I Like You So Much

Chapter 9: Vol 1 9 Crystal Slipper


Zhang Jiuling looked at the little girl and lowered her head again, not daring to look at him, she couldn't help laughing in her heart.

On the first day, didn't he say he was black, why is he so timid now

He glanced, only to see the little girl's little head with a military cap, bravely cowardly. She lowered her head, revealing only a section of her fair neck, which was dazzlingly white.

After so many days of military training, the other classmates are somewhat darkened, but she is the only one who hasn't changed much

Li Jiao lowered her head and pretended to be cowardly. After a while, a slender hand appeared in her line of sight, with well-proportioned knuckles and well-defined joints, which instantly looked good.

The hand was carrying her little white shoes and placed it on the ground. At the same time, she heard a low voice mixed with a little bit of coldness.

"Crystal slippers, put them on."

If it wasn't for his still cold voice, Li Jiao would have thought that the instructor was laughing at her.

She was stunned, and when she raised her head again, Zhang Jiuling had already walked away.

Immediately, the tips of Li Jiao's ears turned red again.

She squatted down, put on her shoes, and quickly stood up again.

Zhang Jiuling glanced at her and was about to speak when the chief instructor's loud whistle sounded.

People who are sitting and resting, get up quickly. Those who were standing also quickly stood up in the direction of the whistle.

The entire training ground was quiet.

The chief instructor shouted with a loud trumpet: "All, rest, fifteen minutes!"

After speaking, the whistle was blown again, and the military training ground returned to normal.

Some classes arrange breaks and disband in situ. Some classes choose to continue training and remain unmoved...

Class 1, Zhang Jiuling took his eyes back and continued.

"Everyone has it, military posture training, ten minutes."


No one dared to mourn, or even dare to speak, all of them stood at attention obediently.

They are all used to it, in the class of living hell, there must be the spirit of death squad.

As long as you don't die, practice to death!

The entire class, neat and straight, stood out in the already scattered military training ground.

Many former classmates, seeing that they are still training, cast sympathetic eyes.

Class 1: I am not dead, who will die

"The last one in the first row." Zhang Jiuling said suddenly.

Li Jiao was a little confused, she didn't move, but she replied obediently.


"Come to the front."


Li Jiao came out of the queue, walked to the front of the team, and stood still.

I was panicking in my heart, it's over, the instructor is going to train her

Zhang Jiuling glanced at the direction of the sun, on the left, slantingly shining, the light was a little dazzling.

"To the left!"

"One or two!" Li Jiao said.

"Stand up in military posture."


In this way, Li Jiao was inexplicably pulled out of the sheets, facing the hot sun, standing in the opposite direction from her classmates. The dazzling light caused her to narrow her eyes.

The light is so eye-catching...

She was very puzzled, why did the instructor take me out alone, did I not stand up

Why am I going in the opposite direction of everyone, is the instructor angry

Time passed minute by minute, and the entire group stood upright and motionless.

The resting classmates, some came back after going to the toilet and some drinking water. Seeing that they are still training, I can't help but sigh, Xin Hao their instructors are not so ruthless.

About five minutes later, Zhang Jiuling suddenly said again.

"Last one in the first row, turn back."

Li Jiao: "One or two!"


She finally changed direction, just facing the sun, she was about to burst into tears.

Since this day, Li Jiao seems to have been remembered by Zhang Jiuling, and often when standing in a military posture, she will be taken out to stand with a single sheet.

At first, Li Jiao thought she had made a mistake, but later found out that she was only taken out to stand with the sheets, and the instructor did not punish her.

That is, often standing for a while, the instructor will tell her to turn back and continue in another direction.

As for why, Li Jiao didn't understand.

Moreover, Li Jiao noticed that the number of times the instructor called her seemed to be increasing.

"The last one in the first row, walk together and demonstrate."

"The last one in the first row, walk straight, and demonstrate."

"Last one in the first row, turn back."

"… "

She was often called out to demonstrate, and then, every time, was punished for her non-standard movements.

"We're weak on our feet and come back after a lap."

"The feet are not straight, and I do twenty push-ups."

"… "

what happened to her

Is the instructor angry because of the shoes

In the evening, Li Jiao looked at her suffering feet bitterly, wanting to cry without tears.

Did the instructor hold revenge

She really didn't mean to throw the shoes out.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the fire umbrella is high, when the sun is the most violent of the day. The scorching temperature, like a pot of scalding boiling water, poured down and covered the entire earth.

The heat spilled onto the ground, and then bounced back into the air. Between the sky and the earth, it seems to be a huge steamer, steaming hot and hot soup.

The students on the military training ground, wearing camouflage military training uniforms, are like countless tiny ants, moving or stopping. Just like the flowers in a kaleidoscope, they keep spinning, making people dizzy when they see them.

Now is rest time, many people choose to go to the toilet and drink water. The familiar classmates walked together and walked to the rest tent outside the military training ground.

The rest of the people, seeing the resting tent so far away, simply didn't bother to move, bent their knees, sat on the buttocks, and sat down directly on the natural grass floor. Several female classmates were leaning against their backs, covering their faces with hats, and cuddled together limply.


The ideas of the male classmates were relatively lively. Some took off their camouflage coats and put them on top of their heads, pretending to be the shawl of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

The male classmate next to him glanced at him as if he was mentally retarded, and silently unbuttoned his clothes.

Then, Tengdi turned the hem of his clothes over his head and covered his head, with handsome movements and an unruly and sharp image.

The green command awning on the high platform stood there like a bright and dazzling mushroom.

The chief instructor and several other instructors wearing military camouflage uniforms were talking, and several people stopped from time to time to wipe the sweat on their foreheads, dripping like rain.

"The training content this afternoon is mainly queue practice."

The chief instructor took out a towel, wiped the hot sweat on his forehead and neck, and continued.

"This, the weather is hot, the training time and intensity of each class should be appropriately reduced, and pay attention to avoid the heat."

"do you understand?"


Several male instructors were full of anger and replied in a rich voice.

"Okay, disband."


"Hey, Jiuling, you stay."

The chief instructor looked at Zhang Jiuling who was about to turn around and said.

Hearing the sound, Zhang Jiuling, who had just turned around, turned his black military boots in a direction on the ground, and looked at the chief instructor, standing upright and facing each other.

Under the jet-black eyebrows, the tail of his eyes rose slightly, and the cold black pupils were clear and quiet. He looked at the person with a hint of questioning in his eyes.

What's the matter

The chief instructor, who has always shown a stern face, rarely showed a smile at this moment. With a big mouth on the majestic national character face, he walked over, patted Zhang Jiuling on the shoulder, and smiled.

"It's okay, I'm just telling you that it's hot now, so the students can rest for a while."

"Understood." Zhang Jiuling nodded slightly, her voice clear and warm.

Seeing this, the chief instructor touched his nose and seemed to be thinking about how to speak. After a moment of hesitation, he said.

"Jiuling, I know you came from the special team, and you have strict requirements. But the students are no better than the soldiers. Their physical fitness is uneven. You can't treat them in the same way as you treat the soldiers."

Zhang Jiuling tilted her head slightly, looked sideways, her eyes were deep and clear. He opened his mouth and said coolly.

"My requirements for them have been lowered a lot."

In the army, mistakes are punished, push-ups always start from 100, and laps are always measured in kilometers. In comparison, he has been very kind to these children.

"This, this I know," the chief instructor's serious face, for the first time since the military training, showed a similar anxious expression.

He didn't know how to tell Zhang Jiuling, let him, let him lighten up on people and children.

After all, students have responded many times, saying that Zhang Jiuling is too strict. Basically, they are not allowed to rest, and if they make a mistake, they are allowed to run in circles. The students are no better than the soldiers. If this continues, it will be too much.

The chief instructor had also told them before, saying that when dealing with students, the method of practice intensity should be appropriate. He had said it well before, but he didn't know that the original instructor Wang Haonan had gone on a mission.

The person who came to replace him temporarily was Zhang Jiuling, who used to be the sharp knife ace of the special team. Be tough on others, be tough on yourself.

When training the students, there is absolutely no such thing as "letting the water out".

How many times, he has seen it. Zhang Jiuling's training classes often do not rest. Sometimes, students are in a hurry to urinate, so they don't dare to report to the toilet.

How afraid of him.

After thinking about it, the chief instructor only left Zhang Jiuling to speak today. His military rank is one level higher than Zhang Jiuling. From the bottom of his heart, he also admires and appreciates this kid. He came out of the special forces, has excellent ability, and is a major.

So young, so terrifying.

"Jiu Ling, after all, they are only ordinary children of seventeen or eighteen, so the requirements can't be too high."

Hearing this, Zhang Jiuling was silent for about three seconds, his handsome eyebrows frowned slightly, and then a clear tone sounded.


After he finished speaking, he raised his black military boots and turned around, leaving only a straight back, broad shoulders and long legs, walking with the heroic spirit of a soldier and his own unique cold and chill.

When the chief instructor came back to his senses, he had already walked a few steps away. He didn't walk up the steps, but when he reached the platform, he jumped down neatly, clean and handsome.

Then, continue to the central military training ground.

Seeing this, the chief instructor hurriedly shouted at his back.

"Hey, when will Hao Nan come back?"

In the distance, the Chief Instructor only heard a cold voice, like a feather tied to an arrow, and it came back sternly and slowly, with a touch of authentic Beijing accent.

"It's dead outside."

Hearing this, the Chief Instructor was stunned for a moment, and after a moment of reaction, he laughed dumbly, shook his head and scolded with a smile.

"That stinky boy."

"Jiaojiao, can you resist?"

Su Linlin touched Li Jiao's forehead worriedly. Under the sun, it became hotter and hotter, like a small stove with a temperature of over forty degrees.

Su Linlin shrank her hands hotly, and then looked at Li Jiao, whose cheeks were flushed, staring at her big almond eyes, wet, her eyes were dull, and she looked a little distracted.

"Jiaojiao, otherwise, let me ask for a leave for you, your forehead is so hot."

Li Jiao shook her head with a heavy head, and there were small stars in front of her eyes, but she still grinned and smiled reluctantly.

"It's okay, I'm just in the sun, I don't have a fever."

"… "

Su Linlin looked at Li Jiao who was talking to herself in front of the air, she was silent and a little helpless.

"Jiaojiao, I'm here."


Li Jiao looked back a little, and then she saw that there was nothing in front of her. Turning her head, Su Linlin was looking at herself with worried eyes, suddenly a little embarrassed.

She moved her small buttocks, leaned over a little, and curved the corners of her mouth at the person, revealing a sweet little dimple, comforting.

"Linlin, it's okay, I just got a little dizzy from the sun."

"What, look at your face, it's as red as a peach."

Su Linlin doesn't believe her, so don't look at her blushing. Just like a drunk peach, it was red, if she hadn't known that the child had caught a cold on the air conditioner last night.

She might have thought he was drunk.

Wasn't the air conditioner broken in their dormitory the day before yesterday, and the maintenance master came to fix it yesterday. So, the girls who were finally able to enjoy the coolness of the air conditioner, last night at 23 degrees Celsius all night.

No anti-theft novel network

When they woke up this morning, they thought they were lying in an ice coffin.

She and Zhang Yue are in good health, and Tang Yuran is also fine. Just Li Jiao, who likes to sleep on a quilt at night, so she caught a cold.

This morning, my body temperature was almost 38 degrees.

Afraid of delaying the military training, I went to the infirmary to get some antipyretics in the morning, but the child forgot to take it. At noon, she and Zhang Yue watched her take it.

Now, looking at Li Jiao like this, it is estimated that the effect of the medicine has not yet come.