I Like You So Much

Chapter 85: Volume 1 87 The sky is full of fire


Luo Cheng held a gun in one hand and pointed at Li Jiao by the sink. At the same time, looking at Zhang Jiuling, his eyes were vicious and sinister.

"Team Zhang's official prestige is so powerful, it makes people wait."

"I thought you didn't want your little girlfriend like a flower like a jade."

Zhang Jiuling ignored his empty words and looked straight at him with sharp eyes.

"Luo Cheng, if you have something to do, come to me."

Seeing his appearance, Luo Cheng knew that he had tied the right person and sneered.

"Heh, I didn't expect you, Zhang Jiuling, to be pinched by me one day."

"It seems," he turned his head to look at Li Jiao, the muzzle of the gun dangled on her body, and sneered.

"You still care about your little girlfriend."

"Let me think about where to make a hole in her first. Why don't you just make a belly."

As he said that, he pointed the gun at Li Jiao's stomach, Yin Lu said.

"I remember when you shot me in the stomach back then."

Luo Cheng took two steps towards Li Jiao, pointed his gun at her, and looked at Zhang Jiuling.

"Team Zhang, what do you think?"

"Luo Cheng, I said, if something happens, come to me!"

"I killed your brother, I sent your brother to the drug rehab center, and I also shot the shot in your stomach!"

"Luo Cheng," Zhang Jiuling looked at him with a hard tone.

"Use your gun, aim at me!"

I don't know if he was hit by what Zhang Jiuling said. Luo Cheng's mood suddenly intensified. He looked at Zhang Jiuling, his face was terrifyingly gloomy, and in his almost crazy eyes, hatred was overwhelming.

"Of course I know that you did those things, Zhang Jiuling, do you know how much I want to kill you?"

"I wish I had punched thousands of holes in your body, cut your throat with a knife, cut through your tendons and hamstrings, pulled out your eyeballs, pulled out all your internal organs, and then threw your body away. Feed the crocodile!"

"You know, how did I survive for so long. It's all because of my hatred for you. Every day, I'm thinking about how to kill you!"

Luo Cheng is like a mad mental patient, with scarlet eyes and red blood on the whites of his eyes, his eyes are wide open, like a ghost who is unwilling to die.

"Zhang Jiuling, all the suffering I have suffered over the years, you have to bear it for me too!"

"Don't you like this little girl, okay, I'll let her wait for you on Huangquan Road first!"

As he said that, he quickly raised his gun, facing Li Jiao on the ground, about to pull the trigger.

Zhang Jiuling's pupils shrank, she ran over quickly, kicked the gun in his hand, and the bullet slanted, hitting the wall above Li Jiao's head and nailing it deeply.

The sudden death threat made Li Jiao's heart stagnate and she froze in place. After a "bang", a bullet hit her head several times.

I felt that there was no missing piece of my body, no severe pain. She slowly slid to the ground, curled up, terrified, gasping for breath.

Almost, she died, almost...

While Li Jiao was in a daze, Luo Cheng, who was knocked off the gun, quickly recovered, punched coldly and made ruthless moves, and did not give Zhang Jiuling a chance to draw a gun at all.

The two quickly fought together, you punched, and I punched, and it was a naked close-quarters fight.

Zhang Jiuling was born in a special forces soldier, so close-quarters fighting is naturally impossible. But Luo Cheng used to be a big boss, of course, he had to have some skills, otherwise, he would not have been able to escape from that battle.

However, for these years, he has been smoking du, and of course his physical fitness cannot beat Zhang Jiuling.

He himself knew this.

Therefore, he didn't love to fight too much, and took a gap to take the pistol that Zhang Jiuling accidentally dropped on the ground.

The pitch-black muzzle pointed at Zhang Jiuling, pulled the trigger directly, and with a bang, a bullet quickly broke through the air.

Zhang Jiuling dodged, and Luo Cheng followed with the second shot, the third shot... chasing after him.

"Jiu Ling!"

Li Jiao, who was sitting on the sink, widened her eyes, watching the thrilling scene in front of her, her heart beating wildly.


Another gunshot rang out, and Zhang Jiuling retreated to the corner of the wall, unable to dodge in time, a bullet went straight into his waist and abdomen.

"Jiu Ling-"

Li Jiao's voice was miserable, and tears welled up in her eyes. Trembling, he looked at the man in the corner.

The flames of the art building were burning all the time. The scorching and violent waves of fire scorched the walls and floors. Thick black smoke began to pounce, and there was a burning smell everywhere, which made people's eyes feel astringent.

Zhang Jiuling was shot in the waist and abdomen, and knelt on the ground on one knee. On the clothes, a small piece of dark red blood was slowly soaked.

Luo Cheng held the gun and walked slowly to him, his face showing the pleasure and madness of revenge.

"Zhang Jiuling, I paid you back this gun."

Li Jiao fell to the ground, looking at the two people not far away, Zhang Jiuling was shot, Luo Cheng stood in front of him and pointed the gun at him, making him unable to make the next move.

The little girl's fair face was stained with ashes, her eyes were red, big tears were falling, and she was shaking all over. Looking miserable and pitiful.


Her two legs were tied up again when Luo Cheng was brought over, unable to move.

There was only the rope in her hand. When they were in the studio, she and Tang Yuran bit each other loose with their mouths.

She struggled hard against the shackles on her hands, the rough rope quickly tore her wrists, and it hurt so intensely that Li Jiao couldn't care about it. her rope.

Finally, her wrists were worn and bleeding, and her hands were able to break free. Ignoring the bloody hands, she began to quickly untie the ropes on her feet.

Zhang Jiuling pressed her back against the wall, and pain began to come from her bleeding abdomen. He didn't show the slightest emotion on his face, looking at the muzzle of his own gun.

"Zhang Jiuling," Luo Cheng pointed his gun at him, "it's too cheap to let you die like this."

"However, I will use the remaining bullets from your gun to make sure you enjoy as much pain as possible."

He smiled sinisterly, "Don't worry, as soon as you die, I'll send your little girlfriend down immediately."

"On Huangquan Road, you are not lonely."

Li Jiao had been untied for a long time, but the rope on her feet couldn't be untied. She was so anxious that sweat came out of her forehead.

But the more nervous she became, the more panic she became, and the more she couldn't untangle the tight rope.

After a few times she couldn't solve it, Li Jiao simply gave up, and looked not far away, Luo Cheng was about to shoot, she was panicked, and her eyes scanned everywhere, wanting to see if there was anything that could help.

Dazzlingly caught a glimpse of a black pistol lying a few steps away from him, the one that Luo Cheng had just knocked out.

Her feet were tied, so she just tried hard with her elbows, a little, a little, trying to crawl over.

Luo Cheng looked down at the people on the ground.

"Zhang Jiuling, before you hit the road, what else do you want to say to your little girlfriend?"

Zhang Jiuling ignored his words, and caught a dazzling glimpse behind Luo Cheng, Li Jiao somehow broke free from the rope in her hand, and was crawling to a place, trying to pick up the pistol that fell on the ground.

His eyes narrowed, and he moved away as if nothing had happened. He raised his head and looked at Luo Cheng, calmly attracting his attention.

"Luo Cheng, it was my dereliction of duty that I didn't catch you back then."

"Hmph, stop talking nonsense," Luo Cheng said coldly.

"Forget it, go straight to the road. If you have anything to say, talk to your little girlfriend over there."

Li Jiao had already climbed to her position, holding the pistol, trembling, but she didn't know how to use it.

She was trembling all over, and her heart was in a state of extreme tension.

By the way, during military training. Teach how to use a gun, taught.

As she tried her best to recall the vague image of the military training in her mind, she slowly raised her gun and pointed at Luo Cheng not far away.

This distance, not far, she can hit him.

Where did the little girl touch the gun, she just glanced at it during the military training, and knew how to load the bullet and where to press the trigger. But when she really used it, she felt very empty.

Both of her hands were shaking, her palms were sweating, and her index finger kept lifting and releasing nervously on the trigger.

What, how to shoot...

On the other side, Zhang Jiuling saw Li Jiao pointing a gun at Luo Cheng. At the same time, Luo Cheng's voice sounded beside his ear.

"Zhang Jiuling, go to hell!"

While speaking, Luo Chengcheng was about to pull the trigger.

At the critical moment, Zhang Jiuling, like a cheetah, slammed his hand on the floor, jumped up, stepped out, kicked Luo Cheng's hand holding the gun, a bullet rubbed his cheek, and his whole body rolled to one side.

At the same time, he growled.

"Aim, pull the trigger!"

Hearing Zhang Jiuling's voice, Li Jiao subconsciously did as he said, facing Luo Cheng's back, where his heart was, and pulled the trigger hard.


With a loud gunshot, Luo Cheng was shot in the chest.

Zhang Jiuling quickly picked up the gun he just kicked out, aimed at Luo Cheng's head, "Bang—"

After two short bursts of gunshots, Luo Cheng fell to the ground and fell silent.

Li Jiao still kept pulling the trigger and fell to the ground, her eyes blank.

Did I kill... Did I kill him...

Zhang Jiuling ran over, knelt on the ground with both knees, and hugged the little girl tightly in his arms, with a fiery embrace, with the excitement of what was lost and the joy of the rest of his life.

"Jiaojiao, Jiaojiao..."

With a hoarse voice, he hugged the person tightly, and his voice suddenly became a little choked up.

Li Jiao slowly returned to her senses, and hurriedly lowered her head to look at Zhang Jiuling's waist injury.

"Jiuling, Jiuling, your wound..."

Zhang Jiuling hugged her tightly, wrapped her arms around the back of her head, and pressed it against his heart.

Hearing the little girl's words, he comforted.

"It's okay, I didn't really get in."

He was wearing a body armor, and the bullet just rubbed the edge of the body armor, hit the waist, and bleed, but didn't really go in.

Li Jiao's hands trembled, looking at the red bloodstain on Zhang Jiuling's waist, her fair little face was stained with ashes, dirty, her apricot eyes were red, big golden beans began to fall, tears were mixed with ashes, smack It fell on Zhang Jiuling's hand, scalding hot.

Zhang Jiuling slowly stretched out her hand, bent her fingers, and gently wiped away the tears from the corner of her eyes.

Then, the hands around her waist tightened, and her voice was hoarse and gentle.

"Jiaojiao, I'm here, don't be afraid."

This gentle comfort instantly disintegrated all Li Jiao's emotions. She suddenly stretched out her hand, hugged Zhang Jiuling tightly, buried her small face in his chest, and began to cry.

As if she had finally found an outlet, her little hand tugged at the clothes on his chest tightly.

Weeping is very strong, choked to call him.

"Jiuling, I'm afraid..."

She was just a little girl in her teens who had never seen anything. She has never held a gun, let alone been kidnapped. All this today can be said to be the darkest day for her in the past ten years.

She was so frightened that she shrank in Zhang Jiuling's arms, her body trembling slightly.

Zhang Jiuling hugged her tightly and kept stroking her back, speaking in a hoarse voice.

"Jiaojiao is not afraid, I am here."

Zhang Jiuling is not afraid of today's events. He is more afraid, and he is more afraid that he will be late, and he will really not be able to see the little girl.

In case, in case really...

He could not imagine such a consequence.

Li Jiao cried for a while, then suddenly remembered something, clutching Jiuling's clothes nervously, her eyes that had been washed with tears brightened.

"Jiu Ling, Jiu Ling, let's go, there is..."

When she was tied up, she heard Luo Cheng and another man say they were going to be in the building, but she didn't know how many.

Looking at the little girl in his arms, Zhang Jiuling leaned over and gently kissed her forehead, a pious and clean kiss.

Then, he hugged her horizontally and walked out facing the fire.

"Jiaojiao, I'll take you home."


The spark stirred up three feet high, like a fierce beast opening its bloody mouth and spitting out scorching flames.

The fire was rolling in the sky, and the scorching air waves seemed to burn to the sky. One building was burning, and the sound of explosions sounded like fireworks on New Year's Eve.

No one dared to approach the building, even the fire brigade's fire truck, at this time, the water to extinguish the fire, seemed extremely weak.

Everyone could only watch the building, which was burning brightly.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in the line of sight, standing tall and straight, holding a person in his arms, walking slowly.

In the blaze of fire, the figure was like a deity who came to the world walking on the flames...