I Live in the Interstellar Wilderness to Survive

Chapter 11


A rabbit doesn’t have much meat, and summer is not the season for rabbits to fatten up. In addition, the hot weather makes food spoil easily, and the precious protein source may become inedible if left overnight...

Based on the above reasons (which he convinced himself of), Qi Guang ate the whole rabbit.

The meat of wild rabbit is firm, chewy and tender, and the aroma of the meat spreads in your mouth as soon as you bite it. After eating fish and shrimp for several days, the fishy smell of rabbit meat without seasoning can't hinder the deliciousness of the meat.

Although it may not be nice to say this, Qi Guang has always felt that fish, shrimp and crabs are not considered meat.

One rabbit and two fishes weren't too much, but it was a good meal after a while... probably a full meal in almost a year.

There was a food shortage after the apocalypse, especially in the year before Qi Guang traveled through time - the remaining supplies before the apocalypse were basically consumed, and most people were dead. There were more and more zombies and the living space was getting smaller and smaller. It was good enough to have a bite to eat to survive.

Qi Guang didn't have a big appetite because he was used to being hungry. The rabbit meat made him feel full and satisfied.

He buried the rabbit skin and bones with minced meat in the soil to cover up the smell and leave them for further processing tomorrow.

It started raining in the middle of the night.

The raindrops hit the leaves, then rolled down to the ground and soaked into the soil, making a continuous sound of dripping.

Qi Guang was not sleeping soundly and was soon awakened by the sound of rain. He walked to the entrance of the cave and could feel the wet water droplets in the wind blowing in through the gap in the door curtain on his naked skin.

Rain means the ground will be muddy the next day, and it will also hinder Qi Guang's task progress. He can already imagine what the pottery hidden by the river will look like after being soaked by rain.

But he doesn't hate rain.

The rain seemed to wash something stagnant and dull in the forest into the ground. Qi Guang opened the door curtain, and the air outside the cave was filled with a refreshing scent.

His mood involuntarily became refreshed and cheerful, and he lay back on the straw mat without being disturbed by the nightmare of being bitten by zombies.

The rain continued all night and at daybreak, raindrops were still falling, creating ripples in the puddles.

Qi Guang woke up a little later than usual. Looking at the sky, he felt that the rain would not stop in a short time, so he went to the river while the rain was not heavy.

After soaking in water overnight, the pottery embryo had lost its shape, and there were traces of wet mud flowing down the surface of the pottery kiln. Fortunately, the pottery fired in the kiln was not damaged, and Qi Guang successfully recovered the fired small bowls, pottery pots and small buckets.

Before he could do anything, the rain started to fall again, making dense and crackling drumbeats of varying lengths on the shade of the trees, urging Qi Guang to return to the shelter quickly.

He heard the dull rumble of thunder, so distant that it seemed to be in another world.

Thunderstorms are not suitable weather for working in the forest, but fortunately he still has a lot of indoor work that can be done in the cave.

Qi Guang lit a fire with the dry firewood stored in the cave to dispel the chill that drifted into the cave with the rain.

The upper layer of sea water that had been standing in the small bucket overnight became clear. He scooped up a bowl of sea water and heated it on the fire.

The general process of seawater salt production is evaporation concentration and evaporation crystallization, using the point where the sodium chloride concentration in seawater reaches saturation and precipitates, while the impurity content is low and has not reached saturation, to extract relatively pure sodium chloride from seawater.

The key point of operation is that the seawater cannot be completely evaporated, and the concentration should be maintained as much as possible at a level where the sodium chloride is saturated and the impurities are not saturated.

The water in the bowl quickly began to bubble with steam, and Qi Guang used a branch to shovel the white crystals on the bowl wall back into the water. When more crystals formed at the bottom of the bowl, he poured out the remaining water in the bowl, and after the crystals cooled to room temperature, he added seawater to mix with the crystals and continued to cook.

Most of the crystals obtained from the first evaporation are sodium chloride, but they may also be mixed with a small amount of other impurities. After all, his operation relies entirely on visual inspection and feeling.

Adding seawater for the second time and then boiling it is equivalent to a purification operation, similar to sprinkling salt into the crystallization pool in the salt field method. In this way, the sodium chloride crystallized from the second time will be purer than the first time, and more will be precipitated after evaporation and concentration.

Qi Guang boiled it three times and obtained white crystals that could cover the bottom of the bowl.

There were a few gray impurities between the white particles like fine snow. Qi Guang pinched a little and licked it. The light and pure salty taste with a hint of bitterness was accurately transmitted from the tip of the tongue to the brain.

It is definitely edible salt.

With salt, it becomes feasible to stockpile pickled foods for the winter. Although the entire salt-boiling process is time-consuming, labor-intensive and wastes firewood, it is still acceptable if it is only used to meet Qi Guang's own life needs.

There was no rabbit meat left, so Qi Guang fished out the fattest fish from the mud pit, marinated it with salt, and then roasted it over the fire.

The ritual sense symbolized by using light green glass bottles, which may have once been beer bottles, to hold boiled water far outweighs the practical significance. Qi Guang enjoyed his first salty dinner after the time travel as luxuriously as he could.

The fish meat is tender, and the light salty taste of salt can slightly cover up the earthy smell of river fish meat. The fish skin is roasted slightly hard, with a bit of smoked flavor, which further highlights the sweetness of the fish meat itself.

The audience had clearly been watching Qi Guang eat fish, shrimp and crabs for several days, but now, looking at the tender, white fish meat, the brown and crispy fish skin, and Qi Guang's face which was not covered with river mud because of the rain, for some reason they began to saliva profusely and their stomachs sent out hunger signals.

I quietly opened a bag of snacks...

Watching the live broadcast of human species, I knew this day would come [laughing and crying]

Watching Yingying eat, I started to feel hungry too.

Humanity: We may be late for eating shows, but we will never be absent.

It’s late at night here, 15:51, and all the takeaways are closed qaq.

I chose to turn off the hunger perception module and become an emotionless machine.

Qi Guang also washed and hung up the rabbit skin left over from eating the meat last night, waiting to be air-dried before tanning.

Qi Guang didn't quite understand why tanned leather needed to be dried first and then soaked in water with wood ash to soften it, but since that was the process in his memory, he just followed the process and arranged the rabbit.

Thanks to his foresight, he stored up a lot of ashes from the burnt fire so that he could use them whenever he needed them.

In addition, he also selected several tough and sturdy vine ropes to make traps to catch sheep.

After the rain stops, he will continue his previous route to explore the terrain near the experimental field, looking for a suitable place to build a winter house.

Along the way, Qi Guang would pass by a river bank where he saw a flock of sheep. He planned to set traps on the path trampled by the sheep, and if he was lucky, he might get something.

In fact, it would be more secure if there was iron wire or something like that, but the system priced the iron wire at 50 points per centimeter, so Qi Guang considered it again and again but still couldn't make up his mind to buy it.

The rain lasted a whole day and stopped in the early morning of the next day.

The birds' songs are particularly light and high-pitched. The forest washed by rain shows bright colors. The water vapor blurs the originally deep colors, revealing a transparent and clean atmosphere.

The air is fresh and moist, with a pleasant scent of grass and trees floating in the air.

Even though the temperature was still as hot as it was in midsummer, traveling became a little easier.

Qi Guang laid a trap on the path made by sheep. There were hoof prints on the ground, which had been blurred by the rain, indicating that a flock of sheep had walked along this path yesterday or the day before yesterday.

Qi Guang laid dead grass and branches as a cover for the place where the trap was buried. He also erected two wooden planks in front and behind the trap to ensure that the sheep's steps would hit the trap.

All that’s left is to wait.

Qi Guang washed his hands in the river and then walked towards the experimental field.

The corn that was still growing ear-shaped flowers a few days ago now has small fruits after a rain. The spindle-shaped fruits are wrapped in layers of leaves, looking exactly like corn.

However, the golden corn kernels have not yet grown inside the leaves, so we have to wait another month or two before we can harvest them.

The experimental field is surrounded by cornfields. Passing through this not-so-tall and vast green tent, there are sparse trees and bright sunshine. Occasionally, there grow some vegetables and crops that Qi Guang is familiar with, growing among the bushes and weeds.

Many vegetables have already borne fruit in the summer, but unfortunately the only crops Qi Guang can recognize are those with obvious characteristics, such as cucumbers and tomatoes.

His farm experience was limited to a week-long agricultural practice in high school. Being in the city center at the end of the world, he had no experience of pulling up wild vegetables and stealing crops like the survivors in the suburbs.

Without careful cultivation and care, crops can only struggle to compete with weeds for nutrients, and each one grows withered and yellow, looking pitiful. There are only three or four cucumbers on a vine, and tomatoes are as small as cherry tomatoes. The wheat seedlings that need to be carefully cultivated are submerged in the foxtail grass that covers the mountains and fields. They are so thin and lonely that it makes people doubt whether they can produce wheat grains.

Qi Guang also found a half-broken watermelon in the weeds. The rind was thick but the flesh was scarce, small and round.

But how can summer be without watermelon

The green skin and red flesh tempted Qi Guang's dry throat, and the ants and ladybugs crawling on it could not stop Qi Guang's mind from automatically recalling the sweet and cool taste of watermelon.

There was no watermelon to eat, so I had to pick a cucumber nearby to satisfy my craving.

Qi Guangxi first carefully bit it open and licked it, and after confirming that it had a familiar taste, he bit down with great pleasure.


Refreshing, sweet and tender cucumbers are also suitable for summer. The audience can imagine the crisp taste of cucumbers through the screen.

The food is simulated so realistically, Yingying, are you a devil

The environment simulation is just to simulate the earth, you don’t have to be so serious about eating [cover your face]

Although I know that humans cannot live without eating, but I can eat any fruit I pick so deliciously...

Just by listening to the sound, you can tell that this fruit is crisp, tender and juicy, and it's very succulent.

I want to know what the fruit Yingying is staring at on the ground tastes like. Yingying must have been drooling just now when she was looking at it!

Qi Guang finished a cucumber in just a few bites, and then picked some rouge-colored tomatoes the size of cherry tomatoes.

Ahhh, stop eating! This juicy and sour sound effect!!

Three questions for the human soul: Can it be eaten? Is it delicious? How to eat it...

One person wrote in blood to share the taste of Yingying! It tastes so good!

I'm throwing stars all over the place and asking for your taste buds to share! I know it's a fantasy simulation, but I also really want to know what the food on Earth tastes like!

Then I want to share the sense of touch... I want to stroke the rabbit's fur, it looks so soft...

User [希思思] gave the anchor [星舰*1]: Congratulations to Yingying for discovering the food reserve! Let’s share our taste and touch together!

User [希思思] gave the anchor [星轮*1]: I want to stroke Yingying’s hair!

The golden fonts used only by the rich floated across the screen, causing the audience to involuntarily turn their eyes to Qi Guang's hair.

The hair that was shaved into a buzz cut before traveling through time did not grow much in just a few days. Qi Guang's hair was soft, so it did not stand up after being shaved short. The ends of his hair were slightly messy and curled up, and it looked really good to stroke.

The audience was shamefully moved.

As expected, the ones who are more skilled are the ones who top the reward list. They only think about petting rabbits and sucking big cats, and never think of attacking Yingying.

Obviously Yingying is that pretty (gestures).

Since the audience (especially the host) made the request, Qi Guang poked the pretending-dead system to learn about the sensory sharing function on the live broadcast platform.

Sensory sharing, as the name suggests, allows viewers to share in real time what the host tastes, smells, and touches during the live broadcast. It is one of the essential features of interstellar live broadcast.

Of course, Qi Guang also needs to redeem it with points, and the price is surprisingly reasonable.

After all, it is a live broadcast system, and the pricing of various live broadcast-related functions is within Qi Guang's acceptable range.

Now Qi Guang can activate the shared function of the three senses of taste, smell and touch. Each sense has two levels to choose from, 50% and 100%. The 50% level is 500 points per sense, and the 100% level is 900 points per sense.

With Qi Guang's current points savings, if he doesn't consider saving for next month's debt repayment, he can still buy a 50% single sensory sharing one if he grits his teeth.

So, amidst the voices of people asking for the sharing of taste and touch, Qi Guang calmly applied to open the...

Ah, shared smell.

"The sense of smell accounts for 60% of taste perception." Qi Guang said confidently, "If you smell a good smell, everything you eat will taste good."

It is difficult to satisfy everyone’s taste when it comes to food, and you won’t be able to pet a furry animal in a short period of time.

Only this earth that has returned to nature without any traces of human beings, the fragrance of grass and trees wafting in the forest after the rain, and the vitality and tranquility of all things sprouting in this fragrance.

No one can resist.