I Like You So Much

Chapter 7: Volume 1 7 zipper?


In an apartment a few kilometers away from NTU

Zhang Jiuling also looked at the moon in the sky. There was no emotion in his deep eyes. The bright moonlight sprinkled on him, as if it added a little loneliness and a sense of desertedness to him.

"Boss, boss?"

A man's voice came from the other end of the phone, Zhang Jiuling recovered and said.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh, I wanted to ask you, how is your military training with students?"

"That's it," Zhang Jiuling thought for a while, and then added, "The physical fitness is too poor."

The other end of the phone laughed, "People are only seventeen or eighteen children. How can you compare with us? If you treat them with our requirements, it will definitely not work."

Zhang Jiuling: "If you don't talk about this, how long will it take for you to come back?"

"I guess it will take a few days. This time the task is a bit tricky. The drug lord is hidden deep and hard to find."

Zhang Jiuling was silent for a moment, and said in a serious tone.

"Hao Nan, be careful yourself."

Wang Haonan on the other end of the phone paused and smiled.

"Don't worry, boss, I'll be fine for sure."

"At that time, I have to come back to see my class."

Zhang Jiuling: "Come back safely."

"I know boss."

"Come back quickly and lead your class back, I don't want to train children."

"… "

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Jiuling turned around and glanced at a photo on the table.

Two men were wearing camouflage uniforms, one was more sunny and the other was more stern, with their shoulders folded and their backs looking high-spirited. That was Wang Haonan and him.

They were both members of the special team before, but he has now retired, and Wang Haonan is still on active duty and is currently on a mission.

Originally, Wang Haonan applied for military training on a whim.

As a result, when the day was approaching, he was going to perform a mission, but there was no way to go. Then I asked Zhang Jiuling to help him, saying that after he returned from the mission, he would bring his class back.

Now, everyone has been gone for more than ten days, and they still don't know when they will be back.

Speaking of which, Zhang Jiuling used to be a sharp knife of the special forces, after all, why is she now hired to be an instructor at the university after retiring

He was a little confused.

When Wang Haonan came back, he had to let the grandson finish 300 push-ups at his door before entering the house.

The red sun was scorching hot, and the noon sun was extraordinarily tanning.

There were no shadows of the students on the vast military training ground. In the silence, only the cicadas on the trees can be heard, squeaking—

Looking down, the ground was dizzy, and there was a layer of twisting heat waves, enough to see the high temperature.

Not far from the military training ground, across two shaded streets, is the students' dormitory, and they are all taking a quiet lunch break at the moment.


"My mother, I'm getting used to it!"

In Li Jiao's bedroom, Zhang Yue was paralyzed on the bed, holding a small fan in his right hand, whistling, but his forehead was sweating all the time.

"I'm dying too."

Su Linlin was lying weakly on the bed rail, looking weak. Like Zhang Yue, she also had a small fan in her hand and was blowing hard.

I don't know what good luck it is. The air conditioner in their bedroom went on strike last night. They asked the master to fill out a maintenance order, saying that they would have to come to repair later.

They don't even think about it, breaking the air conditioner in the summer is equivalent to killing them!

Last night, several of them went into the bathroom and took cold showers several times, but their body temperature couldn't be lowered.

Not to mention the heat, it's still stuffy, even with the balcony door open, it's still stuffy and unstoppable, it's hot, like a big steamer.

Su Linlin opened the curtain of the bed and saw that the curtain of Li Jiao's bed on the opposite side was still tightly covered, and shouted.

"Jiaojiao, Jiaojiao."

"Pull the curtain open, don't you panic?"


No one answered after calling twice, Su Linlin thought she was fainted from the heat, so she shouted two more times.

"Jiaojiao, Jiaojiao!"

"Jiaojiao, you won't faint in it, will you?"


When Zhang Yue heard the sound, she thought what was wrong, rolled over and got up, shouting to the bed next door.

"Jiao, are you alright?"

"I, I, I, I'm here to save you!"

Saying that, she turned around and wanted to climb down the bed ladder.

At this moment, Li Jiao's bed suddenly clicked and the curtain was pulled open.

Showing a small red face, pouting, sleepy eyes, messy hair, wearing a white T-shirt, revealing two slender and fair arms.

Obviously just woke up.

She touched the back of her head, a little confused, and muttered.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh my God," Su Linlin breathed a sigh of relief, "Jiaojiao, we called you, but you didn't make a sound. My boss and I thought you were fainted inside."

Zhang Yue stepped on the ladder with her feet, and when she saw that the person was all right, she pulled it back and said carelessly to the person on the bed next door.

"Jiao, what did you just do, why shouldn't you be called?"

"I just fell asleep."

Li Jiao rubbed her eyes, her voice soft and a little glutinous.

Hearing this, Zhang Yue had an unbelievable expression on her face.

"Jiao," he gave a thumbs up, "Niu, so you can sleep?"

Su Linlin was even more exaggeratedly shocked, "Jiaojiao, really, you are awesome!"

Li Jiao continued to rub her eyes, a little dry and itchy, making her tears almost come out.

Hearing the voice, he replied, "I'm too sleepy~"

As soon as I woke up, when I spoke softly, it carried the unique soft melody of Jiangnan Water Village, and the ending sounded round and round, straight into the heart of the heart.

Su Linlin and Zhang Yue were directly stunned by this sound.

Especially Zhang Yue, raised her head exaggeratedly, trying to reverse the non-existent nosebleed.

At the same time, he waved his hand and pretended to say, "Ehhh, look at my nosebleeds."

Su Linlin glanced at her with a smile, then turned to look at the person opposite, wearing wide short sleeves and a thin pink bunny blanket on her stomach.

Her hair was simply tied up, because it became a little loose because she was sleeping. A few strands fell off her shoulders, and there were a few clumps of dull hair on her head. Coupled with her cute and confused expression, she couldn't be more cute.

Su Linlin almost didn't get blood on the face of this cute little bunny, covering her heart halfway across the bedroom, playing finely.

"Oh~ Jiaojiao, is this the feeling of heartbeat?"

"Crazy waves hey yo~"

After speaking, he pretended to be stabbed in the heart by Cupid and fell on the bed.

Li Jiao was amused by her, "Linlin, really, you shouldn't come to the art department, you should go to the performance department."

"The future Golden Horse Movie Queen will definitely be you."

Zhang Yue whispered: "Really, Lin, why don't you go to the performance department, it's too late to turn around now."

"Go! Go! Go."

Su Linlin got up from the bed with a smile, "You're saying that I'm a showman, right?"

"Besides, it's as if I transferred to the performance department, so I don't need military training."

"Hey, no military training? Are you willing to be our instructor?"

Li Jiao laughed and joked.

Hearing this, Su Linlin waved her hand boringly.

"Forget it, for the past few days of military training, I can see it clearly. That instructor is a cold-faced Hell King, not human, even Lianxiang Xiyu."

"There are many girls in our class, but look at what he is like. He trains us more than other classes!"

Speaking of this, several girls couldn't help but sigh, yes, the instructor is too ruthless.

Obviously it's all military training, why do other classes only stand in military posture for 30 minutes, while their class has to stand for 40 minutes. Other classes have proper arrangements for training and rest, and in their class, as long as they don't die, they will practice to death.

This morning, they took a break once in the middle, and the rest of the time was either training or being punished.

It's too difficult for such a devil instructor to stand on the stall~

Li Jiao looked down at her two little feet, there were several red and swollen small holes, scarred, and on her fair skin, it was even more serious.

The blisters were not healed after the last run, and every day is a high-intensity training session. Her wounds are always healed and broken. Every time she runs or kicks her leg, it hurts to death.

It's only been four days, and there are more than ten days to come. How should she live

"Hey, I heard that we are going out for training in a few days." Zhang Yue said suddenly.

"Training?" Li Jiao turned her head to look at her, "What is zipping?"

Su Linlin suddenly became energetic, "I know I know."

"This seems to be a tradition of NTU. Every year military training will have a training program. I heard that it seems to be training at Maple Leaf Lake next to our school."

"When the time comes, all the freshmen will bring dry food and start from the school, and they will come back after a lap around the lake."

"Around the lake?!"

Li Jiao was surprised, her big eyes filled with shock and disbelief.

Did she hear it correctly, did she want to go to the 20-kilometer-long Maple Leaf Lake for zipper training, or to go around the lake

As a native of this city, she hasn't walked around since she was a child.

That is a lake with a total length of 20 kilometers.

Speaking of NTU, it has an excellent location. It is located in the city center of C city. There are various prosperous shopping malls, food streets, and fashion streets.

At the same time, it is close to a national A-level scenic spot, with beautiful scenery and picturesque four seasons, attracting many tourists all year round.

It is close to the scenic scenic area with pleasant scenery, and NTU is famous for its fine arts department, so the school leaders are ingenious.

I don't know since when, there has been a specific military training project around the lake. As the name suggests, it is not wrong to exercise the body and cultivate the arts.

Su Linlin was also very tired, "Yeah, around the lake, I heard that there are still many hurdles along the way."

Zhang Yue added: "That's right, I heard from the last class of senior sisters that they left at 7:30 in the morning for the last military training, and only returned to school at 6:30 in the afternoon. When they came back, their legs were weak."


Li Jiao held her chin wryly, her brows furrowed.

Mom, I should listen to you.

Why am I here for military training? Isn't this looking for guilt

Her feet are still hurting now, and I don't know if it will be better on the day of the zipper.

Zhang Yue seems to think that her material is not strong enough, and adds another sentence.

"I also heard that our training this time should be two days later."

As soon as these words came out, Su Linlin and Li Jiao both tacitly fell on the bed and wailed.


As soon as they fell down, the two bounced off the bed in an instant.

"I'm going, it's so hot!"

"Ah~ Master, when are you coming to fix the air conditioner~"

"It's so hot, I'm going to be steamed~"

"Come on, Flame Mountain is just like that."

"Life is too hard~"

"… "

The leisurely lunch break has passed, and thousands of freshmen dragged their sleepy and heavy steps into the military training ground again.

Compared with the morning sun, the afternoon sun is more scorching, and just standing is enough to make people dizzy.

As usual, the first item must be standing in the military posture.

Thousands of freshmen, standing in their respective positions, neatly facing the sun, started the chapter of the afternoon training.

A loud whistle sounded, and the chief instructor on the stage gave orders.

"Instructor out!"

"Arrived at the designated position, start, training!"


Then, there was another sound of neat footsteps, running towards the center of the military training ground. The instructors dispersed, found their own classes, and started training.

Li Jiao's class was next door, that is, the second class. The instructor who spoke Sichuan dialect ran fast and came first.

When I saw the soldiers in my class, they were crooked, as if they were sick.

Immediately, loudly.

"Stand up for me, keep your chest out, your stomach tucked, and your head up!"

"The middle finger is close to the seam of your trousers, the body should be straight, and the neck should be straight!"

"You didn't rest at noon, give me some energy!"

He said as he walked, glanced at the entire class, then returned to the front row and saw a familiar face.

The young instructor frowned subconsciously, with the expression that he couldn't bear to look directly on his face.

When I walked in front of a male classmate, I couldn't help but speak Sichuan dialect.

"My God, it's you again?"

"I tell you to stand up, stand up!"

"Shut up, tuck in!"

"You're not pregnant, you can't retract your belly and cut (go) Mai."

"… "

The surroundings couldn't help but murmured muffled laughter, one by one holding their mouths, it was unbearable to bear.

It's not their fault, it can only be said that the instructor is too funny.

Li Jiao's class couldn't help but be amused, and some people dared to look back and see that it was the male classmate who had been abducted before, and now they understood the broken mood of the second class instructor.