I Like Your Pheromones

Chapter 45: Joint exam


When he came out of the haunted house, Duan Jiayan felt almost relieved. (Look at the novel website again) Compared with the scary staff who sprang out from time to time, the Lu Xingci with him made Duan Jiayan more energy-intensive.

Chen Yue and Zhou Xingchen came out earlier than them, and they were already waiting at the door.

Seeing Duan Jiayan, Zhou Xingchen said with lingering fear: "What's the matter with the female ghost just now? Come on, don't give me any preparations."

Duan Jiayan laughed: "Your name is so miserable, it's good for people not to be scared by you."

While joking, a child's cry came from the side.

She is a little girl who looks only five or six years old, wearing a light-colored thick down jacket, like a little ball.

Seeing that there were no parents around her, Duan Jiayan glanced at that side more, until they were about to leave, the little girl was still crying where she was.

Duan Jiayan talked to others and walked over.

He hesitated for a while, knelt down, and whispered to her: "Little sister, where are your parents?"

"Clothing and clothing a few times, looking for... I found Dad..."

The little girl cried and twitched, Duan Jiayan rubbed her head tentatively. Realizing that she didn't resist her own contact, Duan Jiayan reached out and patted her on the back: "Don't cry, don't cry, brother will wait with you, mom and dad will come to you soon."

When the little girl heard this, she raised her big teary eyes and looked at him.

He is good-looking, with a clean youthful air on him. Duan Jiayan smiled at her slightly, the little girl stared at him for a while, then suddenly stepped forward and wanted to rush into his arms.

Duan Jiayan didn't expect that she was so fearless. After reacting, he immediately embraced her with his arms open.

Originally, Zhou Xingchen wanted to ask him what he was doing when he suddenly walked over. Seeing this scene, everyone was almost stupid: "The person holding the child in front of me is Duan Jiayan?"

Lu Xingci listened to his skeptical tone of life, and smiled: "What?"

"I thought he was the kind. If the kid in the family cried, he would threaten people to cry again and I would beat you up." Zhou Xingchen looked incredulous: "He still coaxes the kid?"

Chen Yue was also a little surprised: "I also think it's amazing."

Looking at Lu Xingci, Chen Yue didn't seem surprised, and asked: "Don't you think it's strange?"

"I saw him take his brother." Lu Xingci recalled the scene he saw in the hospital: "He is very soft-hearted."

Chen Yue: "..."

Chen Yue thought this was probably the filter of love.

After a while, the little girl's parents came over.

Her parents are one a and one o, and omega's mood is much more unstable. When she sees her daughter, her eyes are directly red. Seeing Duan Jiayan holding her, the two kept thanking him.

Duan Jiayan was embarrassed by the little girl's parents instead. When she was about to leave, the little girl was held in her arms by Omega, and Omega whispered something to her. She suddenly turned her head and showed a big smile to Duan Jiayan:

"Thank you brother! Goodbye, brother!"

Her voice was crisp, and her pronunciation was very clear without crying.

Duan Jiayan followed with a smile: "Goodbye sister."

When they left, Zhou Xingchen couldn't help asking: "Do you like children?"

Duan Jiayan didn't say a word, and looked at him nonchalantly.

Chen Yue said casually: "I like it very much. If only I can have a daughter in the future. Little princess."

Zhou Xingchen: "I also want a daughter. I hope the fox can give me a daughter."

Chen Yue: "Where is the road dog? Do you want a son or a daughter?"

While Chen Yue was speaking, Zhou Xingchen suddenly thought of something and looked at Duan Jiayan: "Yes, you can still live by yourself."

Seeing Zhou Xingchen looking at him with admiration, Duan Jiayan sneered: "I gave birth to a fart."

"I have no objection," the boy next to him took the stubbornly unhurriedly: "If you don't want to be born, you won't be born, I'll listen to him."

Chen Yue: "..."

Chen Yuexin said that your advantage is really clever.

Duan Jiayan couldn't bear it: "Lu Xingci!"

The latter replied innocently: "What's the matter? I said I listen to my future wife."

Duan Jiayan: "..."

Duan Jiayan really couldn't refute it.

Before leaving the playground, a lot of snow fell in the sky.

Due to excessive snowfall, some facilities were forced to shut down. The snow fell on the playground, complementing the colorful artificial lights.

The snow showed no sign of stopping until Monday, and students had to open umbrellas during class.

On Monday night, Duan Jiayan had just taken a shower and was wiping his hair while entering the door from the balcony. His mobile phone rang.

Seeing the caller ID, Duan Jiayan pressed to answer.


Fu Yuan on the phone was silent for a moment.

Then he said softly:

"Aye, Yun Shen's condition has worsened."

"Ningcheng's medical level is not enough. The doctor recommended that we go to Haicheng."

"The doctor in Haicheng said that his condition is quite special and needs pheromones from both parents to comfort him. Uncle He and I have to follow him."

Compared with Ningcheng, the coastal city of Haicheng has developed rapidly in recent years. Fu Yuan had also planned to work in Haicheng before, but because Duan Jiayan went to school here, she stayed in Ningcheng.

"... Hmm." Duan Jiayan put aside the towel for wiping his hair, closed his eyes, and said softly, "Are you going?"

Fu Yuan hesitated for a while, and said softly: "I want to ask, would you like to go to Haicheng with us."

Fu Yuan probably also knew that the incident had happened suddenly, so she told him in detail on the phone, including all aspects of the school and accommodation he might attend after going to Haicheng.

a long time.

Duan Jiayan whispered: "I'll think about it for a few days."

Heating was turned on in a classroom of a middle school, and white fog condensed on the glass windows.

During the big class, Duan Jiayan's mind was full of Fu Yuan's phone call last night, and she was absent-minded.

He grew up in Ningcheng, and his friends are all here. He doesn't want to go to a strange city, but he doesn't want to leave Fu Yuan either.

Duan Jiayan's parents divorced early, and his father soon formed a new family. Although he would regularly call him a lot of living expenses every month, he would only make a few occasional phone calls with him every year.

For so many years, he has basically forgotten his father's looks. For him, Fu Yuan is his most important family member.

Duan Jiayan was thinking wildly, Zhao Minjun walked to the podium.

"After half a month, the second city entrance examination of this semester will be held, and the city ranking will be carried out at that time." Zhao Minjun looked around in the classroom: "I hope everyone will review carefully and carefully check the omissions and fill in the vacancies. Play to your best level."

Song Yi whispered in Duan Jiayan's ear: "This joint exam is equivalent to the end-of-term forecast. I heard that the year-end bonuses of the teachers are directly linked to the results of the joint exam."

Duan Jiayan turned his head and asked him: "What do you mean?"

Song Yi: "It means that the worse the grades in our class, the less Teacher Zhao's year-end bonus."

The first middle school is a private school. In order to encourage teachers' enthusiasm for teaching, the school will award bonuses to outstanding teachers at the end of each year, especially the class teacher, the amount of bonus has always been high.

Duan Jiayan frowned upon hearing this.

He suddenly raised his hand: "Mr. Zhao, do our grades affect you?"

Zhao Minjun looked at him, his eyes stopped.

After a while, she smiled at him: "What you succeed in the test will have a greater impact on yourself."

As soon as the words were spoken, a quiet comment came from the class.

Zhao Minjun continued: "I hope the students will study hard. If the results of the joint entrance exam are good, our class will go out to watch a movie."

Hearing this, Song Yi couldn't hold back anymore, and pushed Duan Jiayan abruptly: "Small Duan!"

Duan Jiayan was caught off guard and was pushed excitedly by him, and almost couldn't sit still: "Got it! I'll learn!"

The movement of the two of them was a bit loud. The students around heard it and couldn't help but look over here. Several people were laughing.

Zhou Xingchen heard it, and enthusiastically shouted in front of him: "Duan Jiayan, do you really want to learn? Then I will learn too."

Duan Jiayan laughed: "You? Forget it, you just wait for me to raise your average score."

He and Zhou Xingchen dragged down the grades of Class 10 every time. In the last monthly exam, they were the last in the class and the second in the class.

It happened that Zhao Minjun answered the phone and went out. Seeing that the teacher was not there, Zhou Xingchen ran to Duan Jiayan's table: "You look down on people?"

Duan Jiayan pointed to himself: "I, a person with successful experience. As long as I am willing and the external conditions are sufficient, I can make amazing progress."

Zhou Xingchen was a little at a loss: "Then what is your proper external condition? Cheating?"

Duan Jiayan sneered lightly, obviously disdainful of it.

He was about to turn back, discussing with the people behind to take him to review, but halfway through, Duan Jiayan suddenly felt wrong.

He and Lu Xingci are no longer pure front and back tables.

It doesn't seem appropriate to ask someone for help like this

Duan Jiayan forcibly nailed himself in place.

Facing Zhou Xingchen's curious eyes, Duan Jiayan said dryly: "I can teach myself to become a talent."

Zhou Xingchen: "Hahahahahahahahahaha!"

Duan Jiayan saw Zhou Xingchen smile like this, and raised his eyebrows: "What are you laughing at?"

Without waiting for Zhou Xingchen to speak, Duan Jiayan said, "You smile casually, and you won't have a voice when the score comes down."

Duan Jiayan stood up while speaking.

Zhou Xingchen was very alert: "What are you doing? Are you going to study behind my back?"

Duan Jiayan helpless: "I go to the bathroom, do you want to go with me?"

Zhou Xingchen: "..."

On the way to the toilet, Duan Jiayan was thinking about Fu Yuan, and then thinking about the conversation with Zhou Xingchen just now, feeling a little confused.

When he returned to the classroom, he blinked and saw a pile of teaching assistants on his desk.


Duan Jiayan almost didn't dare to sit down.

They only changed seats last week. The academic committee of their class sat in front of Duan Jiayan. She turned around. Seeing Duan Jiayan looking at the pile of assistants in confusion, the academic committee explained: "We just heard Song Yi said that you only have textbooks. Without teaching assistants, these are lent to you by everyone."

The academic committee lifted the stack of teaching assistants and pointed to the printed materials at the bottom: "There is also a collection of knowledge points of various subjects below, you can take a look."

"..." Duan Jiayan was stunned, then laughed: "You take care of me so much?"

The academic committee nodded solemnly: "You take the exam, and it's up to you and Zhou Xingchen to watch the movie."

Duan Jiayan is also very serious: "Okay, we must have this movie."

Just after sitting down, Duan Jiayan suddenly saw a pile of lollipops next to his assistant. He was stunned: "What is this?"

Chen Yue wanted to laugh when he saw the bunch of colorful people: "Zhou Xingchen, that idiot, I heard that we donated teaching assistants to you, and he donated ten lollipops to you. I wish you will be brushed down by him in advance."

Duan Jiayan understood.

This is a provocation.

Without a word, Duan Jiayan took out two bags of potato chips and a box of cakes from the drawer. He took the post-it note from Song Yi's desk and quickly wrote:

[Want to beat your dad, next life. ]

Duan Jiayan handed the things to the boy across the corridor: "Pass it to Zhou Xingchen for help, thanks."

Hearing the conversation they had just now, the boy glanced at the content on the note and smiled and helped him pass something.

After reaching the front, laughter came one after another:

"How is this going?"

"Duan Jiayan and Zhou Xingchen are betting on who will do better in the exam."

"I fuck hahahahahahahaha, this exam is interesting."

"Hey no, the school tyrants have turned their heads back, should I work hard too?"

"Your grades should be worked hard."

"Brother Zhou, I worked hard, do I have a lollipop?"

Zhou Xingchen directly threw a bag of potato chips Duan Jiayan had given him: "Take the test, otherwise you are worthy of Teacher Zhao? Do you know that this result is linked to Teacher Zhao's year-end award?"

The boy opened the potato chips and said, "I didn't know before, but now I know, then I must take the test well."

There was a lot of noise all around.

Duan Jiayan glanced at the teaching assistant on his desk, and then at the classmates around him.

The question that bothered him before seemed to have an answer at once.

He bowed his head and sent a WeChat message to Fu Yuan: [I am not going, I want to stay here. ]

Almost as soon as he sent WeChat, Fu Yuan called. Under normal circumstances, Fu Yuan would not pick his time at school to call. This time she should also be embarrassed about it.

Fu Yuan slowly said something on the phone. The classroom was too noisy, Duan Jiayan hurriedly stood up: "I can't hear clearly, I'll go out and tell you."

He reached the corridor in two or three steps.

Looking for a corner with a small number of people, Duan Jiayan said: "It's okay now, what did you just say?"

"Aye," Fu Yuan said softly, "Can you tell me why you don't want to go to Haicheng?"

Duan Jiayan was quiet for a while, then suddenly said, "Mom, I like my life now."

Fu Yuan responded and motioned for him to continue.

"I like the current school, teachers, and classmates." His voice was sluggish, because he rarely said these things, Duan Jiayan was a little embarrassed: "My friends are also here, my semester..."

Several people's names crossed his mind.

Chen Yue, Zhou Xingchen, Gu Li...

In the end, it freezes on the person who is slightly different.

Lu Xingci.

People who were originally annoying only found out that they were very interesting after coming in contact with them.

"I have made new friends this semester. They are very good to me. I want to graduate with them."

"The traffic is so developed now, Haicheng and Ningcheng are only three hours away by plane. I can come to see you at any time, and you can come and see me."

"No matter what," Duan Jiayan paused, and said what he had always wanted to tell her: "We are relatives, and this matter will never change."

The phone went quiet.

Duan Jiayan suddenly said so much, and Fu Yuan was actually surprised.

In her impression, Duan Jiayan was still a child who didn't quite understand the world. But when she didn't know, he seemed to slowly become sensible by himself.

For various reasons, she couldn't accompany him to grow up step by step. She squeezed the phone tightly and sighed: "If you think clearly, I will definitely not stop you."

Unconsciously, perhaps because of his family, or perhaps because of friends around him, he has grown up, and he has grown faster than she expected.

After being relieved, Fu Yuan felt sad for no reason.

"If you want to stay here, then keep it. I will hire someone to clean the house at home regularly. If you feel that living at school is troublesome for a long time, then go home."

Seeing that she had no objection, Duan Jiayan's mood relaxed. Only then did he remember that he hadn't asked Fu Yuan's plan: "When do you and Uncle He want to leave?"

"Are you going to take the joint exam soon? I heard from Teacher Zhao that there will be a parent meeting after the joint exam." Fu Yuanrou said: "Mom will hold a parent meeting for you, and then leave."

After hanging up Fu Yuan's phone, Duan Jiayan returned to the classroom.

Fu Yuan had always been concerned about his living conditions before. If the exam was better, she should be able to rest assured, plus a joking bet with Zhou Xingchen. After Duan Jiayan returned to the classroom, he did not play a mobile phone for the first time. Instead, she opened it and lent him. Teaching assistant.

Chen Yue turned Lu Xingci and raised his chin again to signal Duan Jiayan who was reading in the front row, meaning buddy, the opportunity is here.

Lu Xingci smiled and said nothing.

Duan Jiayan just read the book for a day.

Except for the first monthly exam at the beginning of school, he hasn't read a book in this way for a long time, but he can't understand many topics only by reading the book, so he can only ask people around him for advice.

At the end of the day, he asked the Academic Committee, Chen Yue, and Song Yi, whose grades were slightly better than him.

Song Yi didn't know how to do this question. After a long time, he couldn't figure it out. He simply lost his pen and whispered, "Why don't you look for the monitor? Have you quarreled?"

At this time, it was the end of the evening self-study, and Zhou Xingchen came over to watch Duan Jiayan's study. Seeing him and Song Yi in a daze at the answer, Zhou Xingchen didn't even want to blurt out: "Neither of you know how to do it? Ask Brother Lu, he can do everything."

Zhou Xingchen was not as careful as Song Yi, and his voice was loud when he spoke, and everyone around him could hear him.

Duan Jiayan: "..."

Duan Jiayan wanted to kick him away.

Suddenly, someone patted his shoulder from behind.

Lu Xingci's voice came: "What question? Show me."

Duan Jiayan saw that his attitude was natural, and felt that it was meaningless to make this awkwardness. He straightened the book, turned it around, and pointed the question with his finger: "This."

Lu Xingci looked at it for a while, took the pen and manuscript paper, and told him step by step: "First, analyze the force. This object has received three forces at the same time..."

When Chen Yue saw Lu Xingci lecturing Duan Jiayan, he suddenly realized what Lu Xingci's noncommittal attitude meant during the day.

Don't rush to provide help, but wait for someone to come to your door.

In this way, even Duan Jiayan took the initiative.

Chen Yue said in a low voice: "Details."

Lu Xingci's thinking is very clear, perhaps because he has been taught before, and the other party knows what method to use to make him understand the topic.

After listening to Lu Xing's speech, Duan Jiayan gave a divine enlightenment and couldn't help saying: "Brother Lu, the first grade position is tailor-made for you."

He blew and blew, watching Lu Xingci smile, his heart relaxed, and his mouth quickly said: "Can you review--" He felt wrong halfway through the speech, and he changed his words abruptly: "You review and come on."

But Lu Xingci understood what he meant.

"Do you want me to review it for you?"

"..." Duan Jiayan hesitated.

Lu Xingci leaned forward, leaned forward, and signaled Duan Jiayan to come too.

Duan Jiayan followed the other party close to the table, but suddenly realized that something was wrong, the people in front of him watched him throw himself into the trap, a little smile appeared in his eyes.

That is the joy that hunters will show when they see their prey enter the trap.

For an instant, Duan Jiayan's instinct made Duan Jiayan want to escape.

But it's too late.

The boy in front of him raised his lips slightly, and said in a volume that only the two of them could hear: "Then you say you like me, and I will take you to study hard."

The author has something to say: I can also take you to a good puppy love.

Don't sketch, haha.