I Like You So Much

Chapter 79: Volume 1 79 New Year's Eve is coming


December 30

The end of the year, spanning the penultimate day of the new year. The school was full of excitement about the coming New Years Eve.

Even, to celebrate the new year. On the campus of NTU, some people hung various red lanterns on the branches of the campus this morning. There are also female classmates who are ingenious and don't know where they got the red ribbon, which is tied to the tree.

Looking from a distance, it is prosperous and beautiful, and it really feels like a new year.

NTU is originally an art school, and it usually pays more attention to various festivals, customs, and performances, which are organized by students. The atmosphere is strong, and it is good to be happy.

This New Year's Eve, the school leaders are also left to the students to play with.

NTU is free, to exaggerate a bit, as long as you don't blow up the school. It's just running around the school naked, and no one cares about you.

No way, you are an art student, you are open-minded.

Tomorrow, the 31st New Year's Eve, is Saturday, a day off. You can go out to play. If you stay on campus, there will be a welcome party at the performing arts venue, and the whole school can watch it.

Li Jiao has been living at Zhang Jiuling's house these days. Although she is the secretary of the department's publicity department, she is not clear about these matters in the school.

However, anyway, this time I don't need her to perform a show, it's fine.

Early in the morning, Zhang Jiuling drove Li Jiao to NTU, then turned around and headed for the city police department. He didn't feel the atmosphere across the New Year at all.

These days, the police department, including the military, is tracking down Luo Cheng's whereabouts everywhere. But this man was too cunning. After knowing that he was wanted, he kept hiding and never showed his face.

Right now, it might be hidden in some dark corner.

There is such a dangerous person who has not been arrested and brought to justice. The police station is a jerk every day. Sometimes they receive false news from the public, and after a few times, they are a little bit dead.

It can be said that all the policemen in Jeonnam City especially hate Luo Cheng and a few people now, because of them, all the policemen have never been on vacation, wandering around every corner of the city every day, and are in a state of preparation for a long time.

And Zhang Jiuling, as the core figure of this arrest operation, naturally can't be idle. Every day, he has to go to the police station to hold meetings to discuss. According to the feedback from the masses, he thinks about where this Luo Cheng will appear.

Sometimes, it is necessary to drive around like the police all over the city.

In order to catch up with people earlier, he even used himself as a bait, but failed to attract this cunning poisonous snake.

Zhang Jiuling has been very busy these days. Li Jiao certainly felt it. Every time he brought her home, he sometimes ran to the police station late at night without much rest.

Today, after Zhang Jiuling sent her to NTU, the little girl sat in the car and stared at him.

"Jiuling, can you rest tomorrow?"

"New Year's Eve tomorrow night, I heard that there will be fireworks over in the central square. Shall we go together?"

She didn't really want to see any fireworks, she just wanted Zhang Jiuling to take a day off. These days, he is too busy, his feet do not touch the ground, and he often stays up late without sleeping.

She looked distressed, and she couldn't stand it for him.

Hearing this, Zhang Jiuling was silent for a while, Li Jiao thought he would not agree, but he just touched her head and carefully pinned the broken hair on her cheek behind her ear.

The voice is always clear and clear, revealing a shallow gentleness.

"Tomorrow Saturday, not painting at home?"

Li Jiao shook her head, "I don't want to paint anymore, I'm almost finished, I'll paint later."

Zhang Jiuling nodded lightly.

"Okay, I'll go home tomorrow afternoon, and in the evening we'll go to the central square for New Year's Eve and watch the fireworks."

Hearing this, Li Jiao nodded quickly, her eyes bright.

"it is good."

Then, in a good mood, he jumped out of the car and flew out like a happy little bird.

Standing happily outside the car window, he waved at him and smiled sweetly.

"Bye Lingling, and drive safely."

"… "

Zhang Yue and Su Linlin stood on the steps downstairs waiting for her, and after seeing her say goodbye to Zhang Jiuling, they walked towards this side. The two walked up a few steps, Zhang Yue raised her eyebrows, and smiled meaningfully.

"Jiaojiao, let me see your feet, are you ready?"

"Walk very steadily~"

After living in Zhang Jiuling's house for more than half a month, Li Jiao's ankle fracture was not serious, after moving in. Every day after class, and at home, she hardly walks.

It was always Zhang Jiuling who came over, picked her up directly, and acted as her scooter for a long time.

Moreover, living in Zhang Jiuling's house, she can drink all kinds of bone soup made by Zhang Jiuling every three to five, to complement the shape.

In this case, it's no wonder that Li Jiao is not good.

However, after her feet were healed, she still hadn't moved back to the bedroom. First, I feel that the period is coming to an end, and I am too lazy to go back and clean up. Second, she was used to living in other people's homes, and was a little waste waiting to be eaten every day.

This feeling is really good.

However, she swore that she would go back as soon as her feet were healed.

Now, being exposed by Zhang Yue, Li Jiao is still a little embarrassed.

Su Linlin glanced at someone shy and smiled.

"Yo, I'll just say it, Jiaojiao's feet can't be healed until the end of the term."

"Look, it's almost the end of January, is it better than before."

"Hey, if you want me to tell you, it's better to take it slow, it's not too late after the final exam~"

She made Li Jiao very embarrassed with her sarcastic tone. Even after being nurtured by them for so long, this girl is still very thin-skinned.

Open your mouth and change the subject.

"Yes, it's almost the end of the semester. Tomorrow Saturday, the day after tomorrow is New Year's Day. After three days off, it's almost time for the exam."

"By the way, have you finished your paintings for the art exhibition?"

As the end of the term draws to a close, everyone is working hard.

The Dance Academy is busy with basic skills and memorizing dance moves. The Conservatory of Music is busy with all kinds of notation and music. The Academy of Fine Arts, on the other hand, is chasing works day and night.

There was an art exhibition in the department before. If you are selected, you can directly add 5 points to the final grade. Everyone was excited and eager to participate.

Moreover, near the end of the term, even if it is not selected, this work will become the final work. Therefore, everyone draws very carefully.

Speaking of this, Zhang Yue pouted.

"Don't say it, I'm still far worse. I may have to spend a few days off on New Year's Day in the studio."

Su Linlin also sighed, "I'm better than the boss, but I guess I have to catch up."

"It's so miserable," Li Jiao frowned, her painting was almost finished. "Then New Year's Eve tomorrow night, do you have any plans?"

"… "

While talking, a few girls walked to the art teaching building.

As soon as I entered the studio, I saw a group of people around the back, chattering and making a lot of noise.

Zhang Yue stretched her neck and glanced at it a few times, then squeaked.

"What are you doing, what are you looking at?"

Hearing the voice, someone turned around, saw three people, and hurriedly said.

"Li Jiao, Jiao Jiao is here."

Hearing this, a group of people fell silent again, and turned their heads to look at Li Jiao.

"What's wrong?" Li Jiao wondered.

Huang Yuan looked at the people around him and hesitated to speak. The little fat man stood up, considered his tone, and said carefully.

"Well, Li Jiao, your painting seems to have to be repainted."

"Well? Why?"

"That, your painting seems to have been maliciously destroyed by someone."

Following Huang Yuan's words, the classmates made a way out. Behind was Li Jiao's position. Her easel was broken for some reason, the drawing board fell to the ground, and the canvas fell to one side, creating a messy scene.

And her paintings are full of traces after being slashed with a blade, one by one, criss-crossed, and extremely messy. The picture was completely destroyed, the face of the portrait was cut from the top of the head, and there were many knives on the neck.

The strokes were heavy, her drawing paper was torn, and the drawing board behind her had deep scars.

The whole scene has a weird and terrifying sense of "beauty".

Li Jiao walked over quickly, squatted down, picked up the painting on the ground, and said in surprise.

"how so?"

She has been painting this painting for a long time, and she is going to take it to the exhibition. It was obviously fine yesterday, so why is it like this today

Moreover, it is clear that someone maliciously destroyed her painting.

Zhang Yue and Su Linlin came over and were shocked when they saw the paintings on the ground. Who did it

Seeing Li Jiao looking at her painting sadly, the previous little fat Huang Yuan comforted.

"Jiaojiao, don't be too sad. Maybe someone is jealous of how good you are at painting, and that's why you do this kind of thing. Maybe that person is crazy."

The rest of the students also comforted.

"That's right, Jiaojiao, don't be too sad, that person's mentality is dark."

"Do you need to tell the teacher about this?"

"This way," Zhang Yue, as the squad leader, felt a little bit of a backbone at the moment.

"In this way, take someone to go to the teacher first. Then someone will go to the security department to see and ask for help to see if the monitoring can be adjusted down."

"This shows that someone maliciously sabotaged, and this person must be arrested. Otherwise, who can bear this kind of thing in the future?"

The classmates were enthusiastic, and soon someone went to the teacher.

Su Linlin is a member of the Youth League Committee, and they are connected in all aspects. Seeing this, she patted Li Jiao on the shoulder comfortingly.

"Jiaojiao, I know a few officers from the security department. I'll ask if I can call out the surveillance."

Li Jiao nodded silently, except for the first shock when she saw the painting being destroyed, she is actually calm now.

This incident made her think about the last sports meeting. Someone reported her for 3,000 meters without authorization, so she was forced to go on the field to run a long-distance run that she was not good at. It was later broken.

This time, her painting was vandalized.

Inexplicably, Li Jiao felt that the two things might have been done by the same person.

Sometimes, girls' intuition can be scary.

Soon, the teacher came. I was surprised to see the mess all over the place. The security guard was called to ask, and the security guard said that there was nothing unusual last night. After the building was closed, there would be no one in the studio.

Therefore, that person's painting can only be done before the building is closed. These days, the Academy of Fine Arts is busy rushing to produce works. As long as the building is not closed, someone will definitely see the "murderer".

But it was very strange last night, everyone on this floor had left early. The lights in the studio are turned off at eight o'clock. It was pitch black everywhere, and no one passed by and saw anything suspicious.

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Everyone can only pin their hopes on the surveillance of the security department. The result is even more coincidental. The security department said that the surveillance camera here was broken a few days ago.

The rest of the cameras are ordinary students, and they can't see anything abnormal at all.

Here, everyone has no choice.

The surveillance is broken, and no one sees it. Who knows who is painting

This matter is not big or small. A painting, the alarm is too much. But if you don't check it, Li Jiao's final works will be ruined.

Seeing, the New Year's Day is coming to the end, and today is December 30th. In such a short period of time, how could she paint another large-scale painting

The painters were afraid that they had taken a fancy to this, and only started when Li Jiao's painting was about to be completed and the end of the period was approaching. As a result, Li Jiao was unable to participate in the art exhibition, and even if it was not scheduled, she would have to pass the course directly.

This heart is so poisonous.

As long as everyone thinks of having such a person by their side, goosebumps all over their bodies.

"Mom, it's scary."

"This person is too poisonous. He directly painted the person. At the end of the period, the art exhibition is over."

"Damn it, I got goosebumps."

"It should be a woman, the most poisonous woman's heart?"

"What are you talking about, you have prejudice against girls, in case it's a man."

"You said it was just in case, we boys are not so psychopathic."

"… "

Li Jiao didn't listen carefully to the voices of the people around her. Of course, she was very sad that a painting she had drawn for a long time was destroyed.

But what she couldn't figure out was who actually hated her so much.

Since entering the school, she has never had a grudge against anyone.

She began to think carefully about the bits and pieces that had happened since she entered the school. For a time, her mind was extremely confused. She seemed to have caught something, and she seemed to be ignorant.

After all, who will it be