I Like You So Much

Chapter 41: Vol 1 41 I like you more



On the left chest, there was a rapid and chaotic heartbeat.

It's like hitting the drum head with a drumstick, without any pattern, no rhythm, and extremely messy!

After Zhang Jiuling said those words, Li Jiao kept looking up at him in a daze, her big apricot eyes were full of water, she didn't dare to blink, and her long and curled eyelashes flickered slightly from time to time.

Instructor, did the instructor just say that he likes me

Is it true is it

Who is going to slap me and tell me this is not a pipe dream? !

Does he really like me

After a long time, Li Jiao's eyes were almost sore, and then she uttered a word.

"Instructor, why don't you slap me and wake me up, a woman who dreams of big dreams in the blue sky and daytime."

Hearing this, Zhang Jiuling raised her eyebrows and the corners of her lips lightly hooked, she couldn't help laughing.

The first time I confessed to someone, but the other party's little girl thought she was dreaming

He glanced at her, the little girl opened her big round eyes and puffed her cheeks slightly, like a puffed goldfish, looking at herself with a serious suggestion.

Inexplicably has a somewhat naive look, cute and naive.

Zhang Jiuling smiled lightly, her temples were cut like a knife, her eyebrows were like ink paintings, and she had the beauty of the breeze coming slowly, just like the handsomeness of the moon in her arms.

Li Jiao was stunned again, the little Li Jiao in her heart, with tears in her eyes, covered her mouth tightly, but the tears still flowed out of her mouth.

I'm sorry, it's not that I'm unsatisfactory, it's that the instructor is too good-looking, hiss~ (drooling sound)...

Zhang Jiuling glanced at her, smiled again without knowing it, reached out and took out a small square box from her pocket.

"Hand out."

Li Jiao obediently obeyed and stretched out her right hand.

Zhang Jiuling opened the box, and there was a silver bracelet lying quietly inside.

Li Jiao suddenly remembered, wasn't this the bracelet she got stuck on the net when she followed someone to the club last time

However, it doesn't seem to be the same.

Her bracelet was plain silver, with no decorations, it was simple. This bracelet is roughly similar to hers. But there is a small silver bell in the middle, which looks small and cute.

Zhang Jiuling took out the bracelet and tied it to the girl's snow-white wrist. The silver bracelet lined the snow-white skin, which was really beautiful.

Li Jiao raised her hand and shook the small bell of the bracelet, which rang crisply.


She looked up at Zhang Jiuling, puzzled.

"This is the bracelet you wore last time. When I went back, I found that I forgot to return it to you."

"I thought it was too plain, so I added a bell to you."

Zhang Jiuling's voice was as clear as a string, slowly and slowly, as if he was discussing what the weather is like today, which is normal.

As he spoke, he glanced at Li Jiao, and there was a little smile in his eyes.

"Now, do you still feel like you are dreaming?"

Li Jiao touched the bracelet and shook her head with a smile.


"Instructor, thank you."

Bell, Zhang Jiuling, Jiuling, bell.

Did she put the instructor on her hand

Gosh, I'm so excited! ! ! !

No, I need to calm down, I want to dig into the fridge for a while now!

"Li Jiao."

"Well? What's the matter, instructor."

"I'm not your instructor now," Zhang Jiuling's dark eyes were deep and quiet.

"So, you don't need to call me an instructor."

"Then I..." Li Jiao looked at him carefully and tentatively said.

"Call you... Jiu Ling... Is it okay?"


"… "

Because I had to come to watch the military parade before, it was inconvenient to drive. Zhang Jiuling called a friend earlier and asked someone to come and drive the big jeep away.

Li Jiao's house was near here anyway, so the two slowly pressed the road back.

Perhaps because of a "thrilling" incident just now, Li Jiao couldn't calm down for a long time.

Walking outside the community, she still couldn't believe what had just happened.

She stopped, looked at the person, and asked seriously.

"Teach... Jiuling, are we now... a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship?"

After speaking, she carefully paid attention to his expression, her eyes timid.

Zhang Jiuling looked at her calmly, nodded slightly, and paused deliberately.

"It's like... that's it."

The moment she heard the answer, Li Jiao wanted to bark wildly, and even cleared her teacher and father, Van Gogh, from the studio. The best, can put hundreds of big fireworks to celebrate!

It takes a long time to hear the sound!

My God, her prayers for so long have finally worked!

Instructor, finally blinded, no, see me! !

Before Li Jiao entered the community, she touched the small bell on the bracelet. Ningmei thought for a while, then took off the red cherry headband from her two braids and put it in Zhang Jiuling's hands.

"Instructor, I don't have anything by my side now, these two headbands are for you."

"Later, I'll replace it with something else to make up for you."

"… "

Looking at the little girl who was jumping and running into the community, Zhang Jiuling looked down at the two red cherry headbands in her hand, which were rosy, as if they were real.

The corners of his mouth were raised slightly, in a good mood.

This little girl's thoughts are always strange.

Later, Liu Zi and Wang Haonan drove a big jeep and came to find Zhang Jiuling.

In the car, Wang Haonan saw that the two headbands on Zhang Jiuling's wrist were actually two small red cherries, belonging to such a girl.

Wang Haonan immediately laughed: "Boss, I didn't expect you to be so girly."

"I actually used something from the little girl's house."

Zhang Jiuling glanced at the two red cherry headbands on her wrists, her eyes were gentle, and she said lightly.

"A token of love."


The sixth son and Wang Haonan in the back seat looked at each other, then turned back in tacit understanding and looked at Zhang Jiuling.


"Damn it, what's wrong with the boss?!"

"That's right, who you are having an affair with without us having an affair!"

"Isn't it, boss, you will be out of the wall in summer?!"

"Ehhh, which little girl is that?"

"Tell me, which girl is that?"

Zhang Jiuling glanced at the two people in the back seat who were very excited from the rearview mirror.

Turn your gaze back to the front.

After a while, he said slowly, with a lazy voice and a bit of a ruffian in the Beijing accent.

"Laozi's women, you have to call your sister-in-law."

Li Jiao was shaking her wrist gently all the way home, until the small bell on her bracelet jingled crisply.

Li Hang just finished shooting with others in the exciting battlefield. Because he jumped to the wrong autistic city, he made a box eight times an hour, which made him really close to autism.

Walking out of the room, his hair was messy, his eyes were bloodshot, and he pulled his slippers and walked out.

When I came out, I saw a man in a green skirt and a mess of hair sitting on the sofa, raising his hand and shaking the bell on his wrist. giggling giggle.

Li Hang instantly thought that there was a mad woman in the house, so he walked quietly, turned around and picked up a mop, raised his hands, and walked over tiptoe.

Then, put a cover on the head!

"Where's the crazy woman from, why don't you get out of your uncle's palace!!!"

"… "

Li Jiao, who was suspected of being a mad woman, turned around silently, with several black mopping strips drooping down from her head. With big eyes, she quietly looked at people with resentful eyes that were inexplicably scary.

Li Hang immediately threw the mop away and raised his hands.

Embarrassingly said with a smile: "Jiaojiao, a big rat ran over just now, did you see it hahaha..."

"Li Hang!!!!!!"

"I will make you splash the flag with blood today!!!"

After this, Zhang Jiuling and Li Jiao officially established their relationship.

During the seven-day National Day holiday, the two are in frequent contact. But since Zhang Jiuling was busy, so did Li Jiao's family.

Therefore, the two basically did not meet much later, and most of them contacted by sending messages.

Li Jiao: Jiu Ling Jiu Ling, I will go back to school tomorrow afternoon? ('ω')

Zhang Jiuling: At what time in the afternoon, I will see you off.

Li Jiao: Around three o'clock(?), I have two suitcases to take.

Zhang Jiuling: OK, then I'll drive over.

Li Jiao: Are you going to drive that big green Beetle tomorrow? (??ˇ?ˇ??)

Zhang Jiuling looked at the news on the phone, frowned slightly, and suddenly realized that the little girl was talking about the army green jeep.

So he typed the text and replied.

Zhang Jiuling: It's not that car, it's a military car.

Li Jiao: What color is your beetle

Although he didn't understand why the little girl was so obsessed with the Beetles, Zhang Jiuling replied according to her.

Zhang Jiuling: Black, if you like the Beetle, I can also get a Beetle

The message back to the other side was fast.

Li Jiao: No, I like you more (*/?\*)

After replying to the message, Li Jiao put her phone aside, her face blushed, and she fanned her hot cheeks like a crayfish.

God, her face is getting thicker and thicker.

Does she count as... molesting the instructor

The phone on the side, the screen lit up.

Li Jiao took a breath, picked up the phone, unlocked the screen lock, and clicked on the message.

The message Zhang Jiuling replied was similar to hers, only one word was missing.

"No, I like you more."

The blush on Li Jiao's cheeks heated up rapidly, the corners of her mouth widened, and her eyebrows curved.

No, I like you more.

I like you more, like you...

She put the phone aside, lay back on the soft big bed, and took the pillow beside her and hugged it in her arms.

Silently, he smiled brightly, as bright as the sun.

No, I think, I like you more.

On the afternoon of October 7, it was time for the university to return to school. Li Jiao packed two suitcases last night and was going to take them back to school.

During the National Day holiday, Dad Li was on business trips and never came home. Because of the sudden work arrangement, the family's original travel plan was cancelled, and Dad Li felt particularly guilty.

On the 7th day, I took the high-speed rail and ran back. In order to make up for the two children, I want to send them to school in person.

"Dad, I made an appointment with a friend to meet at the subway station. You don't have to take me off."

"That won't work, how can a little girl carry your two big boxes?"

"Dad, you just need to send Li Hang, you really don't need to send me."

Li Jiao was quite embarrassed. She had agreed with Zhang Jiuling last night that he would pick her up this afternoon and take her to school.

Who knows, Dad Li is back today.

She talked about love, and she can't talk to her family for the time being.

Li's father and Li's mother had always thought that she was a child, and had told her before that they should fall in love after graduating from college.

Who knows, she has just gone to college, she has a boyfriend, and she is an instructor in military training.

If the news is suddenly revealed, Li Jiao is afraid that Li's father and Li's mother will kick her out of the house.

So, let's wait until we find a suitable opportunity.

He bribed Li Hang to divert Li's father's attention. Li Jiao was able to get out of the house smoothly.

After dragging two suitcases, he walked out of the gate of the community and turned a corner. Zhang Jiuling was standing there waiting for her.

For a black car, Li Jiao didn't see the brand, but he also saw that it was expensive.

"Jiu Ling-"

Li Jiao happily dragged the box over, Zhang Jiuling came over, took the box and put it in the trunk, closed the door with a bang.

Turning around, Li Jiao was still looking at him, the corners of her mouth raised, her smile extremely bright.

Zhang Jiuling said, "Aren't you going to get in the car?"

Li Jiao looked at him and smiled, "You are so handsome today."

After speaking, he slipped into the car and sat well.

Along the way, Zhang Jiuling was driving, and she kept her head tilted to look at him. Appreciate the beauty of people.

She looked carefully, as if using her eyes, remembering to save his appearance little by little.



"Do I have money on my face, keep looking at me."

"No, I like it."

"… "

The car has been driving into the residential area of the NTU campus. Because it is a female dormitory, boys are not allowed to enter. Therefore, Zhang Jiuling could not help Li Jiao carry her luggage.

He glanced at the dormitory building where people came and went, afraid that some boys would sneak in, and there was even an aunt guarding the door.

A girl's boyfriend wanted to help with the luggage, but he was persuaded by the sleeping auntie to quit.

"Young man, just send it here, you can't go in."

"Do you need to ask your roommate to come down and help?" Zhang Jiuling said.

"No," Li Jiao shook her head, "I can handle just two boxes."

There is an elevator in the dormitory building, and she can directly drag the box to the elevator, so there is no inconvenience.

Li Jiao dragged two boxes, and before entering the dormitory, she hesitated and turned around to face Zhang Jiuling.

Looking up at him, "Jiu Ling."

"Hmm, what's up?"

Li Jiao suddenly stepped forward and hugged someone on tiptoe. The familiar woody cold sandalwood incense was faintly and cold, lingering in her nose.

"I want to see you tomorrow too," she said.

After speaking, he released his hand, turned around quickly, dragged two large suitcases, and ran very fast.

Behind him, Zhang Jiuling looked at someone who was fleeing, his dark eyes showed a strong smile bit by bit.

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