, Li Jiao was very sad when the instructor left. This point, Su Linlin is very sure.

but... ... ...

Su Linlin snorted and raised her head "hahahaha". Said he really couldn't help it.

With the lessons learned, Su Linlin now sees Li Jiao like this, and is not surprised.

In fact, she didn't even know if Li Jiao was like this and whether she needed them to care.

Really, the girl was surprisingly cute.

Li Jiao Papa said a lot, and finally, she turned her head and looked at Zhang Yue expectantly.

"Boss, can you understand me?"

"Uh..." Zhang Yue touched his head, "I think... I should understand."

"But, my brain told me, 'Zhang Yue, you fart!'"


Li Jiao sighed and silently turned her head away, watching the little ants on the ground move with a sad expression.

"Little ants, what is your happiness?"

"Hey~ it's so hard for you to move things, let me help you."

After she finished speaking, Li Jiao stretched out two fingers, picked up the super small stones raised by the little ants, raised her hand, turned around, and put them on the other side.

Said: "I helped you put it at the door of the house, you can go home quickly."

A few little ants fixedly looked at her: "!!!!!!"

Lao Tzu worked hard to move in, and you put it back for Lao Tzu? !

The road is so far, do you reimburse the fare? ! !

Su Linlin, who was behind her, watched everything and helped her forehead.

It's over, this kid is completely insane.

On September 30, the light rain fell like a light white mist, lingering and lingering, gently moistening the entire NTU. There was a slight breeze blowing, and there was a fresh smell in the air, mixed with a little bit of earthy smell.

There was a little wind last night, and the yellow flowers of the osmanthus trees next to the military training ground and the artificial lake blew off a lot, and fell to the ground like stars.

No one expected that the long-awaited rain of thousands of freshmen would come quietly on the last day of military training.

With the end of a large-scale military training report meeting, the military training that made thousands of freshmen feel painful also came to an end silently.

This day is very special.

Everyone found that they didn't seem too happy when the long-awaited day arrived.

This month of military training, everyone has their own gains, more or less. These will become a shining page of memories in the days to come.

And for the instructors, everyone also established a deep feeling.

They have been exposed to the sun together in the high temperature of nearly 40 degrees, kicked the stance, played military boxing, practiced around the lake together, played the military song together, were fined for running laps together, and together...

For them, instructors are no longer just instructors. In their hearts, this is already a good teacher and a good friend, a friend who is thankful for their acquaintance.

"Instructor, are you going to steal it later?"

At the end of the assembly, a girl suddenly asked.

The instructor who was questioned had a stagnant face and a complicated expression, and did not dare to answer.

The sharp-eyed classmates noticed that the instructor's eyes were red.

At this time, in fact, silence is already an answer.

The girl sniffed, her voice trembling.

"Instructor, can we take a picture together later?"

"We...we miss you."

At the last word, the girl didn't hold back and cried.

This cry is like the beginning of this youthful encounter and parting. The people around couldn't help being infected, and many girls began to cry along with them.

The boy was stronger, but he raised his head slightly, his eyes were red.

"Instructor, instructors can't leave."

"Instructor don't go."

"Instructor, don't go."

"… "

A class, dozens of students, pulled the man in the camouflage uniform, crying and begging for an impossible answer.

The male instructor who was being pulled had red eyes and trembling lips, unable to bear to look at the faces of those children.

The boy does not cry easily, and he is also moved when he is emotional.

In Class 2, the six-child instructor who spoke Sichuan dialect was also entangled, dozens of children dragged him, some hooked his neck, some even hugged his legs...

Supporting his head, his voice was loud, and he cried bitterly.


"do not go!"

"Erkang, don't go! Ziwei loves you—"

There was a boy, hugging his thigh, howling in non-standard Sichuan dialect.

"Instructor, don't (don't) go, I invite you to (eat) yak meat!"

Liu Zi looked at this group of living treasures with tears in their eyes, obviously tears were about to fall, but he was stunned to hold them back again.

He forcibly endured the sourness in the corner of his eyes, pretending to be meaningless.

"Okay, okay, stop shedding cat urine (tears)."

A group of students silently let go of their hands and stood around him in a circle, sobbing softly.

The six sons looked at them, and the days of training came to mind one by one. He seems to be... that is, he just received the live treasure from this class yesterday...


He raised his head slightly, pouring back the tears that were about to burst into his eyes. Only then did he look at the students, with that handsome face, grinning and smiling.

"Okay, it's not a matter of life and death, there will definitely be a chance to see you again in the future."

"I'm very happy to meet you after a month of military training. Although you are naughty, you are also very good. In the future, I hope you can continue to exert your hard-working spirit. Come on, future great painters... "

Throughout the military training ground, the parting clock has already struck. There was even a sense of sadness in the air, and there were whispers of weeping all around.

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