I Like Your Pheromones

Chapter 74: wishing Tree


There is a countdown to the college entrance examination in front of the classroom of Class 10.

Teachers of various subjects arranged a mountain of winter homework, and the last vacation of the senior year was only for ten days.

On the day Lu Xingci came back from school, it was just in time for the old lady Lu to come to Jingshan Hutong for the weekend.

Seeing him coming back, the old lady called him. Jiang Yao smiled and got up: "I finally came back. Grandma has been waiting for you at home all afternoon."

The old lady watched him come and made a visual inspection: "I haven't seen him for half a month, has the Star Ci grown taller again?"

Jiang Yao also looked at it: "It seems to be a bit taller, I can only look up at him now."

The old lady nodded in satisfaction, and then asked him: "How many days will it take for the holiday this time?"

"Ten days." Lu Xingci said as he looked at her elegant Tang suit: "You look good in this color, so you can improve your complexion."

"You and your mother said the same." The old lady opened her eyebrows and smiled, then frowned slightly: "It's too late, it's too late for the Lantern Festival."

"It's like this in the third year of high school. I heard someone say that their children's school is only open for one week." Jiang Yao said, softly speaking to the aunt next to him: "Go talk to your husband and let him come down for dinner."

When Lu Xingci heard her, he raised his eyes: "Dad went home so early?"

"It's just a little leisure today. The New Year is almost here, and you will definitely not see his figure in a few days." Jiang Yao changed the conversation and said with a smile: "Your father and your grandma are waiting for you to come back for dinner."

It's rare that everyone in the family is there, and at the dinner table, it is inevitable that it will be the college entrance examination for the coming year.

Lu Hongchuan first said: "It's better to work hard at the last time. When thinking of this time in the future, don't leave any regrets for yourself."

"Your requirements for Xingci are too high." Mrs. Lu disapproved: "He has taken so many exams since he was a child, so why didn't he work hard?"

"I usually don't see my dad a few times, so he talks to me about the college entrance examination as soon as I meet." Lu Xingci joked half-truth: "It makes me quite stressed."

When the old lady heard this, she looked at Lu Hongchuan: "You are so anxious, why don't you go to the college entrance examination by yourself?"

Lu Hongchuan was speechless, Jiang Yao smiled and said, "It will be whatever you can pass the test, just do your best."

"That's not okay." Lu Xing resigned: "Dad said, if he does well in the exam, he will buy a house near the university and give it to me. I want the university to move out, so I have to take the exam better."

Lu Hongchuan glanced at him with a faint smile: "I wanted to ask you last time, are you planning to move out alone?"

Lu Xingci stared at him for a few seconds and smiled.

Jiang Yao saw their father and son tacitly, and took the initiative to pull the topic over: "How is Jiayan's review?"

Lu Xingci: "I should be able to get a copy. He did a good job in the exam."

Jiang Yao: "In the last period of time, you can help him so that he does not have too much pressure. If he does not perform well, our family can also..."

Lu Xingci interrupted her: "It's okay, he should be able to pass the exam by himself."

Jiang Yao nodded.

"Oh." The old lady Lu heard this and said to herself: "Why did I accidentally forget..."

After dinner, the old lady Lu looked for Lu Xingci alone and handed him a small box: "I passed the Daguan Temple a few days ago and went to ask you for a piece of jade. I heard it was very good."

Daguan Temple is an old temple in Ningcheng. Every New Year's Eve, a large number of people line up at the foot of the mountain just to burn the early incense of the new year.

Lu Xingci squeezed the small box in his hand: "What is the guarantee of this piece of jade?"

"Guarantee everything goes well, the title of the gold list. Your college entrance examination, give you a good wish." The old lady said: "I was in a hurry at the time, and I forgot to ask for one for the kid."

Lu Xingci accepted the old lady's jade and said with a smile, "Thank you, grandma."

After returning to the room, he put the box next to the desk.

Lu Xingci took two test papers from the homework, and in the gap between writing the questions, he inadvertently glanced at the box where the jade was placed, and his thoughts turned a corner.

He doesn't believe these things. Mrs. Lu had prayed for him before and worshipped Buddha. He always coaxed the old man to thank him, and he had not really taken care of it.

But thinking of Duan Jiayan, he seemed to understand the old lady's thoughts.

Because now, he suddenly wanted to ask the other party for a wish.

Compared with Ningcheng, the winter in Haicheng is warmer.

Duan Jiayan stayed in Haicheng for a week, and when he came back now, walking in the cold winter night in Ningcheng, he rarely felt a little bit cold.

Being in a trance, someone on the side took his hand.

Boys have broad backs of hands and slender knuckles. Touching Duan Jiayan's cold skin, he paused, and squeezed his fingers between Duan Jiayan's fingers and interlocked his fingers.

"I'm afraid you will be lost," Lu Xingci looked down at him: "There are a lot of people."

Since New Year’s Eve, Daguan Temple has held temple fairs for several days. People come and go, hundreds of decorative lanterns are hung up high, and the whole street is brightly lit.

Not long after the holiday, Duan Jiayan received news of Lu Xingci. The other party asked him when he would be back, and wanted to ask him to go to the temple fair. Duan Jiayan was uncomfortable in Haicheng. After greeting Fu Yuan, he went back to Ningcheng a few days in advance.

"How did you spend the New Year?" Duan Jiayan remembered something: "Have you played cards this year?"

"Playing for a day or two, and writing questions at other times. My mother doesn't let me go to the poker table much anymore, for fear of affecting my review."

"With such hard work, if you fail to get the champion this year, I will shed unwilling tears for you." Duan Jiayan said here, and asked: "In ancient times, was it called Zhongju?"

Lu Xingci glanced at him with a smile, and said nothing.

Duan Jiayan was puzzled: "What are you laughing at?"

"In ancient times, did you get ridiculed by people's ears every day because you didn't have common sense?" Lu Xingci said, thinking of something: "But at that time, it seemed that Omega could get married at the age of thirteen or fourteen."

He took Duan Jiayan's hand a little harder, and his tone was teasing: "Tong bride, it's pretty good."

"Brother Lu." Duan Jiayan said in a sincere tone: "I haven't seen you for a while, your thoughts are getting more and more beasts."

Lu Xingci smiled slightly: "Is it so serious?"

He took him all the way forward, and said casually: "If you are so young, I don't want to do anything. I will teach you some common sense first, at least know that Zhongju and Zhongzheng are not a concept."


All the way forward, Duan Jiayan watched as he walked.

He hasn't been to a temple fair for many years, and with the people around him, the mediocre temple fair in his memory is also interesting. The more you move forward, the more people there will be.

When the lush pine trees appeared in his vision, Lu Xingci stopped.

A vigorous and lush evergreen pine spreads out like clouds and leaves. It only snowed last night, and the night lights illuminated the pale snow on the canopy of the trees very clearly.

On winter nights, there are few flying insects around. Duan Jiayan looked up and saw hundreds of wooden plaques tied with a red string hung on the tree.

"I checked, this is Ningcheng's most famous wishing tree." Lu Xingci turned his head and looked at him: "I heard it works."

Duan Jiayan cast his gaze under the tree.

Many people gathered there, busy making a wish list. Looking at this picture, Duan Jiayan couldn't help laughing: "You believe this? It's better to believe in me than to believe in this stuff."

He paused, and the smile in his eyes became more and more intense: "I am more economical than this tree, and you don't need to put up a sign. You said two nice sounds. I will try to make your wish come true."


Seeing Lu Xing's resignation, Duan Jiayan pulled off his collar without any seriousness, and asked like a molestation: "Little mute, what do you have for New Year's wishes?"

Lu Xingci patiently waited for him to get over the bullshit before speaking, "I didn't believe this, but I still want to ask you good luck."

Duan Jiayan was taken aback: "Give it to me?"

Combining the reaction of the other party, he suddenly realized: "Did you bring me here on purpose?"

He originally thought that Lu Xingci just wanted to visit a temple fair.

Lu Xingci looked at the wooden sign swaying in the wind, and then at the bustling crowd, he smiled: "It seems to be quite superstitious."

Duan Jiayan moved his lips and stopped talking.

"Just write it down and play." Lu Xingci said, and said to him: "Should I buy two wishing cards?"

Duan Jiayan nodded.

When he came back, Duan Jiayan took a wishing card from him. There is no word on this wishing sign, and the seller provides a variety of markers for tourists to write.

"How do you use this?" Duan Jiayan saw that everyone around him was immersed in writing: "Write it casually?"

"Write down your expectations for the future, and hang up later."

"Then I will write, hoping that Lu Xing will resign in his next life and be reborn as my child bride." Duan Jiayan was very happy to entertain himself. Seeing that he had already written it, he curiously leaned over: "What did you write?"

"I hope you get your ideal score in the test." He didn't care about Duan Jiayan's nonsense. After closing the cap of the marker pen, he handed it to Duan Jiayan: "Write it."

"..." Duan Jiayan made a comparison, feeling that he seemed a bit too vicious.

He was silent for a moment, suddenly thinking of something, opened the pen lid and lowered his head to write.

When Duan Jiayan finished writing, Lu Xingci had already hung his own wishing card on the tree. Duan Jiayan walked to his side and also stretched out his hand to wrap the red rope around the branch.

Seeing Duan Jiayan's circumstance quite meticulously, Lu Xing asked, "Can I take a look?"

Getting a positive answer, he stretched out his hand.

Duan Jiayan's handwriting has always been beautiful. Lu Xingci used to think he had a good talent. After asking about it, he knew that when he was a child, Fu Yuan forced him to take a half-semester calligraphy class. Although this guy later learned to skip class without a teacher, he still learned the basic structure of form and spirit. perhaps.

In the clean and neat handwriting, Duan Jiayan's wishes were written on the wooden sign.

-People are idle, and Lu Yaoxing also leaves.

"I don't know what to write, so just write this." Seeing him staring at him, Duan Jiayan touched his nose, and said vaguely: "After thinking about it, it seems that this is the most appropriate one."

He didn't make it clear, but both of them understood.

He regarded him as the future.

"Are you going home tonight?" Without waiting for him to speak, Lu Xingci let go of the wishing card, cupped his face with his palm, and rubbed his cheek with his thumb: "Go to Nanshan and spend time with me?"

His movements are slow, and the hint is heavy.

Duan Jiayan understood what he meant, and said, "I'm not in heat."

After young boys have tasted love, it is hard not to be captured by it.

Lu Xingci's desire for this aspect is stronger than him. His only few experiences were during the estrus period. At that time, he basically had no thinking ability, and the other party was good at using pheromones to lead him to submission, and he would be rendered half-dead every time.

Lu Xingci was amused, and whispered in Duan Jiayan's ear: "I didn't say I want to sleep with you."

With people coming and going, Duan Jiayan was caught off guard to hear such straightforward words. My heart beat quickly, and I couldn't help but let out a slow ah.

"I just want to hug you, want to talk to you for a while. I haven't seen you for so long, I don't want to let you go back alone." He paused, his voice was muted, and he held Duan Jiayan's reason like a net: "It's not in heat. The period is also fine, I will help you take care of it, it won't hurt too much."

Duan Jiayan moved his lips slightly and realized what he was referring to.

The two looked at each other for a moment.

"Okay?" He asked again: "Follow me back."

Very close.

Duan Jiayan could see the outline of his eyebrows clearly, and those dark eyes watched him quietly.

The fingers originally placed on his cheeks slid down, and the palms gradually pressed against his neck, hurriedly scraping his Adam's apple.

Thoughts seemed to stop for a moment.

Involuntarily, Duan Jiayan nodded.

The winter vacation ended very quickly.

Soon after school starts, a physical examination of the college entrance examination is required.

In order to draw blood, students were asked not to eat breakfast. In the middle of the line in the hospital, many people play on their mobile phones idly.

"Can this physical examination be faster?" Zhou Xingchen had just finished a game of games, and his whole person was bored: "I may die of hunger if I haven't finished the examination."

Duan Jiayan answered casually: "Xiao Zhou, I don't think your current situation is hungry, but panic from the heart."

Zhou Xingchen looked at him amused: "What am I panicking?"

"Draw blood." Duan Jiayan said calmly: "Imagine that the needle makes a depression in your skin, and then slowly squeezes it in. The feeling of being eaten by ants for ten seconds, think about it, it still hurts a bit. "

Zhou Xingchen was silent for a moment suspiciously: "Can you say a few words less?"

Duan Jiayan shrugged and asked with a smirk: "Do you want me to cover your eyes?"

He made Zhou Xingchen amused. Someone blindfolded him from behind and said naturally, "Are you hungry?"

Duan Jiayan knew who was behind. He stretched out his hand and pulled down his blindfolded fingers: "Don't move your hands, the teacher will see it in a while."

"Ms. Zhao is not here." Lu Xingci didn't care much: "After the physical examination, go to eat something?"

Chen Yue can't stand it anymore: "Retract a little, brother. You don't want to force your face, it doesn't mean that everyone doesn't want to force your face."

Lu Xingci turned his head and looked at him particularly puzzled: "Since when have you got a face like this?"

Chen Yue: "..."

There are other examinations after the blood draw. The physical examinations of omega and alpha are more complicated, and the condition of the glands should be checked.

There were fewer omegas in the class, and the examination was completed soon. Duan Jiayan and Song Yi just came out of the medical examination room, and a boy opened the door in the alpha medical examination room next door.

Seeing them, the boy twitched his mouth: "Fuck me, do you know how nasty they are? They take the opportunity to compare their size."

Song Yi was not ashamed, and boldly asked: "Really? Who is the older one?"

Just as the boy was about to speak, he suddenly saw Duan Jiayan on the side, he couldn't help laughing twice.

Duan Jiayan raised his eyebrows and smiled: "What do you want to say? You speak carefully."

They were arguing, and a nurse called out at the door of the omega physical examination room: "Which classmate is Duan Jiayan?"

Duan Jiayan raised his hand.

"Excuse me, please."

When he entered the medical examination room, the nurse closed the door and left. Only him and a female doctor were left.

The female doctor looked at him: "Classmate, do you know that you have stress disorder?"

Duan Jiayan nodded.

"Your physical condition is very special." The female doctor said softly, "Even though your glands have grown well, the stress disorder has more or less affected your health. It is very likely that you will not be able to remove the mark in the future. ."

According to common sense, most omegas will choose to marry around the age of 20. If the marriage is not satisfactory, they can also get rid of the influence of alpha with the removal of the mark.

The advent of this operation was once regarded as one of the most humane innovations in modern medicine.

But the omega in front of her has no right to make a second choice.

In fact, it can be regarded as an unfortunate thing.

The female doctor looked at him calmly, as if unaware of the seriousness of the matter, and explained to him patiently: "You must be cautious when choosing alpha in the future. It is best not to tell alpha about your glands when you have not done a lifetime mark. Situation, it's very unsafe."

The female doctor passed his report forward: "Your physical examination results have been encrypted. No one can access your electronic report without your permission. You should also pay more attention and be responsible for yourself. "

"Okay," Duan Jiayan took over the special report: "Thank you."

Duan Jiayan pushed open the door of the medical examination room. Lu Xingci, who was waiting at the door, heard the movement and looked at him sideways: "What's the matter?"

Zhou Xingchen took a step forward: "Are you okay? Song Yi said you were called in alone."

Song Yi also asked, "What did she tell you?"

Under the gaze of others, Duan Jiayan handed his report to Lu Xingci.

"Lu Gou?" Chen Yue looked at Lu Xingci's expression not quite right, and couldn't help looking at Duan Jiayan: "What's wrong with you?"

Duan Jiayan opened his mouth, hesitated whether he should say directly.

"It's okay." Lu Xingci suddenly said. He folded the report sheet and said to Chen Yue: "It's stress disorder."

Unlike the calm on the surface, Lu Xingci held the report sheet tightly, trying to prevent the results from being seen by anyone again.

One mark can determine Duan Jiayan's life.

"Then let's be a little later." He whispered to Duan Jiayan with a volume that only the two of them could hear: "After finishing college and working, I'll talk about it later."

When Duan Jiayan heard this, he suddenly turned his head and looked at him steadily.

"what are you thinking?"

Lu Xingci paused and met his eyes.

"Can you wash the marker? It doesn't make any difference to me. I didn't think too much, and you don't need to think too much." Duan Jiayan paused a little, and said in a uncertain tone: "I only talked to me about marking after working. Do you want me to be anxious? "


"No way." His lips curled up, dragging his voice, but it was a bit of a threat: "University just mark me, you don't even want to run."

At the end of Duan Jiayan's speech, the ending sounded slightly, as if he didn't want to be reasonable.

He seems to be like this all the time. On the surface, it seems to be arrogant, but sincere and calm in reality, all the trust is delivered in advance before it reaches that point.

Lu Xingci's eyes fixed on the corners of his raised lips, and the emotions in his eyes gradually became soft.

He slowed down a bit, let Chen Yue and the others go to the front, and he and Duan Jiayan fell behind.

"Okay." He stretched out his hand and clasped Duan Jiayan's wrist: "Whenever you want, you can."

His eyebrows were stretched, there was a slight smile in his eyes, but his hand gripped Duan Jiayan very tightly: "I listen to you, it won't make you anxious."

Duan Jiayan nodded in satisfaction as if he thought his attitude was very good.

Lu Xingci lowered his eyes slightly, slid his fingers, and wrapped his palm around the back of Omega's relatively small hand.

It's all up to you.

And you are mine.

The author has something to say: nodding.