I Like Your Pheromones

Chapter 59: Don't hide


The consequence of thinking too much at night is that Duan Jiayan has managed to fall asleep until it has been to one or two o'clock.

After arriving in the classroom, Lu Xingci watched him yawn several times: "Sleepy?"

Duan Jiayan nodded.

Lu Xingci: "What did you do last night?"

He asked these words casually. Unexpectedly, Duan Jiayan turned his head abruptly and stared at him without blinking.

Just stared for three or four seconds.

Duan Jiayan denied it with a guilty conscience: "Nothing."

He can't confess honestly. He couldn't fall asleep thinking about the messy things last night, and finally seemed to have a dream about Lu Xingci.

Lu Xingci smiled when he looked at him like this.

Although Duan Jiayan's physical condition is very exhausted, today is the first day he and Lu Xingci are at the same table. Thinking of this, Duan Jiayan is very excited. He glanced at the class schedule, and the first class was physics again.

Fearing that he would not be able to hold it down, he touched a box of candy from the drawer, ready to eat one when he was sleepy.

Duan Jiayan was eating candy in his mouth and holding a pen in his hand.

He was in a good state of mind at the beginning, and he understood the first two multiple-choice questions the physics teacher said.

When he started talking about the electric field, he looked at the projected electromagnetic field, and his eyes turned black.

Before he knew it, Duan Jiayan ran out of candy, and his pen fell on the desk.

His head gradually drooped.

After Lu Xingci finished writing a series of calculations, he turned his eyes and saw that his head was lowered, and he seemed to be falling asleep.

Lu Xingci reached out and patted his arm.

Duan Jiayan was patted like this, and he realized the response. He blinked his eyes twice and started to look at the blackboard intently.

He whispered: "If I go to sleep again, you can shoot me again."

Lu Xingci answered.

After a question, Lu Xingci looked aside.

The person who was vigorous before lowered his head again.

He hesitated for a while, and awoke him according to Duan Jiayan's request. The latter was caught off guard and fell asleep, and subconsciously gave him a vicious look. Then, after realizing what was going on, Duan Jiayan felt that Lu Xingci was really wronged by being so stared at him, and asked a little flatteringly: "Brother Lu, are you not sleepy in the morning?"

"Normally not sleepy."

"I don't want to be sleepy either," Duan Jiayan said, picking up the pen he had left behind: "I want to be as awesome as you."

Not long after he finished speaking, Lu Xing heard the sound of the pen falling on the desk while Lu Xing was doing the calculation.

He looked aside, and his new deskmate had closed his eyes.

Probably he did not sleep well, Duan Jiayan's eyes were glowing with a light blue color. His profile line is very impressive, and his brow bones and bridge of nose are particularly juvenile. Under the bright classroom lights, the complexion is almost transparent and fair.

Lu Xingci watched his head slightly, and his hand was dazedly supporting his chin. In the end, he couldn't help but laugh.

The kids in his family seem to work very hard not to let themselves fall asleep.

Seeing Duan Jiayan leaning his arm continuously, he was about to fall directly.

Lu Xingci stretched out his hand, supported his chin with his palm, and slowly dragged him down on the desk.

Duan Jiayan vaguely felt that someone was taking care of him. He raised his eyelids and looked aside blankly.

"Go to sleep," he heard the promise to relax him: "I'll teach you after this class."

For Duan Jiayan, it is really difficult to adjust the schedule.

Since he was in high school, skipping classes while sleeping has been commonplace. During this period of time, I changed my previous mistakes and studied hard. Not only did I stun the friends around me, but even the teacher would take care of him a little bit.

The English teacher had just finished speaking an attributive clause, and his eyes swept around: "Duan Jiayan, you can get up and choose the eighth question."

Duan Jiayan read the title, hesitatingly said: "The blank part refers to a place, choose where."

"Great!" The English teacher was so excited that he couldn't think of the day when the prodigal son would turn his head: "Everyone encourage me."

The class applauded, Chen Yue and the others were still whistling.

Duan Jiayan returned to his seat in the inexplicable shame and joy of answering the question correctly.

Compared to the front and back tables, it is indeed much more convenient to be at the same table. Sometimes the teacher talks about knowledge points that he does not understand. He asks Lu Xingci. After the other party answers, he can continue to keep up with the teacher's progress.

In addition to attending classes at school and returning to the dormitory at night, Duan Jiayan will also do homework.

Song Yi had been shocked from the first day when he saw him taking out the exercise book in the dormitory, but it has been no surprise in the recent period. Seeing Duan Jiayan scrapped a whole piece of draft paper without calculating the math problems, Song Yi reminded him: "Would you like to call the monitor to ask?"

Duan Jiayan hesitated for a moment.

He estimated that even if he spent all night, he might not be able to write this inscription, and he also wanted to listen to Lu Xing's voice when he was desperate to write the inscription. Duan Jiayan sent a message to Lu Xingci.

[what are you doing? ]

After a while, he received a reply from the other party: [Write a question. ]

Duan Jiayan was hesitating whether to disturb him, and continued to send messages over there: [What's wrong? ]

[I can't figure out a problem, I've forgotten it twice,] Duan Jiayan asked: [Can I give you a call? ]

Lu Xing resigned and dialed the call.

Duan Jiayan pressed to answer, hurriedly: "You wait a moment, I will find a headset."

As he said, he hurriedly touched his coat pocket. After finding the earphones, Duan Jiayan took photos of the questions he couldn't do and posted them.

Lu Xingci didn't look at the question directly, but asked him: "It's so late, haven't you rested?"

"It's not the same with you." Duan Jiayan unconsciously fiddled with his earphones: "I thought you would never study when you went home."

"Then I'm not so confident." Lu Xingci seemed to smile, and began to look at the title: "Regression equation?"

Duan Jiayan answered.

Outside it began to rain, and on rainy nights in winter, the air was full of damp chills.

Duan Jiayan listened to the voice on the other end of the phone, and the boys there patiently explained the problem to him until he could gradually understand the process of solving the problem.

When Lu Xing's speech was about to be finished, Duan Jiayan was suddenly reluctant to just hang up the phone.

His thoughts gradually drifted away, and before he could respond for a long time there, he yelled softly: "Ah?"

"..." Duan Jiayan was agitated and almost blurted out: "I want to watch you."

Duan Jiayan was a little embarrassed when he said the speech.

People kindly explained the topic to him, but he was full of thoughts and thoughts about things that had nothing to do with learning.

Lu Xingci probably also noticed his wandering, listening to his abrupt request, did not speak.

Duan Jiayan is very nervous.

The video request was broadcast directly.

Song Yi went to take a bath. He was the only person in the dormitory. Duan Jiayan quickly pressed to accept.

He adjusted the lamp so that the light could illuminate him more clearly. At the same time, he also saw clearly the scene on the other side.

Compared with the student dormitory, Lu Xingci's room is much more spacious.

His room is simple and clean in white. From Duan Jiayan's point of view, the first thing he noticed is the exercise book on the desk, and the corner of the bed can be vaguely seen from the farthest place.

Lu Xingci held a pen and looked at him with a smile.

He should have just taken a shower, his black hair hanging down softly. The end of the boy's eyes is slender and delicate. Probably because of his relaxed and leisurely appearance in his own home.

Duan Jiayan swallowed unconsciously when he saw him like this for the first time.

I don't know if it was because of the earphones plugged in. The sound of his drooling seemed to have been heard by the other person. He clearly heard Lu Xingci laugh.

The other party also deliberately teased him: "Hungry?"

With the headphones plugged in, Lu Xingci's voice filled his ears. Duan Jiayan was so hot with his smile.

In the end, Duan Jiayan was annoyed by his laugh, and in turn took advantage of him.

"You're so good-looking." Duan Jiayan said deliberately: "So good-looking, whose family are you from?"

When he molested him, he didn't know what he looked like.

Song Yi was afraid of the cold, and the heating in the dormitory was very high. Duan Jiayan wore summer clothes directly.

Large areas of smooth and fair skin are exposed. Duan Jiayan tilted his head slightly when speaking, and his light-colored lips closed together.

Lu Xingci looked at the joking expression on his face, the emotion in his eyes was suppressed.

Duan Jiayan saw him not speaking, thinking that he was choked by himself. Suddenly, Duan Jiayan was inspired, and said with a smirk: "Am I very diligent in studying recently?"

"It's very hard." Lu Xing said with him.

"Then should you encourage me?" Duan Jiayan moved forward a little, tapping the screen with his finger lightly: "I want a reward."

When he moved so disorderly, the empty neckline became more exposed, and the collarbone was also bent to form a tortuous depression.

Lu Xingci watched him smile, and the desire buried in his heart grew bit by bit.

With a dry throat, he asked in a dumb voice, "What do you want."

Duan Jiayan was ignorant, still boldly asking: "When you arrive at school tomorrow, you have to kiss me."

Duan Jiayan thought about the way Lu Xingci finally agreed to him in a low voice, feeling that he was quite satisfied with getting back a round from tonight.

When he woke up the next day, he thought about his performance last night and was still very satisfied.

So satisfied, I arrived at the door of Class Shi.

Song Yi watched him slowly slow down as he approached the door of the classroom, and said strangely: "Did you have a broken foot?"

Duan Jiayan shook his head abruptly and shook his head. He didn't want to linger, so he rushed into the classroom two or three steps.

After entering, he saw his deskmate sitting in his seat, playing on his mobile phone.

"Morning." Duan Jiayan took the lead to say hello.

Lu Xing resigned him early.

Duan Jiayan couldn't see the clue from his face, so he could only figure out whether Lu Xingci had forgotten the matter, and stretched out his hand to open his chair.

"You said yesterday that you want me to kiss you." Lu Xingci suddenly said, "Can you touch your tongue?"

Duan Jiayan was caught off guard, and the action of pulling the chair stopped in place.

He put aside his eyes and did not directly deny: "Then why don't you ask, is it a kiss or a face?"

"I'm not, I prefer to kiss you." Lu Xingci was still whispering to stimulate him: "Then what time do you think is appropriate today?"

Duan Jiayan didn't speak.

He thought for a long time in silence, and said vaguely: "You wait for me to give you a hint."

"Yes," Lu Xingci nodded: "You as soon as possible, I am a little impatient."


The drizzle has been continuous since last night. After dark, the rain outside the window suddenly became majestic.

Thunder and lightning tore through the sky. Even if the doors and windows are closed, the heavy rain can still be heard in the classroom.

As the final exam is approaching, Zhao Minjun’s Chinese late self-study is left for everyone to study. Duan Jiayan was racking his brains to write the topic, but he didn't have much in his mind, and he didn't have any ideas after thinking about it for a long time.

Being upset, he accidentally pulled the water-based pen on the table to the ground.

Duan Jiayan looked down for a long time and didn't see the pen, so he pulled the chair away, squatted down and looked for it carefully.

His movements were not small, and Lu Xingci, who wrote the title next to him, saw him squatting under the table, and his gaze glanced over his face.

Because of his head down, his hazel eyelashes hang down, his lips are light and beautiful in shape.

Duan Jiayan finally saw where his pen was. Without thinking, he patted Lu Xingci's thigh. When the other party looked down at him, he motioned to the water-based pen at Lu Xingci's feet: "Kick it over."

The pen rolled over.

When he finally picked up the pen and was about to get up, Lu Xingci leaned down and squeezed his neck.

"Think about it, is there something you haven't done?"

Duan Jiayan was pressed under the table, a little uncomfortable: "What's the matter? I'll talk about it when I get up."

Lu Xingci smiled, and slowly reminded him: "I have been waiting for your prompt for one day."

Duan Jiayan was startled, all the words were stuck in his throat.

He was refreshed in that situation last night, but he really felt embarrassed when he waited for the operation. He avoided this topic intentionally or unintentionally all day today.

Duan Jiayan guiltyly found an excuse to prevaricate him: "Or just forget it, you see, we are all going to finish school soon-Lu Xingci!"

Some cool fingers covered his wrist.

He was caught by his wrists and pulled to the side.

Duan Jiayan didn't dare to make too much noise, he could only be dragged over by him, and everyone was half-shackled.

Even if they were in the last row of the classroom and he was sitting next to the back door, most of him would be blocked when Lu Xingci bends over. It is almost impossible for anyone to see what they are doing. Duan Jiayan still feels flustered.

He really didn't expect that Lu Xingci would have such courage.

In the bright and bright classroom, there are faint sounds of flipping books and discussing topics. The breath of the other person was overwhelming, with the aggression characteristic of alpha.

Like a warning.

Duan Jiayan stiffened, trying to hide behind, but a hand was covered on his back, and he caressed his back inch by inch.

Only then did he understand that Lu Xingci's understatement of impatience before him was not joking.

This kind of strong possessiveness that is about to overflow makes people unstoppable.

Duan Jiayan was a little dizzy by his breath, just wanting him not to.

The other party's fingers kneaded his light-colored lips, and the words were gentle and dangerous:

"This is what you want. Don't hide."

After that, Lu Xingci's palm was against the back of his head, and he kissed him half-forcedly.

The author has something to say: It's no use hiding.