I Like You So Much

Chapter 63: vol. 1 63 days without him


Nanshi is not too close to the imperial capital, nearly 1,000 kilometers, almost two hours of flight time.

Li Jiao took the car back to school. It was already six o'clock in the afternoon, after eating and taking a shower. He was huddled in the warm quilt, casually tracing the small portrait.

It was about eight o'clock when I received a call from Zhang Jiuling.

When the bell rang, Li Jiao immediately threw away the painting in her hand, grabbed her phone, and saw that it was Zhang Jiuling's phone.

She knelt on the bed and quickly glanced at the bedroom. Su Linlin was watching TV series at the table, and Zhang Yue was having dinner.

So, Li Jiao put on her clothes, slipped out of bed in a few steps, ran to the balcony, closed the door, and then carefully answered the phone.



A familiar voice came through the phone.

It's only been a few hours since she hadn't seen each other, but Li Jiao felt as if she had passed away. Suddenly hearing Zhang Jiuling's voice, her nose suddenly became sour.

Holding the phone in both hands, he asked in a low voice.

"are you home yet?"

Hearing this, Zhang Jiuling glanced out the car window. Under the dark night, the emperor was a colorful and prosperous scene. In the distance, the building so high that it can leap into the sky, glowing red and purple, with prominent characters on it, "The Imperial City welcomes you."

For a moment, he looked back.

"Not yet, in the car."


Different from the prosperity of Zhang Jiuling's side, NTU where Li Jiao is located, because of the rainy weather, no one is on the campus, and they are all huddled in the dormitory. She stood on the balcony, surrounded by too much silence.

Li Jiao could only hear her own breathing and the sound of howling traffic coming from the phone.

She tried her best to stabilize her mind, "Then, have you eaten yet?"

"Not yet, go home and eat."

"oh oh."

After speaking, both ends of the phone were silent for a while.

Li Jiao didn't know what to say at this moment, she held up her phone, stood on the balcony, and bit her pink lips.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew into the legs of her pajamas.

After a while, Zhang Jiuling's mellow and low voice came along the weak current.

"Jiaojiao, wait for me to come back."

Hearing this sentence, Li Jiao's erratic heart suddenly settled down, and she was no longer so uneasy.

After a moment, she opened her mouth and responded.

"it is good."

When Zhang Jiuling was not in Nanshi, Li Jiao suddenly felt that something was missing, and her heart was empty.

In order not to let herself continue to be immersed in sadness, Li Jiao arranges her life to the fullest every day, going to the library to read books, go to the studio to paint, and go to the department's publicity department for meetings. All kinds of things are busy.

The void in my heart was finally filled.

The two are busy in different cities, and they send messages every day to report what they are doing, which is their unique way of communicating.

Li Jiao: "A picture of a fat tiger smiling jpg"

It said, "Little boy, what are you doing?"

The opposite side came back soon after.

Zhang Jiuling: talk with friends and drink tea

The attached picture shows the fragrance of tea in an elegant tea room.

Li Jiao: "A picture of a fat tiger laughing jpg"

It said, "Little darling, did you miss me?"

"Yes, Jiuling, you have a good idea..."

Opposite a mahogany coffee table, the man is drooling and expressing his opinions with great passion.

While listening to him, Zhang Jiuling distracted and turned on the phone. His eyes touched the emoji, and he paused for a while, twitching the corner of his mouth, revealing a slight smile.

Then, he listened to what the person said without changing his face, and sent an emoji to go back.

Zhang Jiuling: The same paragraph "a picture of a fat tiger laughing at his waist jpg"

It said, "Little darling, did you miss me?"

Behind the emoji, he sent another sentence.

Zhang Jiuling: What about you


Just after returning to the bedroom, Li Jiao took a sip of water from the glass, and out of the corner of the eye caught a glimpse of the message on the phone, and suddenly spit out water.


Li Jiao's face flushed from coughing, but her eyes kept staring at the words and the emoji on the phone.

"Baby, do you miss me?"

"how about you."

Isn't it right, use her emoji to attack her? Still such an emoji, is this still her once aloof instructor

Usually, their classmates like to send emojis or something, but Li Jiao doesn't feel that way. She likes to send them herself, because recently she likes "#. a dream", so I have saved a lot of emojis of fat tigers.

Recently, the emoji package of the fat tiger has been coming.

This emoji was not very good at first, but when Zhang Jiuling sent it back, Li Jiao felt that something was wrong.

"Baby, do you miss me?"

She imagined the way Zhang Jiuling said this in her mind. He leaned over, put it lightly on her ear, and opened his mouth. His voice was sexy and low, and a little hoarse.


Just thinking about it, Li Jiao's face turned red, and the tips of her ears quickly burned.

Ahhh, no prospects no prospects.

Although she was too embarrassed, she still pretended to be calm when she replied to the news.

Li Jiao: No (Fat Tiger is indifferent and ruthless.jpg)

The other side came back soon.

Zhang Jiuling: Liars can't eat Dao Xiangxuan's pastries

Li Jiao: "Withdrawn a message"

Li Jiao: Yes, yes, think about it!

Li Jiao: I thought about it, what about you, do you miss me

Zhang Jiuling: No.

Li Jiao: …

After sending this message, the little girl on the opposite side stopped talking. Just when Zhang Jiuling wondered if the little girl was angry, the opposite side suddenly threw a link.

Li Jiao: "Liar children will be eaten by the big bad wolf. **** Links to children's stories."

While speaking, Zhang Jiuling caught a glimpse of the reply from the corner of his eyes, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, the clear eyes, the coldness on the surface faded a lot, and even the sharpness was a little less.

2k novel

The man sitting opposite is Zhang Jiuling's friend. He came to talk to him today. During this period, he found that the demon king of the Jedi iceberg laughed several times

The man asked hesitantly, "Jiuling, are you not a wicked person?"

What, so abnormal

After Zhang Jiuling answered the news, she raised her head and met the man's cautious and hesitant gaze. The smile on the corner of his mouth, the warm color in his eyes was withdrawn, and his face was cold again.

In a lazy Beijing accent, he replied lightly.

"You are the devil."

The man was so scolded that he touched his head and wondered.

"You didn't fall for evil, what are you laughing at, what I said wasn't funny, was it?"

Zhang Jiuling raised her hand and took a sip of hot tea, her voice cold.

"You look funny."

man:"… … … "

Can we still be friends? !

After saying "bye bye" to Zhang Jiuling, Li Jiao put down her phone and glanced out the window. At 4:20 in the afternoon, the sky was bright, the blue sky was clear, and there were a few white clouds floating in the air.

Thinking that she had been signed up for 3000 meters for no reason, Li Jiao felt that she still needed to prepare.

She also has to live up to her goal of rushing the ducks to the shelves, and she can't embarrass the class.

At least… …

Live to the end.

For a sports waste, the requirements should not be too high.

Put down the bag, put on a sports suit, and tie the chestnut-colored short hair that reaches the shoulders into a ponytail, which is refreshing and neat.

Grab your phone, put on your sports headphones, and you're out of the dorm.

It's still early, and she can still practice her long-distance running.

"Hey, Jiaojiao has no class today, where are you going?"

When she ran downstairs to the dormitory, Su Linlin just came back, ran into her, and asked a question out of curiosity.

"I'll run for a while, come back later, leave a door for me."

As she said that, Li Jiao, who was wearing a gray tracksuit, ran away with a sway of the ponytail on the back of her head.

"Hey~" Su Linlin, who was behind her, looked at her helplessly, "Run for a walk, what are you doing in such a hurry."

"I want to say that I'm going too."

"Forget it, I'd better go back to the bedroom to see my Oppa."

Thinking about it, Su Linlin carried a large bag of snacks, hummed an unknown tune, turned and entered the dormitory building.

The playground is not far from the dormitory, it takes two or three minutes to arrive.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, most of the students were out of class.

On the basketball court next to them, the boys seemed to be unaware of the cold. Wearing short-sleeved shorts, swaying enthusiastic sweat.

"Oh, good shot!"

"Good shot, good shot!"

"… "

On the football field, no one plays football for the time being. He was requisitioned by the classmates of the Nationalities College next door, dressed in bright ethnic minority costumes, gathered around and happily danced the Guozhuang dance.

Li Jiao got on the plastic track, with a song playing in her bluetooth headset, and ran slowly.

These days, she has been thinking, who in the end filled out the registration form for her

She doesn't seem to have a grudge against anyone.

After sifting through the brains of people, Li Jiao couldn't come up with a reason. She had no choice but to sigh.

Forget it, let's deal with this exercise first.


"It's too hard for me to be fat tiger~"

Li Jiao let out a whimper and continued on the long runway, dragging her steps and running slowly.

In the days that followed, Li Jiao still arranged her life to the fullest.

In addition to the daily classes, she also has one more arrangement every day, running.

From the very first run, I was out of breath, and now, at least I can hold on for a few laps.

Li Jiao thought that she had fought for her life, and if she was truly honored, she would be worthy of the class.

"I'm back~"

At night, someone who had finished running floated into the bedroom like a wandering spirit. He walked to the position lightly and sat down with a pale face, like a corpse.

Zhang Yue had just finished taking a shower, when she opened the door from the balcony and came in, wiping the tip of her hair with water, she saw someone lying dead.

A casual glance, "Hey, auntie, which coffin did you just climb out of?"

"Do you eat people?"

Hearing this, Li Jiao, who was leaning on the chair, slowly raised her head and looked at her with a pair of big eyes.

Slowly raise your hand and point to a place with your finger.

The voice was soft, as if floating from a long distance, inexplicably panicking.

"I'm from the sea~"

Zhang Yue looked in the direction of her finger, it was the fish tank that Su Linlin used to raise the little turtles.

She raised her brows and smiled.

"Your home saves space."

"This is... Turtle House?"

Li Jiao didn't answer, and continued to immerse herself in her own world, with a voice so light that she could float away at any time, Qi Qi said.

"I'm from the sea~"

"Living under the dark sea."

"I have holes all over my body and I can't breathe."

Zhang Yue rubbed her hair for a while. For some reason, she suddenly felt a little cold in the bedroom, and her back was cool.

I heard that NTU used to be a cemetery.

Thinking about it, she couldn't help shrinking her neck.

"I… … "

At this moment, Li Jiao stopped and suddenly changed her style.

"Living in a beautiful big pineapple."

"I work at Crab Burger and I have a very good friend."

"The happiest thing about us is..."

Speaking of this, Li Jiao suddenly opened her big bright eyes and said excitedly.

"Pie Daxing!"

"Let's go catch jellyfish!"

Zhang Yue: "..."



"You're a sponge, does the instructor know?"

"… "