I Like Your Pheromones

Chapter 77: Extraordinary


In early September, colleges and universities across the country began to welcome freshmen. (Look at the novel network again)

Duan Jiayan's university fellow Lu Xingci is separated by a block. On the other side of the street, there is a large number of students all over the country want to enter, and here is a large number reported by Duan Jiayan.

a Big is a good school, and it is not bad in the comprehensive ranking of a college. But compared with the famous century-old school on the opposite side, it looks like a dwarf.

On the day of the report, Duan Jiayan dragged his suitcase to the door of the dormitory and saw his two new roommates.

One had a baby-faced face, and the other had a pale complexion, and looked like he hadn't woken up.

The baby's face was facing and did not wake up: "Believe me! Giant damn invincible and handsome!"

Duan Jiayan interrupted: "Believe you, he's invincible and handsome."

Two people in the room turned their heads to look at him at the same time. Duan Jiayan met their gazes and smiled: "Hello."

"Hello, hello." The baby-faced enthusiasm: "New roommate, right?"

The boy who didn't wake up poked his head out, and suddenly said, "The new roommate is also very handsome. Is the college guy you mentioned half as handsome as him?"

"Equally divided." The baby face looked at Duan Jiayan and commented very pertinently: "The style is different."

"Okay." He woke up and nodded: "You're farting."


Duan Jiayan seemed to know them very well, and asked curiously: "Do you know each other?"

"High school classmates, I didn't expect the dormitory to be divided into one." Babyface introduced herself: "My name is Xia Ran, and the one with a sad face is Lin Du."

"Duan Jiayan." He dragged his luggage in and asked smoothly, "What were you talking about just now?"

"I went to the snack street with a friend yesterday and ran into a super handsome alpha." Xia Ran mentioned this with great enthusiasm: "I asked, it should be the opposite person, he is also our freshman. Because of this buddy, the forums on campus of D University have exploded."

Just as Duan Jiayan pulled his luggage away, he heard this and said in cooperation: "Wow."

Seeing his support, Xia Ran exclaimed again: "It seems that he is still the top student in the college entrance examination in the next province. The college entrance examination is a great province, Tianxiu."

Duan Jiayan: "?"

Lin Du raised his eyelids, "I'm so excited, do you like someone else?"

Xia Ran: "I just admire handsome guys. This alpha must be chased by a lot of omega. At first glance, it looks like a high rank, I don't have the guts."

Duan Jiayan: "..."

Duan Jiayan endured, did not hold back, "Is it called Lu Xingci?"

Xia Ran nodded and smiled: "Do you also watch the forum?"

Duan Jiayan also smiled: "It's my boyfriend."

Xia Ran: "..."

Xia Ran: "I'm sorry!! I don't know!!! Just assume I was farting just now!!!"

Duan Jiayan turned red when he saw him, looked at himself with regret, and shook his head: "It's okay."

Lin Du gloats: "Let you be a nympho for a day, make trouble for you."

In the evening, the freshmen of University A received a notice to start military training from the next day.

Not only a large school, but also surrounding schools have successively organized military training. The sun in September is unusually bright, making people feel dizzy.

For Duan Jiayan's foreign language major, their professional phalanx stands under the library, separated from men and women. At the end of the day, two omega were in a coma due to heatstroke.

Xia Ran and Lin Du are both beta. During the break, Xia Ran looked at the only standing omega in their phalanx and couldn't help asking: "Aren't you tired? Many omegas have gone to rest."

"Fortunately." Duan Jiayan took advantage of the break time, wiped the sweat from his face, took the water over and took a sip: "Are we disbanding at five?"

He asked Lu Xingci before, and D disbanded at 5:30 a.m., and Duan Jiayan planned to visit him in a while.

The instructor on the side heard their conversation and turned his face curiously: "Are you an omega?"

Duan Jiayan nodded.

He didn't expect that the instructor suddenly faced other people and said loudly: "You should all learn from this classmate! People are not tired as an omega, and there was an alpha who ran to rest just now, are you sorry?"

Their instructors raised their voices loudly, and there were students everywhere, looking over with curious eyes.

Even on a university campus, omega is a treasured existence. Moreover, Duan Jiayan looks very attractive, and after a day of sun exposure, his skin is still dazzling white.

I don’t know anyone nearby shouted: "Nice!"

Duan Jiayan couldn't help but smile.

He just finished laughing. Suddenly bursts of play came from the alpha pile: "Little brother! The one next to me is forcing you to contact us!"

"Go to your mother." The pitted alpha punched the person next to him: "You can go on your own if you want, don't drag Lao Tzu into the water."

At five o'clock, the military training of A is over.

Duan Jiayan bought a bottle of ice water in the supermarket and headed towards d.

The main gate of D University has stood for hundreds of years and was renovated once in the millennium. The white marbles are piled and scattered, with a wide welcoming road, which is magnificent and magnificent.

Duan Jiayan walked deep into the campus along the avenue planted with plane trees. Near the square, he asked someone to find out the location of the Institute of Economics and Management.

Probably because it will be disbanded in a while, when Duan Jiayan found Lu Xingci's class, the instructor of their class was talking about Dashan with the students.

Duan Jiayan saw Lu Xingci in the pile of people at a glance.

He is wearing a uniform issued by the school for military training. The blue-green camouflage is very picky, and good-looking people look particularly dazzling. The young and tall alpha face is heroic, born with a bit of aggressiveness, and then lined by camouflage uniforms, there is a hormonal aura.

"That classmate, yes, just you, the tallest one in the last row." Their instructor is a young man, who is the same age as many students. It's rare to be transferred from the army. During military training, I like to chat with everyone and lively atmosphere: "You get out of the queue and come to the front."

After hearing the words, Lu Xing walked out of the team.

He was called by name and asked to leave the queue. He met everyone's gaze all the way without seeing the slightest embarrassment. Instead, he stood openly at the forefront.

Whispers came from the team, and some boys with good deeds couldn't help whistling.

Everyone couldn't figure out what the instructor wanted to do. The instructor touched his chin and suddenly said, "I found out today that several classes around you are peeking at you. There is a girl in the next class who hasn't straightened her neck."

As soon as this was said, everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then began to laugh wildly. The instructor raised his voice righteously: "Let you see enough! Don't be sneaky!"

The atmosphere heated up, and someone shouted: "Instructor, this is still our province's top pick!"

The instructor was taken aback, and said clearly: "You are still a high school? No wonder you guys want to see it, let's see."

He said, then looked at Lu Xingci: "Let them see, are you okay?"

Lu Xingci smiled and nodded. His gaze swept across the shade of the distant trees inadvertently, and saw someone standing over there.

He stared, his brows and eyes softened slightly.

Near the location of Duan Jiayan station, there happened to be a professional girl in military training. Seeing that Lu Xingci kept looking this way, a girl secretly poked the person next to him in the waist, pressing her throat and said:

"Is the handsome guy from the SEM always watching this side? Hurry up, help me see if my foundation is off?"

"If you don't take it off, you can secretly make up a lipstick." The girl next to her blushed and her ears were hot, and she couldn't help it: "Ahhh, she's so handsome!"

"Have you read the post last night? Someone knows him, saying that he has a very strong family background, so he can just buy a piece of land in the city center."

"No way, so exaggerated? My god."

"Zhuangyuan." The instructor suddenly shouted: "I will help them ask, are you single?"

Lu Xingci opened his mouth, just about to answer.

"Report to the instructor." A voice suddenly came from the side: "He has an object."

Duan Jiayan's voice appeared too timely, causing everyone to look over there.

A white T-shirt on his upper body and loose camouflage pants are also very nice for him. It seems that because I think this scene is very interesting, the corners of his lips are curved a little.

The girl next to him noticed Duan Jiayan, she exploded, and whispered: "I'm going, why are there so many handsome little brothers."

"This, the face of a scumbag like a textbook."

"I also think it looks a little bit sad, but it looks good."

The instructor probably didn't expect someone to appear suddenly, and subconsciously asked: "Do you know him?"

Duan Jiayan pointed to himself: "Here."

The people present reacted and laughed.

Even the instructor couldn't help but laugh with them. It just so happened that at this moment, a company commander blew a whistle to disperse.

"Okay, disband on the spot." The instructor said: "Do not delay your relationship."

When the voice fell, Lu Xingci walked in the direction of Duan Jiayan in two or three steps. Seeing him coming, the arc of Duan Jiayan's lips rose a little, and his eyes curled up.

When Lu Xingci walked to his side, Duan Jiayan raised his head slightly and looked at the people close at hand.

He was sure that Lu Xingci had grown taller again after graduation. He had to raise his head slightly when talking to him, which was completely different from what he felt in high school.

"I heard that the forum d has exploded, so I went up to pay respects." Duan Jiayan suddenly said: "My road brother's demeanor was undiminished back then. He swept across the sky at the beginning, and now I have split most of the d. It is not a dream to lay down a college town."

"What nonsense."

Lu Xingci looked at him amusedly and stretched out his hand.

He clasped Duan Jiayan's wrist, then down, hooked the latter's five fingers, and his palms pressed tightly.

Duan Jiayan was still saying: "If I didn't come today, would a little girl come to give you water in a while?"

Lu Xingci heard Duan Jiayan's words endlessly, and realized after a while that Duan Jiayan might be jealous.

Although Duan Jiayan had a smile on his face and looked casual when speaking, Lu Xingci could feel that he had been observing himself.

Because of this speculation, Lu Xingci felt sweet. He lowered his eyes and carefully looked at Duan Jiayan's expression.

In order to prove that he was not nonsense, Duan Jiayan motioned to a senior lady with long hair and fluttering in a yellow dress not far away: "That senior lady has been standing with milk tea for more than ten minutes. I think she has been watching—"

Duan Jiayan's word of you hasn't been spoken yet.

Lu Xingci suddenly leaned over and kissed his face.

As if the time was too short, after Lu Xing resigned, he came and pecked the skin on the side of his ear.

For a while, the eyes of the people around were attracted by them.

There was a burst of screams from the girls, one after another from the boys, and someone hurriedly took out the mobile phone video. Their instructors had originally planned to leave, but turned around when they saw this: "Hey, hey, those two male classmates, low-key and low-key."

Saying that, the instructor has a loud voice, and such a roar is even more eye-catching.

Duan Jiayan didn't expect that he would kiss him suddenly, and for a while, he looked at him in a daze.

"No girl will give me water anymore." Lu Xingci looked at him in a daze, rubbed his head, with a gentle emotion in his eyes: "I only have you."

After the freshness of military training passed, it was difficult for most people to stand under the scorching sun for so long every day.

a. I have to have night training these few nights. In addition, I need to get up early the next day. Duan Jiayan went back to the dormitory every day to take a shower and almost fell asleep. There was no time to contact Lu Xingci.

For several days, Duan Jiayan didn't have time to talk to him, and Lu Xingci finally couldn't sit still. I heard from my roommate that there is a milk tea shop on the snack street that tastes good. He packed two cups of ice milk tea and wanted to see Duan Jiayan’s night training.

A big night is full of couples hanging out. The moon is bright tonight, there are many stars, and the sound of insects can be heard as soon as you get close to the bushes.

When Lu Xing resigned to the training site, many phalanxes were sitting on the ground, led by the instructor to pull songs.

He looked around and didn't find Duan Jiayan's shadow here. He was about to find someone to ask where the foreign language major is, but there were bursts of applause not far away.

He glanced over there.

A large number of people are surrounding the wire site, and inside it should be two professionals playing basketball.

Lu Xingci's eyes stopped and fell on the person in the middle of the field.

Duan Jiayan took off his camouflage jacket, and the basketball in his hand hit the ground. He stared at the defender in front with a focused expression.

When the defense couldn't help coming up to intercept the ball, Duan Jiayan swayed past the opponent with a misleading feint. He quickly rushed to the penalty area and got up and made a jumper to make a layup.

Along with this clean goal, there was a burst of voice from the crowd.

Lu Xingci heard a few boys chatting next to him: "If the water supply and drainage team loses, will you go for a run?"

"The foreign language department is pretty fierce."

"Only those one or two people are great. Do you know the omega of foreign language major?"

"You've been inquiring about my junior brother a few times these days." Another person teased: "Why, do you really want to ask for contact information?"

"It's kind of." The boy smiled and nodded: "It's rare to see an omega who can play so well."

"Isn't he pretty?"

The boy did not deny: "I don't know if he has a target."

"It shouldn't be, and I didn't see who he was getting very close to."

Lu Xingci listened to their conversation and calmly looked at Duan Jiayan in the middle of the field.

At the end of the game, the lost water supply and drainage profession was taken by the instructor to the playground for a run. As a team leader in the foreign language department, Duan Jiayan won the acclaim of their professional men and women. Someone asked him if he wanted ice water, he was about to take it, and suddenly saw a familiar figure outside the court.

Duan Jiayan walked over in two or three steps.

Across the barbed wire, he looked at the alpha in front of him, with sporadic smiles in his eyes: "Why are you here?"

"Come and see you."

"You wait a moment." Duan Jiayan walked out of the wire fence and reached out to touch the milk tea that Lu Xingci was mentioning: "What tastes it?"

"Oolong milk cap." Lu Xingci raised his hand and gently hooked his chin. The boys next to each other looked at each other without saying a word.

A few of them just discussed it all in front of their boyfriend.

How embarrassing to think.

Lu Xingci watched him put the straw into the cup: "Disbanded?"

Duan Jiayan nodded.

"Let's go," he said, holding Duan Jiayan's hand.

Duan Jiayan avoided it subconsciously: "I just touched a basketball, it's dirty."

"It's okay." Lu Xingci squeezed his hand tightly and led him away: "Is there a toilet nearby? Go and wash it."

Not far from the stadium, there is an experimental complex. After washing his hands, Duan Jiayan wanted to ask Lu Xingci if he encountered anything interesting in the military training today. Alpha leaned over behind him, his slender forearm wrapped around his shoulder, and the back of his hand touched his neck unintentionally.

There are only two of them in the bathroom. At this time, almost no one will pass by here.

"I have sweat on my body." Duan Jiayan avoided: "Don't hold me."

He didn't expect that the people behind him hugged him tighter, and a warm touch suddenly came from the glands.

Then came bursts of slight tingling.

Duan Jiayan was stunned, unexpectedly Lu Xingci would directly bite the back of his neck. But that was just a bite, as if to confirm his belonging.

Taking advantage of Duan Jiayan's shock, Lu Xingci tilted his head and leaned into his ear and whispered, "Aye."


"After the military training, move out with me?" Lu Xingci's breath fell in his ears, a little itchy: "Otherwise, I won't see one side for three or four days, I'm not used to it."

They had already said that they would live in a dormitory during the military training, and get acquainted with their roommates. After the military training, they would move out and live together.

Duan Jiayan didn't know why he had to repeat this, but he still nodded.

The corners of Lu Xingci’s lips raised, half of his palm supporting his chin, complimenting him without hesitation: "The ball was played very well, the same as before."

The same dazzling.

It was so dazzling that he didn't think there was anything left on him, so he couldn't rest assured that Duan Jiayan would be alone in a place where he couldn't see it.

He may be overthinking and paranoid.

Duan Jiayan didn't notice his thoughts, and was still smiling and laughing: "D, the male god praised me, it's an honor."

Lu Xingci also smiled, lowered his head and kissed a piece of skin on his side of his neck.

His strength is very heavy, Duan Jiayan is held by him from behind, so he can only let him kiss it.

Duan Jiayan's heartbeat was already fast after exercising. With Alpha's pecking kiss, his brain was about to burn.

Duan Jiayan accidentally caught a glimpse of his expression in the mirror, his heart beat, and he hurriedly looked away.

When Duan Jiayan returned to the dormitory, he put the packed barbecue on his table: "I brought you a midnight snack. Let me put it here. Come and get it later."

"Wow. Thank you Brother Duan, I'm just hungry." Xia Ran said as she got off the bed: "Did you go out with your boyfriend?"

When playing tonight, Xia Ran also saw Lu Xingci on the side of the court.

It is as good-looking as in memory. Duan Jiayan is standing with each other, and the picture is quite eye-catching.

Duan Jiayan nodded. After tossing all night, he wanted to take a bath: "Is there anyone in the bathroom?"

"Lin Du is taking a bath, he should be coming out soon." Xia Ran was about to get a barbecue when she accidentally saw the ambiguous red on Duan Jiayan's neck.

"Your boyfriend," Xia Ran smacked: "It's so cruel."

Looks very gentle, how possessive is so strong.

"But that's okay. You don't know. Today someone came to me and asked you about your WeChat ID. Tomorrow you will stop there. As soon as everyone sees this on your neck, you know that you are in charge."

Xia Ran snapped at this point and suddenly woke up: "Did he..." deliberately left such a conspicuous hickey.

Duan Jiayan suddenly reacted, why did Lu Xingci behave like that at the sink before.

At this moment, the phone shook, Duan Jiayan looked down.

It's news from Lu Xingci.

[Have you arrived at the dormitory? ]

[arrive. Duan Jiayan thought for a while, then added a message to tease him: [Little vinegar bag. ]

The author has something to say: you are the same.