I Like Your Pheromones

Chapter 61: late at night


After the final exam, the school gave everyone a winter vacation.

Duan Jiayan had already arrived in Haicheng on the day the test results came out.

Looking at the score sheet on the electronic file, Duan Jiayan was pleasantly surprised and surprised. He passed the grade 462. The difficulty of the final exam this time is not small. He thought that his ranking would drop, but unexpectedly he even climbed a little bit forward.

Fu Yuan was surprised and delighted when she saw his achievements. In order to encourage him to make progress during this period of time, he went shopping with him whenever he had time, and bought a lot of favorite things for Duan Jiayan.

Fu Yuan saw that he often played games, so she simply replaced her home computer with a high-end computer. Duan Jiayan was very satisfied with knocking on the radiant mechanical keyboard.

On the night of the second day, Duan Jiayan felt his new computer in the room. Fu Yuan came to give him food several times and asked him if he wanted to come out to watch TV or play cards with them.

Duan Jiayan stayed here in Haicheng. He always felt uncomfortable. He pretended to be busy playing games: "Mom, go out, I'm all in line—hey! Look, my teammate urged me, let me first Playing games."

Fu Yuan couldn't understand his game interface, but when she saw him typing on the keyboard, she seemed to be very busy, so she could only leave first: "If you are bored alone, come out and play cards with us."

As she talked, she saw him playing in the dark, and felt uneasy: "Don't play for too long, remember to rest your eyes."

Duan Jiayan nodded.

When Fu Yuan left, Duan Jiayan put his fingers off the keyboard and stretched out slowly.

During the New Year, it usually takes a long time to queue up. He has been stuck in the queue interface for more than ten minutes.

Being bored, he suddenly felt a little weak in his body.

A familiar itching climbed up the tail vertebrae, Duan Jiayan was startled for a few seconds, only to feel that his whole body was slowly getting hot.

Rao knew that his estrus period had always been irregular, and at that moment, Duan Jiayan also felt that this time was a bit unfortunate.

Early or late or late, but just in time for the Chinese New Year...

He quickly got up from his seat, walked to the bedside table in two or three steps, and found out his inhibitor.

While he was using the inhibitor, his arm felt tingling and his skin turned red. That is, when he was in a hurry, the game system showed that he was in line.

Duan Jiayan didn't have the strength to make sure. After the inhibitors went down, the uncomfortable craze gradually subsided. However, the pain caused by stress disorder has a tendency to get worse and worse.

Seeing that there were only a few seconds left, Duan Jiayan hesitated, but still didn't go in.

In his state, playing games is also cheating others. Duan Jiayan kicked off his slippers and fell on the bed, covering himself with a quilt.

There is no way to isolate the alpha pheromones with just a quilt. He doesn’t know how many alpha pheromones are nearby, but those strange pheromones penetrate into his skin little by little, like thousands of fine needles pierced on him. .

I don't know how long it has been, Duan Jiayan can't stand it anymore. He touched his phone and found Lu Xingci in his contacts.

He wanted to make a call with Lu Xingci to divert his attention.

After dialing out, it didn't take long for me to answer the call.

Hearing his voice, Duan Jiayan's heart was grabbed, and he whispered: "You answered so quickly."

"Just after playing the cards, you called." Lu Xingci teased him: "You don't usually live in the game and don't have time to talk to me?"

Duan Jiayan bends the corners of her lips silently. The body still hurts so much. He bit his lip and tried to ignore the pain: "That's not because I usually don't have much fun, I can only play games."

He paused: "You have fun every day, right? Zhou Xingchen was still shouting out in the group to sing a few days ago, did you go there too?"

Thinking of New Year's Eve, Duan Jiayan seemed to play the game like this all night. Lu Xingci knew he was spending the New Year there, probably not very comfortable.

He felt sorry for him and changed the subject.

"A lot of relatives came to my house today. My mom and they lacked people to play cards. Let me make up the number." Lu Xing resigned: "I played mahjong tonight and won a lot of money."

Lu Xing said too much, it shouldn't be a small sum.

"Brother Xiuahlu, you must be the title of the king of gambling." Duan Jiayan was uncomfortable, his forehead twitched the ground. He rolled on the bed and asked casually: "Then you got rich overnight? Take me too."

There was a soft answer: "Buy you clothes."

"No need," Duan Jiayan originally wanted to make a joke, but he didn't think he was serious. Duan Jiayan hurriedly said: "You can buy me a skin, I want Kai'Sa's new skin. I will also use the New Year's money to arrange an Akali for you."

Probably because the accident and confusion between his words were too strong, he clearly heard Lu Xingci smile.

After laughing, Lu Xingci no longer entangled with the previous topic, and his tone rose slightly: "What are you doing?"

"I was playing games before." Duan Jiayan said: "Then-uh!"

There was a sudden pain in his back, Duan Jiayan couldn't help kicking his leg hard, and he couldn't help but scream.

Lu Xingci originally wanted to make a joke about whether he really planned to live in the game. Hearing this abnormal cry, he converged his humorous mind, and there was a hint of urgency in his tone: "What's the matter?"

After a while, he heard Duan Jiayan's answer.

Probably because of the pain, Duan Jiayan's voice trembled, and Lu Xingci almost had the illusion that he was wronged.

"I'm in estrus, and I have a stress disorder again..." Duan Jiayan exhaled. He grabbed the bed sheet with pain: "I haven't been sick for a long time, and I'm still a little uncomfortable."

As Duan Jiayan said, he took a closer look at his condition. The allergy-like red color on his body is slowly growing.

"How long did it start?"

"I don't know?... It seems half an hour ago." Duan Jiayan was so painful that he couldn't speak intermittently.

He paused, then said in a low voice: "You said, should I go to the hospital? But these days, the isolation room may not have a place."

He went to the hospital to visit He Yunshen before, worried that he would have an accident during the Chinese New Year, so he specifically asked a doctor to find out if there is an omega isolation room here. But because of the Chinese New Year, the isolation rooms of major hospitals in Haicheng are full of people. If he wants to use the isolation room, he can only make an appointment next month.

Duan Jiayan seemed to say to himself: "I'm going to sleep? I'm asleep... I shouldn't be woken up by the pain, right?"

The more he talked, the more uncomfortable he felt, and he couldn't help but clenched the corner of the quilt tightly.

Seeing his voice gradually faint, Lu Xingci interrupted him: "Don't talk, take a break first."

Duan Jiayan answered.

Lu Xingci seemed to have said something, but Duan Jiayan's attention was attracted by the pain, and he didn't hear it clearly.

It seems to say, "Wait for me"

But what is waiting for him? Duan Jiayan vaguely recalled the content of the conversation just now, his brain became more and more unclear, and his thinking was intermittent.

He wanted to call Fu Yuan, but he didn't have the strength to make a sound.

He fainted with pain.

When Duan Jiayan became conscious, he felt a pair of arms around him. He was embraced by another person.

The body he is next to is tall and can hold him in his arms. The other party has a light fragrance of vegetation, pure like a handful of early winter snow.

The fragrance that is not contaminated by sex at all, with the temperature that he likes, soothes him the pain caused by stress disorder.

Feeling the familiar pheromone, Duan Jiayan opened his eyes almost incredibly and saw Lu Xingci close at hand.

They lay on a bed, and the latter saw him awake, his eyebrows stretched slowly.

Duan Jiayan looked at his heroic and clean face, his heart seemed to be injected with something soft, and his beating speed increased involuntarily.

"Why are you here?" Duan Jiayan looked around and found that he was still lying on the original bed. He couldn't help poking Lu Xingci's arm suspiciously: "Am I dreaming."

Lu Xingci did not answer his question, stretched out his hand to pull away his scattered forehead and stared at him with low eyes: "Does it still hurt?"

"It hurts a bit, but it's better than before." Duan Jiayan told the truth. The touch on his face made him know that everything in front of him was not an illusion. He was really unbelievable and asked again: "Why are you here? It's so late."

"My family brought me here."

"You can't drive so fast, right?" Duan Jiayan glanced at the sky outside and confirmed that it was still dark: "It will take at least three or four hours to drive from Ningcheng to Haicheng."

Lu Xingci looked at his curious eyes, his lips straightened slightly, and the tip of his tongue brushed the corners of his lips.

Finally confessed softly: "Private jet."

Duan Jiayan was slightly startled when he heard his answer.

He really didn't expect that Lu Xingci would use this method to come over, but combined with his identity, he felt nothing strange.

After a while, he smiled and leaned in front of Lu Xingci: "Then your family members are used to flying around when you go out?"

Lu Xingci's knuckles flexed and knocked on his forehead affectionately: "What do you think."

"I haven't seen a private jet yet, so curious." As he said, he suddenly remembered the business.

Duan Jiayan condensed his joking thoughts, and straightened his face: "You run here in the middle of the night, does Auntie know?"

Before Lu Xingci could speak, he thought of Fu Yuan again: "Does my mother know? She let you in? For such a big night, I don't think she would let you squeeze a bed with me?"

He threw out a series of questions without stopping in the middle.

Duan Jiayan was actually not particularly curious about this, but he saw Lu Xingci so suddenly, and he wanted to talk to him when someone who had thought it was impossible to show up came to him.

During Duan Jiayan's questioning, he unconsciously arched his arms towards Lu Xingci.

He really liked the smell of the other person, like sea water and forest, which had the power to settle down.

Lu Xing resigned and let him rub against him. He originally hugged Duan Jiayan's hand behind his back, sliding down his back like Anping.

He looked at Duan Jiayan's reliance on himself, with gentle eyebrows: "Don't remember? You were already lying in the hospital when I came."

Duan Jiayan was slightly startled.

He had no impression of what Lu Xingci said, but one can imagine how thoroughly he was dizzy: "Then you are...?"

"I went to the hospital to explain to your mother, and showed the doctor the matching report on Nanshan, and then they agreed to take you back." Lu Xingci patiently replied, "My mother knew that I was coming to Haicheng. Your mother also knows that I am lying with you."

As he talked, he smiled meaningfully: "I am sleeping here now, and it can be considered as agreed by both parents? Don't worry."

Duan Jiayan heard him finish, oh.

He didn't quite understand how Lu Xingci handled all the things that worried him in such a limited time.

Lu Xingci squinted his eyes slightly when he heard his muffled sound.

He looked a little ignorant, his amber eyes were open, unconsciously showing a trace of nostalgia.

This natural and straightforward attachment can especially satisfy the desire for monopoly.

That is the case, time does not allow him to continue to talk about these things with Duan Jiayan. Lu Xingci pressed him into his arms: "It's almost three o'clock, go to bed first, I will answer you tomorrow if you have any questions."

Upon hearing the time, Duan Jiayan nodded.

He buried his head in Lu Xingci's shoulder, just adjusted his position, and suddenly remembered something.

He kept the posture of being buried on the opponent's shoulders, and said: "Then I am sleeping now, until tomorrow, will you leave?"

Lu Xingci heard him ask, and touched his soft-haired head.

"I have to go tomorrow, my mother is very worried."

Duan Jiayan stiffened involuntarily when he heard him say this.

He didn't want Lu Xingci to leave just like that, but he couldn't continue to trouble others for the New Year.

How about getting up tomorrow and looking for Lu Xingci for a temporary mark

He was thinking about it for a while, and the boy with his arm around him continued: "But I am worried about you, so I can only take you away."

When Duan Jiayan heard this, he arched his head out and stared straight at him.

Duan Jiayan wasn't quite sure about that, so she asked him aside, "What did you say?"

"Come back with me," Lu Xingci saw his hesitation, his heart softened: "My mother wants to see you too."

He knows that Duan Jiayan is not fun to celebrate the New Year here, but now because of stress disorder, he has a suitable reason to take him back.

Duan Jiayan really wanted to go with him, but thinking of Lu Xingci's family background, in anticipation, a rare trace of tension appeared in his heart.

Duan Jiayan said half jokingly and half earnestly: "Then I want to see my parents? Although I am so handsome, I cannot guarantee that every parent likes me."

"Don't be poor," Lu Xingci smiled: "You haven't seen my mother."

Duan Jiayan didn't know that he could not see his nervousness, but seeing that his attitude was natural, and out of trust in him, Duan Jiayan felt that this matter was still very feasible.

Just after accepting the arrangements for tomorrow, he remembered one more thing: "Then what will my mother do? I haven't told her that I have a stress disorder. I passed out from the pain this time, and she must have been scared to death by me."

"She was really scared to death by you. I told my aunt about it. She said she would ask your opinion. If you agree, then you will come back to Ningcheng with me tomorrow." Lu Xingci said. , Shaved his face and criticized him mildly: "Why are you hiding such an important thing from your mother?"

"At the time I thought I could ask you for help." Duan Jiayan embarrassedly asked him to scrape: "Moreover, she is usually busy with work and has a lot of worries. I guess once I tell her, she will take me to your house to thank you."

"It's almost there," Lu Xingci recalled Fu Yuan's reaction tonight: "Auntie has been thanking me."

Duan Jiayan felt ashamed when he heard this.

Knowing what he was thinking, Lu Xingci comforted: "She was just scared by you. Go to bed first, and explain to her tomorrow."


After Duan Jiayan responded, he leaned a little to the side.

He pulled Lu Xing's speech tonight and talked so much, the most important thing, he almost forgot to talk about it.

"I haven't said thank you yet."

Lu Xingci raised his eyes, some surprise Duan Jiayan could still think of this.

A pair of white arms slowly clung to his shoulders.

The omega body in estrus carries a misty scent. As if knowing what he likes, Duan Jiayan licked his lips, leaned over, and smiled at him:

"Thank you brother."

The author has something to say: You are welcome, one family.