I Like Your Pheromones

Chapter 65: Senior three


He Yunshen's condition gradually stabilized after the turn of the year. In March and April, Fu Yuan took a leave of absence and went to Ningcheng to thank the Lu family.

In the second semester of high school, teachers of each subject began a round of general review.

Duan Jiayan showed extraordinary perseverance in studying this matter. Song Yi and the others even laughed at him about it at first, but in the end, even Shen Chilie didn't make a joke.

At the end of the final exam, they will move to the teaching building of the third year of high school.

"Son," Shen Chilie patted Duan Jiayan's shoulder from behind. He glanced at Duan Jiayan's teaching assistant, and sighed from the bottom of his heart: "In the year of graduation, you were a living example of the prodigal son turning back."

"You are a living example of the partial discipline."

"I started to make up my English last week," Shen Chilie said, "I hope it can be rescued."

Duan Jiayan looked at him curiously: "Don't you claim to be a talented player, don't you need to make up lessons in your life?"

"Just treat me like a fart." Shen Chilie frankly said: "I now find that, except for yours, no one is considered a talented player."

Duan Jiayan nodded: "Thank you for complimenting him."

Seeing that Duan Jiayan would continue to walk forward, Shen Chilie said: "Silly? Your new classroom is here."

Duan Jiayan uttered a loud voice and came back.

He glanced at the classroom door number.

Class 30 for high school.

They became the highest grade students in a middle school.

The autumn breeze swept across the stadium, the sky was bright, and the air was floating with the scent of hot flowers.

Zhou Xingchen's basketballs hit the ground with one pair of shots, and then he finished playing with the boys in his class. The surroundings were noisy.

"Does the last step of mathematics choose b?"

"Isn't it c?"

"I just asked Lu, choose b. This time I feel so cool."

"I chose the wrong five in ten ways, and it's over." I don't know who sighed: "This monthly exam is really difficult."

Just after the first monthly exam for senior high school, according to the usual scoring speed of the first high school, all the results will be available by tomorrow at the latest.

Zhou Xingchen looked back, but didn't see the figure following them originally: "Where is Duan Jiayan?"

"Supermarket." Chen Yueang raised his chin: "I went to buy water with a road dog."

"Have you brought your phone? Ask him to bring me a bottle of Coke. I left the phone in the classroom."

Chen Yue sent a message while looking sideways.

He saw that Zhou Xingchen's face was not so good, he hesitated a little: "How are you getting along with Gu Li recently?"

Zhou Xingchen pursed his lips, a trace of anxiety appeared between his eyebrows.

After a long time, he vaguely said: "That's it."

When Duan Jiayan came back, in addition to his own sports drink, he also helped Zhou Xingchen with a bottle of Coke.

He put the Coke on the corner of Zhou Xingchen's table, and the latter was lying on the table, listlessly thanking him. Duan Jiayan looked at him twice.

After returning to his seat, Duan Jiayan turned over the test papers for class and asked his deskmate: "Xiao Zhou has been very sad recently?"

Lu Xingci saw that he turned his desk upside down and took out the test paper for him: "You put the test paper in the physics book last week."

Duan Jiayan looked in surprise at the test paper he hadn't found for a long time, and casually praised it: "Brother, awesome, you remember all of this."

He reached for the test paper in Lu Xingci's hand, and leaned slightly. Lu Xingci hooked his chin with his fingers like a cat. Then he answered his last question: "He can't lift up his energy lately, it seems it's because of Gu Li."

When Duan Jiayan heard this, he looked at Zhou Xingchen, who was downcast with some sympathy.

Gu Li is an art student. In the second semester of high school, she went to another place for training, and she had a long-distance relationship with Zhou Xingchen. At the end of last semester, the two seemed to almost break up due to academic pressure.

Perhaps because this is the first monthly exam for the third year of high school, the scoring speed of the first middle school is exceptionally fast this time. In the afternoon, people successively went to the office to check the results, saying that they were doing the ranking table, and the total score had already come out.

When class was over, the school committee posted the new ranking list on the classroom wall.

Chen Yue went to glance at the results, and when he came back, he couldn't help but say to Lu Xing: "You are truly terrifying. You can stay above 700 this time. Do you think you are particularly brutal?"

The monthly test was very difficult. Only Lu Xingci had a total score of 700 in the whole grade. Zhao Minjun told him the total score in the morning. Lu Xingci smiled and asked, "How many are you?"

"632, I'm in tenth grade." Chen Yue said as he remembered something: "Shen Chilie is all right, just behind me. He didn't hold back his English this time."

Duan Jiayan was having a nap with his head down, and he was sleepy doing the problem. I heard them discussing the results in a hazy mood.

Seeing Duan Jiayan opening his eyes and looking over, Chen Yue let out a cry: "I forgot to read your score. Go and see?"

Duan Jiayan just wanted to go to the bathroom, he yawned lazily and stood up.

When looking at the results, Duan Jiayan habitually started looking for his name from the middle. But he didn't see it for several seconds, and he swept down until he saw himself in the lower section.

English 108, Mathematics 88, Chinese 102, Science 140.


This score, he can't even touch the second line.

Duan Jiayan was silent for a while.

Although I had long felt that he did not perform well in this monthly test, I still felt uncomfortable seeing the scores.

On the way to the toilet, Duan Jiayan was worried about his grades and felt a little irritable. Since the second year of high school and Lu Xing's resignation, he has studied as hard as he can. This is the first time he has such a bad exam.

After releasing the water, he heard Zhou Xingchen's voice.

Because he was standing at the top of the stairs, Zhou Xingchen's voice was a little fuzzy. Duan Jiayan only heard him raise the volume a little and say a voice line, and then seemed to hang up the call.

Duan Jiayan saw that his mood was not right, and shouted, "Zhou Xingchen?"

The person with his back to him didn't respond.

Duan Jiayan called again.

This time Zhou Xingchen agreed sullenly. Duan Jiayan went down the stairs two or three steps, and was about to walk around in front of Zhou Xingchen to ask him what was wrong, who turned his head back on his own.

The eyes are red.


Duan Jiayan almost looked silly.

Zhou Xingchen cried even worse when he saw him: "Just now, the fox broke up with me."

Duan Jiayan was stunned: "Why break up?"

"Long-distance relationship, she can't stand it. She said she is tired every day, my fucking... Am I the fucking tired too?"

"Don't cry," Duan Jiayan patted him on the back: "It's okay, you speak slowly."

"She said she was under great pressure, and she was afraid that she would not be able to get into a good school and that she was not in the same city with me." When Zhou Xingchen saw him, his depressed mood seemed to have found a breakthrough, and his voice choked: "She also said that the gap between our families is too big, she said. Both parents are ordinary people. Who cares about this, I think she just wanted to find an excuse to dump me... Are all women like this?"

Duan Jiayan hesitated for a moment, and stretched out his hand to cover Zhou Xingchen's shoulder: "Brother, if you really want to cry, then cry happily. I'll be with you."

Zhou Xingchen is taller than him, and he has to lift his head up even if he wants to hook up with others.

Duan Jiayan wondered, this scene should be like comforting a huge husky.

While crying, Zhou Xingchen barely kept his sense: "No, don't hold me for too long. Brother Lu will kill me if he smells my pheromone."

Duan Jiayan couldn't laugh or cry, and let him go again.

Zhou Xingchen cried and suddenly said, "Sometimes I think you are really awesome, you don't seem to be afraid of anything."

Duan Jiayan was slightly at a loss: "What should I be afraid of?"

"You and Lu brother," Zhou Xingchen paused, but still couldn't hold back: "Aren't you afraid to be separated from him?"

When Duan Jiayan heard this, he couldn't answer for a while.

The scores of this monthly test flashed through his mind like a reflex. Questions that have been buried in my heart and have never been confronted in the past six months have been straightforwardly brought up.

If the college entrance examination fails, will he be separated from Lu Xingci

He felt that according to his and Lu Xingci's personalities, it was impossible for them to be separated directly, but this did not mean that there was no possibility of a long-distance relationship.

After a long time, will both of them feel tired like Zhou Xingchen and Gu Li

Moreover, the three words long-distance love touched his nerves.

Some distant things that he almost forgot, suddenly became clear again. The big empty house in his childhood, and his parents who were always busy at work, Fu Yuan repeatedly mentioned the word separation to the lawyer when she got divorced...

Seeing Duan Jiayan not speaking, remembering that Duan Jiayan seemed to have been planted in this monthly exam, Zhou Xingchen's face had a trace of apprehension.

"I didn't mean that," Zhou Xingchen said slightly disturbed: "I just feel that these things about the future are not quite accurate."

He scratched his hair and added: "You and Lu will definitely not be separated. He won't let this happen."

Zhou Xingchen was very serious when he said this, Duan Jiayan looked at him with mixed feelings for a while.

But even if it was Lu Xing's speech, there was no guarantee that it would follow the expected direction in the future.

Before school was over in the afternoon, Lu Xingci vaguely felt that Duan Jiayan's condition was not the same as usual.

Usually the other party would listen to the lecture seriously, but today was uncharacteristically in a daze for most of the class.

Lu Xingci saw him turning his pen with a blank face, and for a while, he could only think of Duan Jiayan's monthly test results: "In a bad mood?"

Duan Jiayan nodded.

"Is it because of the monthly exam?"

Duan Jiayan nodded and shook his head again.

Compared to the monthly exam, what made him more concerned was the question Zhou Xingchen asked unintentionally. He had been wandering for so many years before he really felt regret.

When Lu Xing's resignation exam was more than 700, he could only wander under the second line. If he had been a little bit more interested in learning since he was young, he wouldn't be as bad as his current foundation.

It seems that it is not so easy to catch up with the opponent's footsteps.

Lu Xingci saw him suddenly become listless, and for a moment he wanted to ask if he was infected by Zhou Xingchen.

He stopped writing and was about to talk seriously with Duan Jiayan for a while, the latter suddenly said:

"Zhou Xingchen and Gu Li have been away from each other for a few months, and they are divided this afternoon."

Lu Xingci was slightly startled, somewhat surprised: "Why?"

"The academic pressure is too great, the family gap is big, and the long-distance relationship is added. Zhou Xingchen said that they basically don't have time to talk every day and feel that they have no future."

He speaks a bit fast, as if he has already thought about what to say. Lu Xingci didn't interrupt, waiting for him to continue.

Duan Jiayan paused for several seconds and hesitated: "If I fail the college entrance examination and go to another place, will we..."

He didn't say those words.

"No." Lu Xingci comforted him: "This time the question is already very difficult. Teacher Zhao told me in private that the teachers in the grade group were afraid that most people would not be able to accept the question when they were in the third year of high school. Very deep, I want to sound the alarm for everyone. Your failure to take the exam this time does not mean that the college entrance examination has failed."

"Even if I pass the college entrance examination," Duan Jiayan hesitated: "I still can't tell what happened in a different place."

"Then you will take advantage of the last year to study hard." He patiently comforted: "If you continue to study as you are now, you will be able to pass at least one level at the end. There will be many universities you can choose from."

"Well," Duan Jiayan heard him finish, and answered vaguely: "I'll try."

Lu Xingci narrowed his eyes when he heard his unexplained answer.

He didn't know if Duan Jiayan really listened to what he was saying, or was playing around with him. The other party's ambiguous answer gave him a sense of powerlessness.

It was the first time that he had seen Duan Jiayan's listlessness since he had been in contact for such a long time. While he was helpless, he was a little worried.

He almost helplessly asked: "Do you not believe in yourself, or do you not believe in me?"

"It's not whether you believe it or not." Duan Jiayan paused slightly: "What will happen in the future, it seems uncertain..."

Lu Xingci's eyelids moved, and he asked softly, "Then you think, what can't be said for sure?"

Duan Jiayan did not answer immediately.

After a while.

"Lu Xing's resignation." Duan Jiayan suddenly called him, muttering: "Will we break up too?"

This mindless question made Lu Xingci's lips press down and the brows raised slightly.

He endured it, and his tone was cold: "What did you say?"

He really didn't expect that he would be angered because of this kind of thing. It is clear that Duan Jiayan is in a bad state now.

He should understand him. But probably because of the nature of Alpha, or his inherent strength in his character, once Duan Jiayan shows his intention to leave him, no matter what the reason is, he has the impulse to tie people for a lifetime.

Duan Jiayan is under pressure, and so does he.

Before entering the third year of high school, his father asked him euphemistically if he had any plans to graduate and go abroad. This is not only convenient for further studies, but also conducive to taking over the family affairs in the future.

Jiang Yao knew that he couldn't let Duan Jiayan go, and always hinted that his father would dispel this idea. The latter's attitude toward Lu Xingci was firm, so he didn't persuade him again.

He had never mentioned these things to Duan Jiayan.

Seeing that the expression on his face disappeared, Duan Jiayan suddenly realized what he said to him.

Waking up like a dream.

Duan Jiayan almost had the urge to punch himself, he opened his mouth and wanted to explain.

Lu Xingci turned his eyes to the side, and didn't talk to Duan Jiayan again.

He held the pen in his hand, his knuckles were white, and he seemed to be able to pinch it off. It can be seen that he is suppressing his temper.

Seeing him like this, Duan Jiayan slowed down, her voice a little dumb: "I just..."

The chemistry teacher on the podium couldn't help but slapped the blackboard twice.

"Duan Jiayan, are you still trying to talk with others in class?"

"Look at what your test is like this time. Last semester, you finally made some progress. The teachers in the previous subjects have praised you. Why did you want to relax at the most critical time?"

The teacher watched him bow his head, frowned, and finally sternly exhorted him: "Listen to class carefully and talk less gossip."

Duan Jiayan couldn't talk anymore after being trained like this.

When the bell rang after class, he hurriedly called Lu Xing's resignation. The latter raised his eyelids and gave him a cool look.

Lu Xingci's eyes were pitch black and clear, coupled with single eyelids, which made them look unusually alienated when they cooled down.

In an instant, Duan Jiayan's brain was blank for a moment.

Seeing him staring at himself in a daze, Lu Xingci twitched in his heart: "Say if you have anything."


Realizing that the other party was really angry, Duan Jiayan thought of explaining it before and blocked it in his throat.

He didn't know if those words would make the other party more angry.

He didn't speak for a long time, and Lu Xingci's expectation was also worn away, and he simply retracted his gaze and didn't look at him again.

Duan Jiayan looked at his profile blankly, almost at a loss.

From his sophomore year to now, Lu Xingci has never lost his temper with him. The last time he was angry was because of his stress disorder, but at that time they were not a couple, and in the end, Lu Xing resigned to coax him.


Pull the gate.

Duan Jiayan sighed in his heart, and regretful emotions flooded all over the world. If time can go back, he must rush to kill himself who was talking nonsense just now.

He clearly knows Lu Xingci's feelings better than anyone else, so how can he say such things that are not in his head

He blinked, staring at Lu Xingci for a moment.

But it’s pretty good to be angry...

Duan Jiayan felt that he might have had his brain pumped. He threw away those inexplicable ideas and began to think hard about how to coax people.

How can I coax my boyfriend when he is angry

After thinking about it for a long time, Duan Jiayan's mind flashed, and suddenly there was a solution that was not a solution.

The school bell rang, and Chen Yue glanced at the back row twice.

Usually during this time period, Duan Jiayan would fight with Lu Xingci, and sometimes he would send each other out of school on a whim.

But today, they both remained silent uncharacteristically. This silence made Chen Yue in the front row particularly uncomfortable.

Recently, because of Zhou Xingchen's affairs, Chen Yue was very sensitive to these couples around him. He asked in a low voice, "What happened to them?"

Song Yi also lowered his voice: "I don't know. Why doesn't the squad leader speak?"

Keep your eyes on your nose and your heart.

Duan Jiayan stood up suddenly, speaking quickly: "Lu Xingci, come to the rooftop later."

After he finished speaking, he walked out with his schoolbag on one shoulder.

Chen Yue almost looked silly, and said to my heart, what kind of plague have the lovers around me recently contracted? Why is the smell of gunpowder so strong in one or two pairs

And Lu Xingci is different from Zhou Xingchen's fool. Why is Duan Jiayan learning bad? It's uncertain how it will be packed up.

Song Yi's thinking is not as complicated as Chen Yue's. He looked at Lu Xingci with dementia at this moment. Based on his understanding of Duan Jiayan, he vaguely expressed his inner true thoughts: "Duan Duan finally has domestic violence..."

In the second half of the sentence, Song Yi swallowed with the remaining reason.

He thought to himself, Duan Jiayan was still ruthless.

Change to any other omega, facing Lu Xingci's face, how could it be possible to get rid of it.

Lu Xingci, who was watched by them, had no expression on his face, and his voice was cold and flat: "Who knows what he is going to do."

Song Yi looked at him like this, his heart was over, and the squad leader didn't think much about it.

Although I don't know what's going on with them, according to Duan Jiayan's character, being cooed at this critical moment, he must be restless for a while.

Lu Xingci casually threw his homework into his schoolbag and walked to the door of the classroom.

Upon seeing this, Chen Yue quickly asked, "Hey, where are you going? Aren't you going back together?"

Lu Xingci glanced back at him: "I will go to the rooftop, and you will go back by yourself."

Chen Yue: "..."

Chen Yuexin said that you looked ruthless and ruthless just now, but when someone called out, you still went right away

When he left, Chen Yue sighed: "Fuck me, my dad is going violently. I suggest you call Duan Jiayan in half an hour to confirm if he is still safe."

Song Yi was frightened: "Is everything serious like this?"

Chen Yue: "I think it's quite hanging."

After Duan Jiayan left the classroom, he couldn't help sticking to the wall and peeking into the classroom.

He just wanted to be as serious as possible, but when he got out of the classroom, he felt that he was too serious again, as if he was looking for Lu Xing's resignation.

He was afraid that Lu Xingci would ignore him, and when he saw that Lu Xingci had finished collecting things, he seemed to be leaving, and Chen Yue hadn't moved yet. Duan Jiayan breathed a sigh of relief and began to run towards the rooftop.

The roof of the third high school building is locked all the year round in order to prevent accidents, but there is a gap in the stairs that can be turned over by turning it over.

On the night of early autumn, the sky was high and far away, and you could vaguely see the twinkling distant stars when you raised your head.

When he reached the rooftop, Duan Jiayan hesitated for a while, and reached out to touch his schoolbag.

He thought for a long time in the afternoon, and felt that this matter could not be so perfunctory, so he had to have a serious talk with Lu Xingci.

He went to the supermarket to buy seven or eight cans of beer and packed a whole schoolbag. Duan Jiayan digs out his beer while feeling that this is probably the best moment of his three years in high school.

The wine is strong and courageous.

He didn't expect that one day, he would be the coercion.

"I don't want to break up with you, I'm just afraid of a long-distance relationship. To tell you the truth, my parents divorced because of long-term separation. Of course, even if we are in a different place, I will come to see you." Duan Jiayan said to himself He whispered to himself and rehearsed: "What do you think about seeing each other in half a month? You fly here once and I fly once? Or maybe once a week, I will pay you for the plane ticket."

When he said this, he couldn't help but smile, and finally found something funny after a night of frustration: "Almost forgot, you are the one with a private jet."

He was whispering and forcing, footsteps came from the door of the rooftop.

He stood up and saw Lu Xingci coming by. The latter's eyes smoothed over the row of beers, and he grinds down his posterior molars silently.


Well prepared.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Duan Jiayan only glanced at the beer at his feet unclearly. He felt that this situation was both stressful and a bit shameful.

Lu Xingci walked to him, leaned down and carried a can of beer, hooked his index finger, and opened the easy pull ring with one hand.

Then he lifted his chin simply, his jaw line was tight, and his Adam's apple slipped.

There was a light taste of beer floating in the air. Duan Jiayan was about to ask if you were drinking a little fast. Lu Xingci held the empty beer can in his hand, and said in an unclear mood: "Why, I want to use Jiu Jin Break up?"

He knew that Duan Jiayan would not easily break up, but he still couldn't help but guess the worst result.

Feelings always seem to make people feel distressed.

He would also be so straightforward and defenseless, putting the problem that scared him the most to Duan Jiayan.

Duan Jiayan was startled: "I..."

"We can discuss other matters." Lu Xingci interrupted him.

Duan Jiayan was about to say that there is no need to discuss it. I don't have this idea. However, Lu Xingci squashed the beer can in his hand and smashed it on the roof wall.

There was a crisp and harsh sound.

It's the sound of metal hitting the cement surface.

The completely flattened beer can was bounced to the ground and rolled twice. Duan Jiayan was startled, and the boy standing in front of him gave a warning in his tone: "This is the only thing, don't even think about it."

Duan Jiayan saw that he was so powerful, and felt that he, who took the initiative to ask someone to talk, couldn't be too aggressive.

He drank a can of beer in one breath, following the way of Lu Xingci. Probably because of the atmosphere, or the alcohol had an effect, an inexplicable impulse surged up.

The blood is boiling.

After all the previously typed belly drafts were thrown into the brain, Duan Jiayan got nervous and blurted out sincerely, "Do you think I look like a fool?"


Rao Lu Xingci thought about countless possibilities, but didn't expect him to say this.

Without waiting for Lu Xingci to speak, Duan Jiayan asked and answered first.

"Whoever breaks up with you is a fool," Duan Jiayan said quickly: "I'm not a fool."

The author has something to say: Be his wife.