I Live in the Interstellar Wilderness to Survive

Chapter 17: XVII


The rain was dripping, and the thick scarlet blood of the sheep was diluted by the rain into a deep red and pink color.

After Qi Guang stabbed the sheep in the throat, it still rushed forward due to inertia, but its legs were caught by the wire of the trap, causing it to lose balance and fall to the ground with a thud.

The sudden change happened so fast that the pain and suffocation came too late, so the sheep tried to stand up as if it had not yet reacted to what had happened. The hole in its neck gushed blood because of its movement, and it just staggered to its feet, but fell down again without any strength.

The sheep screamed.

The nerve that senses pain and suffocation finally connected to the brain, transmitting the pain of dying.

First, the four hooves kicked up in a dying struggle, exhausting the last bit of strength, and then it slowly and visibly lost its life.

His body twitched and a "ho ho" sound came from his throat, as if the air was being sucked out of his lungs bit by bit by an unknown force.

The sheep's legs gave two final kicks.

Qi Guang waited for a while and confirmed that the sheep would not move anymore. Then he relaxed and slowly exhaled the breath he had been holding.

Except for zombies, Qi Guang couldn't help but hold his breath when killing anything, as if he could feel the coming of death at that moment.

——He had indeed felt it, and the memory was so vivid that even now his skin would occasionally jump with the phantom pain of being bitten.

So he tried to end the sheep's life as accurately, quickly and painlessly as possible.

He also had great skills in killing fish, and could kill birds with one blow.

Qi Guang set traps and hunted for the sake of survival, and he did not have the bad habit of playing with his prey before eating.

As Qi Guang breathed a sigh of relief, the audience, who had unconsciously become quiet when the sheep was dying, became active again.

I was so nervous that my hands were sweaty!

Although I have watched many hunting videos of beast species broadcasters, I didn’t dare to breathe for some reason just now.

Maybe it’s because the beasts are too wild and can’t feel the heaviness of their lives disappearing bit by bit...

Yingying’s earth simulation is really not peace and love at all, it’s so realistic that it’s a bit cruel1551.

My sheep is bleating qaq!

But I still have to praise the host's skills here. It's really cool to pierce the throat with one blow!

I became a fan the moment I saw the host waving the spear, so cool and dashing. A-mid big A//////.

I experienced the wild charm that is not inferior to that of the beast species anchors. I can accept the contrast!

The comments echoed that Yingying was good-looking and had good skills (? ) that her spear not only pierced Yang Miemie's throat, but also hit their little hearts, so it was definitely worth giving Yingying a big shot.

Yingying: …

Yingying thanked a long list of sponsors in an emotionless manner.

The most high-profile one among them is [Heathsworth] who reappeared after a few days, and the first gift he gave was the high-end gift [Pink Heart] with colorful bubble and little love effects filling the screen.

A pink heart can last for two seconds. [Heathvis] gave Qi Guang two minutes of non-stop bubble hearts, fully demonstrating the restlessness of a certain underage feather system under the vest.

In Bubble Love's heart, Qi Guang, who was blood-red and grunting as he dragged the sheep, looked particularly simple.

And it violates the rules.

I feel like Yingying shouldn’t appear in the screen 233333.


Heath had reached the maximum amount of gifts he could give today, and then he stopped giving bubble hearts to Qi Guang with a look of unsatisfied satisfaction and started to argue with the audience with reason and evidence.

Yingying, why is this so weird! Why is this so weird!

Why does the love bubble that I created for Yingying with my own ability seem so awkward

I think Yingying is a perfect match with the love bubbles. I strongly suggest adding the love bubble special effects to Yingying’s live broadcast room!

Yingying: …

Yingying found that he couldn't respond to today's barrage, so he decided to focus on moving sheep and be more practical.

The joy of catching the sheep did not make Qi Guang forget to recycle the expensive iron wire from the sheep trap, hoping to wash and reuse it when he got home.

Before the end of the world, a domestic sheep could grow to about 50 or 60 kilograms. Qi Guang estimated that the one he killed was not much lighter. He was so tired from dragging it back that he was out of breath, and the little energy he had consumed in the morning was quickly consumed.

Catching the sheep is the first step, and successfully killing the sheep is the second step. Qi Guang’s next task is to deal with the sheep.

Only by making full use of it and not wasting a single bit can we be worthy of Yang Miemie’s lost life.

The belly was opened, the internal organs were taken out and cleaned, and the edible meat was cut into pieces with a stone knife. Qi Guang was very careful about the force and angle when cutting, trying to keep the skin as intact as possible and with thick wool.

Qi Guang carried out this work by the river, far away from the shelter, to avoid the smell of blood attracting large predators.

Cats are inevitable. This furry creature is probably equipped with some kind of bipedal sensing radar, and it always appears unexpectedly in corners that Qi Guang never expected.

The cat was shocked.

Look what it saw!

A two-legged beast!

He actually managed to hunt a sheep!

The cat will doubt whether there is something wrong with its eyes and see it wrong!

The shocked cat was fed a piece of mutton by the two-legged beast.

Although overall there was not enough mutton for Qi Guang to feed him at will.

After roughly separating the mutton's internal organs, he found that his initial worry about not being able to finish the meat would not occur.

It is true that a sheep weighs 50 to 60 kilograms, but its thick wool accounts for more than 10 kilograms. After draining the blood and removing the dirt and bones in the internal organs, the remaining mutton and internal organs only have more than 20 kilograms of meat, which is not enough for Qi Guang to enjoy the freedom of eating meat for a week.

But with the first sheep, there will be a second sheep.

Qi Guang believed that if he kept working hard, he would be able to eat meat freely one day.

But right now... I still have to do some careful calculations.

It happened that it rained heavily a few days ago, and Qi Guang, who was staying in the cave and unable to go out, boiled several buckets of sea water to make several large bowls of salt.

So he smeared a thick layer of salt on the mutton, strung it with branches and hung it over the fire to smoke it. When the weather was clear, he took it out to dry in the sun, making it into smoked jerky that could be preserved for a relatively long time.

The internal organs that are easy to spoil and difficult to smoke and air-dry should be eaten as soon as possible.

Qi Guang boiled a pot of concentrated salt water, let it cool, and put the sheep offal that could not be eaten for the time being into it. This way, the meat would not spoil so easily in the hot summer.

Qi Guang roasted a lamb kidney and cooked soup with the lamb tripe.

Mutton has a strong smell and requires various seasonings to balance out the odor.

The meat of sheep that grow up eating young grass and green leaves is tender, and the smell is not as strong as that of sheep that are fed with feed. Even though the taste of their internal organs is stronger than the meat, it is within Qi Guang's acceptable range.

The most important thing is that Qi Guang has a secret weapon that can save most of the unpalatable and strange-smelling ingredients.


He found several clumps of peppers in the experimental field, most of which were red and pointed chili peppers. After drying, they were ground into chili powder. Sprinkling a little on grilled meat or fish could greatly enhance the taste.

Even though the quantity was not that large, Qi Guang was reluctant to use it too extravagantly.

He poured a pinch of chili powder from the glass bottle he picked up from the beach and sprinkled it evenly on the sizzling lamb kidneys.

The fishy smell in the aroma of roasted mutton was masked by the pungent smell of chili. Qi Guang sneezed twice while roasting the meat.

He added lettuce and tomatoes to the mutton tripe soup, making it a red and green pot. The sour and sweet taste of the tomatoes slightly weakened the strange taste of the mutton tripe. The lettuce was torn into small pieces, making the soup seem richer.

It would be nonsense to say that the taste is amazing, but it is at least comparable to that of a university cafeteria, and the audience can smell the aroma and exclaim, "It smells so good!"

Besides, there is meat for dinner, so what is there to complain about

Just thinking about how much time he had spent catching this lamb, Qi Guang could even taste the barbecue flavor of cumin, pepper and salt from the roasted lamb kidneys for a midnight snack.


Leaning against the small hill of wool that had not yet been processed, Qi Guang burped with contentment.

Qi Guang’s dinner time is also a time for many people to relax before going to bed.

Mr. Love and Elros, who belong to two different planets in two different small galaxies and have a time difference of two and a half days, opened the live broadcast of host Yuying at the same time.

It was late at night on Mr. Love's planet. He came home exhausted after working overtime, his mind full of interpersonal relationships at work.

Lying on the bed and entering Yuying's live broadcast room at this time was his greatest enjoyment of the whole day - well, today he was eating mutton.

In the comment section, a fan posted a short video of Qi Guang catching a sheep. His sharp and agile appearance was in sharp contrast to his usual silence and quietness.

And kind of handsome.

Mr. Love applied ointment to his tail and chatted for a while in the discussion group of his insomniac bald friends before clicking on the live broadcast as a prelude.

When a bald friend lamented that he had not had a good night's sleep for several days, Mr. Love hesitated and invited this friend, who had watched Yuying's live broadcast with him before.

I don’t know if it will work, but we’ll try it.

Haven’t you seen the post in the forum asking for tips on growing hair? The latest dozens or hundreds of replies are all recommendations of personally proven effective sleep aids. At first glance, it looks like a street advertisement for treating stubborn ringworm, and is filled with an unreliable and cheap vibe.

But Mr. Love himself is one of those who responded to the post to recommend Amway.

Not only did he sell Amway, he also summarized the correct way to watch Yuying's live broadcast.

It is true that Yuying’s live broadcast has a slow pace and is very relaxing to watch at any time, but the best time to watch it is before bedtime or during Yuying’s dinner time. Apart from the urge to eat a few snacks and the tendency to have food-related dreams after falling asleep, you can get a good sleep quality.

When work pressure is so great that you are emotionally breaking down, it is a good time to watch Yuying's preparations every morning. Seeing Yuying meticulously wash her face and rinse her mouth to make herself look brand new will also make you feel energized and refreshed.

After some promotion, Mr. Luo Fu successfully persuaded several bald friends in the discussion group to watch Yuying's live broadcast with him.

--It can't be said to be a scam. After all, he has personally tested the effectiveness of Yuying's live broadcast. His sleep quality has improved these days and his mood has become better. Even his hair has become shinier and no longer so greasy and dry. After applying the ointment, he even has the wonderful illusion of growing hair.

Mr. Luo Fu set the optical computer to automatically sleep after the live broadcast ended, because Yuying would turn off the live broadcast shortly after dinner, so he didn't have to worry about the optical computer remaining on after she fell asleep.

Mr. Love spread out the quilt and lay down comfortably. He said goodnight to his bald friends and immersed himself happily in the aroma of the roasted lamb kidneys.

Apart from feeling a little hungry, saliva automatically secreted, and the body unwillingly wanting to find some midnight snack, the tense nerves from working during the day quickly relaxed.

He smacked his lips and swallowed his saliva, and before Mr. Love could finish struggling over whether to have a midnight snack, he started snoring.

In the dream, there were Mr. Love’s favorite meals and delicious snacks, so that when he woke up the next day, he could eat a whole table of loving breakfast made by his wife in one go.

I had no appetite at all in the morning because of insomnia.

Along with Mr. Love's sleep quality, his eight-pack abs and mermaid line have also declined year-on-year.

Elvis on another planet had not yet reached sleep time. He took the lead in slacking off in the middle of work to watch the live broadcast, and even saved the ten-second video of Yuying catching sheep that was captured by the audience.

It includes the whole process of Yuying's confrontation with the sheep and her sudden attack. The high-definition picture perfectly captures every change of Yuying's eyes. The decisive and cold eyes when she suddenly attacks are a charm that is different from the wildness and madness of the beast species anchors.

It's bloody, but it doesn't make your blood boil. Instead, the process of the sheep slowly struggling to die touched Elvis more.

Life dies, flesh and blood nourishes.

A human race that is so weak that they have to set traps and wait for the leader to fight a war of attrition, and a human race that never gives up and patiently manages to survive in desperate situations.

So the human species always wins.

Based on his half-human, half-machine aesthetic, Elvis judged that Yuying's attack would perfectly hit the strike zone of most people.

And then there's that textbook human beauty face.

Wearing his own 2254 vest, Elvis smashed a few starships for the anchor, but his real intention was not to do so.

Congratulations to Yingying for finally catching Yang Miemie!

Come on Yingying! The future will be better and better!

Come to think of it, I haven’t seen Yingying on the recommendation list… Is Yingying not signed to any company

Ultimately, it’s because the subordinates in the anchor operations department are useless. They can’t even contact a person to sign an anchor, and he, the boss, has to make indirect attempts.
