I Like Your Pheromones

Chapter 28: stalker


As soon as he left Lu Xingci's room, Song Yi immediately pressed his throat and asked in a low voice, "Does it hurt?"

Duan Jiayan: "...?"

Song Yi: "Is the squad leader fierce in the bed? He looks so horrible this morning, and I feel that Alpha is more rude to do that kind of thing."

Duan Jiayan: "... I slept with him."

Song Yi was shocked: "Do you still want to sleep twice?"

Duan Jiayan: "Sleep innocent like a quilt and pure chat. Take the liberty to ask, do you know how to write the word innocence?"

Song Yi: "I know, before last night, these two words were written on your face, but after last night, there was one more word in front of them."

"I have a stress disorder, ask him for help." Duan Jiayan said, pointing to himself: "I, an innocent male high school student. If you continue to spit people, in order to defend your reputation, I may do something to you. Something irreparable."

Song Yi: "..."

Song Yi: "I take the liberty to ask, how did you get this kind of stress disorder that only recognizes the monitor? I hand in hand with you, can you transmit it to me?"

Duan Jiayan: "..."

Duan Jiayan was willing to bow to the wind, he smiled and turned Song Yi, Song Yi didn't dodge or hide, so he hugged him stickyly. Sniffed on him.

"What do you smell?"

"Smell the smell of the male god." Song Yi distinguished: "It seems to be the fragrance of plants and trees? It's so pure. The contrast with him is so great, it's really exciting."

Duan Jiayan didn't bother to pay attention to him, so he put Song Yi's head down.

Due to the estrus period, Duan Jiayan was a little listless. When he got on the school bus in the afternoon, he felt a little tingling on his body.

It takes more than three hours to drive back from Xiaoyanshan to No. 1 Middle School. They have a lot of alpha, half of the alpha and half of the beta in the car, and a few omegas. After spending three hours in this closed environment, Duan Jiayan estimated that his stress disorder would come on sooner or later.

Duan Jiayan glanced around in the car and saw Zhou Xingchen and Lu Xingci sitting in the back row of him and Song Yi.

Duan Jiayan paused, and said to Zhou Xingchen: "Change position?"

Zhou Xingchen: "Why?"

Duan Jiayan is very domineering: "Because I want to."

Zhou Xingchen felt that he was too overbearing: "No, you change with me, then you will sit with Brother Lu. You have to ask him if he wants to sit with you."

Duan Jiayan snorted and said casually: "Lu Xingci, do you want to sit with me?"

Lu Xingci plugged the earphones and couldn't hear them clearly, but he vaguely heard Duan Jiayan yelling his name. He took off the earphones, a little at a loss: "Huh?"

Duan Jiayan's voice was louder: "Lu Xingci! Do you want to sit with me?"

Originally, Song Yi was drinking water, but when he heard this, he almost didn't spit out a sip of Coke.

There was silence around, and I don’t know who was the first to smile and say: "Sit? Which one does it?"

"Duan Jiayan is playing fun with Brother Lu again?"

"Tsk tusk tusk... Why do you two always like this set in the car?"

Chen Yue smiled and said, "It's not dark yet, please pay attention to the impact."

The people who made the laughter were all boys. In the past, they knew that he had a bad relationship with Lu Xingci. Few people would make a joke like this.

"Song Yi," Lu Xingci guessed that it was because of stress. He got up and laughed: "Change position."

Knowing that everyone was playing around, Duan Jiayan suddenly stretched out his hand. After Lu Xingci sat down, he affectionately put his arm on Lu Xingci’s shoulder, leaned his head over, and raised his eyebrows at the other side of the joke. : "Which one else can sit? Me and your brother Lu, of course we are sitting."


The whole audience was silent, and he snarled them all.

There were a few girls sitting in the back row, staring at this side with excitement at the moment, and couldn't help whispering.

"Then don't move." Lu Xingci saw that he was leaning on him as if boneless, a ray of light flashed across his eyes: "Let's sit down."

Boys: "I'm going, I'm deaf and deaf, what kind of dirty conversations are these—"

Girls: "My God, the monitor actually cooperated—"

After being noisy for a while, Duan Jiayan's enthusiasm for playing was over, and the exhaustion brought by the estrus was entangled again.

He yawned a little sorrowfully. Lean your head on the seat and slowly close your eyes.

Lu Xingci Yu Guang glanced at him and saw Duan Jiayan's head bit by bit, as if he was about to fall asleep.

He retracted his gaze and was about to continue playing with his mobile phone.

Suddenly there was a heavy weight on his shoulders.

With light and shallow breathing in his ears, Lu Xingci looked to the side, slamming into a sleeping face in his vision.

Zhou Xingchen in the back row said loudly: "Brother Lu, there is no class tonight, Xia Yu asks if you are going to play—"

"Be quiet."


Lu Xingci raised his chin slightly and motioned to Duan Jiayan who was resting on his shoulder. Zhou Xingchen said with an aura, "Xia Yu's birthday... I asked you if you would go to Lanting for a drink... A beautiful lady... The kind that is interesting to you..."

Lu Xingci thought for a while: "Is this pretty on my shoulder?"

Zhou Xingchen looked at Duan Jiayan and told the truth: "It doesn't seem to be there."

Lu Xing said leisurely, "That's not going to go."

Zhou Xingchen was speechless: "You two are addicted to playing. Don't you go? That girl is pretty good. I heard that she is also a part-time model. There are many men chasing her. I know only three or four."

Lu Xingci adjusted his sitting posture a little, then turned his head and laughed: "So popular?"

Zhou Xingchen: "After all, the deputy middle goddess."

Lu Xingci: "What if I can't grab someone else? It hurts and hurts."

Zhou Xingchen: "..."

Lu Xingci: "Not going anymore."

Zhou Xingchen: "... Damn, Brother Lu, people like you are simply male enemies."

The school bus drove for more than three hours, and when the sky gradually dimmed, it reached a middle gate.

Duan Jiayan slept in a daze, vaguely hearing the noise around him getting noisier, his eyes opened a slit, and he heard the people next to him speak.

"Wake up?" It was Lu Xing's speech.

Duan Jiayan muttered, "Are you at school?"

He straightened up, and then realized that he had been pillowing on Lu Xingci. He was a little confused and swept the shoulders of Lu Xingci up and down: "I slept against you? Does your shoulder hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt." Lu Xingci moved his arm.

Seeing that he didn't seem to be uncomfortable, Duan Jiayan thanked him. After hanging the bag on one shoulder, Duan Jiayan got off the school bus lazily.

The school bus stopped by the gate of No. 1 Middle School, and large swathes of plane trees spread out on both sides of the road. Just after Duan Jiayan got off the bus, another school bus was parked next to the school bus of Class 10. Duan Jiayan's eyes lit up when he saw the girl who got off the first school bus.

Jiang Qinian wore a yellow skirt with a curvy figure. There was an unnatural paleness on her face, and she was a little lacking in spirit.

Duan Jiayan stepped forward and was about to say hello to her, Jiang Qinian first smiled at him. Seeing Lu Xingci behind him, Jiang Qinian smiled, his eyes dimmed.

Duan Jiayan smiled and asked, "Did your class go to Qinghu?"

"Yeah." Jiang Chinian rubbed his temples: "When I came back, the driver drove too fast and was a bit motion sick."

"Motion sickness?" Duan Jiayan was stunned.

The art class students walked to the teaching building in twos and threes. Jiang Chinian smiled apologetically at him: "I'm leaving first, and our class has to go back and count the number of people."

Duan Jiayan looked at her back for a while, turned around and walked outside the school gate against the flow of people. Just two steps, I heard someone calling his name.

Duan Jiayan turned his head, Lu Xingci's gaze swayed around him: "Where do you want to go?"

"Jiang Chinian has motion sickness, I'll buy her medicine."

"..." Lu Xing paused after his resignation: "I want to point out the number of people, go back first."

"Just tell Teacher Zhao, I came back and got off the car safely at the school gate. The reason why I am not here is because I am going to give warmth to the sick alumni." Duan Jiayan saw that he did not speak, and left a sentence: "Thank you You squad leader, I'll go first-hello! Lu Xingci, what are you doing by pulling the strap of my schoolbag?"

"Also send warmth," the boy who pulled him used a little bit of strength, and pulled him back: "Can I have a little bit of common sense before showing my courtesy?"

"Why don't I have common sense? The goddess is sick, and the opportunity is here. When the opportunity comes, you must grasp it."

"The motion sickness medicine was taken half an hour before getting in the car." Lu Xing resigned: "Go back, don't run around."

"..." Duan Jiayan didn't give up: "Is there any way to relieve motion sickness?"

"Drink plenty of hot water."

"You're so good." Duan Jiayan glanced at him disgustingly: "I found the reason why you are single."

"Aren't you single too?" Lu Xingci's voice is neither salty nor weak: "Look like me."


Duan Jiayan wanted to say something, and suddenly felt a line of sight falling on him.

Greedy, damp, that kind of eyes clinging to him like a snake crawling against his skin, with strands of abnormal scorching heat.

Duan Jiayan frowned and quickly turned his head to look outside the school gate, but he only saw a few passers-by who were strangers.

"What's the matter?" Lu Xingci's voice came from behind.

"It's okay." Duan Jiayan retracted his gaze and muttered: "It should be a mistake..."

After the autumn tour, the temperature gradually cooled down.

Entering November, it gets dark earlier than usual. Song Yi was too lazy to get out of the school gate, ready to settle dinner in the cafeteria. Duan Jiayan didn't want to eat in the cafeteria, but was thinking about what to eat at night.

"Duan Jiayan, Song Yi." Chen Yue called to them from behind: "Will you have dinner together? A new spicy fragrant pot has been opened in the back street. I heard that the taste is very positive."

Duan Jiayan was worried about what to eat at night, and nodded when he heard this.

Song Yi waved his hand: "I won't go. It's raining today, so I don't bother to go."

As Song Yi said, the sky was gloomy. Occasionally, a slanting rain fell, and the air was full of coolness.

The spicy fragrant pot that Chen Yue was looking for was a bit off the door, so he went around to find the right place. When we first came out, everyone didn't bother to open their umbrellas, and now they were more or less drenched in the rain.

Even Lu Xingci flicked his hair when entering the door, rarely showing a little embarrassment.

Fortunately, the atmosphere in the shop is very good, and the waiters are also very enthusiastic.

After sitting down, Zhou Xingchen said, "Brother Lu, you didn't go to Lanting last month. Xia Yu missed it all night. When I went out to play the other day, they told me directly that she wanted to chase you."

Lu Xingci was looking at the menu and smiled when he heard it.

Chen Yue: "You have been with your brother Lu for so many years, do you still see this kind of scenes less? You also told the girl directly, you can't catch up."

"I told her." Zhou Xingchen was a little embarrassed: "She asked me to ask what type of brother Lu likes, and she sees if she can work hard in that direction."

"I know what he likes." Duan Jiayan said suddenly: "He likes Shen Jiayi like that."

Zhou Xingchen: "...A good student?"

Chen Yue: "... the good card?"

The corners of Lu Xingci's lips raised slightly: "Because my sexual orientation is learning?"

"Hey, yes." Duan Jiayan also bit his chopsticks and smiled: "Brother Lu is really smart."

Zhou Xingchen and Chen Yue followed and laughed.

At this moment, a gentle voice intervened.

"Squad leader, Chen Yue." The visitor paused: "Zhou Xingchen."

Zhou Xingchen looked up.

Seeing that the speaker was his former deskmate, Zhou Xingchen was a little pleased: "Qiao Nan, why are you here? Isn't the deputy middle school still in class?"

"Come here and buy some information, the bookstore here is bigger." Qiao Nan said, his eyes fell on the last person on the table, and his tone was light: "Duan Jiayan, it's been a long time."

Zhou Xingchen remembered that there was a festival between the two people. He looked at this and then at that. He was a little embarrassed when he saw Duan Jiayan ignored the other person: "Then what, Qiao Nan, did you eat or not? How about it? Brother is still ordering."

"Okay, let's put together orders." Qiao Nan said, dragging away the chair beside Duan Jiayan.

Duan Jiayan stood up suddenly.

He didn't look at anyone at this table, and his voice said flatly: "I just remembered that there is something else. I'm going back to school first."

Zhou Xingchen replied: "What's the matter?"

Chen Yue turned Zhou Xingchen, and Lu Xingci looked at him: "Then what do you have for dinner?"

"I'm going to buy a rice ball." Duan Jiayan said: "You guys, it just happens that I have an upset stomach recently, so I can't eat spicy ones."

Lu Xingci frowned slightly, and before he could speak, Duan Jiayan had already walked straight to the door.

The place where they eat is far from the school. On a light rainy day, there were not many people on the road, and the door of the Internet cafe was closed tightly.

As soon as Duan Jiayan walked out a distance, he heard his footsteps behind him.

A gentle male voice came from the empty street.

"Didn't you hate the monitor before?"

Duan Jiayan stopped.

He turned his head, not surprisingly, saw Qiao Nan following. The other party wears the school uniform of the deputy middle school, thin and thin. Qiao Nan's eyes are non-aggressive apricot eyes, and the folds of his double eyelids are very shallow, making it easy to leave a harmless impression at first glance.

"Being an omega, are you willing to talk to him? Or did he approach you on the initiative? It doesn't matter, I don't blame you, you are very popular..." Qiao Nan smiled softly, and the alpha pheromone erupted from him Open. The maniac breath rushed across the street, all pressing towards Duan Jiayan.

Qiao Nan's pheromone smells of rust.

People who seem harmless and gentle have the pheromone like a madman. Pheromone belonging to alpha is terribly sticky, like heavy metal, all pressed on Duan Jiayan's spine.

Such an inferior method, I want him to bow his head.

Duan Jiayan looked at him, motionless.

"But I'm so jealous." As he said, the blood-like rust smell became more and more intense, Qiao Nan bent his eyes: "Why smile at others? Obviously your voice and smell should be mine."

"Have you said enough?" Duan Jiayan sneered: "If you say enough, get out."

"You have grown up and are more beautiful than before." Qiao Nan watched him remain unmoved from start to finish, a trace of evil appeared on Qingjun's face, and his eyes became hideous.

He suddenly licked his teeth.

Like a snake.


Duan Jiayan paused.

The sloppy breath disappeared from him, and disgust climbed to the bottom of his eyes little by little.

"Qiao Nan," Duan Jiayan said blankly: "Do you have the courage to call again?"

"Aye." Qiao Nan seemed to be happy to see him out of control. He repeated Duan Jiayan's nickname over and over again in an intimate and awkward tone: "Aye, my Aye..."

"Don't call me that, don't you understand." Duan Jiayan snorted, his voice was soft, but there was a pungent and brutal force: "I think you want to die, huh?"

The author has something to say: Ah is also from Xiaolu.

Qiao Nan mentioned it in Chapter 2 and Chapter 19.