I Like Your Pheromones

Chapter 54: It's hard to coax


That question gave Duan Jiayan the urge to disappear instantly.

He felt his body temperature was rising little by little.

If the heart was really immersed in soda, it would probably drown now.

"Because I am embarrassed." Duan Jiayan admitted dryly.

Lu Xingci had no time to laugh at him, his ears were red, and his speech was very fast: "Can you stop talking so close and be so strange that you see a person blushing, and you leaned over and asked him why he blushed—this classmate, you You seem to be smart at ordinary times, why can't you turn a corner now?"

Lu Xingci didn't expect that he would react like this when he was pressed.

She is extremely shy, but will crackle and ask him a lot.

"My fault," Lu Xingci held back a smile: "I shouldn't be like this."

Duan Jiayan really realized what a fist hits cotton.

And I don't know why, the enthusiasm that disappeared on his face has a tendency to make a comeback.

Duan Jiayan reluctantly stretched his face and nodded: "I hope you will remember your mistakes in your heart and read them silently every day to become a person of insight."

"Then you supervise me every day," Lu Xingci was very cooperative: "I will work hard."

Duan Jiayan: "..."

Duan Jiayan thinks that Lu Xingci is really good at detours.

As the New Year approaches, when I am in school, there is also a festive atmosphere.

The day before New Year's Day is Thursday, many people are planning to go out for the New Year. In the last class in the morning, Song Yi was bored listening to the class. While looking at his mobile phone, he whispered to Duan Jiayan: "Nanshan Square has a musical fountain, and fireworks are set off at zero o'clock. It sounds like a big show, do you want to go there? ?"

Duan Jiayan leaned over to look at his mobile phone.

There is not much difference in where to go for the New Year, but there are many entertainment venues in Nanshan, and you can kill time before the New Year. Duan Jiayan thinks it's good.

And New Year's Eve, a place with more people will have more atmosphere.

Song Yi said, "There should be a lot of people in our school going to Nanshan? After all, they are close."

Duan Jiayan also lowered his voice: "Then we went out that day, and we passed the gate time when we came back at night. Are you going home or staying with me?"

Song Yi was about to speak.

Duan Jiayan suddenly felt a little soft.

A sense of sourness climbed up his back, and a numb itch came from his fingertips.

Song Yi smelled a faint fragrance of flowers. He looked at Duan Jiayan who looked unnatural, and hurriedly said: "You go to the toilet?"

Duan Jiayan nodded, and drew the inhibitor from the drawer. Just as the back door was open, Duan Jiayan walked out of the classroom and walked in the direction of the toilet two or three steps.

When he went out from the back door, Lu Xingci, who was originally attending the class, tilted his head, and the nib of the calculation on the manuscript paused.

Lu Xingci's eyes narrowed slightly.

Just now, he seemed to smell Duan Jiayan's pheromone.

After entering the toilet, Duan Jiayan opened the compartment door and quickly locked it.

Duan Jiayan vaguely felt a little pain on his back during the process of taking the inhibitor. He bit his tongue impatiently when the needle went into his arm.

Duan Jiayan let out a long sigh of relief after the sore impulse passed.

He stretched his hand to the doorknob of the compartment, and suddenly saw his wrist gradually appear red.

He hesitated, then put his hand back.

If it was before, he could go directly to the classroom to find Lu Xingci's help.

But the relationship between him and Lu Xingci is unclear. Whether it is asking the other party to temporarily mark, hug, or borrow clothes, it doesn't seem appropriate.

He still made these requests on the premise of knowing the other party's feelings for him, just like Lu Xingci likes to use the other party unscrupulously.

Duan Jiayan can't do this kind of thing.

How about going to the hospital for a few days

In fact, isolation is not a big deal. Most omegas with stress disorder are directly isolated when they fall ill. Maybe he can find an isolation room with a computer in the hospital, so he will play games in it for a few days...

Think about it this way, it seems okay

Duan Jiayan glanced at the time.

There are still a few minutes to leave school. I can already faintly hear the voices of the students in the hallway. When school is over, a large number of students will leave the school gate. He is now going out and walking on the road.

The toilet is already considered a place with less alpha pheromone in the school. The red marks on the wrists grew slowly, and there was no particular pain on the body.

Duan Jiayan decided to wait for a while, when everyone was almost gone, he went out from the toilet cubicle.

Just after making a decision, he heard someone calling his name outside.

"Duan Jiayan?" Zhou Xingchen said as he walked: "I saw you ran towards the toilet. Are you there?"

Duan Jiayan didn't think about it, but answered.

"Why are you staying so long? What about the pit?"

Duan Jiayan thought he was alone, and said directly: "No."

Zhou Xingchen: "Then have you finished using the toilet? Let's go together."

Duan Jiayan: "I'll go later, you can go first."

Zhou Xingchen was quiet for a moment, and looked at Lu Xingci who was standing next to him.

Although I don't know why Dao Xingci specially took him to the toilet, and he didn't speak from beginning to end, Zhou Xingchen still asked, "Brother Lu, shall we go or not?"

Zhou Xingchen's voice was not specifically lowered.

Duan Jiayan's scalp was numb when he heard that name.

"What's wrong with you?" Lu Xing resigned, "Why stay in the toilet for so long?"

His voice is not high and his emotions are unpredictable.

Duan Jiayan didn't know if the other party had guessed that he had a stress disorder, and he bit the bullet and denied: "I have a stomachache, I want to stay in the toilet for a while."


Lu Xingci had probably guessed what his condition was. He looked at the closed compartment door, his lips twitched, and said to Zhou Xingchen: "You go first."

Zhou Xingchen: "Huh?"

Lu Xingci: "I smoke a cigarette in the toilet, and I will leave later."

He said this not only to Zhou Xingchen, but also to Duan Jiayan.

When Zhou Xingchen left, Lu Xingci deliberately picked the compartment next to Duan Jiayan. After entering, he did not close the door and lit the cigarette as he said.

Duan Jiayan could smell the smoke.

In addition to the smell of smoke, there are pheromones that belong to alpha if there is nothing. The clean lime and the scent of plants and woods are causing Duan Jiayan's nerves. Just across the wall, there is an antidote that can relieve his pain.

The stress disorder that could have been tolerated in the first place seemed to be magnified several times. Duan Jiayan looked at the red marks on his arm, and couldn't help clenching his five fingers, then let go.

It hurts...

"Does it still hurt?" Lu Xingci suddenly said.

His voice was calm, like a normal concern.

"It's okay." Duan Jiayan tried to make his voice appear normal: "How much do you have left?"

"It's still early."

Duan Jiayan endured, "Why are you smoking here?"

If it hadn't been for Lu Xingci's breath to provoke him, he might not be as uncomfortable as he is now.

It's like putting a glass of water in front of an extremely thirsty person, but this glass of water cannot be touched yet. Duan Jiayan was almost tortured to death.

"If my mother smells smoke, she will ask."

"Auntie doesn't let you smoke?"

"No, but she doesn't like it."

Duan Jiayan hissed softly with pain, and could only divert attention by chatting with him: "Smoking is not very good."

When Lu Xingci saw that he had been around with him for a long time, he was reluctant to ask for help, and Duan Jiayan almost laughed.

Obviously, their relationship had already had a clear trend during this period, but Duan Jiayan retracted again when he encountered a problem. He didn't mind coaxing Duan Jiayan to let the latter slowly figure it out. But the other party was so awkward that he was joking with his body.

This time he happened to discover Duan Jiayan's condition, what about next time

Duan Jiayan would shrink into the toilet so pitifully, wait until everyone is gone, and then go to the hospital enduring the pain? Are you afraid of accidents on the road

He knew for the first time that Duan Jiayan could be so cruel to himself.

Lu Xingci suppressed his anger, and said to Duan Jiayan: "I am not addicted, it is easy to quit smoking. If you feel bad, just say it and I will quit."

He hinted: "I will consider your request."

Duan Jiayan was quiet for a while.

Lu Xingci heard his voice.

Maybe I want to make myself look a little more relaxed, Duan Jiayan's words are a little silly: "You don't have to be addicted. Smoking is actually quite normal."

When Lu Xingci heard this, he licked his posterior molar blankly.

"Okay," he put out the smoke in a cold voice: "I'm leaving."

Duan Jiayan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard him leaving.

But then, maybe it was instinct, maybe it was his true thoughts, and a trace of regret was born in his heart.

Duan Jiayan moved his lips, but still did not say a word for help.

He listened to Lu Xingci and opened the compartment door, his footsteps drifting away. After confirming that the other party had left the toilet, Duan Jiayan couldn't stretch it anymore, he slashed the lock and walked out of the cubicle.

Just a few steps toward the door, Duan Jiayan paused.

He saw the man standing by the door.

When Lu Xingci saw him coming out, he focused his eyes on him, and locked the toilet door with his backhand.

After the door was closed, the surrounding light was a little dim.

The boy's dark eyes looked over quietly, there was no emotion on his face. Lu Xingci's gaze crossed Duan Jiayan's reddish arm, and saw the red marks that occupied almost half of Duan Jiayan's neck. His voice was soft and faint:

"You are uncomfortable, why don't you come to me?"

Duan Jiayan did not speak.

He was a little uncomfortable with Lu Xingci's appearance at the moment, the other party had never shown such a strong side in front of him. Alpha's gaze seemed to be real, sweeping Duan Jiayan's exposed skin inch by inch.

He could clearly feel that Lu Xingci was in a bad mood now.

After waiting for a long time, Lu Xingci watched him motionless, and almost reluctantly walked forward with compromise.

He was indeed impulsive just now. Because he was stimulated by Duan Jiayan's behavior, he seemed to be competing, just knowing that Duan Jiayan was uncomfortable with the other party.

He lowered his eyelids, looked at the piercing eyes in front of him, and gently discussed with Duan Jiayan: "I'll make a temporary mark for you and accompany you to the hospital, okay?"

Duan Jiayan opened his mouth.

He would rather Lu Xingci be a little impatient than talk to him kindly like he is now. The more Lu Xingci was like this, the more he felt guilty.

"No need." Duan Jiayan glanced hastily, avoiding his gaze: "I will go to the doctor by myself—"

Before he finished speaking, his voice was forced to stop.

The people who were still at a distance from him suddenly leaned down, their distance shortened, and they almost touched each other's noses.

The surrounding air seemed to be stained with the light smell of vegetation.

Without waiting for Duan Jiayan to respond, the alpha pheromone immediately entangled him. The body that had been tortured for a long time with the stress disorder seemed to have been redeemed, and Duan Jiayan's thoughts couldn't help but feel a little trance.

When Lu Xingci's palm encircled his shoulders, lowered his head, and his lips almost touched his neck, Duan Jiayan became sober.

"Don't do this." He avoided it, because of the pain and the obsessive breath of the opponent, his voice trembled: "If you make a mark, this will be the third time."

Making three temporary marks on the same omega will more or less affect the judgment of the alpha, and even means that the two will be tied together.

After three times, alpha is likely to lose interest in other omegas. He didn't want to influence Lu Xing's resignation to this point when he was still in a mess, it was too unfair.

"The third time," Lu Xingci's voice was very soft, but it gave people a strong sense of oppression: "What's wrong?"

Seeing his movement paused, Duan Jiayan hurriedly said, "You will be affected after three times, and it will not be good for you."

"Do you think I like you, is it affected by instinct?"

"..." Duan Jiayan didn't say a word.

"Duan Jiayan." Lu Xingci faintly called him. In the end, he actually smiled: "Are you a little too despised of me?"

Duan Jiayan's heart sank when he was grasped by the wrist.

He reflexed and wanted to struggle, but Lu Xingci's strength was too strong, and he found that he couldn't get rid of the latter like other people.

For the first time, Lu Xingci pressed his pheromone on him.

Probably always restrained, Duan Jiayan didn't feel how uncomfortable being suppressed by alpha pheromone, but his legs became soft, which made him want to obey the other party's wishes.

Realizing that Lu Xingci must be forced by him, Duan Jiayan hesitated for a moment.

At that moment, he was slammed onto the door of the compartment, and the palm of the opponent touched it first, protecting the back of his head.

With Lu Xingci's palm against it, Duan Jiayan felt that the impact was not light.

As if he could not feel any pain, Xingci stretched out his hand to turn him over, and the person was also covered behind him—

They are intimately entangled.

Duan Jiayan wanted to turn his arm back subconsciously, but he was afraid of hurting the opponent too hard, so he abruptly stopped. He could only shout like a warning: "Lu Xingci!"

The latter had a full view of his reaction, and the last hesitation vanished when he discovered that Duan Jiayan had stopped attacking.

He licked the tips of his teeth and bit the neck of the person in his arms unscrupulously.

Pheromone was injected into the fragile back of the neck, and Duan Jiayan suddenly lost the power to resist. His fingertips unconsciously scratched the partition a few times, scratching out a husky and ambiguous sound.

Duan Jiayan's throat shrank twice, but he couldn't say a word.

Lu Xingci should be suffocated, and his movements were rougher than before, and even revealed the beast nature of alpha. The tips of the teeth biting his glands pierced deeply.

He couldn't stand firmly anymore. As soon as his body became weak, the person fell, and the arm that was on his waist was slightly harder, leading him upward.

The long knuckle fingers lifted Duan Jiayan's chin, forcing him to expose the glands completely.

The neck was bitten again.

They had never done so for a long time before, and pheromone continuously poured into the glands, Duan Jiayan only felt that he was heating up little by little.

When he almost lost the ability to think and only knew to rely on the people behind him, Lu Xingci slowly stopped.

A complete and clear mark remained on Duan Jiayan.

Lu Xingci looked at his own brand on him, and reached out to turn over Duan Jiayan, who had no strength.

Four eyes face each other.

The amber eyes in front of him were filled with misty water vapor. Because of his rude behavior just now, the clothes of the people in front of him were a little messy.

Duan Jiayan has a small mole at the throat, his neck and shoulders are thin, and his skin is white and greasy.

The floral scent and the woody scent stick together, and their pheromones are fused with each other, giving it a taste of confusion and infatuation.

Looking at Duan Jiayan who hadn't slowed down, Lu Xingci's eyelids drooped.

The gloomy desire to possess this person can no longer be restrained.

He lowered his head and rubbed the tip of Duan Jiayan's nose against Duan Jiayan's nose, almost before he touched Duan Jiayan's lips.

The breath of alpha enveloped Duan Jiayan, and the world was filled with light pheromone.

Perceiving what Lu Xingci wanted to do, Duan Jiayan rushed away from him with a hot brain before the other party covered him.

Duan Jiayan only felt dizzy with his forehead twitching with such a great effort.

Recognizing what Lu Xingci had done, Duan Jiayan stretched out his hand in disbelief, and couldn't help but rub his thumb against the corner of his lips.

Duan Jiayan's eyes dimmed, and his lips were pursed.

When he raised his wrist, he was about to punch the opponent in the face.

Lu Xingci raised his eyebrows slightly and did not hide.

When the fist was about to hit Lu Xingci's face, the aggressive man in front of him stopped without warning.

Duan Jiayan stared at Lu Xingci with a cold face for a few seconds, his arms dropped, and he pushed the door and left without looking back.

Lu Xingci slowly disappeared as he listened to his footsteps.

After a long time.

Realizing what good things he had done, the boy who stayed straightened his lips and cursed in a low voice.

Duan Jiayan didn't fall asleep at noon.

As soon as I close my eyes, my mind will keep repeating the previous scenes.

The mark left on him is very deep, if there is nothing, he can still smell a bit of grass and wood on the tip of his nose.

He once again remembered the scene when he met Lu Xingci.

The boy has a heroic face, fair skin, and his long eyelashes hang down, half covering those eyes.

Straightforward and pure desire grew in the bottom of his eyes.

Duan Jiayan would turn around so neatly at the time, not only because he couldn't make the move, but also because he was confused by Lu Xingci's expression.

The look that was too presumptuous and almost wanted to swallow him into his abdomen made Duan Jiayan's back chill, and subconsciously wanted to escape.

When people looked at him, he was afraid to do it. What makes Duan Jiayan unable to accept is that under this level of fear, he may still be a little shy.

This is not right.

He bit Lao Tzu, why did Lao Tzu become the shy one

Duan Jiayan suddenly hammered the pillow when he thought of it, and the bed in the dormitory was muffled by him. Even Song Yi, who was walking down the ladder, felt it, and raised his head in a dazed and horrified manner: "Small! There is an earthquake!"


This state continued until class in the afternoon.

Duan Jiayan slowly entered the classroom, and slowly sat down in his place. I don't know if it is his illusion, he always feels that the people behind him have been watching him.

Rumors are on the back.

Duan Jiayan pretends to play with her mobile phone carelessly, and the line of sight can't help but peek backwards.

In fact, Lu Xingci is not so excessive.

After all, Lu Xingci was also worried about his condition. Moreover, his previous reason for refusing to mark seems to be a question of the feelings of the other party.

Thinking of that, Duan Jiayan wanted to turn his head back several times, but in the end he couldn't hold back his face. Can only hold back a whole afternoon like this.

When school is over in the evening, the students leave school for dinner in twos and threes. Lu Xingci's gaze fell on the necks of the people in the front row, where there was a shallow mark.

Throughout the afternoon, Duan Jiayan didn't say a word to him, and he didn't even turn his head to his side, in a posture that he didn't want to interact with him.

He estimated that he had really stepped on Duan Jiayan's bottom line this time, and what made him even more upset was that he was almost at a loss for the current situation.

It sounds funny.

It was obviously his fault, and now he didn't know how to deal with the mess he caused, and Lu Xingci felt that he was a little too unpromising.

"I'm not going out." He was not in a high mood, and said to Chen Yue: "You can have dinner with Zhou Xingchen."

"Okay." Chen Yue readily agreed: "Would you like to bring something back for you?"

Duan Jiayan was about to leave with Song Yi, when suddenly he heard something coming from behind.

Duan Jiayan listened to their conversation, and his footsteps just about to move were nailed to the spot. He suddenly said to Song Yi: "I don't want to leave school anymore, you and Shen Chilie go."

Song Yi wondered: "Don't you want to eat hot and sour noodles?"

Wasn't you enthusiastic before? I even figured out the spiciness.

Duan Jiayan didn't change her face: "Suddenly I lose my appetite. I'll eat a piece of bread in a while."

Song Yi didn't think much, nodded and left the classroom.

One after another, everyone around was gone.

Gradually only two of them were left in the classroom.

Duan Jiayan dragged his feet, but couldn't turn it over. In the end, he was bored himself, and was about to turn his head altogether—

Someone gently pulled the chair beside him and sat beside him.

A toffee was placed on Duan Jiayan's desk.

"Are you still angry?"

In the empty classroom, the boy's voice was very soft, pressed low, with a hint of peace.

The heart seemed to be pinched, and the last twist after seeing the toffee disappeared briskly.

"Are you coaxing a child?" Duan Jiayan reached out and picked up the candy with an unclear expression.

Lu Xingci saw him turning his face and putting the candy back in his hand, and couldn't help being able to say that this meant refusing to reconcile.

He sighed in his heart, and he rarely felt regretful.

I did something like that to others under impulse before, but now it seems difficult to coax people back.

Next second.

He heard Duan Jiayan whisper: "I want strawberry flavor."

The author has something to say: You are good to coax.